Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #950

2002-03-24 Thread Bruce Leenstra

Gordon writes:

> Now where on Earth does the figure of 210,000 computers come from?? 

This is the same mistake made on a previous news item:  Both of them are misquoting an 
earlier study that determined a *Total* of 210,000 computers worldwide were 
participating in a distributed computing project of some kind. The other item was 
worse: it used the 210k to calculate ratios and percentages to compare the different 
projects. So of course all the numbers were useless, and the conclusions were idiotic.

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Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #950

2002-03-24 Thread Gordon Spence

>Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 16:23:04 -0800
>From: Luke Welsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Mersenne: Google Compute project and Folding@home

It states in this article...

>Though SETI@home hasn't uncovered any alien chitchat, distributed 
>computing has had its successes. Most recently, one effort with 210,000 
>participating computers uncovered a 4,053,946-digit prime number, the 
>largest found so far.

Now compare this with this taken from the current world test status page

>Machines Applied on  23457 AccountsServer Synchronization 12 Dec 2001 
>   Intel Pentium 4   :   2250   Total exponents 
> merged   :   242302
>   AMD Athlon:   9886   Updated 
> only :   100822
>   Intel Pentium III :  12852   Added for 
> testing:42358
>   Intel Pentium II  :   3712   Retained in cleared 
> list : 4903
>   Intel Celeron :   2459   Cleared tests 
> removed:93261
>   Intel Pentium Pro :   1531   Manual tests removed / 
> purged:  958
>   Intel Pentium :   2843
>   AMD K6:   1453   Total Cleared by 
> PrimeNet:   317435
>   Intel 486 :113
>   Cyrix :   1534
>   Unspecified type  :398
>   -- ---
>   TOTAL :  39031

Now where on Earth does the figure of 210,000 computers come from??


(Finder of M2976221)

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RE: Mersenne: Factors aren't just factors

2002-03-24 Thread Bruce Leenstra

Will Edgington writes:
> [...]
> But, for those who are interested, here's the current data on how 
> far my runs of the program have gotten so far:
> M( 32768 )X: 13952750007
> M( 1073741824 )X: 810019
> M( 18446744073709551615 )X: 2224500019
> [...,] the last line implies that all primes less than
> 2,224,500,019 are listed as a factor of some Mersenne number in
> my data (yes, I keep data for - essentially - _all_ Mersenne 
> numbers, not just those with prime exponents).

So have you selected the prime exponents out of your database and had them officially 
removed from the GIMPS candidate list? (I know, easier said than done.) And if so, 
shouldn't trial factoring start above 2^31? ;^)

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Re: Mersenne: Fwd: Predicting Mersenne Primes

2002-03-24 Thread Eric Hahn

  H  I'm not going to say a SINGLE WORD!!!   Especially considering
it appeared NOBODY had ever noticed that post...  

  As Enron executives have been saying... "I would like to
reserve my right to remain silent under the 5th amendment..."


George Woltman wrote:
>I'll forward your attempted post.  I don't remember Eric's >prediction,
but if true it is quite insightful (or lucky).
>>From: "Dale Horn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Predicting Mersenne Primes
>>I tried to post this on the Mersenne mailing list at >>[EMAIL PROTECTED],
but it never showed up.
>>I was wondering if is was possible to predict where a Mersenne
>>Prime will be?
>>I ask because I was looking at the website and
>>noticed that it states that on December 6, 2001, the 39th
>>known Mersenne Prime was found. It was listed as 2^13466917-1.
>>I was also looking through some of the past digests from the
>>list and noticed that an Eric Hahn posted a message on July 30,
>>2000, stating that one of the ranges a Mersenne Prime should be
>>found was between 2^13430227-1 and 2^13501387.

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