>> Which remind me, to avoid the cheat possible, the award for finding a
>> factor should be set somehow bigger than only the nearest 6x bits.
>> a factor something like the full value of TFing it to 66 bit!
>> IMHO the TF with a factor found should be equal to an LL; but I have
>> already discussed this with George and he is afraid only factoring
>> be done if the award is that high.

> That, and you get some rather ridiculous consequences if you do that.
Sorry Nathan. It is my fault you read  the IMHO paragraph in a wrong
way. I meant I had that point of view UNTIL I discussed it...... As
George argue:  Nobody would do LL if a succesful TF was rewarded the
same - he is truly right.
My goal is to get the succesful TF rewarded a bit higher. As it is now
someone might skip the 57-65 range and only do the 66-bit part, thus
missing factors and get fully rewarded for only doing half the work. 
>When George originally created the list of candidate exponents, he
>eliminated tens of millions of composite exponents, and an infinite
>of negative exponents, non-integer exponents, imaginary exponents, and
>prime exponents above the range of the program.

Composite exponents was removed long before the project. Lucas must have
known the exponent needed to be prime. I believe a Mersenne number has
to have an exponent which is a positive integer?! The exponents above
79.300.000 are still candidates, though George has chosen to limit his
program to this size and I think with very good reason.

BTW, the list of found factors contains 2.500.000+ but the "top
producers list" only contains 30.000- of these. GIMPS must be
responsible for far more than only 30.000 factors. Any explanation for

br tsc


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