Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritical Bulletin Main Mass photos

2020-06-16 Thread david allepuz via Meteorite-list
Sorry, are you still talking about main mass photos? About meteorites?
If not, ignore my next phrases, and please open a new subject.

I love images on Metsoc Database and I thought the only way to add it was
via Encyclopedia of Meteorites at IMCA, but no!
When submitting a meteorite you receive a mail and are asked to add images
or additional information about what you have submitted.
And discovered that some of these images find its way to the Database.
You may find an image via Encyclopaedia and an image via submission.

David Allepuz

Missatge de Spaceguard via Meteorite-list <> del dia dt., 16 de juny 2020 a les

> Good, now can we restore some dignity to this amazing forum?
> Jay Tate
> On 16/06/2020 14:03, Marcin Cimała - POLANDMET via Meteorite-list wrote:
> > Really ?
> > If I give a f*** about every shit out there starting from politics and
> > ending on licence agreement on a DVD movie, I propably ends in asylum
> > or as radical islam isis member alredy killed after You know what
> > No, this is a tool. Peoples kill using knives, so You stop using
> > knives and blame anyone who use them  ? No. Or maybe yes, watching how
> > crazy peoples are I can belive even in this. And I dont blame anyone
> > here. I have enough examples on every news, watching this moron in
> > Poland.
> >
> > The whole drama started in answer to my invitation to my F**
> > group(same as before). You dont like it, You dont go there.
> >
> > End of discusion.
> > End of any emails here.
> > Im log out
> > But You know where to find me and latest informations from meteorite
> > community
> >
> > Have a nice day everyone.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -[ MARCIN CIMALA ][ +48 793567667 ]-
> > marcin(at)
> >   marcin(at)
> > [ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
>  "And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives"
> >>
> >> And there you go.
> >>
> >> You don't care. Enough said.
> >>
> >> It doesn't matter what the ownership of that site believes, just as
> >> long as they give you a handy platform to post meteorite photos.
> >>
> >> Nice priorities there. Get off your high horse.
> >>
> >> I'm done.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 6/15/20, Marcin Cimala - POLANDMET via Meteorite-list
> >>  wrote:
>  " I use Facebook. Facebook has features that email will never have
> > (video, live feeds, pictures, etc)."
>  FB invented none of those things and does not have a monopoly (yet) on
>  any of them. There are plenty of other apps and venues that offer live
>  video, photos, etc. One can easily upload photos to a cloud account or
>  website and link to them on this List. One can easily host a live feed
>  on numerous streaming platforms and link to them here. That is how it
>  used to be done, before FB came along and sucked all the oxygen out of
>  the room.
> >>>
> >>> My God Michael, dont try to inwent wheel once again. Why You try
> >>> complicate
> >>>
> >>> everything ?
> >>> Yes You can post Your media on site X, I can post media on site Y,
> >>> Greg can
> >>>
> >>> use Z cloud and post links to them
> >>> At the end it will be like we need to go somewhere, ofcourse login
> >>> to our
> >>> accounts, accept cookies, experience different layont, web page
> >>> design etc.
> >>>
> >>> On FB its all in one, it work good, it work on every platform and
> >>> device,
> >>> its for free, fast and never dies.
> >>> And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives, what
> >>> he is
> >>> doing or if he is black or white as long as he dont say that
> >>> meteorites are
> >>>
> >>> illegal on his site. Its a tool like anything else.
> >>>
> >>> There is one big limit. Chinese cant use it becouse its banned in
> >>> china. But
> >>>
> >>> its not banned in Morocco or Lybia
> >>> Can You imagine that I speak with guys from algeria or lybia, they
> >>> share
> >>> photos beying in the same moment in the desert ?
> >>> I can speak with like 50 morocans in real-time asking for new
> >>> pieces, they
> >>> ask me for my opinion about their specimens, we chat like good
> >>> friends even
> >>>
> >>> that I have no idea how they looks like. This is power!! The peoples.
> >>>
> >>> Here You sit with 100 peoples, read one post a day and You are
> >>> arguing that
> >>>
> >>> its the best medium in the world.
> >>> Yes it was, 10 years ago. Your chice, I respect, but the best days
> >>> are gone.
> >>>
> >>> You cant disagree with that
> >>>
> >>> -[ MARCIN CIMALA ][ +48 793567667 ]-
> >>> marcin(at)
> >>>   marcin(at)
> >>> [ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritical Bulletin Main Mass photos

2020-06-16 Thread Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list

Sent from Smallbiz Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 12:03 AM, Michael Gilmer via Meteorite-list 

HI Roberto,

I love ya man, but I gotta tear this post apart. LOL.

"Thankfully, we all have the freedom to choose where to post and engage with
> the community."

If Zuck had his way, we wouldn't have this freedom.

" I use Facebook. Facebook has features that email will never have
> (video, live feeds, pictures, etc)."

FB invented none of those things and does not have a monopoly (yet) on
any of them. There are plenty of other apps and venues that offer live
video, photos, etc. One can easily upload photos to a cloud account or
website and link to them on this List. One can easily host a live feed
on numerous streaming platforms and link to them here. That is how it
used to be done, before FB came along and sucked all the oxygen out of
the room.

For example, people would upload their Tucson or Ensisheim pics to
Photobucket, Flickr, or their website and then link them here. It just
involves a couple of extra clicks to bypass FB entirely for this

'"I kind of cI kind of concur with the sentiment that this email list
is dead/dying. I
> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete.oncur with the 
> sentiment that this email list is dead/dying. I
> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete."

Over the years, I have seen this list wax and wane with activity. I
hope it will recover from this recent dry spell. I would argue that
this list is not obsolete, just suffering from a case of widespread
psychosis that somehow Zuckerberg's playground is better than the
medium itself that created it.

"However, I am grateful that it is still available for those of us who cannot
> or will not change with the times. "

If the times are changing to an online world where Facebook, Amazon,
and Google control everything, then count me out. I'll fly my Luddite
flag proudly.

" I believe those members have valuable
> insight into meteorites and their history and I would sad to lose what could
> be gained from them because they cannot or choose not to grasp how to use
> Facebook or other social media platforms."

Indeed, it would be sad. And that is exactly what FB and Zuck are
trying to do - put venues like this out of business and gobble up
their audiences. Oh, I grasp FB and how to use it. And I have an
active presence on some non-Facebook platforms. My apparent beef is
not with social media itself, it is with Facebook and it's policies.
Ello and Mastodon are better than FB all day long and twice on

"At the end of the day, some will move to Facebook and join the rest of us,
> while others will stay here (until the number of people that are left here
> is so small that it is really just an archive). "

I was the rest of us. When I first joined FB in early 2009, there was
exactly one large-ish meteorite group and just one or two other
dealers actively selling in other groups outside that one. We were
pretty lonely for a while and I was one of those people (like you)
singing the praises of social media and Facebook. Then everybody
started coming to FB and the List started getting quieter and quieter.
And FB started getting crazier and crazier, and then the algorithms
kicked in, and then Zuck took off his mask and showed his true colors.
You wanna roll with that guy, despite knowing what he's about?

Well, as long as Art keeps the lights turned on (so to speak), I am
going to try to help keep this List going. All of the content I used
to post on FB will now go here - new fall reports, met bull updates,
research links, articles, original essays, *links* to photos, etc.

Art > Zuckerberg.

Met-List > Facebook.

No matter what ends up happening, the above two statements will always
remain true, even if FB gobbles up the online world and this list
becomes the Ozymandias of meteorite discussion.

Best regards and stay safe!


On 6/14/20, Roberto Vargas via Meteorite-list
> Hi all,
> Thankfully, we all have the freedom to choose where to post and engage with
> the community. In my opinion, email is best used for private messages
> between members, but not really a great medium for forum-like content. As
> such, I use Facebook. Facebook has features that email will never have
> (video, live feeds, pictures, etc).
> I kind of concur with the sentiment that this email list is dead/dying. I
> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete.
> However, I am grateful that it is still available for those of us who cannot
> or will not change with the times. I believe those members have valuable
> insight into meteorites and their history and I would sad to lose what could
> be gained from them because they cannot 

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritical Bulletin Main Mass photos

2020-06-16 Thread Spaceguard via Meteorite-list

Good, now can we restore some dignity to this amazing forum?

Jay Tate

On 16/06/2020 14:03, Marcin Cimała - POLANDMET via Meteorite-list wrote:

Really ?
If I give a f*** about every shit out there starting from politics and 
ending on licence agreement on a DVD movie, I propably ends in asylum 
or as radical islam isis member alredy killed after You know what
No, this is a tool. Peoples kill using knives, so You stop using 
knives and blame anyone who use them  ? No. Or maybe yes, watching how 
crazy peoples are I can belive even in this. And I dont blame anyone 
here. I have enough examples on every news, watching this moron in 

The whole drama started in answer to my invitation to my F** 
group(same as before). You dont like it, You dont go there.

End of discusion.
End of any emails here.
Im log out
But You know where to find me and latest informations from meteorite 

Have a nice day everyone.

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ][ +48 793567667 ]- marcin(at)   marcin(at)
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

"And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives"

And there you go.

You don't care. Enough said.

It doesn't matter what the ownership of that site believes, just as
long as they give you a handy platform to post meteorite photos.

Nice priorities there. Get off your high horse.

I'm done.

On 6/15/20, Marcin Cimala - POLANDMET via Meteorite-list

" I use Facebook. Facebook has features that email will never have

(video, live feeds, pictures, etc)."

FB invented none of those things and does not have a monopoly (yet) on
any of them. There are plenty of other apps and venues that offer live
video, photos, etc. One can easily upload photos to a cloud account or
website and link to them on this List. One can easily host a live feed
on numerous streaming platforms and link to them here. That is how it
used to be done, before FB came along and sucked all the oxygen out of
the room.

My God Michael, dont try to inwent wheel once again. Why You try 

everything ?
Yes You can post Your media on site X, I can post media on site Y, 
Greg can

use Z cloud and post links to them
At the end it will be like we need to go somewhere, ofcourse login 
to our
accounts, accept cookies, experience different layont, web page 
design etc.

On FB its all in one, it work good, it work on every platform and 

its for free, fast and never dies.
And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives, what 
he is
doing or if he is black or white as long as he dont say that 
meteorites are

illegal on his site. Its a tool like anything else.

There is one big limit. Chinese cant use it becouse its banned in 
china. But

its not banned in Morocco or Lybia
Can You imagine that I speak with guys from algeria or lybia, they 

photos beying in the same moment in the desert ?
I can speak with like 50 morocans in real-time asking for new 
pieces, they
ask me for my opinion about their specimens, we chat like good 
friends even

that I have no idea how they looks like. This is power!! The peoples.

Here You sit with 100 peoples, read one post a day and You are 
arguing that

its the best medium in the world.
Yes it was, 10 years ago. Your chice, I respect, but the best days 
are gone.

You cant disagree with that

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ][ +48 793567667 ]- marcin(at)   marcin(at)
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

For example, people would upload their Tucson or Ensisheim pics to
Photobucket, Flickr, or their website and then link them here. It just
involves a couple of extra clicks to bypass FB entirely for this

'"I kind of cI kind of concur with the sentiment that this email list
is dead/dying. I

love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete.oncur 

the sentiment that this email list is dead/dying. I
love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete."

Over the years, I have seen this list wax and wane with activity. I
hope it will recover from this recent dry spell. I would argue that
this list is not obsolete, just suffering from a case of widespread
psychosis that somehow Zuckerberg's playground is better than the
medium itself that created it.

"However, I am grateful that it is still available for those of us who

or will not change with the times. "

If the times are changing to an online world where Facebook, Amazon,
and Google control everything, then count me out. I'll fly my Luddite
flag proudly.

" I believe those members have valuable
insight into meteorites and their history and I would sad 

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritical Bulletin Main Mass photos

2020-06-16 Thread Michael Gilmer via Meteorite-list
You're friggin batshit. And that's something coming from me.

On 6/16/20, Marcin Cimała - POLANDMET  wrote:
> Really ?
> If I give a f*** about every shit out there starting from politics and
> ending on licence agreement on a DVD movie, I propably ends in asylum or as
> radical islam isis member alredy killed after You know what
> No, this is a tool. Peoples kill using knives, so You stop using knives and
> blame anyone who use them  ? No. Or maybe yes, watching how crazy peoples
> are I can belive even in this. And I dont blame anyone here. I have enough
> examples on every news, watching this moron in Poland.
> The whole drama started in answer to my invitation to my F**
> group(same as before). You dont like it, You dont go there.
> End of discusion.
> End of any emails here.
> Im log out
> But You know where to find me and latest informations from meteorite
> community
> Have a nice day everyone.
> -[ MARCIN CIMALA ][ +48 793567667 ]-
> marcin(at)
>   marcin(at)
> [ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]
 "And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives"
>> And there you go.
>> You don't care. Enough said.
>> It doesn't matter what the ownership of that site believes, just as
>> long as they give you a handy platform to post meteorite photos.
>> Nice priorities there. Get off your high horse.
>> I'm done.
>> On 6/15/20, Marcin Cimala - POLANDMET via Meteorite-list
>>  wrote:
 " I use Facebook. Facebook has features that email will never have
> (video, live feeds, pictures, etc)."

 FB invented none of those things and does not have a monopoly (yet) on
 any of them. There are plenty of other apps and venues that offer live
 video, photos, etc. One can easily upload photos to a cloud account or
 website and link to them on this List. One can easily host a live feed
 on numerous streaming platforms and link to them here. That is how it
 used to be done, before FB came along and sucked all the oxygen out of
 the room.
>>> My God Michael, dont try to inwent wheel once again. Why You try
>>> complicate
>>> everything ?
>>> Yes You can post Your media on site X, I can post media on site Y, Greg
>>> can
>>> use Z cloud and post links to them
>>> At the end it will be like we need to go somewhere, ofcourse login to
>>> our
>>> accounts, accept cookies, experience different layont, web page design
>>> etc.
>>> On FB its all in one, it work good, it work on every platform and
>>> device,
>>> its for free, fast and never dies.
>>> And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives, what he is
>>> doing or if he is black or white as long as he dont say that meteorites
>>> are
>>> illegal on his site. Its a tool like anything else.
>>> There is one big limit. Chinese cant use it becouse its banned in china.
>>> But
>>> its not banned in Morocco or Lybia
>>> Can You imagine that I speak with guys from algeria or lybia, they share
>>> photos beying in the same moment in the desert ?
>>> I can speak with like 50 morocans in real-time asking for new pieces,
>>> they
>>> ask me for my opinion about their specimens, we chat like good friends
>>> even
>>> that I have no idea how they looks like. This is power!! The peoples.
>>> Here You sit with 100 peoples, read one post a day and You are arguing
>>> that
>>> its the best medium in the world.
>>> Yes it was, 10 years ago. Your chice, I respect, but the best days are
>>> gone.
>>> You cant disagree with that
>>> -[ MARCIN CIMALA ][ +48 793567667 ]-
>>> marcin(at)
>>>   marcin(at)
>>> [ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]
 For example, people would upload their Tucson or Ensisheim pics to
 Photobucket, Flickr, or their website and then link them here. It just
 involves a couple of extra clicks to bypass FB entirely for this

 '"I kind of cI kind of concur with the sentiment that this email list
 is dead/dying. I
> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete.oncur with
> the sentiment that this email list is dead/dying. I
> love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
> sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete."

 Over the years, I have seen this list wax and wane with activity. I
 hope it will recover from this recent dry spell. I would argue that
 this list is not obsolete, just suffering from a case of widespread
 psychosis that somehow Zuckerberg's playground is better than the
 medium itself that created it.

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteoritical Bulletin Main Mass photos

2020-06-16 Thread Marcin Cimała - POLANDMET via Meteorite-list

Really ?
If I give a f*** about every shit out there starting from politics and 
ending on licence agreement on a DVD movie, I propably ends in asylum or as 
radical islam isis member alredy killed after You know what
No, this is a tool. Peoples kill using knives, so You stop using knives and 
blame anyone who use them  ? No. Or maybe yes, watching how crazy peoples 
are I can belive even in this. And I dont blame anyone here. I have enough 
examples on every news, watching this moron in Poland.

The whole drama started in answer to my invitation to my F** 
group(same as before). You dont like it, You dont go there.

End of discusion.
End of any emails here.
Im log out
But You know where to find me and latest informations from meteorite 

Have a nice day everyone.

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ][ +48 793567667 ]- marcin(at)   marcin(at)
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

"And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives"

And there you go.

You don't care. Enough said.

It doesn't matter what the ownership of that site believes, just as
long as they give you a handy platform to post meteorite photos.

Nice priorities there. Get off your high horse.

I'm done.

On 6/15/20, Marcin Cimala - POLANDMET via Meteorite-list

" I use Facebook. Facebook has features that email will never have

(video, live feeds, pictures, etc)."

FB invented none of those things and does not have a monopoly (yet) on
any of them. There are plenty of other apps and venues that offer live
video, photos, etc. One can easily upload photos to a cloud account or
website and link to them on this List. One can easily host a live feed
on numerous streaming platforms and link to them here. That is how it
used to be done, before FB came along and sucked all the oxygen out of
the room.

My God Michael, dont try to inwent wheel once again. Why You try 

everything ?
Yes You can post Your media on site X, I can post media on site Y, Greg 

use Z cloud and post links to them
At the end it will be like we need to go somewhere, ofcourse login to our
accounts, accept cookies, experience different layont, web page design 

On FB its all in one, it work good, it work on every platform and device,
its for free, fast and never dies.
And I completly DONT GIVE A SHIT who own it, what he belives, what he is
doing or if he is black or white as long as he dont say that meteorites 

illegal on his site. Its a tool like anything else.

There is one big limit. Chinese cant use it becouse its banned in china. 

its not banned in Morocco or Lybia
Can You imagine that I speak with guys from algeria or lybia, they share
photos beying in the same moment in the desert ?
I can speak with like 50 morocans in real-time asking for new pieces, 
ask me for my opinion about their specimens, we chat like good friends 

that I have no idea how they looks like. This is power!! The peoples.

Here You sit with 100 peoples, read one post a day and You are arguing 

its the best medium in the world.
Yes it was, 10 years ago. Your chice, I respect, but the best days are 

You cant disagree with that

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ][ +48 793567667 ]- marcin(at)   marcin(at)
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

For example, people would upload their Tucson or Ensisheim pics to
Photobucket, Flickr, or their website and then link them here. It just
involves a couple of extra clicks to bypass FB entirely for this

'"I kind of cI kind of concur with the sentiment that this email list
is dead/dying. I

love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete.oncur with
the sentiment that this email list is dead/dying. I
love the daily MPoD vial email, but aside from that, this vehicle for
sharing and engaging with others is antiquated and obsolete."

Over the years, I have seen this list wax and wane with activity. I
hope it will recover from this recent dry spell. I would argue that
this list is not obsolete, just suffering from a case of widespread
psychosis that somehow Zuckerberg's playground is better than the
medium itself that created it.

"However, I am grateful that it is still available for those of us who

or will not change with the times. "

If the times are changing to an online world where Facebook, Amazon,
and Google control everything, then count me out. I'll fly my Luddite
flag proudly.

" I believe those members have valuable

insight into meteorites and their history and I would sad to lose what
be gained from them because they cannot or choose not to grasp how to
Facebook or other social media platforms."

Indeed, it would 

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2020-06-16 Thread Paul Swartz via Meteorite-list
Today''s Meteorite Picture of the Day: Tissint

Contributed by: Paul Swartz

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