No you wouldn't because they would like yourself go to do only
factoring work, and as George said to me when I propose this a year ago:
It would make the focus of GIMPS towards factoring and not like it is
now on primenumber finding.
        We will (again in "George-words") have to eliminate candidates
by using a small amount of time in the factoring field; but only so
much/less that we still have power to run LL-tests to really prove
        Regards and happy hunting

        A particularly sore point. If we maintained a top "savers" list
whereby for
        every factor found you were credited with the time an LL test
would have
        taken, then I and the other "Lone Mersenne Hunters" would
pulverise these
        big university teams.
        150,000 factors in the 60-69m range, at an average of 27.2 P-90
years each
        - hmmmm  just over 4,000,000 years saved....
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