Greetings all,

  I need some ideas, suggestions, comments, recommendations, etc.,
either in private or on the list (for discussion purposes only,
so as not to overload the list).

  I've received information back on some statistical data after
a long, grueling analysis of Mersenne data.  There is tons upon
tons of data from this anaylsis, much more than I could ever
possibly handle, more or less receive (at least 100 DVDs worth
of data -- compressed!)

  Here's what I'm looking for:
1)  Should I post a *tiny* fragment of this information?
2)  What information should I post, if I do?
3)  Would it be beneficial to the overall effort?
4)  Would it divert resources that could be used better otherwise?
5)  Could it cause problems with regard to that "p" hunting term?
6)  Anything else??

Eric Hahn

P.S.  I deeply thank Sarah Wright and Mark Burke for their
contribution of time, effort, and resources, as well as their
continued effort in this endeavor...  Without them, this and
further analysis would not be possible!!

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