[meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2013-10-08 Thread valparint
Today's Meteorite Picture of the Day: Sikhote Alin

Contributed by: Tomasz Jakubowski


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[meteorite-list] New Resaerch On Libyan Desert Glass

2013-10-08 Thread Paul H.
Note: In the below news articles, I not responsible 
for their content. Blame either the reporters or the
original press release for any inaccuracies.

First ever evidence of a comet striking Earth, Physorg.

Scientists in Comet Strike Discovery, AllAfrica.com

Comet Rained ‘Shock Wave of Fire’ on Sahara Desert
By Antony Sguazzin, Bloomberg, October 8, 2013 

Comet collided with earth 28 million years ago: 
researchers, Toronto Sun, October 8, 2103


Paul H.

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[meteorite-list] India Putting Final Touches on Mars-bound Spacecraft (MOM)

2013-10-08 Thread Ron Baalke


India putting final touches on Mars-bound spacecraft
October 7, 2013

India's first Mars probe is preparing for launch in late October on a 
trial run to the red planet to lay the technological foundation for future 
Indian deep space missions.
Set for liftoff as soon as Oct. 28, the Mars Orbiter Mission will demonstrate 
deep space navigation and communications, interplanetary travel, spacecraft 
autonomy, and the complex make-or-break rocket burn to place the spacecraft 
in orbit around Mars.

Only the United States, Russia and the European Space Agency have successfully 
dispatched robots to Mars before. The Indian Space Research Organization 
hopes to be the fourth space agency to accomplish  the feat.

The Indian orbiter also carries a small camera to return medium-resolution 
color imagery of the Martian terrain, a thermal infrared spectrometer 
to measure the chemical composition of the surface, and instruments to 
assess the Mars atmosphere, including a methane detector.

But Indian officials rank the orbiter's technological objectives higher 
than its science goals, according to J.N. Goswami, director of ISRO's 
Physical Research Laboratory and a top scientist on the Mars Orbiter Mission.

Goswami gave a briefing on the mission in March at the Lunar and Planetary 
Science Conference in Houston.

Engineers put together the Mars Orbiter Mission in quick time. Goswami 
said ISRO approved the mission in August 2011, with all the hardware assembled 
on the orbiter in less than two years.

Designers based the spacecraft on the Chandrayaan 1 lunar orbiter, which 
India successfully placed in orbit around the moon in November 2008 and 
successfully operated until August 2009.
The $73 million Mars Orbiter Mission has a launch window opening Oct. 
28 and extending through Nov. 19.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is providing communications and navigation 
support for the mission, which requires the use of NASA's Deep Space Network, 
a set of three tracking stations in California, Spain and Australia.

Indian scientists last week feared the partial shutdown of the U.S. government 
- caused by political wrangling in Washington - could threaten India's 
access to NASA's tracking and navigation expertise.

NASA/JPL authorities have reaffirmed support for the Mars Orbiter Mission 
as planned and stated that the current U.S. government partial shutdown 
will not affect the schedule of Mars Orbiter Mission, ISRO said in a 
statement released Saturday.

The spacecraft arrived at the Satish Dhawan Space Center on India's east 
coast Thursday after an overland trip from its factory and test facility 
in Bangalore.

Over the next three weeks, technicians will add rocket fuel to the spacecraft, 
which is about the size of a compact car. Then engineers will hoist the 
2,976-pound probe atop an amped-up version of India's Polar Satellite 
Launch Vehicle called the PSLV XL.

Boosted by enlarged strap-on rocket motors, the PSLV will hurl the Mars-bound 
spacecraft into an elliptical loop with a peak altitude about 14,300 miles 
above Earth.

The Mars Orbiter Mission will propel itself out of the grasp of Earth's 
gravity with six engine burns, concluding the escape maneuvers around 
Nov. 30 and embarking on a 10-month interplanetary cruise to the red planet.

Arrival at Mars is scheduled for Sept. 21, 2014, one day before the arrival 
NASA's MAVEN Mars orbiter, which is on track for launch directly to Mars 
from Florida on Nov. 18.

The Indian spacecraft will enter an orbit ranging in altitude from 234 
miles to nearly 50,000 miles above Mars, completing a lap around the planet 
every 3.2 days.


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[meteorite-list] AD - New amazing L-Melt Breccia NWA 8013 (+ ebays sales ending today :-)

2013-10-08 Thread Fabien Kuntz

I wouldlike to introduce here my new L-Melt breccia NWA 8013, professionaly 
cutted and polished to mirror finish in one side, (natural the other, no saw 
marks) : 


This meteorite consists on large clasts of L chondrite in a melted matrix 
(melted parts are impressive in reflected light). Some of the clasts looks like 
classical L type chondrite, they have not been affected by shock, and other are 
shock-darkened clasts, inside in the river of melt !

In some slices you can found dual clasts, fragments with chondritic structure 
and partialy darkened in a more or less big area...

This IMB with high contrast is priced very reasonably if you compare to other 
mlaterial of this kind... Check it 


AND DONT FORGET, ebay sales ending today !


Regards, Fabien

Fabien Kuntz
Météorites (ventes, expertise, conférences)
Animation scientifique et technique
WWMETEORITES (Siret : 511 850 612 00017)

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[meteorite-list] First Ever Evidence Of A Comet Striking Earth

2013-10-08 Thread Ron Baalke


First ever evidence of a comet striking earth 
University of Johannesburg
October 8, 2013

The first ever evidence of a comet entering Earth's atmosphere and exploding, 
raining down a shock wave of fire which obliterated every life form in 
its path, has been discovered by a team of South African scientists and 
international collaborators, and will be presented at a public lecture 
on Thursday.

The discovery has not only provided the first definitive proof of a comet 
striking Earth, millions of years ago, but it could also help us to unlock, 
in the future, the secrets of the formation of our solar system.
Comets always visit our skies - they're these dirty snowballs of ice 
mixed with dust - but never before in history has material from a comet 
ever been found on Earth, says Professor David Block of Wits University.
The comet entered Earth's atmosphere above Egypt about 28 million years 
ago. As it entered the atmosphere, it exploded, heating up the sand beneath 
it to a temperature of about 2 000 degrees Celsius, and resulting in the 
formation of a huge amount of yellow silica glass which lies scattered 
over a 6 000 square kilometer area in the Sahara. A magnificent specimen 
of the glass, polished by ancient jewellers, is found in Tutankhamun's 
brooch with its striking yellow-brown scarab.

The research, which will be published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 
was conducted by a collaboration of geoscientists, physicists  and astronomers 
including Block, lead author Professor Jan Kramers of the University of 
Johannesburg, Dr Marco Andreoli of the South African Nuclear Energy 
and Chris Harris of the University of Cape Town. 
At the centre of the attention of this team was a mysterious black pebble 
found years earlier by an Egyptian geologist in the area of the silica 
glass. After conducting highly sophisticated chemical analyses on this 
pebble, the authors came to the inescapable conclusion that it represented 
the very first known hand specimen of a comet nucleus, rather than simply 
an unusual type of meteorite.
Kramers describes this as a moment of career defining elation. It's a 
typical scientific euphoria when you eliminate all other options and come 
to the realisation of what it must be, he said.
The impact of the explosion also produced microscopic diamonds. Diamonds 
are produced from carbon bearing material. Normally they form deep in 
the earth, where the pressure is high, but you can also generate very 
high pressure with shock. Part of the comet impacted and the shock of 
the impact produced the diamonds, says Kramers.
The team have named the diamond-bearing pebble Hypatia in honour of 
the first well known female mathematician, astronomer and philosopher, 
Hypatia of Alexandria.
Comet material is very elusive. Comet fragments have not been found on 
Earth before except as microscopic sized dust particles in the upper atmosphere 
and some carbon-rich dust in the Antarctic ice. Space agencies have spent 
billions to secure the smallest amounts of pristine comet matter.
NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) spend billions of dollars collecting 
a few micrograms of comet material and bringing it back to Earth, and 
now we've got a radical new approach of studying this material, without 
spending billions of dollars collecting it, says Kramers.
The study of Hypatia has grown into an international collaborative research 
programme, coordinated by Andreoli, which involves a growing number of 
scientists drawn from a variety of disciplines. Dr Mario di Martino of 
Turin's Astrophysical Observatory has led several expeditions to the desert 
glass area.
Comets contain the very secrets to unlocking the formation of our solar 
system and this discovery gives us an unprecedented opportunity to study 
comet material first hand, says Block.
Public lecture:
Please join Professor Jan Kramers, Professor David Block and Dr Marco 
Andreoli as they reveal their new discovery. 
Date: Thursday, 10 October 2013
Time: 17:30 for 18:00
Venue: Auditorium 3, Wits Science Stadium, West Campus
RSVP: 011 717 1146 or kelebogile.t...@wits.ac.za
High resolution images can be downloaded by left clicking on the images 
available at:
Online paper:
An online version of the scientific journal article can be accessed at:


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[meteorite-list] Juno Spacecraft to Buzz Earth on Oct 9th

2013-10-08 Thread Ron Baalke

Space Weather News for Oct. 8, 2013

JUNO TO BUZZ EARTH: En route to Jupiter, NASA's Juno spacecraft will make 
a very close flyby of Earth on October 9th, only 347 miles above our planet's 
surface. Juno's radio will be turned on, and radio amateurs on Earth will 
be able to communicate with the spacecraft via Morse Code.  Ground tracks 
and further instructions may be found on today's edition of 


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[meteorite-list] Mars Hand Lens Imager Sends Ultra High-Res Photo From Mars (Curiosity Rover)

2013-10-08 Thread Ron Baalke


Alan Fischer
Public Information Officer
Planetary Science Institute

Mars Hand Lens Imager Sends Ultra High-Res Photo From Mars

Oct. 8, 2013, Tucson, Ariz. -- An instrument aboard NASA's Curiosity rover
has sent back to scientists on Earth an ultra high-resolution image of a
penny the rover carried to Mars.

The coin was photographed by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) aboard
Curiosity in northern Gale crater on Mars. The penny, a 1909 VDB penny
minted in Philadelphia during the first year that Lincoln cents became
available, is part of the MAHLI calibration target and came from Earth. The
images were acquired on Oct. 2, on sol 411 - the 411th Martian day - of the

I'm so proud of how beautifully this camera has performed on Mars, said
R. Aileen Yingst, Planetary Science Institute Senior Scientist and deputy
Principal Investigator for MAHLI. I can't wait to apply this newly
available capability to real geologic targets on our way to Mt. Sharp.
At 13.9 micrometers per pixel, this is the highest resolution image that
the MAHLI can acquire, Yingst said. This image was obtained as part of a
test; it was the first time that the rover's robotic arm placed the MAHLI
close enough to a target to obtain MAHLI's highest-possible resolution. The
previous highest-resolution MAHLI images, which were pictures of Martian
rocks, were at 16-17 micrometers per pixel. A micrometer, also known as a
micron, is about 0.39 inches.

Visit http://www.psi.edu/news/MAHLIimage.html to see the penny photographed
on Mars.

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Project provided funding for MAHLI.

The gold medal for highest resolution photographs on Mars goes to NASA's
Phoenix Mars Lander's optical microscope. As a microscope, though,
fine-grained samples had to be delivered to it, whereas MAHLI can be
deployed to look at geologic materials in their natural setting.

R. Aileen Yingst
Senior Scientist

Mark V. Sykes




The Planetary Science Institute is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3)
corporation dedicated to solar system exploration. It is headquartered in
Tucson, Arizona, where it was founded in 1972.

PSI scientists are involved in numerous NASA and international missions,
the study of Mars and other planets, the Moon, asteroids, comets,
interplanetary dust, impact physics, the origin of the solar system,
extra-solar planet formation, dynamics, the rise of life, and other areas
of research. They conduct fieldwork in North America, Australia and Africa.
They also are actively involved in science education and public outreach
through school programs, children's books, popular science books and art.

PSI scientists are based in 20 states and the District of Columbia,
Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Russia, South Africa,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom.



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[meteorite-list] Alamo impact, Nevada, Theses (Online)

2013-10-08 Thread Paul H.
Some online publications about the Alamo
Impact in southeastern Nevada are:

Anderson, J., 2008, Reconstructing the Aftermath 
of the Late Devonian Alamo Meteor Impact in 
the Pahranagat Range, Southeastern Nevada.
unpublished MS thesis, Department of 
Geosciences, Idaho State University, Moscow, 
Idaho, May, 2008. 191 pp.

Retzler, R. J., 2013, Post-Impact Depositional 
Environments as a Proxy for Crater. Architecture, 
Late Devonian, Alamo Impact Event, Nevada.
unpublished MS thesis, Department of 
Geosciences, Idaho State University, Moscow, 
Idaho, Summer 2013. 94 pp.

Sheffield, J. W. 2011, Reassessing Stratigraphic 
Patterns of the Alamo Impact Deposits Using a 
Relational Database and GIS Analytical Tools, 
Lincoln County, Nevada. unpublished MS 
thesis, Department of Geosciences, Idaho State 
University, Moscow, Idaho, May 2010, 
February 2011. 103 pp. 

Thomason, C. J., 2010, Recovery of the carbonate 
platform and fauna in the aftermath of the Late 
Devonian Alamo Impact, Hiko Hills Range, 
Southeastern Nevada. unpublished MS thesis, 
Department of Geosciences, Idaho State 
University, Moscow, Idaho, May 2010. 257 pp.


Paul H.

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[meteorite-list] AD: Auctions End Today ...HUGE SALE!

2013-10-08 Thread michael cottingham

 Check These out:
 Michael Cottingham


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[meteorite-list] AD: Auctions End Today ...HUGE SALE!

2013-10-08 Thread michael cottingham
Check These out:

Michael Cottingham





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[meteorite-list] Sweden Meteor 08OCT2013

2013-10-08 Thread drtanuki
Sweden Meteor 08OCT2013


Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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[meteorite-list] AD - No Reserve Auctions Ending!

2013-10-08 Thread Adam Hupe

Dear List Members,

Just a quick note to let you know I have some great auctions ending in a few 
hours including a couple of NWA 5000 specimens.  No reserves on this evenings 
auctions and started at just 99 cents.

Link to all auctions:

Thank You for looking and if you are bidding, Good Luck



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Re: [meteorite-list] Colorado Fireball Meteor 20:15 Mountain, 07OCT2013

2013-10-08 Thread Chauncey Walden
The Cloudbait (www.cloudbait.com) captured 3 that night; this one at 
8:09, one at 9:56, and a bright one at 11:41. Videos on the site.


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[meteorite-list] AD: Ensisheim, TROUP, Seres, Sutter's Mill, Sylacauga more rare meteorites ending Wed Fri on ebay.

2013-10-08 Thread Shawn Alan
Hello Listers 

Thank you for taking a look at my post of meteorites 
I have for sale on eBay. Here is your chance to own some rare and historic 
meteorites. Please take a look and if you have any questions or OFFERS 
 /or TRADES, please email me and I'll get back with you. Lastly, if you are 
looking for bigger/smaller meteorites, let me know too.  A meteorite is a 
meteorite, but a meteorite with history  legacy, will always add aura 
to your meteorite collection and value.

ebay store

Featured Auctions

PANTAR 141mg meteorite HAMMER FALL - Fell 1938 - Impossible to find ! MUST HAVE

7 Historic meteorite falls LOT - Ensisheim, Albareto, Luce, Barbotan  more

DIEP RIVER historic HAMMER STONE meteorite Very Rare! South Africa

SUTTER’S MILL Meteorite - CA USA C meteorite class April 22, 2012 SUPER RARE

BARWELL 225mg meteorite Christmas meteorite fall/shower UK 1965 - Hammer Fall!

SENA 28mg meteorite 1st fall from Spain from 1773 VERY RARE HISTORIC fall!

WOLD COTTAGE historic meteorite 1795 UK from the British Museum SUPER RARE

SYLACAUGA meteorite - Mrs Hodges Meteorite Strike-Extremely Rare-MAKE AN OFFER!

SUCCESS meteorite fall extremly rare - COA from the Smithsonian-MUST HAVE!

VALERA Cow killing HAMMER STONE meteorite - rare fall with documentation!

Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633 
ebay store

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[meteorite-list] AD:CK3,Jbilet winslwan ,and other Items

2013-10-08 Thread rachid chaoui
Hello List
I have an lot CK3 and Lot Jbilet winslwan and few items for sale
,please contacte me off list for more details
All the best

Rachid Chaoui
IMCA # 4157

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