Re: metacard and language tools

2002-04-19 Thread Mark Mitchell
salvatore writes:
I would like to combine my program with another commercially available software 
(Errata Corrige, an Italian language tool).  The idea is to have metacard paste 
the composition in a new document in Errata Corrige and ask it to choose the 
menu item "statistics". When asked for statistics, Errata Corrige would produce 
a graph (image), which I would like to import in metacard or directly in 
the .txt file or .rtf file.

If Errata Corrige is a Macintosh program, some actions may be scriptable with 
appleScript.  I forget how you get a list of
scriptable features for a given program, but it's quite easy (I know I've done it 
before).  If it is not scriptable, the best
you might be able to do is automatically copy the essay to the clipboard and launch 
Errata Corrige.  You would then have to do
the rest manually.  I had this problem with a dictionary program I was trying to 
integrate that was not appleScriptable.

good luck,
mark mitchell

metacard mailing list

Re: Dragging Lines in a Field

2002-04-19 Thread Ray Horsley

on 4/18/02 3:17 PM, shop at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ray, I just noticed that you'll probably want to put moveTxt into the label
 of the sliding btn and give the btn a permanent name (couldn't do this in
 Hypercard).  If you decide to keep it exactly as written, you'll need to get
 the id of your btn and put it in place of 2713.
 Payne Sparkman Mfg.
 - Original Message -
 From: Ray Horsley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 5:00 PM
 Subject: Re: Dragging Lines in a Field
 Thanks Rich!  I'll let you know how this works out.
 Ray Horsley
 Developer, LinkIt! Software
 metacard mailing list

Thanks Rich!  I'll let you know how it turns out.


metacard mailing list

Re: database and MC

2002-04-19 Thread Kevin Miller

On 18/4/02 1:35 am, andu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Revolution supports MySQL, ODBC, and Oracle cross platform for this..
 Any chanse you can make those db externals available to metacard users
 too, BTW?

We don't have any plans to do this: supporting databases is something that
we plan to expand on even further, with closer integration with Revolution
and an expanded feature set: it is a core part of the Revolution product.

Kind regards,


Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

metacard mailing list

Subject: Re: Dragging Lines in a Field

2002-04-19 Thread Tariel Gogoberidze

Does anybody have a solution for dragging lines up and down in a field to
 resort them?

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

As a reply

Payne Sparkman Mfg.

Posted a script that  allows to drag lines inside  the field.

Posted a script that  allows to drag lines inside  the field.

I tested  the script and  it works, but  unfortunately after  intensive
use it  eventually  crushes MC v 2.4.2, at least  on my computer (Mac OS
9.1 G3 350, 512 Meg RAM). One of the symptoms is that MouseStillDown
handler begins to indefinitely  calling itself  even long  after  the
mouse is UP (indefinite recursion, if I'm not messing up the terms). It
keeps  calling MouseStillDown  until  the mouse is  clicked outside  the
field.  So, I blocked this behavior with click  at -100,100 at the end
 of the  handler. This  stopped MouseStillDown to continue working 
after mouseup  but  MC  2.4 still crushes, through less frequently.
Without having  exact recipe I think this has something  to  do with new
async behavior of mouse function

The mouse function is now async rather than event based as in
previous releases.  This means that the mouse will only return
down if the mouse is actually down at the exact instant the function
checks it.

So,  I modified  script  a little (see below) and now it seems to be 
stable in  all versions of MC. 
note:  I'm sure  it can be done in more efficient way, but I cooked it
very  quickly and  my  goal was  to just stabilize the script in MC  2.4.2

Local VertiMouse,MyTop,MyLeft,linHt,CurLinPtr,moveTxt,Actionflag

## you can set  any margin for fld and  have it with or without 
vertical  scrollbar
## button should have  showBorder = false and name DragLineBtn
## field has  list behavior.

on mouseDown
  put false  into  Actionflag
  pass mousedown
end mouseDown

on mousestillDown
  if Actionflag is false  then -- MouseStillDown should work only once
this way...
put the ClickLine into CkLn
put value(the ClickLine) into moveTxt
if moveTxt is empty then exit mousestillDown
delete line (word 2 of CkLn) of me
set the label of button DragLineBtn to MoveTxt
put the textHeight of me into linHt
## f you want  custom cursor while  dragging, create one and
activate lines below
--set the cursor to (the id of image  DragLineImg of grp DragLineGrp)
   -- set the lockcursor to true

put 4 into  MyTune
## Would love  to know why but on my computer it needs this correction
## to let button fit exactly in Field boundaries. Put 0 into MyTune
if your
##  OS/computer  will not require correction

set the borderWidth of button DragLineBtn to the margins of me - MyTune
put the top of me into MyTop
put (the left of me) + MyTune into MyLeft
if the vScrollbar of me is true then
  set the width of button DragLineBtn to (the width of me) - (the
scrollbarWidth of me) - (MyTune*2)
  set the width of button DragLineBtn to (the width of me) - (MyTune*2)
end if
set the height of button DragLineBtn to LinHt
set the topLeft of button DragLineBtn to MyLeft,MyTop
set the visible of button DragLineBtn to true
put true  into  Actionflag -- so it never do it again while the
mouse is down
Send dragLine to me in 1 milliseconds
  end if
end  mouseStillDown

on dragLine
  if  the mouse is up  then -- get out and exit
-- repeat for each line L in the pendingMessages
-- cancel (item 1 of L) -- not needed actually
-- end repeat
set the visible of button DragLineBtn to false
put ((VertiMouse - MyTop) div linHt)+1 into CurLinPtr
if the scroll of me  0 then
  add (the scroll of me div LinHt)  to CurLinPtr
end if
if CurLinPtr  (number of lines in me) then
  put crmoveTxt after the last line of me
  select the last line of me
  put MoveTxt  cr before line CurLinPtr of me
  select line CurLinPtr of me
end if
set the lockcursor to false
exit  dragline
  end if
  put the MouseV into VertiMouse
  put the scroll of me into temp
  if VertiMouse  MyTop then
put MyTop into VertiMouse
subtract LinHt from temp
  end if
  if VertiMouse  the bottom of me then
put the bottom of me into VertiMouse
add LinHt to temp
  end if
  set the scroll of me to temp
  set the topLeft of button DragLineBtn to MyLeft,VertiMouse-(LinHt
div 2)
  send dragline to me in 10 milliseconds -- is 10 Milliseconds OK?
end dragline

Best regards
Tariel Gogoberidze
metacard mailing list

Transparent Images

2002-04-19 Thread Yates, Glen

I have some transparent png's on several cards, and sometimes they show up
transparent and other times they don't (ie. they have a big ugly white
rectangular background). I can even go back and forth between a couple of
cards, and images that show up fine one time will not show up ok the next
and vice-versa. I have not been able to find a repeatable pattern to it, but
it is a fairly common occurance.

Has anyone else seen this?

Glen Yates
metacard mailing list

Re: Dragging Lines in a Field

2002-04-19 Thread Bruce Lewis

Does anybody have a solution for dragging lines up and down in a field to
 resort them?

I use the following in HyperCard. It also drags the lines between flds, but
you could easily drop that feature.

on mousedown
  global activeFld
  if hilite of bg btn Re-order is true then  --set up initial values
put empty into activeFld
put 11 into ht
put the clickLine into tbMoved
if tbMoved is not empty
  put value of tbMoved into wdsTBmoved
  set the loc of cd btn Outliner to the mouseloc
  show cd btn Outliner
  repeat until the mouse is Up   --move around to determine where
item is going
set the loc of cd btn Outliner to the mouseh,the mouseV
localize  --indicates which fld the mouse is in, i.e. the activeFld
if activeFld is not empty
then --scrolling
  if the mouseV  (top of bg fld activeFld + 10)  then
wait 2 ticks
set scroll of bg fld activeFld to (scroll of bg fld activeFld - 15)
  else if the mouseV  (bottom of bg fld activeFld - 10) then
wait 2 ticks
set scroll of bg fld activeFld to (scroll of bg fld activeFld + 15)
  end if
end if
  end repeat

  lock screen
  hide cd btn Outliner
  if activeFld is not empty  --if it is empty nothing happens
put item 2 of the loc of cd btn Outliner - top of background field
activeFld + (1*ht) into extra
put trunc((scroll of bg fld activeFld + extra)/ht) into MoveToLine
if the last word of tbMoved = activeFld
  if MoveToLine  word 2 of tbMoved
put wdsTBmoved  return before line MoveToLine of bg fld activeFld
do delete tbMoved
do delete tbMoved
put wdsTBmoved  return before line MoveToLine of bg fld activeFld
  end if
  put wdsTBmoved  return before line MoveToLine of bg fld activeFld
  do delete tbMoved
end if
unlock screen
repeat while last char of bg fld activeFld is return
  delete last char of bg fld activeFld
end repeat
  end if
end if
  end if
end mousedown

on localize
  --  major revision April 20, 1998 to use is within
  global activeFld
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of bg flds
if the mouseloc is within the rect of bg fld i
  put i into activeFld
  exit localize
end if
  end repeat
end localize
Bruce Lewis
Lewis  Collyer
160 John Street, Suite 401
Toronto, Ontario
Canada  M5V 2E5
(416) 598-4357
FAX (416) 598-1067
metacard mailing list

number as a fist letter of custom property. Allowed or not?

2002-04-19 Thread Tariel Gogoberidze

When you are trying to manually enter  a  number as a custom property
name, MC returns the message A custom property name must start with a letter

However when  you  are trying to do the same  through  script it works fine

on mouseup
  put 128  into tTest
  set the tTest of fld 1 to some content -- works
end mouseup

 Another exampleÉ

on mouseUp
  repeat with j= 1 to 10
repeat with i= 1 to 10
  put Content of Cell j,i  into SheetArray[j,i]
end repeat
  end repeat
  -- this works  as it  supposed to
  -- set the customProperties[SheetData] of  fld 1 to SheetArray
  -- put the SheetData [7,2] of fld 1
  -- but  why this works if custom property name MUST start with a letter?
  set the customProperties of fld 1 to SheetArray
  put 5,3 into tTemp
  put the tTemp of fld 1
end mouseup

So is it allowed to use a  number as a fist letter of custom property or not?

Best regards,
Tariel Gogoberidze
metacard mailing list