[meteorite-list] Anyone have full text of this?

2007-06-01 Thread Darren Garrison
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mr. Altman. RE: Mr. Sterling and Larry

2007-06-01 Thread Dave Schultz
   Sorry, I very rarely even get caught up in this
 of crap, but all this talk about religion and
 IS really tiring. This is a GD meteorite List, and
 stupid discusions like this are more of the norm it
 seems now adays, and that`s what drives people away
 from here more than anything. I`ve been getting more
 dishearten about collecting lately because of this
 crap, and about ready to sell my collection and get
 away from it. I`ve met some great people and would
 hate to lose there friendship and going to the
 different meteorite shows. Just chill out! About 99%
 of us don`t want to hear it anymore!
 p.s. I will be seeing everyone in Ensisheim in two
 weeks once again! :) 
  I think we have had enough of this
  NON-meteorite-related talk. I for one am tired
  the emails!
  Best regards,
  - Original Message - 
From: Chris Merry 
To: meteorite-list 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 7:19 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Mr. Altman. RE: Mr.
  Sterling and Larry
Mr. Altman,
I was wondering when one of you guys were gonna
  crawl out and come at me, thanks for being among
  first. Obviously you are threatend by free speech,
  unless it is your viewpoint.  
Like I said belive how you wish...I guess to you
  it is alright to put Chirstians down, just leave
  science alone.  It also says in the Bible, to
  paraphrase, a fool says there is no God.  
Back to stones, please.  Man go talk to your
  buds Mr. Steling and Larry, they started this!
Any great to hear from you, I always like to mix
  it up a bit.  :-) 

Meteorite-list mailing list

  Meteorite-list mailing list


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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Items Ending On eBay in about One Hour AD

2007-06-01 Thread AL Mitterling


I have five auction ending in about one hour for those interested. These 
are high end collector items.


--AL Mitterling
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mammoth-Killer Impact Gets Mixed Reception From Earth Scientists

2007-06-01 Thread Darren Garrison
News of the Week

Mammoth-Killer Impact Gets Mixed Reception From Earth Scientists

Richard A. Kerr 


ACAPULCO, MEXICO--A headline-grabbing proposal that an exploding comet
wreaked havoc on man and beast 13,000 years ago got its first full
scientific airing at a meeting here last week.
http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/316/5829/1264#FN1#FN1 * Many
geoscientists who attended nearly a day of talks and posters on the putative
impact called the idea cool. But they're not dashing off to rewrite the
textbooks yet. 

A loose consortium of more than 25 scientists is arguing that a massive
comet exploding in the atmosphere over North America wiped out the mammoths,
terminated the founding Paleo-Indian culture, and triggered a
millennium-long reversion to an ice age climate. We're quite sure there was
an impact, says analytical chemist Richard Firestone of Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory in California, one of the consortium's two leaders. 

Not so fast, say veterans of decades-long wrangling over how cosmic
collisions have affected Earth and the life on it. There is some
interesting evidence that deserves study, says cratering researcher Peter
Schultz of Brown University, a member of the consortium who did not attend
the meeting. But the evidence for an impact is too new and unconventional to
be conclusive. 

The impact wars have been raging since scientists first began working out
geologic markers for ancient impacts in the 1960s. By the 1980s, researchers
found 65-million-year-old sediments that contained too much of the element
iridium--rare on Earth but enriched in meteorites. That discovery pointed
the way to mineral grains scarred by the shock of the impact that killed off
the dinosaurs. Geologists eventually found the crater from that impact. 

In the 1990s, geochemist Luann Becker of the University of California, Santa
Barbara, and colleagues said they had found impact markers at the mother of
all mass extinctions, the Permian-Triassic 251 million years ago (Science,
23 February 2001, p.
http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/291/5508/1469 1469). These
markers included metallic grains and molecular cages composed of
carbon--called bucky-balls or fullerenes--filled with extraterrestrial
helium. Three Science papers later, however, Becker's group has failed to
make its case for a Permian-Triassic impact. In fact, despite considerable
effort, no one else has found fullerenes or extraterrestrial helium at the
Permian-Triassic boundary. 

Now Firestone and some of his consortium colleagues, including Becker, say
they have found nearly a dozen kinds of recent impact markers at 26 sites
from California to Belgium. Most of the supposed markers are new types; many
have never before been reported in the geologic record. 

The consortium got its start in 1999 when retired archaeologist William
Topping of Deming, New Mexico, approached Firestone with unusual mineral
grains from sediments at Gainey, Michigan. The grains came from the base of
a black layer rich in organic matter left during the Younger Dryas, a cold
snap that began 12,900 years ago and lasted 1000 years. The black mat lies
just above the last arrowheads and spear points crafted by the Paleo-Indian
Clovis people, as well as the last bones of the mammoths the Clovis hunted. 

From the odd composition of the Gainey samples, Topping and Firestone
inferred that the sediments had been tagged 12,900 years ago by radiation
from a nearby supernova that devastated the Western Hemisphere. In late
2004, Allen West, a retired geophysical consultant in Prescott, Arizona,
offered to help with the by-then-stalled project. Other specialists soon
came on board. West collected most of the samples and funded much of the
work with $70,000 of his own fun money. 

Given new evidence, the researchers have discarded the supernova scenario in
favor of a major collision. They believe the impacting object contributed
many of their proposed markers: iridium; irregularly shaped metallic grains,
some extraordinarily high in titanium; the same metallic grains melted into
microspherules; nanodiamonds; fullerenes carrying extraterrestrial helium;
and excess potassium-40. These markers have no way of being produced except
by impact, Firestone said at a press conference at the meeting. The
collision with Earth, they propose, produced other markers: soot and
charcoal from global wildfires; vesicular carbon microspherules; and melted,
glasslike carbon. The latter two carry the nanodiamonds. 

Because they have found no crater or shocked minerals, West and Firestone
say the alien object probably did not slam into the ground. They believe an
icy comet several kilometers in diameter and dirtied with rock and carbon
approached Earth and broke up into bits, as comet Shoemaker- Levy did before
it hit Jupiter in 1994. Each fragment exploded in the atmosphere over North
America before reaching the ground, in their scenario. The resulting shock

[meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images: May 28 - June 1, 2007

2007-06-01 Thread Ron Baalke

May 28 - June 1, 2007

o Sinuous Ridge (Released 28 May 2007)

o Dunes (Released 29 May 2007)

o Ice Edge (Released 30 May 2007)

o Fractures (Released 31 May 2007)

o Crater Dunes (Released 01 June 2007)

All of the THEMIS images are archived here:


NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission 
for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. The Thermal Emission 
Imaging System (THEMIS) was developed by Arizona State University,
Tempe, in co.oration with Raytheon Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. 
The THEMIS investigation is led by Dr. Philip Christensen at Arizona State 
University. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, is the prime contractor 
for the Odyssey project, and developed and built the orbiter. Mission 
operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed Martin and from JPL, a 
division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mars Exploration Rover Update - May 31, 2007

2007-06-01 Thread Ron Baalke


SPIRIT UPDATE: Remarkable Rover Continues to Astonish - sol 1200-1206,
May 31, 2007:

Spirit is still making new discoveries despite dragging its feet, so to
speak, after losing use of the right front wheel 426 sols, or Martian
days, ago. In the process of creating small trenches while traversing
Martian terrain, the dragging right front wheel revealed one of the most
astonishing discoveries so far -- exceptionally high silica content in
Martian soil, indicative of water at some point in the past. Two of
Spirit's scientific instruments -- the alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer
and the miniature thermal emission spectrometer -- measured a
composition of about 90 percent pure silica in a soil target known as
Gertrude Weise.

Sol-by-sol summary:

In addition to daily observations of atmospheric dust levels using the
panoramic camera and surveys of the sky and ground using the miniature
thermal emission spectrometer, Spirit completed the following activities:

Sol 1200 (May 19, 2007): Spirit started a 23.25-hour study with the
Moessbauer spectrometer and surveyed the rover's tracks as well as
targets known as Josephine Kabick, Nalda Phillips1, Nalda
Phillips2, Marilyn Olinger, and Eileen Burmeister with the
miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Sol 1201: Spirit watched for morning dust devils, stowed the robotic
arm, and bumped backward in 60-centimeter (24-inch) steps, or
intervals. After each step, Spirit scuffed the soil with the left front
wheel by rotating the wheel 180 degrees. The rover did this for a
distance of 4.19 meters (13.8 feet). After the drive, Spirit acquired
images of the scuffed terrain and the terrain ahead with the navigation

Sol 1202: Spirit completed a survey at high sun using the panoramic
camera. Spirit acquired panoramic camera images of the scuffed area and
surveyed Gertrude Weise with the miniature thermal emission
spectrometer. The rover searched for dust devils by acquiring navigation
camera movies in coordination with overhead observations by the High
Resolution Science Imaging Experiment on board the Mars Reconnaissance

Sol 1203: Spirit monitored dust on the rover mast and watched for dust
devils in the morning. Spirit acquired navigation camera images before
driving 6.68 meters (21.9 feet) around obstacles en route to Home
Plate. After the drive, Spirit acquired images with the hazard
avoidance cameras and navigation camera.

Sol 1204: Spirit spent the first part of the sol analyzing the rover's
external calibration target with the miniature thermal emission
spectrometer, searching for clouds with the navigation camera, and
acquiring movies in search of dust devils with the navigation camera.
The rover then acquired image mosaics of the dune field known as El
Dorado with the panoramic camera in addition to systematic foreground
data with the miniature thermal emission spectrometer. Spirit acquired
navigation camera images, searched again for dust devils, and acquired
more panoramic camera images.

Sol 1205: Spirit completed a systematic ground survey with the panoramic
camera, unstowed the robotic arm, brushed the surface of a target known
as Pesapallo, acquired stereo microscopic images of the surface, then
placed the alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer on it. Spirit acquired data
with the alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer for 18.75 hours.

Sol 1206 (May 25, 2007): Spirit searched for morning dust devils,
retracted the robotic arm, and placed the Moessbauer spectrometer on
Pesapallo. The rover acquired Moessbauer spectrometer data for 23 hours.
Spirit acquired panoramic camera images of a target known as Bullpen
and miniature thermal emission spectrometer data from a target known as
Joyce Steel. The following morning, Spirit was scheduled to conduct a
survey of the horizon with the panoramic camera in addition to studies
with the miniature thermal emission spectrometer.


As of sol 1204 (May 23, 2007), Spirit's total odometry was 7,120.34
meters (4.42 miles).

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images: May 28 - June 1, 2007

2007-06-01 Thread Pete Pete

Hi, all,

This one is very interesting - the curved feature to the bottom of the 

Sinuous Ridge (Released 28 May 2007)

Remnant of an old canal? ;)

I know there are impact/crater experts on this list; Because of the 
seemingly consistent form for quite a length, would this have to be a 
geological feature and not what is left of an old, weathered crater lip?

In the image context map:


there appears to be similar semicircle shapes on both sides of the image...


From: Ron Baalke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com (Meteorite Mailing List)
Subject: [meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images: May 28 - June 1, 2007
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 08:21:58 -0700 (PDT)

May 28 - June 1, 2007

o Sinuous Ridge (Released 28 May 2007)

o Dunes (Released 29 May 2007)

o Ice Edge (Released 30 May 2007)

o Fractures (Released 31 May 2007)

o Crater Dunes (Released 01 June 2007)

All of the THEMIS images are archived here:


NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission
for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. The Thermal Emission
Imaging System (THEMIS) was developed by Arizona State University,
Tempe, in co.oration with Raytheon Santa Barbara Remote Sensing.
The THEMIS investigation is led by Dr. Philip Christensen at Arizona State
University. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, is the prime contractor
for the Odyssey project, and developed and built the orbiter. Mission
operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed Martin and from JPL, a
division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

Meteorite-list mailing list

PC Magazine’s 2007 editors’ choice for best Web mail—award-winning Windows 
Live Hotmail. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] frebies and givaways

2007-06-01 Thread steve arnold
Hi list.I hope all are well.I just want to let
everyone know who won freebies,all will finally be
mailed out this weekend.I also hope you all enjoy your
free stuff.

steve arnold

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
  Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
  in Gao Meteorites!
  Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites


Shape Yahoo! in your own image.  Join our Network Research Panel today!   

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] frebies and givaways

2007-06-01 Thread LITIG8NSHARK
In a message dated 6/1/2007 1:51:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Hi list.I hope all are well.I just want to let
everyone know who won freebies,all will finally be
mailed out this weekend.I also hope you all enjoy your
free stuff.

steve arnold

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!

Good afternoon Folks,

An Open Letter to (Chicago) Steve Arnold

Re  June 19, 1999--a day which will live in infamy.  
Despite the scores of annual requests you receive from List members, pleading 
with you to cease your endless aggrandizement, egocentric self-promotion, 
abuse of bandwidth, and generally insufferable banter, you continue your abuse 
a rate which shouts from the rooftops how little respect you have for the 
vast majority of List members.

Case in point:  Is it really necessary to inform the entire List that your “
freebies” de jure will be mailed out this weekend?  Honestly, Steve, you 
certainly must have the email addresses of those folks who you are sending your 
rocks to.  Contact them directly if you must, not via the list.  While I don't 
claim to speak for all List members on this topic, I, for one, don't give a rip 
when it is that you are mailing your rocks out.  

Please allow common sense and common courtesy to dictate your posting habits. 
 In the alternative, drop your computer system in the nearest lake and listen 
to the collective sigh of relief across the planet.

Paul Martyn 

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] frebies and givaways

2007-06-01 Thread JKGwilliam
I agree with Paul 110%.  If anyone else out there 
is tired of the crap, please waste a little 
bandwidth for a good cause and let everyone know 
how you feel.  This is one circumstance where 
your vote might actually mean something.

Have a good weekend,

John Gwilliam

At 11:43 AM 6/1/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 6/1/2007 1:51:09 PM Eastern 
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
writes: Hi list.I hope all are well.I just want 
to let everyone know who won freebies,all will 
finally be mailed out this weekend.I also hope 
you all enjoy your free stuff. steve arnold 
Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!! Collecting 
Meteorites since 06/19/1999!! 
Good afternoon Folks, An Open Letter to 
(Chicago) Steve Arnold Re  June 19, 1999--a day 
which will live in infamy.  Steve, Despite the 
scores of annual requests you receive from List 
members, pleading with you to cease your endless 
aggrandizement, egocentric self-promotion, abuse 
of bandwidth, and generally insufferable banter, 
you continue your abuse at a rate which shouts 
from the rooftops how little respect you have 
for the vast majority of List members. Case in 
point:  Is it really necessary to inform the 
entire List that your “ freebies” de jure 
will be mailed out this weekend?  Honestly, 
Steve, you certainly must have the email 
addresses of those folks who you are sending 
your rocks to.  Contact them directly if you 
must, not via the list.  While I don't claim to 
speak for all List members on this topic, I, for 
one, don't give a rip when it is that you are 
mailing your rocks out.  Please allow common 
sense and common courtesy to dictate your 
posting habits. In the alternative, drop your 
computer system in the nearest lake and listen 
to the collective sigh of relief across the 
planet. Paul Martyn 
** See 
what's free at http://www.aol.com. 
Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] frebies and givaways

2007-06-01 Thread David Weir
E-mail filters have already been invented. If you have more brains than 
Stevie you can likely figure out how to use it.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - New Meteorites For Sale Page

2007-06-01 Thread Paul Harris

Dear List,

Our new Meteorites For Sale page is finally ready for you to browse.

I start by stating what this new page isn't. Our page isn't trying to be 
a replacement for the Meteorite Dealers own page, nor are we trying to 
replace ebay. Rob Wesel said best when he described meteorite.com as a 
portal to get you where you want to go.

- Search Engine to search dealers inventory and dealers current ebay 
items. Quickly see who has what you're looking for.
- An ebay lookup window to see which dealers currently have ebay 
auctions running - then click on dealer name to see.their auctions.

- Quickly check what's on ebay without having to leave site.
- See the latest free meteorite classifieds from Meteorite-Times.
- Free enhanced Meteorite Dealer listing

See new page here:

Meteorite Dealers can add their free listing here: (please note: it 
takes 1-1/2 to 2 hours of work per listing so please be patient - thank you)


We hope you find our new page useful.

Thank you,

Paul and Jim
The Meteorite Exchange, Inc.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Shergotty a eucrite ... not: Then and Now

2007-06-01 Thread bernd . pauli
Hello List,

We all know that the acronym SNC stands for the three typical samples of the 
Shergotty, Nakhla, and Chassigny. But 135 years ago, G. Tschermak was still 
of the exotic nature of these meteorites and grouped them with the eucrites. In 
he wrote: Shergotty, which I described several years ago, should also be 
included with
the eucrites. It is a conspicuously granular rock consisting essentially of 
dull yellow-gray
grains and prisms, which were found to be augite, and water-clear glassy grains 
and laths.
The latter resemble no known mineral; I named this material maskelynite.

The SNC's must have come from a different parent body - different from Earth, 
from our Moon,
and from the parent body or bodies of the HED suite. This is reflected in the 
displacement of
their oxygen isotopes when plotted in a diagram (see O.R. Norton's Encyclopedia 
of Meteorites,
p. 157, Fig. 8,15). Another telling feature of the SNC group is their young 
crystallization ages
- in other words they must have come from a celestial neighbor where volcanic 
activity was an
ongoing process not too long ago.

According to Susanne Schwenzer et al., the following observations are
considered highly indicative of a Martian origin of the SNC meteorites:

1. SNC meteorites belong to one group, as proven by many chemical and isotopic
investigations, pointing to a common parent body.

2. All SNC meteorites are differentiated magmatic rocks, with some of them 
volcanic textures.

3. The young crystallization ages of 1.3 Gyr, requiring a parent body that 
still shows
igneous activity at such a late time in solar system history.

4. Direct evidence from Viking 1, when the concentrations and compositions of 
noble gases
in the Martian atmosphere were measured and compared to those found in SNC 
in our collections.

5. The rovers Spirit and Opportunity found rocks on Mars with chemical 
signatures identical
to those of some of the Martian meteorites in our collections (Bounce Rock, for 
example, has
geochemical characteristics, such as the Fe/Mg ratio, consistent with that of 


Schwenzer S. et al. (2007) Noble gases in mineral separates from three 
Shergotty, Zagami, and EETA79001 (MAPS 42-3, pp. 387-412, Introduction).

Best wishes,


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] frebies and givaways

2007-06-01 Thread Jerry A. Wallace

Well said, Paul.

I completely agree with your analysis. After years of going around in 

over this issue, I have come to the conclusion that there is no cure for a
self-aggrandizing imbecile who has pleaded guilty on all counts of list 

apologized numerous times and promised to reform, but never has. He reminds
me of a number of politicians who have the same disorder.

In psychiatric/psychology terms Steve's condition is generally referred 
to as
Dependent Personality Disorder. This is a treatable condition, but 

suggestions from folks who really only want to talk about meteorite related
topics have little or no effect upon the subject (that being Steve in 
this instance.)

I would suggest to Steve that in order to live a much more fulfilling 
life in a more
normal way that perhaps he should take a break from meteorites for 
awhile and
seek professional help. Then come back when you're fixed. Good luck with 

Paul, thanks for speaking up (again).

Best regards,

Jerry Wallace
Odessa, Texas

In a message dated 6/1/2007 1:51:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

Hi list.I hope all are well.I just want to let
everyone know who won freebies,all will finally be
mailed out this weekend.I also hope you all enjoy your
free stuff.

steve arnold

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!

Good afternoon Folks,

An Open Letter to (Chicago) Steve Arnold

Re  June 19, 1999--a day which will live in infamy.  
Despite the scores of annual requests you receive from List members, pleading 
with you to cease your endless aggrandizement, egocentric self-promotion, 
abuse of bandwidth, and generally insufferable banter, you continue your abuse at 
a rate which shouts from the rooftops how little respect you have for the 
vast majority of List members.

Case in point:  Is it really necessary to inform the entire List that your “
freebies” de jure will be mailed out this weekend?  Honestly, Steve, you 
certainly must have the email addresses of those folks who you are sending your 
rocks to.  Contact them directly if you must, not via the list.  While I don't 
claim to speak for all List members on this topic, I, for one, don't give a rip 
when it is that you are mailing your rocks out.  

Please allow common sense and common courtesy to dictate your posting habits. 
 In the alternative, drop your computer system in the nearest lake and listen 
to the collective sigh of relief across the planet.

Paul Martyn 

** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] frebies and givaways

2007-06-01 Thread Michael L Blood
You guys are a hoot. Case in point: Asking Chicago Steve to ,
Please allow common sense and common courtesy to dictate your
posting habits. I mean come on! Really! If he had access to either
of these skills don't you know he would use them - at least
Personally, I giggle every time I read one of his posts - and the
more outlandish, the harder I laugh - not because Steve is so off the
wall, but because inside my head I am dancing with delight in anticipation
of the list members who will soon be bouncing off the walls, threatening
to leave the list, cursing him out, calling him names, etc. It never ceases
to amaze and entertain me that grown men who supposedly have more
sense than Chicago Steve are lacking in the most basic understanding
and insight into his level of functioning. I mean it is like a father who
threatens to leave home because his two year old repeatedly tracks
dirt into the house or gets sticky stuff on his hands. And the funniest
thing of all is the self righteous indignation people have about this.
What don't you get? Would you repeatedly become enraged at a two
year old who repeatedly knocked over his milk at the dinner table and
got his sleeve in the mashed potatoes?
Some people just don't have the same wiring those more fortunate
than they. Some of them became serial killers, some are homeless and talk
to themselves, many are in prison, etc. Chicago Steve clearly TRIES
to be as good a guy as he can be. Unfortunately, that is more than can
be said for many of us. I know it is not always true of me.
Demanding that Steve practice common sense is a riot! And all
of this from people who KNOW what is going to be in his posts before
they open them - yet INSIST on reading them and then DEMAND that
HE change! (they shouldn't have to use the delete key or use an
email blocker - it isn't fair.) Common, guys, you're killing me! It isn't
as funny as Louis Black... but almost...
Best wishes, Michael

on 6/1/07 11:55 AM, JKGwilliam at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree with Paul 110%.  If anyone else out there
 is tired of the crap, please waste a little
 bandwidth for a good cause and let everyone know
 how you feel.  This is one circumstance where
 your vote might actually mean something.
 Have a good weekend,
 John Gwilliam
 At 11:43 AM 6/1/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 6/1/2007 1:51:09 PM Eastern
 Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 writes: Hi list.I hope all are well.I just want
 to let everyone know who won freebies,all will
 finally be mailed out this weekend.I also hope
 you all enjoy your free stuff. steve arnold
 Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!! Collecting
 Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
 Good afternoon Folks, An Open Letter to
 (Chicago) Steve Arnold Re  June 19, 1999--a day
 which will live in infamy.  Steve, Despite the
 scores of annual requests you receive from List
 members, pleading with you to cease your endless
 aggrandizement, egocentric self-promotion, abuse
 of bandwidth, and generally insufferable banter,
 you continue your abuse at a rate which shouts
 from the rooftops how little respect you have
 for the vast majority of List members. Case in
 point:  Is it really necessary to inform the
 entire List that your “ freebies” de jure
 will be mailed out this weekend?  Honestly,
 Steve, you certainly must have the email
 addresses of those folks who you are sending
 your rocks to.  Contact them directly if you
 must, not via the list.  While I don't claim to
 speak for all List members on this topic, I, for
 one, don't give a rip when it is that you are
 mailing your rocks out.  Please allow common
 sense and common courtesy to dictate your
 posting habits. In the alternative, drop your
 computer system in the nearest lake and listen
 to the collective sigh of relief across the
 planet. Paul Martyn
 ** See
 what's free at http://www.aol.com.
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Shergotty a eucrite ... not: Then and Now

2007-06-01 Thread Gerald Flaherty
Bernd and List, # 5 is definitely a NEW item and well worth a bonus point. 
Thanks for the update Bernd.

Jerry Flaherty
- Original Message - 

To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 2:25 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Shergotty a eucrite ... not: Then and Now

Hello List,

We all know that the acronym SNC stands for the three typical samples of 
the group:
Shergotty, Nakhla, and Chassigny. But 135 years ago, G. Tschermak was 
still unaware
of the exotic nature of these meteorites and grouped them with the 
eucrites. In 1872,
he wrote: Shergotty, which I described several years ago, should also be 
included with
the eucrites. It is a conspicuously granular rock consisting essentially 
of dull yellow-gray
grains and prisms, which were found to be augite, and water-clear glassy 
grains and laths.

The latter resemble no known mineral; I named this material maskelynite.

The SNC's must have come from a different parent body - different from 
Earth, from our Moon,
and from the parent body or bodies of the HED suite. This is reflected in 
the displacement of
their oxygen isotopes when plotted in a diagram (see O.R. Norton's 
Encyclopedia of Meteorites,
p. 157, Fig. 8,15). Another telling feature of the SNC group is their 
young crystallization ages
- in other words they must have come from a celestial neighbor where 
volcanic activity was an

ongoing process not too long ago.

According to Susanne Schwenzer et al., the following observations are
considered highly indicative of a Martian origin of the SNC meteorites:

1. SNC meteorites belong to one group, as proven by many chemical and 

investigations, pointing to a common parent body.

2. All SNC meteorites are differentiated magmatic rocks, with some of them 

volcanic textures.

3. The young crystallization ages of 1.3 Gyr, requiring a parent body that 
still shows

igneous activity at such a late time in solar system history.

4. Direct evidence from Viking 1, when the concentrations and compositions 
of noble gases
in the Martian atmosphere were measured and compared to those found in SNC 

in our collections.

5. The rovers Spirit and Opportunity found rocks on Mars with chemical 
signatures identical
to those of some of the Martian meteorites in our collections (Bounce 
Rock, for example, has
geochemical characteristics, such as the Fe/Mg ratio, consistent with that 
of shergottites).


Schwenzer S. et al. (2007) Noble gases in mineral separates from three 

Shergotty, Zagami, and EETA79001 (MAPS 42-3, pp. 387-412, Introduction).

Best wishes,


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] frebies and givaways

2007-06-01 Thread Bill
It's wonderful that you're amused by all this Mikey but I believe you're a 
minority of one, at least to the extent that YOU appear to be entertained.

To let Steve run amok without scolding would be just as irresponsible as to let 
that little two year old you speak of do the same. 

Didn't a new guy ask what the deal with Steve was the other day? There must be 
alot more wondering the same thing. Maybe you know he's a hopeless buffoon, 
with a very nasty streak by the way, others need to be informed before they 
have a problem.

Ultimately, I don't care what Steve does as long as he does it once a week and 
keeps me off his personal mailing list which he harvested here.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 13:52:45 -0700
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] frebies and givaways
 You guys are a hoot. Case in point: Asking Chicago Steve to ,
 Please allow common sense and common courtesy to dictate your
 posting habits. I mean come on! Really! If he had access to either
 of these skills don't you know he would use them - at least
 Personally, I giggle every time I read one of his posts - and the
 more outlandish, the harder I laugh - not because Steve is so off the
 wall, but because inside my head I am dancing with delight in
 of the list members who will soon be bouncing off the walls, threatening
 to leave the list, cursing him out, calling him names, etc. It never
 to amaze and entertain me that grown men who supposedly have more
 sense than Chicago Steve are lacking in the most basic understanding
 and insight into his level of functioning. I mean it is like a father who
 threatens to leave home because his two year old repeatedly tracks
 dirt into the house or gets sticky stuff on his hands. And the funniest
 thing of all is the self righteous indignation people have about this.
 What don't you get? Would you repeatedly become enraged at a two
 year old who repeatedly knocked over his milk at the dinner table and
 got his sleeve in the mashed potatoes?
 Some people just don't have the same wiring those more
 than they. Some of them became serial killers, some are homeless and talk
 to themselves, many are in prison, etc. Chicago Steve clearly TRIES
 to be as good a guy as he can be. Unfortunately, that is more than can
 be said for many of us. I know it is not always true of me.
 Demanding that Steve practice common sense is a riot! And all
 of this from people who KNOW what is going to be in his posts before
 they open them - yet INSIST on reading them and then DEMAND that
 HE change! (they shouldn't have to use the delete key or use an
 email blocker - it isn't fair.) Common, guys, you're killing me! It
 as funny as Louis Black... but almost...
 Best wishes, Michael
 on 6/1/07 11:55 AM, JKGwilliam at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree with Paul 110%.  If anyone else out there
 is tired of the crap, please waste a little
 bandwidth for a good cause and let everyone know
 how you feel.  This is one circumstance where
 your vote might actually mean something.
 Have a good weekend,
 John Gwilliam
 At 11:43 AM 6/1/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 6/1/2007 1:51:09 PM Eastern
 Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 writes: Hi list.I hope all are well.I just want
 to let everyone know who won freebies,all will
 finally be mailed out this weekend.I also hope
 you all enjoy your free stuff. steve arnold
 Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!! Collecting
 Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
 Good afternoon Folks, An Open Letter to
 (Chicago) Steve Arnold Re  June 19, 1999--a day
 which will live in infamy.  Steve, Despite the
 scores of annual requests you receive from List
 members, pleading with you to cease your endless
 aggrandizement, egocentric self-promotion, abuse
 of bandwidth, and generally insufferable banter,
 you continue your abuse at a rate which shouts
 from the rooftops how little respect you have
 for the vast majority of List members. Case in
 point:  Is it really necessary to inform the
 entire List that your “ freebies” de jure
 will be mailed out this weekend?  Honestly,
 Steve, you certainly must have the email
 addresses of those folks who you are sending
 your rocks to.  Contact them directly if you
 must, not via the list.  While I don't claim to
 speak for all List members on this topic, I, for
 one, don't give a rip when it is that you are
 mailing your rocks out.  Please allow common
 sense and common courtesy to dictate your
 posting habits. In the alternative, drop your
 computer system in the nearest lake and listen
 to the collective sigh of relief across the
 planet. Paul Martyn
 ** See
 what's free at http://www.aol.com.

[meteorite-list] Cuts Threaten World's Largest Telescope in Arecibo

2007-06-01 Thread Ron Baalke


Cuts Threaten World's Largest Telescope
Associated Press 
June 1, 2007

ARECIBO, Puerto Rico - Engineers will travel to this Puerto Rican
coastal town in coming weeks to study whether to shut down the world's
largest radio telescope, which was featured in the movie Contact but
now faces steep budget cuts, observatory officials said Thursday.

Opened in 1963, the Arecibo telescope, a 1,000-foot-wide dish set in a
sinkhole amid forested hills, bounces radio waves off asteroids and
charts their location, speed and course. It has recorded a number of
scientific discoveries, including the first planets beyond the solar
system and lakes of hydrocarbons on Saturn's moon Titan.

But fears that it could face extinction began late last year, when a
panel commissioned by the National Science Foundation, a U.S. federal
agency, called for deep budget cuts and said officials should consider
eliminating it entirely at the end of the decade.

Observatory officials said Thursday the impending study does not mean
the complex will close entirely - at least not immediately.

That's not our desire. But we are looking at this for planning
purposes, said Richard Barvainis, program manager of the National
Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, which includes the Arecibo observatory.

The Arecibo telescope appeared in Contact, a 1997 Jodie Foster movie
based on the Carl Sagan book about the search for extraterrestrial life.
It also gained fame in the 1995 James Bond movie Goldeneye, in which
the telescope's platform, suspended like a giant steel spider 450 feet
above the dish, figured in a climactic fight scene.

The telescope's budget will plummet from $10.5 million this year to $4
million by 2010, Barvainis said, with the savings going to construct a
telescope 20 times more powerful, perhaps in Australia or South Africa.

Owned by the National Science Foundation and operated by Cornell
University, the Arecibo facility is receiving a makeover to persuade
federal officials to keep it open, including a $3.5 million paint job to
keep its steel structure from corroding in the humid Caribbean air.

Officials said that regardless of what happens with the possible budget
cuts, the telescope's visitor center, which draws about 120,000 people a
year, would remain open.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Mr. Altman. RE: Mr. Sterling and Larry

2007-06-01 Thread Chris Merry
Hello Greg,

What's so stupid about this?  Alot of what I see on this list is Steve 
Arnold getting bashed and here recently of course the Mr. Sterling and Larry 
thing with those guys bashing Christians.  But that's ok, right?  Also, I 
remember there was another list member talking about a meteorite giveway of 
some meteorites he found in his belly button and he was going to give away 
to the 300th something emailer.  Hmmm-mm  I was waiting for another one of 
you folks to bring up this meteor list subject propriety issue.  So, also (good 
gracious, I'm sounding like a broken record),  all you guys can do, so far 
is cuss, such as an individual using abbreviation of GD, plus Mr. Garrison's 
(bless his 
heart) personal email to me off list that was very off color and imporper 
and mean (I still maintain he's the most venemous and sad individual on the 
list), and of course, he's so brave that he won't receive emails from 
me...(a very chicken move).  You who have emailed me so far or made comments 
on the list, (with the exception of Mr. Martin Altman, who I have found to 
be more honorable and mature than the Garrisons and the rest of the meanies 
here put together).  I always had this idea that science was about partly 
about debate.  Even among science ranks, I imagine when someone comes out 
with a new explanation, theory or whatever, that there's plenty of this 
stuff I've got from some of you. 

This whole thing goes back to the fact that I have questioned your religion, 
that is science.  

No doubt, there's folks here whose feathers I've ruffled are great 
mathematicians, physicists, biologists, geologists and just plain brilliant 
people.  But, knowledge and intelligence is not all wrapped up or defined in 
those things totally. I have made you folks mad simply because I have 
questioned you're religion.  I'll tell, I have really enjoyed our little 
debate, though from my opposition, I expected  alot less of this playground, 
put-down (Mr. Garrison shamey...shamey), name calling (Mr. 
Garrison--shamey...shamey) nanna nanna boo boo stuff.  
I'm still waiting for one of you folks to tell me something of substance (ain't 
that what you thrive on?), and not be sandbox/playground bullies.  

Since I've been 
reading the postings on this list, this is the most excitement I have seen 
generated here ever--a good bit of bringin' it on and takin' it on, a bit of 
quoting the Bible too me out of context (but I applaud your efforts) and 
just plain good old fashioned gettin' irked.  Really, it is a great exercise 
for me, 
as I'm the only one on my side.  Take for instance Larry of Mr. Sterling and 
Larry fame, I believe he's a 
professor or something at Arizona if I remember correctly and obviously an 
exceptionally intelligent individual, I've had the chance to take on 
something that someone like that has put forth in a posting, though it was 
something he said in an off color way.  Also, some of you who have answered 
my posts, you are great men and women of the sciences and so on and the 
things you know are simply mind blowing.  I seriously mean that. 
Thenthere's me.  Hey, I just one simple individual that likes a good 

But, Mr. Hupe, you folks fired the first shot...keep that in mind.  I 
must go now, I have more fan mail to answer.  

Really, I have enjoyed hearing from you and the rest of the hommies on the 
meteorite list.

Take care,
Chris Merry

  - Original Message - 
  From: Greg Hupe 
  To: Chris Merry 
  Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:31 AM
  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mr. Altman. RE: Mr. Sterling and Larry


  I think we have had enough of this NON-meteorite-related talk. I for one am 
tired of the emails!

  Best regards,

  - Original Message - 
From: Chris Merry 
To: meteorite-list 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 7:19 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Mr. Altman. RE: Mr. Sterling and Larry

Mr. Altman,
I was wondering when one of you guys were gonna crawl out and come at me, 
thanks for being among the first. Obviously you are threatend by free speech, 
unless it is your viewpoint.  
Like I said belive how you wish...I guess to you it is alright to put 
Chirstians down, just leave the science alone.  It also says in the Bible, to 
paraphrase, a fool says there is no God.  

Back to stones, please.  Man go talk to your buds Mr. Steling and Larry, 
they started this!

Any great to hear from you, I always like to mix it up a bit.  :-) 


Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Zag Sale

2007-06-01 Thread AstronomicalResearchNetwork

I have a beautiful crusted fragment of Zag (a) 1,760 gram
Price $2,500 plus shipping http://www.meteorites4sale.net/ZAG.htm
Also come look at my website most items 30 to 50 % off Ask !!!

Thanks for looking Ken Regelman 
Astronomical Research Network

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Monthly Favourite - June 2007

2007-06-01 Thread Jeff Kuyken


Jeff Kuyken
Meteorites Australia

Meteorite-list mailing list