Mersenne: Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:53:50 +0200

2000-07-30 Thread Sylvain PEREZ

Hello from Paris...

Got one problem maybe some Prime95 Guru can help me.

I'm working with Prime 95 20.4.1 on different 3 machines.

I baught 2 days ago 2 new cpus and motherboard. Well, everything's running 
well, thanks to the Microsoft software well known ease of installation, 
upgrade and general reliability (jokes, here, hum).

On 2 machines I have a regular "benchmark" LL time :

- NT4, PIII 350, L2, 256 Mb, blah blah, P 9851099 => 0.260 iteration time 
which seems to be ok (George's bench gives 0.269)

- Win98 (first regular version), Celeron 466, blah blah, P 9260113 => 0.290 
it time (George's is 0.282)

On the 3rd machine, it seems to be abnormal :

- Win98 (same as above)
- Pentium III 650, 1.65 V, L1 and L2 activated (I verified the BIOS)
- 128 Mb ram, 20 gigs UDMA 4
- MB: Asus CUV4X (agp 4x bus, not a cheap one), Xentor 16Mb video ...
- No abnormal process running (same antivirus as other machines, etc.)
- P 9264797 => 0.231 (George's gives 0.190)

This seems to me a very high it time (closer to George's PIII 500).

CPU temp is 60C (far from 82C maximum), not overclocked, etc.

So I ran ZD benchmarks WinBench 99, it gives :

WinBench 99/CPUmark 99
- 34 for the Win98 Celeron 466
- 34.9 for the NT PIII 450
- 57.2 for the Win98 PIII 650

WinBench 99/FPU WinMark
- 2490 for the Win98 Celeron 466
- 2270 for the NT PIII 450
- 3500 for the Win98 PIII 650

As I see from the ZD benches, it seems to me this PIII 650 is 
proportionnaly "as expected" compared to both other cpus. That's why I 
don't understand this machine is processing Prime iterations so slowly.

Note : I correctly checked the PIII and put 650 value (24 hours) in the 
Prime cpu options. I did reboot, does not change.

I also reboot in "no failure mode" (don't know the exact term in english), 
it doesn't change anything.

Questions are (at least, sorry for the long text) :

- can someone confirm the it time with a PIII 650 ?

- someone has any CPU time with an Asus CUV4X mamaboard ?

- what should I check ? any idea ?

Thank you for any info.

Sylvain Perez

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Mersenne: P-1 Database

2000-07-30 Thread Eric Hahn

Wanted: Brave Souls
Re: P-1 Testing small exponents

Besides exponents in the 200,000 - 500,000 range that are available,
new ranges in the 751 - 100,000 are now available!

Note, however, the smallest exponents have been tested to some
degree already.  As a result, they will take a good degree of
time to test.  Some save files are available though!

If you're interested in P-1 testing some small exponents, let
me know.  For exponents under 30,000, bounds of at least
B1 => 1E8 (100M) and B2 => 4E12 (4B) are requested...


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Mersenne Digest V1 #763

2000-07-30 Thread Mersenne Digest

Mersenne Digest Sunday, July 30 2000 Volume 01 : Number 763


Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 00:04:38 -0400
From: Bruce A Metcalf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Prime95 shutdown mystery.

Several folks have responded privately about my problem with Prime95
crashing, much thanks.  All recommended:

>In prime.ini, change/add the line:

Having made thsi change, the program now runs, but I can't get any response
from PrimeNet other than:

ERROR 2250:  Server Unavailable.

And a referral to a faq that recommends the same change.

Any ideas about what I should try next?

Bruce A. Metcalf

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Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 13:32:19 -
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Prime95 shutdown mystery.

On 27 Jul 00, at 0:04, Bruce A Metcalf wrote:

> Having made thsi change, the program now runs, but I can't get any
> response from PrimeNet other than:
>  ERROR 2250:  Server Unavailable.
> And a referral to a faq that recommends the same change.
> Any ideas about what I should try next?

Since it seems to be working OK for me, it's possible you have a name 
lookup problem.

If you have an entry for in your hosts file (somewhere 
under the Windows directory, or in /etc on a linux system) try 
removing it, then try again. If you don't have an entry for in your hosts file, or the above fix doesn't work, try 
adding the following line to it:

(Funnily enough the format is the same for both windoze & linux!!)

If it _still_ doesn't work, try tracing your route to 
using the traceroute tool in linux, or a suitable Windows utility - I 
use & reccomend the freeware utility "CyberKit" which can be freely 
downloaded from numerous places. The distribution file I'm using is 
just under 1MB in size, but I probably don't have the latest version.
You may find that you are being blocked at a firewall, at least 
traceroute will identify if this is the cause of your problem and 
also the exact point where the problem lies.

But my guess is that you have an incorrect DNS mapping for the 
PrimeNet server stuck in whatever name service you're depending on. 
In which case patching the hosts file will fix the problem - however, 
leaving you vulnerable to the same thing happening should the server 
change its address again :(

Brian Beesley
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Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 15:48:35 +0200
From: "Steinar H. Gunderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Re: Prime95 shutdown mystery.

On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 01:32:19PM -, Brian J. Beesley wrote:
>If it _still_ doesn't work, try tracing your route to 
>using the traceroute tool in linux, or a suitable Windows utility - I 
>use & reccomend the freeware utility "CyberKit" which can be freely 
>downloaded from numerous places.

There is a tracert.exe included with Win95 and Win98, at least.

/* Steinar */
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Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 12:54:32 -0400
From: Bruce A Metcalf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Prime95 shutdown mystery.

At 01:32 PM 7/27/00 -, Brian J. Beesley wrote:
>On 27 Jul 00, at 0:04, Bruce A Metcalf wrote:
>> Having made thsi change, the program now runs, but I can't get any
>> response from PrimeNet other than:
>>  ERROR 2250:  Server Unavailable.
>Since it seems to be working OK for me, it's possible you have a name 
>lookup problem.
>If you don't have an entry for in your hosts file ... try 
>adding the following line to it:

Tried -- no change.

>If it _still_ doesn't work, try tracing your route to 
>using the traceroute tool in linux, or a suitable Windows utility

Windows [tracert] found without problem.

Thanks to all for the efforts to date.  Please continue, as I'm sure this
is something we can overcome.

Bruce A. Metcalf

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Re: Mersenne: Credit for factors found using P-1 tests

2000-07-30 Thread Eric Hahn

Terry S. Arnold wrote:
>I don't appear to have gotten credit for a factor found with P-1.
>What is the procedure for getting credit for a factor found during
>P-1 testing as part of Double checking?

Currently, PrimeNet does not provide credit for P-1 factoring.  
As I recall, George has said v21 will support it, but there will
have to be some modifications to the server to allow the crediting
to occur...


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Mersenne: Better late then never?

2000-07-30 Thread Eric Hahn

Hi! All,

  I apologize if some of the following message are a little late,
but I've been "out of commission" recently.  At least they're
better late than never


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Mersenne: And the winner is....

2000-07-30 Thread Eric Hahn

RE: Statistical Analysis of Prime Exponent Mersennes

After much private debate, I'm providing the following I have
inquired and received information about.  Please, don't flame
me or ask me to explain further, as I'm only the messenger and
don't have all the answers myself...

Q: Can all the data be posted to the list?
A: HA! Not likely.  The current size of 1.43TB of "raw" data
   which must be "interpreted" (taking 25+ times the space)
   is too large.  I don't know about others, but I don't have
   the 20+ years to download the data over a 56K modem if 
   posted to the list...

Q: What algorithms are used?
A: 'A variety of standard algorithms and methodologies used
   in traditional and non-traditional statistical analyses.
   Used in large number of complex, unique and even 'unusual'

Q: Is the code and/or program available?
A: 'No. Major chunks of code are proprietary, licensed,
   patented [or pending] or 'otherwise' restricted from
   distribution. Typical PC unable to run; Lack of memory
   or storage.'

Q: Can you provide data on M727, M751, M#39, M#40, M*10M-digit?
A: 'Here is info.'


 M727 - 94.3716% probability - 2 factors
 M727 - 52.8693% probability - 3 factors
 M727 -  6.0014% probability - 4+ factors
 M727 - 91.1834% probability - 313-bit min. factor size
 M727 - 93.0447% probability - 428-bit max. factor size
 M727 - 21.7336% probability - highly composite factors

 M751 - 83.8467% probability - 2 factors
 M751 - 74.2974% probability - 3 factors
 M751 - 19.5801% probability - 4+ factors
 M751 - 87.2999% probability - 281-bit min. factor size
 M751 - 81.0003% probability - 526-bit max. factor size
 M751 - 30.1716% probability - highly composite factors

 M#39 - 53.7390% probability - range=10987349-11013853
 M#39 - 64.0127% probability - range=10914203-11092621
 M#39 - 81.6073% probability - range=10793527-11204183
 M#39 - 97.3391% probability - range=10526447-11390453

 M#40 - 61.4726% probability - range=13430227-13501387
 M#40 - 77.3902% probability - range=13359163-13592549
 M#40 - 86.0715% probability - range=13231913-13684399
 M#40 - 96.5507% probability - range=13092361-13973117

 M#43 - 58.3097% probability - range=41976841-42057331
 M#43 - 71.6352% probability - range=41901683-42138559
 M#43 - 79.7464% probability - range=41753977-42302809
 M#43 - 93.4218% probability - range=41564021-42516373

NOTE: Highly composite means 6 or more factors of the
  factor - 1...


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Mersenne: Rambus Memory

2000-07-30 Thread Eric Hahn

Intel benchmarks show little advantage to Rambus!

A new series of benchmarks have emerged that show Rambus memory
provides less oomph than cheaper, standard high-speed memory.

And the odd part is that the tests come from Intel, the major
proponent of Rambus. 

In benchmark tests conducted by Intel, computers equipped with
standard high-speed memory and Intel's 815 chipset outperformed
similarly configured PCs with Rambus memory and the corresponding
820 chipset from the company. 

Full story at:

<< Direct RDRAM >>

Everyone knows (rather, should know) that RDRAM memory
>provides a minor speed boost compared to SDRAM, and the much
>higher cost of RDRAM is completely unjustified.  I've heard that
>Dell is switching back to SDRAM in its computers now, which is a
>Good Thing(TM).

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