Hi all,

just in case you did not know...

Attention: European Revolutionaries!
European Rev Conference - Valletta, Malta
17-18 April 2004

We have formed an alliance and are presenting an exciting,
informative set of Rev demonstrations. Join the Revolution!

We have an excellent series of topics and demonstrations for
new and experienced Revolutionaries.

Getting started with Rev - Game development - Problem Solving
and Algorithms development - Building Business Applications

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Saturday 17 April 2004
Presenter: Malte Brill

   Introduction to Rev:
   *Quick introduction to Transcript, the Rev language
   *Finding your way around the Rev development environment  (IDE)
   *Message hierarchy and the programming scheme
   *Simple examples of how to make Rev apps do something
   *How to learn from the many demo Rev projects
   *Using sounds, graphics, and images in your Rev app

Computer Game Development:
*Basic game algorithms
*Collision detections - distance functions, intersection functions
*Interaction of Media Objects - determining angles, reacting to angles and distance

Presenter: Klaus Major

A Natural Approach to Problem Solving and the Development of Algorithms:
*Observing and analyzing real life situations in order to develop solutions in Transcript
*Creating a memory game to demonstrate how the steps necessary to solve problems
are translated into Transcript programming language
*The Rev engine's confessions - what goes on behind the scene in the message hierarchy

Pizza-Pasta & Revolution Discussions
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Sunday 18 April 2004
Presenter: Jan Schenkel

   Building Business Applications with Rev:
   *Database controls
   *Master detail forms
   *Reports and Labels
   *Integrating internet data into your business application
   *Static web pages
   *CGI Scripts with Rev
   *Web Services - SOAP calls in a 3-tier application model

Group and one-on-one discussions of all things Rev
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Signup Now! Space is limited so first come first serve!

Pricing up to 10 March is:
Hotel two nights (bed & breakfast) & airport transfer & conference is only $375.00
Hotel three nights (bed & breakfast) & airport transfer & conference is only $435.00

Pricing *after* 10 March is:
Hotel two nights (bed & breakfast) & airport transfer & conference is $475.00
Hotel three nights (bed & breakfast) & airport transfer & conference is $535.00

For more details... Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Also at the EuroDevCon with Jan and Malte will be the world famous Klaus!
I asked him to do some tricky things like wrestle alligators in a tub of yellow snow
while making a multi-media application or the even more life threatening
recitation of Victorian poetry but he said no... "not dangerous enough!".
This man has guts folks!

Klaus will be performing his opera
"From click to dawn..."
A day in the life of the message-hierarchy"

Klaus is going to impersonate ALL persons/objects in the message-hierarchy
with their real-life voices, gestures and attitudes..."

I begged him to have sense as it surely is too much for one man
but he insists!

Note: No children will be allowed in the room when Klaus is on stage,
ambulances and medical personnel will be in attendance for the inevitable
incapacitations which shall surely ensue.

So, as Jan said...
For more information on the European Revolution
Conference, read the original announcement here :
<http://lists.runrev.com/pipermail/use-revolution/2004-February/ 032266.html>
or contact the organiser directly :

See you there!


so don't hesitate!!! :-)

Have a nice weekend...


Klaus Major

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