>1 - How do I launch a standalone in palette mode?

# openStack script
if ".exe" is in the effective filename of this stack then
  set the style of this stack to patlette
end if

>2 - I have a list field (a tutorial index) containing 
>chapters that when double clicked go to some card:
>on mouseDoubleDown
>  if the hilite of me = "some" then go card "some"
>end mouseDoubleDown
>When back from card "some" to the list, I'd like to have 
>the last clicked chapter hilited

# Field script
on mouseDoubleDown
 if the hilite of me = "some" then
   go card "some"
   set the u_HilitedLines of this cd to the hilitedLines of me
 end if
end mouseDoubleDown

#card script
on openCard
 set the hilitedLines of fld 1 to the u_HilitedLines of this cd
end openCard

>3 - Could someone please point me what is wrong with the 
>following lines:
>get setRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ebf\", "EbookFacil")
>get setRegistry
>("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\EbookFacil\", "EbookFacil Files")
>get setRegistry
>("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\EbookFacil\DefaultIcon\", "EbookFacil
>get setRegistry
>("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\EbookFacil\Shell\Open\command\", "Ebo

Last registry entry above should include the full path to the application.


Hugh Senior

The Flexible Learning Company
Consultant Programming & Software Solutions
Fax/Voice: +44 (0)1483.27 87 27
Web: www.flexibleLearning.com

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