[meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2013-11-15 Thread valparint
Today's Meteorite Picture of the Day: Unclassified NWA

Contributed by: Hanno Strufe


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Re: [meteorite-list] OT- Security Alert Issued- CryptoLocker Warning

2013-11-15 Thread Jodie Reynolds
Hi Dirk and List,

FoolishIT has a locker that prevents CryptoLocker from running,
called CryptoPrevent.  It's a pretty nice little piece of code.

That said:  Backups.  If one hasn't learned to keep backups of files
they care about by this point, CryptoLocker is probably a cheap

CryptoPrevent can be had free here: 

The premium version offers auto-updating.

--- Jodie

Friday, November 15, 2013, 2:01:03 PM, you wrote:

> OT- Security Alert Issued- CryptoLocker Warning

> List,  This is important because we dont need this infection within
> our list.  Please read carefully.  Thank you. Dirk Ross...Tokyo  

>  CryptoLocker Warning
> NEVER open attachments you are not expecting. Cryptolocker is a  

> particularly bad nasty that you never want to see. Microsoft issued a 
> critical alert about it, and today CERT issued a second alert. I've  
> already had to deal with two small infestations at work, and every  
> affected machine had to be wiped because this malware brings along a  
> bunch of 'friends' to party on the infected machine.

> On Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013, at 15:55 

>> Ghu
> knows I hate the "sky is falling" notes that say "Read This!!!
>> Important!!!.  Well, this actually IS a "Read This!!! Important!!!"  I  
>> just
>> got this from the folks that host my Citrix system.  They are good  
>> (heck, my
>> son worked for 'em for 5 years!).  When they say "this is nasty" they  
>> know
>> of what
> they speak.  I was in Hot Spring, Arkansas, a couple of weeks  
>> ago
>> talking with an IT guy.  He was in the middle of rebuilding a  
>> customer's box
>> that got hit.  If you ARE hit, and you DON'T have appropriate backups,  
>> and
>> you DON'T pay the ransom guys you are, to put it bluntly, screwed.
>> Do NOT open an attachment you are unsure of, even if it comes from  
>> someone
>> you trust.  Emails can be spoofed.

>> ==
>> CryptoLocker is Trojan horse malware which surfaced in late 2013, a  
>> form of
>> ransomware targeting computers running Microsoft Windows. CryptoLocker
>> disguises itself as a legitimate attachment; when activated, the  
>> malware
>> encrypts certain types of files stored on local and mounted network  
>> drives
>> using RSA
> public-key cryptography, with the private key stored only on  
>> the
>> malware's control servers. The malware then displays a message which  
>> offers
>> to decrypt the data if a payment (through either Bitcoin or a pre-paid
>> voucher) is made by a stated deadline, and says that the private key  
>> will be
>> deleted and unavailable for recovery if the deadline passes. If the  
>> deadline
>> is not met, the malware offers to decrypt data via an online service
>> provided by the malware's operators, for a significantly higher price  
>> in
>> Bitcoin.
>> CryptoLocker typically propagates as an attachment to a seemingly  
>> innocuous
>> e-mail (usually taking the appearance of a legitimate company e-mail),  
>> or
>> from a botnet. The attached ZIP file contains an executable file with
>> filename and icon disguised
> as a PDF file, taking advantage of Windows'
>> default behaviour of hiding the extension from file names to disguise  
>> the
>> real .EXE extension. Some instances may actually contain the Zeus  
>> trojan
>> instead, which in turn installs CryptoLocker.[1][2] When first run, the
>> payload installs itself in the Documents and Settings folder with a  
>> random
>> name, and adds a key to the registry that causes it to run on startup.  
>> It
>> then attempts to contact one of several designated command and control
>> servers; once connected, the server then generates a 2048-bit RSA key  
>> pair,
>> and sends the public key back to the infected computer.[1][3] The  
>> server
> may
>> be a local proxy and go through others, frequently relocated in  
>> different
>> countries to make tracing difficult.[4][5]
>> The payload then
> proceeds to begin encrypting files across local hard  
>> drives
>> and mapped network drives with the public key, and logs each file  
>> encrypted
>> to a registry key. The process only encrypts data files with certain
>> extensions, including Microsoft Office, OpenDocument, and other  
>> documents,
>> pictures, and AutoCAD files.[2] The payload then displays a message
>> informing the user that files have been encrypted, and demands a  
>> payment of
>> 300 USD or Euro through an anonymous pre-paid cash voucher (i.e.  
>> MoneyPak or
>> Ukash), or 2 Bitcoin in order to decrypt the files. The payment must  
>> be made
>> within 72 or 100 hours, or else the private key on
> the server would be
>> destroyed, and "nobody and never will be able to restore files."[1][3]
>> Payment of the ransom allows the user to download the decryption  
>> program,
>> which is pre-loaded with the user's private key.[1]
>> In November 2013, the developers of CryptoLocker launched an online  
>> service
>> which claim

[meteorite-list] MN WI Meteor/s 15NOV2013

2013-11-15 Thread drtanuki

MN WI Meteor/s 15NOV2013


Best Regards,  Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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[meteorite-list] Mars Orbiter Mission Successfully Completes Its Fifth Orbit Raise Maneuver

2013-11-15 Thread Ron Baalke


Mars Orbiter Mission
November 16, 2013

The fifth orbit raising manoeuvre of Mars Orbiter Spacecraft, starting 
at 01:27 hrs (IST) on Nov 16, 2013, with a burn Time of 243.5 seconds has 
been successfully completed.The observed change in Apogee is from 118642km 
to 192874km.


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Re: [meteorite-list] OT- Security Alert Issued- CryptoLocker Warning

2013-11-15 Thread drtanuki
OT- Security Alert Issued- CryptoLocker Warning

List,  This is important because we dont need this infection within our list.  
Please read carefully.  Thank you. Dirk Ross...Tokyo  

 CryptoLocker Warning
NEVER open attachments you are not expecting. Cryptolocker is a  

particularly bad nasty that you never want to see. Microsoft issued a  
critical alert about it, and today CERT issued a second alert. I've  
already had to deal with two small infestations at work, and every  
affected machine had to be wiped because this malware brings along a  
bunch of 'friends' to party on the infected machine.

On Wednesday, Nov 13, 2013, at 15:55 

> Ghu
knows I hate the "sky is falling" notes that say "Read This!!!
> Important!!!.  Well, this actually IS a "Read This!!! Important!!!"  I  
> just
> got this from the folks that host my Citrix system.  They are good  
> (heck, my
> son worked for 'em for 5 years!).  When they say "this is nasty" they  
> know
> of what
they speak.  I was in Hot Spring, Arkansas, a couple of weeks  
> ago
> talking with an IT guy.  He was in the middle of rebuilding a  
> customer's box
> that got hit.  If you ARE hit, and you DON'T have appropriate backups,  
> and
> you DON'T pay the ransom guys you are, to put it bluntly, screwed.
> Do NOT open an attachment you are unsure of, even if it comes from  
> someone
> you trust.  Emails can be spoofed.

> ==
> CryptoLocker is Trojan horse malware which surfaced in late 2013, a  
> form of
> ransomware targeting computers running Microsoft Windows. CryptoLocker
> disguises itself as a legitimate attachment; when activated, the  
> malware
> encrypts certain types of files stored on local and mounted network  
> drives
> using RSA
public-key cryptography, with the private key stored only on  
> the
> malware's control servers. The malware then displays a message which  
> offers
> to decrypt the data if a payment (through either Bitcoin or a pre-paid
> voucher) is made by a stated deadline, and says that the private key  
> will be
> deleted and unavailable for recovery if the deadline passes. If the  
> deadline
> is not met, the malware offers to decrypt data via an online service
> provided by the malware's operators, for a significantly higher price  
> in
> Bitcoin.
> CryptoLocker typically propagates as an attachment to a seemingly  
> innocuous
> e-mail (usually taking the appearance of a legitimate company e-mail),  
> or
> from a botnet. The attached ZIP file contains an executable file with
> filename and icon disguised
as a PDF file, taking advantage of Windows'
> default behaviour of hiding the extension from file names to disguise  
> the
> real .EXE extension. Some instances may actually contain the Zeus  
> trojan
> instead, which in turn installs CryptoLocker.[1][2] When first run, the
> payload installs itself in the Documents and Settings folder with a  
> random
> name, and adds a key to the registry that causes it to run on startup.  
> It
> then attempts to contact one of several designated command and control
> servers; once connected, the server then generates a 2048-bit RSA key  
> pair,
> and sends the public key back to the infected computer.[1][3] The  
> server
> be a local proxy and go through others, frequently relocated in  
> different
> countries to make tracing difficult.[4][5]
> The payload then
proceeds to begin encrypting files across local hard  
> drives
> and mapped network drives with the public key, and logs each file  
> encrypted
> to a registry key. The process only encrypts data files with certain
> extensions, including Microsoft Office, OpenDocument, and other  
> documents,
> pictures, and AutoCAD files.[2] The payload then displays a message
> informing the user that files have been encrypted, and demands a  
> payment of
> 300 USD or Euro through an anonymous pre-paid cash voucher (i.e.  
> MoneyPak or
> Ukash), or 2 Bitcoin in order to decrypt the files. The payment must  
> be made
> within 72 or 100 hours, or else the private key on
the server would be
> destroyed, and "nobody and never will be able to restore files."[1][3]
> Payment of the ransom allows the user to download the decryption  
> program,
> which is pre-loaded with the user's private key.[1]
> In November 2013, the developers of CryptoLocker launched an online  
> service
> which claims to allow users to decrypt their files without the  
> CryptoLocker
> program, and to purchase the decryption key after the deadline  
> expires; the
> process involves uploading an encrypted file to the malware site as a
> sample, and waiting for the service to find a match, which the site  
> claims
> would occur within 24 hours. Once a match is found, the user can pay  
> for the
> key online; if the 72-hour deadline has passed, the cost increases to  
> 10
Bitcoin (which, in early November 2013, was valued at over $2000
> USD).[6][6][7]
> Security software might not detect CryptoLocker, or 

[meteorite-list] AD - "Official" sale

2013-11-15 Thread Aras Jonikas

Yesterday, my first two classifications have become official, NWA 8003 ( 
www.tinyurl.com/AJmetcltrNWA8003 ) is a nice shocked veined basaltic eucrite 
and NWA 8021 ( www.tinyurl.com/AJmetcltrNWA8021 ) is a very highly shocked 
eucrite with some vesicles. To celebrate, I am offering the following sale 
UNTIL Monday (11/18/2013):

- Use coupon code "nwa8003" to receive 20% off any NWA 8003 slices

- Use coupon code "nwa8021" to receive 15% off any remaining NWA 8021 slices

Both coupons should be able to be combined. Please let me know if anyone has 
issues. I also have auctions ending this weekend that include some of the same 
slices ( www.tinyurl.com/AJmetcltrEBAY ). 

Thank You for looking,


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[meteorite-list] AD - Website update (Draveil, Nuvvuagittuq, NWA 6435...) and ebay sales ending

2013-11-15 Thread Fabien Kuntz

with the Draveil meteorite now official on the Bulletin, I just updated the 
page with new data : 


I also updated the sale page of the Nuvvuagittuq 4.28Ga paragneiss, and added a 
page about intrusive an intrusive amphibolite of this paragneiss, a rare sample 
of the Hadean crust of our planet (4.03Ga) :


You can take a look to my ebay sales, many ending today/tonight following one 
of this links : 



Fabien Kuntz 
Météorites (ventes, expertise, conférences) 
Animation scientifique et technique 
WWMETEORITES (Siret : 511 850 612 00017) 

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[meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images: November 11-15, 2013

2013-11-15 Thread Ron Baalke

November 11-15, 2013

o Memnonia Fossae (11 November 2013)

o Rabe Crater Dunes (12 November 2013)

o Delta Deposit (13 November 2013)

o Rabe Crater Dunes (14 November 2013)

o Wind Streaks (15 November 2013)

All of the THEMIS images are archived here:


NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission 
for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. The Thermal Emission 
Imaging System (THEMIS) was developed by Arizona State University,
Tempe, in co.oration with Raytheon Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. 
The THEMIS investigation is led by Dr. Philip Christensen at Arizona State 
University. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, is the prime contractor 
for the Odyssey project, and developed and built the orbiter. Mission 
operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed Martin and from JPL, a 
division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. 


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[meteorite-list] NASA Centers Host Public Viewing Events for Nov. 18 Mars Mission Launch (MAVEN)

2013-11-15 Thread Ron Baalke

November 15, 2013

Dwayne Brown
Headquarters, Washington
NASA Centers Host Public Viewing Events for Nov. 18 Mars Mission Launch

Five NASA centers around the United States will host events and activities  
Monday, Nov. 18, for the public to view the launch of the agency's Mars  
Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft and learn about its  

MAVEN, which is set to launch at 1:28 p.m. EST from Cape Canaveral Air Force  
Station in Florida, will take critical measurements of the Martian upper  
atmosphere to help scientists understand climate change over the Red Planet's  

Here is a schedule of events at NASA facilities in Washington, Maryland,  
Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia:

(All times Eastern)

11 a.m. -- NASA's Stennis Space Center, near Bay St. Louis, Miss.: The  
INFINITY Science Center located on I-10 Exit 2, will host a live viewing of  
the launch, science project discussions with featured speakers, conduct a  
parachute design and launch demonstration and a Mars habitat competition.  
Visitors also may have their photographs taken on a simulated Martian  
surface. For more information, call 228-533-9025, ext. 311.

Noon -- NASA Headquarters, Washington: Launch coverage will be available in  
the James Webb Auditorium at 300 E St. SW. Jim Garvin, chief scientist at  
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt Md., will discuss Mars  
exploration plans and answer questions from the public. MAVEN materials and  
other handouts will be available.

Noon -- NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. and the U.S.  
Space & Rocket Center will host a pre-launch panel discussion with  
representatives from the Marshall Center titled "Deep Space Exploration: Mars  
and Beyond." There will also be educational activities for children. The  
event will be held in the U.S. Space & Rocket Center's Davidson Center  
Digital Theater located at One Tranquility Base, Huntsville, Ala., 35805. The  
event is open to the public and there will be signs directing the public  
where to park. The launch will be shown live in the theater at 1:28 p.m. For  
more information, contact Shannon Ridinger at 256-544-3774.

1 p.m. -- NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.: Goddard's  
Visitors Center auditorium located off ICESat Road (formerly Soil  
Conservation Road) will show the launch and have available a planetary  
scientist to answer visitors' questions. For more information, contact the  
Goddard newsroom at 301-286-8955.

1 p.m. -- NASA's Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Facility,  
5000 NASA Blvd. 5th Floor, Fairmont, W.Va: Events will include educational  
activities for students and educators before and after launch coverage.   
Take either elevator to the 5th floor. Media should use the South entrance.  
For more information contact Jennifer Neptune at: 304-367-8262.

For more details on MAVEN launch and mission activities, visit:




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[meteorite-list] [AD] São João Nepomuceno full slice 71.5g

2013-11-15 Thread André Moutinho

Selling a SJN full slice - 71.5g
Usually sells for $80/g. Selling for $40/g only plus shipping.
Pics here: 

I also have these ebay itens ending soon:


Serra de Magé

Casimiro de Abreu


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[meteorite-list] Ensisheim in Vienna

2013-11-15 Thread karmaka
Dear list members,
My favorite meteorite pictures of the day!
Ensisheim in the famous meteorite hall in the Museum of Natural History, Vienna 
What a perfect combination !!!
Go and watch it if you can !
Best regards

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