Re: [meteorite-list] Los Angeles 001

2004-06-09 Thread Michael L Blood
Greetings All,
Please hear that this is addressed to a behavior, not
to the individuals currently engaged in said behavior.
Personally, I am stunned whenever ANYONE jumps
on someone else's ad. I  grudgingly observe this among callous,
competitive, immature & inconsiderate  "dealers" doing this
to one another. However, even that seems usually to be done
by someone specifically at odds at the time with the original
I know of no one at odds with Bob Verish, yet he has been
unable to have a simple sale without two otherwise kind and
considerate non-dealers jumping on the tail gate of his wagon,
offering alternative examples of the material he has advertised.
I don't mean this to be directed at the people doing it - I
mean it to be directed to the behavior.
Could everyone on the list have SOME consideration for
a person offering material? I know it is hard. Many is the time
I have wanted to jump right in and say, "Hay, everyone, I have
the same material at 60% (or less) of that cost!" or, "Hay, I have
one a bit bigger (or smaller), too,"  but I don't. It is a rude thing
to do to the original advertiser.
Let's all have a little more consideration for the other guy.
At least wait until his/her sale is concluded before offering up
our own stuff. 
Best wishes, Michael

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] pre-summer meteorite sale, pt.2

2004-06-09 Thread Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!
Hello list.Here is the 2nd part of my pre-summer meteorite sale:
1.ETTER, 6.8 GRAMS ,HUSS  #  A.M.L LABEL $40.00
3.PAMPA(B)10.4 GRAMS $25.00
5.ROUNDSPRINGS   1.1 GRAMS   $20.00
6.SEMINOLE(D) 7 GRAMS  HUSS #  A.M.L. LABEL   $50.00
8.0AK0.8 GRAMS$20.00
9.RIO LIMAY  1.3 GRAMS $25.00
10.OXFORD,   1 GRAM$15.00
11.NWA 1280  5.9 GRAMS $25.00
12.NWA 1792   3.5 GRAMS$20.00
13.NWA 1935   19.8 GRAMSLL4$50.00
14.(2) SIKOTE-ALIN'S  35 and 12 GRAMS  $30.00
There you have it.I'll pay shipping worldwide.I do have pictures of alot
of these.Let me know what you want.

steve arnold, chicago 

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
website url

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[meteorite-list] Temporary Unsubscribe

2004-06-09 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,

We will temporarily unsubscribe from the List.  The email address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] will be out of service shortly as we are in the process
of moving.  Once we resubscribe a new email address will be posted for those
of you who want to get in contact.

We also suspended all ebay sales until further notice in order to provide
time for moving and expeditions.  We have so many leads to follow and things
planned for this summer that it will be difficult to communicate on a
regular basis but we will make some important announcements as lab data is

Once things are back in order we hope to contribute in any way we can to the
List.  We have a lot of interesting topics to discuss but unfortunately time
will not allow us this privilege right now.  We wish we had more time to
engage in some of the very informative posts we have read recently.  Later
on, we look forward to rejoining the List as it has been a great source of
information and entertainment.

Kind Regards,

Adam and Greg Hupe

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mars Exploration Rover Update - June 9, 2004

2004-06-09 Thread Ron Baalke

SPIRIT UPDATE: Spirit Surpasses 3 Kilometer Mark! - 
sol 148-151, June 09, 2004

During sols 148 through 151, Spirit advanced significantly 
closer to the "Columbia Hills" and now sits only 220 meters 
(722 feet) from its first target at the base, a location 
informally named "Spur B."

Sol 148 was a driving sol, with Spirit completing a 64.7-meter 
(212.3 feet) engineer-directed drive. This put the rover in 
position for some sol 149 work with the robotic arm, and 
provided a great view of the Columbia

On Sol 149, Spirit took a break from driving and surveyed the 
Columbia Hills with the panoramic camera and mini thermal 
emissions spectrometer. After that, the rover attained an 
alpha particle X-ray spectrometer observation of the filter 
magnet and capture magnet. Spirit takes a look at its magnets 
every now and then to assess what magnetically susceptible 
materials have accumulated. The last magnet check was on sol 92.

Spirit used its alpha particle X-ray spectrometer and 
Mössbauer spectrometer to observe a rock called "Joshua" on 
sol 150. Unfortunately, the rest of the sol's planned work 
with the instrument deployment device did not take place 
because of a command anomaly, which made Spirit think that a 
collision between the rock abrasion tool and the forearm might 
occur. Therefore, the tool change and all subsequent arm 
motions were prevented for the rest of the sol.

Spirit was back to business on sol 151, and finished observing 
Joshua and the science magnets with the tools on the instrument 
deployment device. After that, the rover was off, and 
successfully completed a 73-meter (240 feet) drive toward the 
Columbia Hills.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mars Global Surveyor Images - June 3-9, 2004

2004-06-09 Thread Ron Baalke

June 3-9, 2004

The following new images taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on
the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft are now available:

o Features in Granicus Valles (Released 03 June 2004)

o Layered Slopes (Released 04 June 2004)

o Streaks and Lava Flows (Released 05 June 2004)

o Cracks and Lines (Released 06 June 2004)

o June 2004 Autumn Dunes (Released 07 June 2004)

o Crater Wall With Gullies (Released 08 June 2004)

o Bright Dust Devil Tracks (Released 09 June 2004)

All of the Mars Global Surveyor images are archived here:

Mars Global Surveyor was launched in November 1996 and has been
in Mars orbit since September 1997.   It began its primary
mapping mission on March 8, 1999.  Mars Global Surveyor is the 
first mission in a long-term program of Mars exploration known as 
the Mars Surveyor Program that is managed by JPL for NASA's Office
of Space Science, Washington, DC.  Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS)
and the California Institute of Technology built the MOC
using spare hardware from the Mars Observer mission. MSSS operates
the camera from its facilities in San Diego, CA. The Jet Propulsion
Laboratory's Mars Surveyor Operations Project operates the Mars Global
Surveyor spacecraft with its industrial partner, Lockheed Martin
Astronautics, from facilities in Pasadena, CA and Denver, CO.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Los Angeles 001

2004-06-09 Thread Roman Jirasek
And, if you want something in-between,
my .972g part slice of LA001 is still available.

Best regards,

Roman Jirasek

- Original Message -
From: "AstronomicalResearchNetwork"
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 5:32 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Los Angeles 001

> La001 is a great meteorite !
> If you miss the bid with Robert I too will offer my .862g slice
> with over 10mm  in length of fusion crust for sale.
> Price $ 1850 Email me direct
> Thank You
> Kenneth Regelman
> Astronomical Research Network
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] pre-summer meteorite sale,PT.2

2004-06-09 Thread Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
website url

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[meteorite-list] AD: Bilanga Stones

2004-06-09 Thread MeteorHntr
Hello List,

I am curious if anyone would be interested in some Bilanga stones cheap.  Email me off list if interested.

Also, I have the car smasher closing later tonight on ebay.*girls*mom&include=0&since=2&sort=3&rows=100 

Steve Arnold
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Cassini Spacecraft Near First Stop in Historic Saturn Tour

2004-06-09 Thread Ron Baalke

Carolina Martinez (818) 354-9382
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown (202) 358-1726
NASA Headquarters, Washington

News Release:  2004-145  June 9, 2004

Cassini Spacecraft Near First Stop in Historic Saturn Tour

The most complex interplanetary mission ever launched is about to
meet one of the solar system's enigmatic moons.  Cassini will fly
by Saturn's largest outer moon, Phoebe, on Friday, June 11.  The
closest approach is at approximately 1:56 p.m. Pacific Time, just
19 days before Saturn arrival.

A final trajectory correction maneuver is scheduled for June 16.
On arrival date, June 30, Cassini will become the first spacecraft
to orbit Saturn.  Once in orbit it will conduct an extensive, four-
year tour of the Saturn system, including its majestic rings and
many known moons.

"The arrival date and trajectory to Saturn were specifically
selected to accommodate this flyby, which will be the only
opportunity during the mission to study Phoebe at close range,"
said Dave Seal, mission planner for the Cassini-Huygens mission
at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.  "Phoebe's
orbit is simply too far from Saturn, at almost 13 million
kilometers (about 8 million miles), nearly four times as far as
the next closest major satellite, Iapetus.  A later encounter is
not feasible."

"The last time we had observations of Phoebe was by Voyager in
1981," said Dr. Torrence Johnson, former Voyager imaging team
member, Galileo project scientist and current Cassini imaging
team member.  "This time around, the pictures of the mysterious
moon will be about 1,000 times better, as Cassini will be
closer." Voyager 2 captured images of Phoebe from about 2.2
million kilometers (about 1.4 million miles) away. Cassini will
obtain images from a mere 2,000 kilometers (about 1,240 miles)
above the moon's surface.

Cassini will also collect spectroscopic and radar data that could
decipher the composition and origin of this distant moon.
Cassini's Phoebe images, already twice as good as any image
returned by Voyager 2, show large craters and variation in
surface brightness.

"We anticipate that Phoebe will be heavily cratered in the higher
resolution images we expect to see in the next few days," said
Dr. Peter Thomas, a member of the imaging team and a senior
research associate at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., who
specializes in studies of small satellites. "The hints of
different brightnesses also suggest that the highest resolution
images, several hundred times better, will show a variety of

Discovered in 1898 by American astronomer William Henry
Pickering, Phoebe is of great interest to scientists.  "With the
instruments Cassini carries, we might learn more about Phoebe's
internal structure and composition.  What we have are many
unanswered questions: Did it ever melt? Does it have evidence of
past interior melting? Was it ever an icy body? Why is Phoebe in
such an odd orbit?" said Dr. Dennis Matson, project scientist for
the Cassini-Huygens mission at JPL.

Phoebe has a diameter of 220 kilometers (about 136.7 miles),
which is equal to about one-fifteenth the diameter of Earth's
moon. Phoebe rotates on its axis every nine hours and 16 minutes,
and it completes a full orbit around Saturn in about 18 months.
Its elliptical orbit is inclined approximately 30 degrees to
Saturn's equator.  Phoebe's retrograde orbit means that it goes
around Saturn in the opposite direction of the larger interior
Saturnian moons.  Previous ground-based observations have shown
water ice present on its surface.

Phoebe is also unusual in that it is very dark.  It reflects only
six percent of the sunlight it receives. Phoebe's darkness and
retrograde orbit suggest that it is most likely a captured
object.  A captured object is a celestial body that is caught by
the gravitational pull of a much bigger body, generally a planet.
Some scientists believe Phoebe might even be an object from the
outer solar system, similar to the objects found in the Kuiper
Belt.  The Kuiper Belt is a collection of small icy bodies beyond
Pluto that were never drawn together by gravity to form a planet.

"The dark and odd-shaped Phoebe may be a piece of the building
blocks from which some of the planets formed," said Dr. Bonnie
Buratti, scientist on the Cassini-Huygens mission at JPL.  "It
might hold clues about the early formation of our solar system."

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the
European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of
Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for
NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. JPL designed,
developed and assembled the Cassini orbiter.

For the latest images and more information about the Cassini-
Huygens mission on the Internet, visit:

For information about NASA and agency programs on the Internet, visi

[meteorite-list] pre-summer meteorite sale update

2004-06-09 Thread Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!
Good evening list.I have just an update on what is left.The NWA
002,WAKA,and NWA 980 ARE sold.There are still 12 left.


Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
website url

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Los Angeles 001

2004-06-09 Thread AstronomicalResearchNetwork
La001 is a great meteorite !

If you miss the bid with Robert I too will offer my .862g slice 
with over 10mm  in length of fusion crust for sale.
Price $ 1850 Email me direct

Thank You 
Kenneth Regelman
Astronomical Research Network

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] OT: Space wallpaper for your PC

2004-06-09 Thread Solvænget

If you want a great space wallpaper fot your PC, 
here are alot to chose from.
Sorry I know it is offtopic, but I 
thought it might interest some of you.
Lars Pedersen
Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] New Nevada / California meteorite finds

2004-06-09 Thread Anita Westlake

Wow, they stick out like a sore thumb don’t
they? I wish meteorites were that easy to spot here in Georgia!




-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004
11:45 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] New
Nevada / California meteorite finds


Hi List,


I would like to post a couple of
pictures of new Nevada and California meteorite finds. The picture of the
meteorite on the dry lake bed is 38 grams. The picture of the larger meteorite
weighs 1.282 grams. On the second trip I recovered numerous fragments within a
three foot radius of the larger find . All of the fragments were found with a
metal detector ,and additional 222 grams. Both of them appear to be stone
chondrites  but are different.. The smaller meteorite shows metal/iron and
chondrules. The larger meteorite shows metal/iron and chondrules but has a
brecchiated matrix and numerous chondrules are of various colors and sizes.
Geoff was nice enough to provide me with this great link. 



Meteorite-list mailing list

AW: [meteorite-list] What a deal!

2004-06-09 Thread Jörn Koblitz

like a piece from Henbury crater strewn field. Not very exiting, except for the 

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-Von: ken newton 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2004 
  15:46An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Betreff: 
  [meteorite-list] What a deal! must have estimated the value based on 
  distance traveled? With a starting bid of  $70,060.00 (US)  the seller states: 
  OF BIDS"Can you imagine this guy canceling a bid 
  of $70,060?  :>)kn
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] New Nevada / California meteorite finds

2004-06-09 Thread WAHLPERRY

Hi List,
I would like to post a couple of pictures of new Nevada and California meteorite finds. The picture of the meteorite on the dry lake bed is 38 grams. The picture of the larger meteorite weighs 1.282 grams. On the second trip I recovered numerous fragments within a three foot radius of the larger find . All of the fragments were found with a metal detector ,and additional 222 grams. Both of them appear to be stone chondrites  but are different.. The smaller meteorite shows metal/iron and chondrules. The larger meteorite shows metal/iron and chondrules but has a brecchiated matrix and numerous chondrules are of various colors and sizes. Geoff was nice enough to provide me with this great link.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Call for comments

2004-06-09 Thread Jeff Grossman
To the meteorite-list:
The NomCom is considering several changes to its Guidelines for Meteorite 
Nomenclature.  Because the changes may have a significant impact on some 
people (positive, we hope), we are accepting public comments before the 
Committee votes on them.  If you are interested, please review the document at:
Please keep any comments brief.  Feel free to forward this email to anybody 
that you think may be interested, but who is not on this mailing list.

Dr. Jeffrey N. Grossman
Chair, Meteorite Nomenclature Committee (Meteoritical Society)
US Geological Survey
954 National Center
Reston, VA 20192, USA
Phone: (703) 648-6184   fax:   (703) 648-6383
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Warning about Lybian Desert Glass Artifacts

2004-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Charles Viau wrote:

>is just a moot point, because as long as 
>these LDG glass artifacts can be found 
>outside of Egypt, then there is no way 
>to prove when and where an item was 
>actually found, unless of course you had
>your photo taken holding it up with the 
>pyramids in the background...

I would say that you are living in a Fools Paradise.

There is only one other country, Libya where these artifacts 
are found and it, like Egypt, has antiquities laws, which 
prohibit the export of antiquities without permits. If a
person doesn't have the paperwork, which documents 
that his Libyan desert glass artifact was exported legally,
a case can be made that the artifact was exported in
violation of either the laws of Egypt or Libya. Since
legally exported artifact are suppose to be sold with 
documentation proving that they are legal, the lack of 
such, even if the result of negligence on the part of the
person selling it to you failing to provide it, can be used 
to argue that the Libyan desert glass artifacts are illicit.
It the owner that has to prove that an artifact was 
legally exported with a documented chain-of-custody 
going back to the person, who originally received the
license to exported it. If a person doesn't have the 
paperwork and don't have this chain-of-custody, the 
person don't have the proof that artifact is legal and 
the country of origin, whether it be Egypt or Libya 
can reclaim it.

Given that Libya has now reinvented itself as a "respectable"
member of the United Nations. It can start worrying about
recovering its antiquities as Egypt is doing. The main thing 
about the Libyan desert glass artifacts is their low profile 
and insignificance relative to other artifacts makes them 
low on the priority list  / radar screens of either Libya and 
Egypt. But in time that might change.

In case of Morocco, given that archaeologists haven't 
documented any Libyan desert glass artifacts as having
been found in it, any Libyan desert glass artifacts that
were bought in it can be argued to have been illegally
imported into it from either Egypt or Libya unless the 
person, from whom it was bought has the paperwork
indicating that it was legally imported into Morocco.
At that time, a person might have to get export permits
to export them again from Morocco.

Just Some Thoughts


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] What a deal!

2004-06-09 Thread ken newton

He must have estimated the value based on distance traveled? 
With a starting bid of  $70,060.00 (US)  the seller states:
Can you imagine this guy canceling a bid of
$70,060?  :>)

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD: Los Angeles Mars Meteorite 1.5g

2004-06-09 Thread Robert Verish

While much attention is being directed towards Mars,
here is an offer for you to consider.  

In light of all the recent papers that have been
published regarding the Los Angeles meteorite, 
papers which show this Mars rock to be a most unique
shergottite, I feel it is now an appropriate time to
release some of this material to the collector
I am making available a 1.5 gram part slice of the Los
Angeles Mars Meteorite.
I am not a meteorite dealer.  But I am the finder of
this meteorite, an exceptional basaltic shergottite,
and I rarely make available this much material.  

I'm directing this offer to those of you who dislike
bidding on eBay auctions - for whatever reason!
See if this novel approach appeals to you:

BEST OFFER gets this specimen.
The "best offer" price will NOT be made public!
The name of the person with the "best offer" will NOT
be made public!

This is a PRIVATE offer.
There is NO BIDDING!

I have done this kind of "Silent Auction" before, and
I have found that there are collectors who prefer this
over an eBay auction?  I have also received offers
from institutions and researchers that were attracted
to the guarantee of anonymity for the buyers. These
are people who would never have bid on an eBay

Here's how it works:

You make your "best offer".
Within the five (5) day time limit of this offer, you
can raise or retract your "best offer"!
"Best offer" means best offer.
I reserve the right to refuse any "best offers",
particularly if I perceive any wrong-doing, 
or a person makes public their "best offer" prior to
the deadline of this PRIVATE offer.

This offer is only good for the next 5 days, with a
of midnight PDT on Sunday the 13th of June. 

Who ever has the best (highest) offer by Sunday
Midnight (PDT) the 13th, gets this specimen!
The next day I get in contact with the high bidder.

The weight is ever so slightly just under 1.5 grams
The measurements are 17 x 15 x 2 mm

Free registered shipment worldwide after payment is
received.  Sorry, no credit card.

If you have further questions please contact me off
All reasonable offers will be seriously considered. 
(Trade offers will only be considered if they come
from well established institutions where researchers
can have access to this meteorite for their studies.) 
Images of the 1.5 gram specimen that is being offered
can be seen on this web page :

For more detailed information about this meteorite:


The formally approved name for this meteorite is 
"Los Angeles".

Should you have any questions, contact me before
making an offer.
Bob V.

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Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 
Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] stange meteorites

2004-06-09 Thread mark ford


Regularly on ebay I get 'Meteorite Caravan' (Trailers)  when doing searches...

Then there are those pesky 'Meteorite Ship lanterns'


Mark Ford

-Original Message-
Sent: 09 June 2004 01:34
To: Meteorite List
Subject: [meteorite-list] stange meteorites

Hello Everyone,
Anyone ever notice the many strange things on ebay which have "meteorite" in their 
title.  Do a search on "meteorite" and you will get things like...
rolex watches (what a waste - of a good meteorite)
women's makup (try scrubbing your face with a Sikhote-Alin - I recommend shrapnel type)
and my favorite...
meteorite colored panty hose from Victoria's secret
(pallasite tinted legs??)
Anyone else found other strange items?
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NWA CDROM : searching for US distributors

2004-06-09 Thread Pierre-Marie PELE
Hello to the List,
Meteor-Center has created the first CDROM dedicated to NWA meteorites. As we in France can only accept Paypal payments, some US customers can't pay us directly. So, I'm searching one or more US meteorite sellers who could buy a CD lot at a discounted price to sell them back in the USA.
The retail price is $29.95 but I can sell them by 10 at the price of $19.95 each (that's $10 for you on each CD) (postage : $5 for the 10).
If you're interested, contact me at : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Meteor-Center creates the 1st CD-ROM dedicated to NWA meteorites !If you're lost in the jungle of NWA meteorites, this CD is for you ! It's also useful to meteorite dealers, collectors...It contains :- the most complete source of information about NWA (up to number 3134 - includes MetBul 88 information)- tens of pictures- a search engine to find everything you're searching for on the CD- a selection of useful web links- a glossary- a complete classification tableThe CD is in English and is readable on PC and MAC computers (with a web navigator).Thanks to all.Pierre-Marie un voeu et puis Voila ! __
Meteorite-list mailing list