Re: More on SSL

2000-06-23 Thread Mary

Martin Reed writes:

I don't know if this is of interest to anybody, but I found an XFCN that
allows contact with HTTPS servers. It uses OpenSSL to ecncrypt/decrypt,
and even supports receiving/sending cookies (by way of headers).

An XFCN might be helpful, but you can totally remove SSL processing overhead using an 
SSL offloader. These differ from SSL accelerators that still require a secure server. 
Offloaders store the keys and certificates, decrypting data before it gets to the 
server and encrypting data to go to the client. A secure server isn't required.

Mary Bull

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Re: MetaCard 2.3.1 beta 2

2000-06-05 Thread Mary

Scott Raney posted:

 MetaCard 2.3.1 beta 2 is now available in the directory

Mary Bull


Leston Drake wrote:
 Can someone repost the URL for downloading 2.3.1 b2?
 Leston Drake
 LetterPress Software, Inc.

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Re: MetaCard Plugin?

2000-05-31 Thread Mary Bull

Blair Moxon wrote:
 Believe it or not the response that I have heard is that people are more
 comfortable within a browser because it has a "forward and back button". I
 suppose this is because they don't lose context of where they are (by
 keeping everything in the same window) and they can leave a trail of
 breadcrumbs behind them...

When my partner and I started our major project over a year ago, we
considered building it in HTML, but didn't want to rely on a browser. As
Blair mentions, Forward and Back buttons give folks a security blanket.
Where things get ugly (navigationally) is when you throw Next and
Previous buttons into the works, as we have had to do. Then try to
document the suckers. g The same people who are very comfortable with
a web page having Forward and Back buttons at the top of the screen and
Next and Previous page buttons are stymied with an application built
with the same behaviors. Most of our alpha testers have "gotten used to
it", though I have had feature requests for a list of Forward and Back
locations on a mouseDown event.

Mary Bull

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Re: relative paths to media

2000-05-17 Thread Mary Bull

Kevin Miller wrote:

You need to set the directory property of the stack to on preOpenStack to
match its fileName.  I think there is a good argument for making relative
paths (images, players) work like stackFiles has just been changed to work:
i.e. relative to the fileName rather than the current directory?  Scott?

I apologize for being totally dense, but how does this affect stacks already in 
development? For example, I have the following basic structure:

standalone level

I keep the current directory set for the standalone level and use the stackfiles 
entries to keep track of the whereabouts of everything else with the exception of 
graphics, which are loaded using information relative to the directory. For example, 
the stackfiles entry for the text for Hound of the Baskervilles is


Has/Will this be changing?

Mary Bull

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Re: Phlebotomy for MC?

2000-04-05 Thread Mary Bull

Hi, Craig. I wrote one about a year ago. I'll dig around and see if it
survived the massive hard drive(s) failure (yes, plural) of last spring.
It worked well on Windows 95, but I hadn't used it on the Mac yet.

Mary Bull


Craig Spooner wrote:
 Does anyone know of a script extracting utility like John Perry's SC
 Phlebotomy project for MetaCard?  I was starting down the road of
 writing my own, but I figured I should ask to see if I'm re-inventing
 the wheel.

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Found text coloring

2000-03-21 Thread Mary Bull

Thanks for the help, Christoph. Your script certainly will work, but what I did was to 
colorize the contents of the gChunk global. I don't have the project in this office, 
but I'll be glad to send the colorizing part to you if you like. Basically, I store 
the text color and text style of gChunk in gTextColor and gTextStyle, respectively. 
Then set those items to the text color and text style from a global that loads on 
starting the main stack (this project will end up being about 150 stacks in size). The 
resetFoundText is called when any of several messages are generated. It resets the 
gChunk text to the stored gTextColor and gTextStyle. The fields to be searched are a 
mixture of text colors and text styles, all with specific uses. Thanks again!

Mary Bull


Christoph Wollek wrote:
 An afterthought to Your discussion (Mary/Nelson) of Find Again:
 get text looked for
 put it into fld store (so You could easily restore the text)
 put it into tlookf
 repeat with i = 1 to the number of cds
get the htmltext of fld text of cd i
replace tlookf with "FONT color="  quote  "#FF"  quote  ""
  tlookf  "/FONT" in it
set the the htmltext of fld text of cd to it
 end repeat
 --All occurances of the found text in fld text of the stack will be in
 red colot
 --if You are looking for a second word then put:
 --Tget text looked for
 put it into line 1 of fld store (so You could easily restore the text)
 put it into tlookf
  get text looked for2
 put it into line 2 of fld store (so You could easily restore the text)
 put it into tlookf2
 repeat with i = 1 to the number of cds
   get the htmltext of fld text of cd i
replace tlookf with "FONT color="  quote  "#FF"  quote  ""
  tlookf  "/FONT" in it
replace tlookf2 with "FONT color="  quote  "#FF"  quote  ""
  tlookf2  "/FONT" in it
set the the htmltext of fld text of cd i to it
 end repeat
 --To restore the text:
 get fld store
 put line 1 of it into tlookf
 put line 2 of it into tlookf2
 repeat with i = 1 to the number of cds
   get the htmltext of fld text of cd i
replace "FONT color="  quote  "#FF"  quote  ""  tlookf 
 "/FONT" with tlookf in it
replace "FONT color="  quote  "#FF"  quote  ""  tlookf2 
 "/FONT" with tlook2 in it
set the the htmltext of fld text of cd i to it
 end repeat
 Maybe that is what You want?

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Re: Multi-card glorified Find Again

2000-03-20 Thread Mary Bull

Thanks for the reply to my questions, Nelson.

Let me know what you're thinking. I don't want to reset it outside of
the FIND button because I always want to find the next occurrence after
the previous found occurrence. In the single-card stacks, I could just
hit Find Again all the way to the end of the field.
It's reset before moving to the next cd so searching will start at the 
beginning of the fld.

Yes, I caught that upon a further reading. Thanks - you're exactly right.

I've cut out the colorizing and scrolling bits with rely on gChunk as
well as resetFoundText, which returns the highlighted text to its
original format.

Then you've removed your reason for using OFFSET.  FIND is an easier way 
to go anyway and you can locate, hilite text, etc. using FOUND 
information anyway. The following is a single background button script 
that should do the job. Changes its name and color as it does its work.

Thanks for the additional scripts. I haven't had a chance to play with them, yet, but 
they look pretty solid.

You're right about find being easier to script...MUCH easier; however, it just didn't 
do the job.

I didn't want to use find because of the bounding box that significantly deteriorates 
the look of the screen. The piece I'm working on is a reference work, and keeping the 
screen clean is very important. I did some tests with end users employing the find, 
find with coloring, and the offset with coloring and style change. The latter option 
was deemed to be far more attractive and easy to find with the potential market, many 
of whom have "older" eyes. The other problem I had with find was returning the 
background color for every instance, which is why I use the developer-scripted 
resetFoundText command. 

Thanks again, Nelson, for all your help!

Mary Bull

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Re: Multi-card glorified Find Again

2000-03-19 Thread Mary Bull

Thanks, again for the help, Nelson. I had to re-institute the tStartText
variables to get everything to run smoothly, otherwise the returned text
chunks were off. I did a little other stuff too. Thanks, again!

Mary Bull

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Multi-card glorified Find Again

2000-03-17 Thread Mary Bull

Good day! Well, things were bookin' right along until I had to make my
fancy Find engine run for more than one card. I'm using the offset
function to help highlight found text. It works great with the Find
button: I simply rearranged a few lines and added a repeat loop to go to
the next card if the text isn't matched on the current card. The problem
occurs when I try to alter the Find Again. I need it to not only go to
the next card, but stop and tell the user when there are no more
occurrences. I'll quote an abbreviated version of the Find and Find
Again. I sure could use some help wrappin' my head around this one.


on mouseUp
  global gTextToFind,gChunk,gTextToSkip
ask "What text do you want to find?"
  if the result is "Cancel" then
exit mouseUp
put it into gTextToFind   -- to feed Find Again
# start looking
repeat with s = 1 to the number of cds in this stack
  put offset(gTextToFind, fld "storyText") into tTextOffset
  if tTextOffset  0 then   -- found it!
put "char"  tTextOffset  "to"  tTextOffset + \ 
length(gTextToFind) -1  "of fld 1" into \ 
gChunk  -- for colorizing
put tTextOffset + length(gTextToFind) - 1 into \ 
gTextToSkip  -- tells Find Again where to start
# colorizing here
# scroll the field
 exit mouseUp
go next cd
  end if
end repeat
answer "Sorry, the text was not found"
  end if
end mouseUp


on mouseUp
  global gTextToFind,gTextToSkip,gChunk
  resetFoundText  -- takes highlighting off
  put offset(gTextToFind,fld 1,gTextToSkip) into tTextOffset
  if tTextOffset = "0" then
answer "Sorry, no more occurrences of the text were found."
exit mouseUp
put tTextOffset + gTextToSkip into tStartText
put "char"  tStartText  "to"  tStartText + \ 
 length(gTextToFind) - 1  "of fld 1" into \ 
 gChunk   -- feeds next Find Again
put tStartText into gTextToSkip
# colorizing here
# scroll the field
  end if
end mouseUp

Thanks, in advance, for any pointers!

Mary Bull

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Re: Portable Mouse Movement?

2000-03-03 Thread Mary Bull

Geoff Canyon wrote:

 Someone with more Mac Toolbox experience than I will no doubt correct
 this, but if I remember correctly, Apple recommends strongly against
 setting the location of the pointer. They consider it a violation of the
 Apple User Interface Code of Conduct(tm)  :-)  In any case, Scott, aren't
 you simply setting some bytes at a very low level to do this? I don't
 think there are any OS calls to do it. Apple has threatened repeatedly
 that the location of those crucial bytes will change over the course of
 time; maybe the location changed on the PowerBooks.

If this is the case, the original poster might be able to move a
transparent .gif image to mimic pointer movement, then splice in
mouseUps where necessary.

Mary Bull

This is the MetaCard mailing list.

Re: found text display

2000-02-19 Thread Mary Bull

Norval Bard wrote:
  A while back I asked this question, and when I recently encountered the
 problem again, I returned to the archives to see what answers were
 provided, but I couldn't locate the query, so here goes (again)...
 Using a find command to locate the clickText in a given field returns
 the string with a thin, black box around it.  What can I do to elimate
 (render invisible, etc.) that box?

I ran into the same problem and had the assistance of a lot of helpful
and knowledgeable folks on the list. I'm appending the scripts I'm using
for this problem...finding and highlighting with a color while changing
the font style. When you click some place else, either in the field or
elsewhere, the appearance changes back. It may not be exactly what you
need, and I may have documented it poorly, but it may give you a start.
Don't hesitate to e-mail me with any questions. BTW, I'm sure the real
wizards on the list can clean it up, but this works for me in several
different functions - both for searches initiated from within the stack
and from other stacks.

Mary Bull



on resetFoundText
  global gChunk,gTextChunk,gOldStyle,gOldColor,gOldBack
  -- the info stored in gOldStyle, gOldColor, gOldBack is put there in
the "find" script
  if gChunk empty then-- this find comes from another stack
lock screen
set the backColor of gChunk to gOldBack
set the textStyle of gChunk to gOldStyle
set the textColor of gChunk to gOldColor
unlock screen
  end if
  put empty into gChunk
end resetFoundText


on selectionChanged
end selectionChanged


on selectionChanged
end selectionChanged


on mouseUp
  global gTextToFind,gChunk,gTextToSkip
  global gOldBack,gOldStyle,gOldColor
  global gFoundBack,gFoundStyle,gFoundColor
  -- gFoundBack is the background color of the highlighted text;
  -- gFoundStyle is the text style of the highlighted text;
  -- gFoundColor is the color of the highlighted text;
  -- these are all set in the openStack handler of the stack script
  ask "What text do you want to find?"
  if the result is "Cancel" then
exit mouseUp
put it into gTextToFind  -- I store this for use in a "Find Again"
button script
put offset(gTextToFind, fld "storyText") into tTextOffset
if tTextOffset = 0 then
  answer "Sorry, the text was not found"
  exit mouseUp
  put "char"  tTextOffset  "to"  tTextOffset +
length(gTextToFind) \
   -1  "of fld 1" into gChunk
  put tTextOffset + length(gTextToFind) - 1 into gTextToSkip
  # begin colorizing here
  put the backColor of gChunk into gOldBack
  put the textStyle of gChunk into gOldStyle
  put the textColor of gChunk into gOldColor
  set the backColor of gChunk to gFoundBack
  set the textStyle of gChunk to gFoundStyle
  set the textColor of gChunk to gFoundColor
  # scroll the field
  set the scroll of fld 1 to the formattedTop of gChunk - the top of \
   fld 1 + the scroll of fld 1 - 15
end if
  end if
end mouseUp

This is the MetaCard mailing list.

Searching for non-English characters

2000-02-11 Thread Mary Bull

Good day! I have quite a few user-searchable texts that contain
non-English characters. Is there a convenient way to convince MC that
when I type "debris" into the Find box, I want it to return an instance
of "débris"? I have spoken with my collaborator, and we agree that we
could anglicize all such occurrences (a lot of them, I might add);
however, we'd really like to provide this type of search without users
having to remember all the key commands to generate the characters.
Thanks in advance!

Mary Bull

This is the MetaCard mailing list.

Re: Making the Windows standalone

1999-12-09 Thread Mary Bull

Hi, Mark. It's not a pathetic question -- I had to ask, too. g You do
need to download the Windows version of MC. I copied the mc.exe file
into my MetaCard directory, simply to make it easier to find. This file
will not be listed when you try to "select". Click "Select" next to the
field, and select the MC engine listed (which will be the Mac one).
Replace the file name at the end of the path with "mc.exe". I can't help
you too much on the Windows INFO dialog. I simply fill in the
information that makes sense in my situation.

Kevin, what about adding a MetaClass on creating and building
cross-platform applications?

Mary Bull


 This is probably a pathetic question...forgive me.  Working on a Mac, made a mac
 standalone, no problem (though it seemed a bit large, but these days, who cares?
 :) BUT, couldn't make a windows standalone.  When prompted for the engine, I hit
 select, but couldn't find a "windows" engine to select.  Do I need to download
 this separately? I also don't understand the "Windows INFO" dialog box.  Nor can I
 find step by step instructions on how to do this in the help files or on the web.
 I downloaded the windows starter kit, but could only open this on a windows
 machine and windows Meta card would not open the original Mac stack on that
 machine.  Sigh.
 I'm missing something, something big.

Re: Re-Using text

1999-12-01 Thread Mary Bull

Scott Raney wrote:

 Sounds like a recipe for spaghetti to me.  What happens when the
 source field changes, do all fields that point to it have to be
 live-updated with it?  And what if you change the field, does the
 "sourceField" get updated?  What happens with fields with sharedText
 set to false, do you have to specify the card?  And the biggest
 question: What would this be useful for?

I think the original request had to do with an address book, but I've
needed something of the sort. In doing computer-based training, I've had
to be able to report participant responses to open-ended questions which
were sporadically placed throughout the training materials. One client
wanted the participants to be able to look their answers over before
posting them. So I set up a card with question and answer fields which
displayed the questions and answers. The fields were updated with an
openCard handler that copied the contents of the specified fields. 

Mary Bull

Data saving

1999-11-29 Thread Mary Bull

In response to a question about saving data in standalones, Marni Centor wrote:

 I create courseware with MetaCard, and I use my standalone stack to show a
 splash screen animation and then launch a menu stack. The menu stack then
 launches my various courseware stacks. I can track user progress in both the
 menu stack and the individual courseware stacks because they are separate
 from the standalone.

That's a good method of doing it, Marni. You can also use text files
written out to track progress and save the contents of "notebooks". I've
done both of those, especially when someone else needs to see the
scores, progress reports, and notes participants have taken.

Mary Bull

Re: Standalone: 2.3 meg 1.44 ! erp!!

1999-11-27 Thread Mary Bull

Kevin Miller wrote:

 Its not quite that simple.  You have to build a seperate standalone for each
 platform you plan to distribute on.  Download the engine for the platform
 you want to build on, and select that engine in the standalone builder to
 create a standalone using that engine.

To add just a bit to the great info that Kevin has shared, when you open
the Standalone Building and try to select the other engine (mc.exe, for
example), you won't see it in the list of files displayed. I copied the
mc.exe engine into my MetaCard folder. Then I can just enter "mc.exe"
into the field. If you have the engine file someplace else (or you have
set the directory to something else), you'll need to specify the path.
The easiest way to do this is click Select next to the file name field
and select some MC file in the directory. You can copy this path, paste
it into the engine field, and replace the file name with the name of the engine.

Other than that little fiddling now and then, it works slick!

Mary Bull

Re: Scroll property behavior

1999-11-17 Thread Mary Bull

Dave Cragg wrote:

 There is also a selectedLoc function that could be used instead of
 the foundLoc. First select the line you get from lineOffset, then get
 the selectedLoc, and then calculate the scroll.

That looks like the ticket, Dave. Thanks! I had totally forgotten about
that function.


Mary Bull

Scroll property behavior

1999-11-16 Thread Mary Bull


I'm having problems scrolling to a specific line from a field. I have a
long field ("fld 1") that I'm linking to. I've been using the offset()
function to highlight the found text, then (because this text may be
farther down), I've set the scroll of the field to  

(lineOffset(foundText,fld 1) * the textHeight of fld 1)-the textHeight
of fld 1

Think the problem lies in the lineOffset() function. A "line" is defined
by having a return at the end of it. I can't split up the individual
lines of the field (wrapped) into return-delimited chunks. The user
needs to be able to find a string of text that may bridge two lines. How
can I change this delimiter?

Barring the possibility of that, I'd love to hear some ideas on how to
solve this problem. Thanks!!!

Mary Bull