[meteorite-list] Sighting in Israel

2008-07-10 Thread Charlie Devine

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Sighting in Israel

2008-07-10 Thread Charlie Devine
Sorry for the duplicate.  The correct link:


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Publications of the Carancas event ADDITIONAL

2007-10-09 Thread Charlie Devine
You wrote:

 It may have been only the less energetic
 vaporization of the 5% to 8% of the
 meteorite that was troilite that was the
 bright flash rather then the vaporization
 of the entire stone. Still, that alone would
 have been enough to shatter the impactor
 into fragments (or dust).

If that were the scenario, would an observation posted to the list on
10/5 by Piper R. W. Hollier
seem a reasonable expectation: Troilite dissociates at high
temperatures (e.g. hypersonic impact), releasing hot sulphur vapor,
which in turn will oxidize in air to form sulphur dioxide, a very
irritating poison.
At the time Piper's theory as to why all the sickness was reported
seemed to me to be the best explanation for the reports.  Would the
above scenario support that notion?

Charlie D.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Dig Turns Up Little At Mysterious Newport     Tower *except for       a meteorite )

2007-08-23 Thread Charlie Devine

  What was it?

I didn't ask the obvious followup.  It took ages to get a simple yes or
no answer to the first question.  All I know is that it wasn't a

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Dig Turns Up Little At Mysterious Newport     Tower *except for       a meteorite )

2007-08-22 Thread Charlie Devine
Finally got an answer:  It was not a meteorite.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] [OFFTOPIC] the ugly weathered chondrite AD? DISGUISED?

2007-08-04 Thread Charlie Devine
I don't know about anyone else, but when I click on
www.meteoritetimes.com to check the list rules, I get taken to
Bettingways: Your Online Gambling Guide:-(.  Now THATS spam

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Cali chondrite fell extremely cold!

2007-07-30 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello Robert and list,

Robert wrote:

 If you touch something that is
 extremely cold (such as dry ice), you
 feel a burning sensation.  Too much cold
 becomes too hot.
Robert further wrote:

 I wonder if people who claim that
 meteorites were hot to the touch,
 were simply mistaking the cold
 temperature as being hot.

I've long suspected that was the case, Robert.
Richard Pearl, in his 1975 book Fallen from Heaven: Meteorites and
Man, reports the following regarding the fall of the Forest City, Iowa
meteorite on 5/2/1890:  
 This brilliant fireball, 'sputtering though its 
   course like fireworks' traveled eastward, 
   leaving a smoke trail and a noise like
   'heavy cannonading' and a 'rushing sound'
   or 'unearthly hissing'.  As at Estherville,
   a contested ballgame was in progress at
   the time.  Although it was reported to be
   hot, a boy who picked up a piece from
   an unsinged stack of straw complained
   that it was 'so cold that it burned his hand'.

Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Cali chondrite fell extremely cold!

2007-07-30 Thread Charlie Devine
Hi all,

Larry wrote:

 By the way, they had never heard of
 the (very good) suggestion that a
 person touching a very cold meteorite
 may actually think that the burning
 sensation is heat and not cold.

The testimony of a young witness to Forest City
certainly provides food for thought re Robert's suggestion.

Myself, an unfortunate encounter with dry ice,
taught me, at a fairly early age, that indeed, at times, there is a fine
line between Fire and Ice:-) 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Langs' Auction - I Hope This Is The Last Time

2007-02-16 Thread Charlie Devine
Michael wrote:

 .I also will drop all this unless I am
 called names again like Charlie Devine
 and now Nelson Oaks did.

Michael, Geoff, list:

Just for the record, I did not call you ANY names Michael.  I referred
to your guilty until proven innocent approach as rantings.  And I
was simply defending someone I hold in high regard, and I don't owe you
an apology for that.
What you saw as an open and shut case of fraud, I saw as a rush to
judgement.  I did not call you any names, Michael.

Best wishes to all,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Langs Auction - Official Statement

2007-02-14 Thread Charlie Devine

I am aware that you and your brother had a falling out with Al a few
years ago, for which reason, when you first opined on the Langs Tucson
auction,  I chose not to regard your opinion as objective.  I have known
Al since the early 80's, and freely admit my own opinion is that
honesty, integrety and good reputation are part of the package where Al
is concerned.

Best wishes,


Hello Charlie and List,

I respect your opinion, but I disagree with your term rantings. If you 
knew what I know of this situation and other non-related dealings, and of 
the proof Achim Karl produced among other's, than you and the other List 
members would truly understand the long-term pattern of problems. A simple 
public statement saying they will make up for their mistakes (or 
otherwise) does not admit guilt or prove innocence. They need to settle ALL 
past mistakes and grievances against them.

Time in years does not constitute honesty and integrity but it does produce 

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

- Original Message - 
From: Charlie Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Langs Auction - Official Statement

Hello Iris,

Thanks for the update.  I like to think that most listmembers know
better then to pay attention to the rantings of Greg Hupe or Mike

Meteorite-list mailing list

---End Message---
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Langs Auction - Official Statement

2007-02-13 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello Iris,

Thanks for the update.  I like to think that most listmembers know
better then to pay attention to the rantings of Greg Hupe or Mike

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New Kansas Meteorite!

2006-12-03 Thread Charlie Devine
This cannot be a witnessed fall?

A crash is heard in the trees and 2 days later a meteorite as fresh as
the morning dew is found at the location where the crash was heard..

Will the witness please tell the court exactly what you heard outside
your door on the evening of

Maybe something along the lines of there is some evidence to suggest
the stone fell 2 days prior to it's recovery..


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What else do you collect?

2006-12-01 Thread Charlie Devine
Darren Garrison wrote:

 I have an inordinate fondness of
 Flexicalymene sp. trilobites from
 around Ohio--I have dozens of them.

Hello Darren,

One of the neatest specimens I once had in my trilobite collection was a
pair of Flexicalymene meeki trilobites from Ohio in a configuration
known to collectors as love bugs.  If you have Ohio collector Thomas
Johnson's book Trilobites of the Thomas T. Johnson Collection, there's
an excellent example on page 110.  I'm sure you've seen the
configuration: a completely enrolled Flexicalymene with another
Flexicalymene wrapped around it.  Just by coincidence, there's an
example on ebay now that the seller is calling love bugs, although
it's a bit different then the classic configuration.  Still, maybe you'd
like to add it to your Flexicalymene family:



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Lunar Leonid Strikes

2006-12-01 Thread Charlie Devine
Nice post, Jerry.  You're a heartfelt guy, as has been clear for some
time.  I know you're from Ma.  Take in the August Springfield show
sometime.  Always meteorites there, though not as many dealers as in
earlier years.  I'm from RI but have not been to the show for 3 years.
Maybe next year.  Everyone in these parts, but eastern Ma most of all,
remembers the Perfect Storm.  Sorry you apparently were very hard


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What else do you collect?

2006-11-29 Thread Charlie Devine
Gary asked:

 What else does everyone collect?

Time permitting, I sit perfectly still for several hours on my days off
and collect dust.

Then I go out and hunt for fossils and artifacts (surface finds only!)


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Dig Turns Up Little At Mysterious Newport     Tower *except for a meteor ite)

2006-11-28 Thread Charlie Devine
Mark wrote:

 Good work there, well done taking the
 time to go see the site...Do you know
 if they do any kinds of tests other then
 a visual like a streak test, magnet test,
 etc., etc.?

Hello Mark,

Well, I'm only 30 minutes from the site, so no big deal getting there.
Besides, the Newport Tower has been called the most enigmatic structure
in North America, so visiting the first dig allowed there in 60 years
was a must for me, since I've long been interested in the mystery of
it's origin.  Everyone involved wanted to see a Viking sword emerge
from the ground, but that never happened.  As for the mystery stone, it
was actually found by accident when one of the students working there
ran a magnet through dirt taken from a 2000-3000 BP level.  They were
not screening or paying attention to that level, as it long predates the
tower, but the student didn't realize it and used a magnet in a search
for metal artifacts, and up popped the stone.
I was certainly disappointed that I was unable to examine it.  On the
other hand, that probably spared me the task of being the one to tell
them that's no meteorite.  I didn't want to find myself in that
position, since by then the stone was their most exciting find.  Many
people from this list had written them, and at least one listmember
suggested a monetary value for the stone!!  So now the people at ASU can
make the call.

Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Dig Turns Up Little At Mysterious Newport Tower *except for a meteorite)

2006-11-28 Thread Charlie Devine
Elton wrote:

 We don't know what it is so it must
 be a meteorite, implying we on the
 dig are all knowing except for what 
 we don't know otherwise.

Hello Elton,

Actually, Ron Barsted told me he based his
visual identification on having seen and handled hundreds of meteorites
at the Tucson 
Show every year.  I've never been to the Tucson Show, but if I'd had
the chance to examine the find, any visual ID I could make would have
been based on handling hundreds of meteorites over 20 years.  I don't
know how much of an advantage that makes, but I agree that the photos
alone indicate it is not a nickel-iron.

 Thanks for checking this out Charlie
 but a point of caution.  The Academic
 types don't like (ahem..) Amateurs
 telling them anything that could threaten
 their proclamations.  When you got to the
 part of about cutting and donating the
 20% part I am sure they tuned you out.

Well, over the years I've certainly run into that attitude many times,
Elton.  On the other hand, I'm very slightly removed from amateur
status, being published in Native American petroglyph studies, among
other archaeological subjects.
So it's possible I was shown more respect that might otherwise have been
the case.  But I very much doubt it. The dig organizers made it quite
clear to me that their only interest was in doing the right thing,
including the 20% donation.  Further, it was their hope that the city of
Newport would eventually display the find at the headquarters of the
Newport Historical Society.
Odds are, of course, that it's a meteorwrong, since it's hard to beat
the odds.  But they were very happy to see me and happy to have heard
from other listmembers.  It will be up to ASU to give them the good or
bad news.  It would be a first for Rhode Island, so I'm hoping they beat
the odds.

Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Dig Turns Up Little At Mysterious Newport Tower *except for a meteorite)

2006-11-27 Thread Charlie Devine
I spent 2 days at the Newport Tower dig, but was unable to examine the
meteorite, as by then it was in the mayor's office for safe keeping,
and the mayor was nowhere to be found.  Whether it be meteorite or
meteorwrong, it belongs to the city of Newport.
I did explain to Jan and Ron Barsted, the directors of the dig, the
steps necessary to get it classified and officially recognized, should
it be the real thing.  As a result it will be taken to Arizona State
University for identification.  Jan Barsted is a faculty member at ASU.
Here are the 2 photos I posted last week, should anyone care to comment
based on photos alone:


C. Devine

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Dig Turns Up Little At Mysterious Newport Tower *except for a meteorite)

2006-11-27 Thread Charlie Devine
I spent 2 days at the dig, but was unable to view the meteorite, as by
then it was in safe keeping in the Mayor's office and the mayor was
not to be found.  Whether it turns out meteorite or meteorwrong, it
belongs to the city of Newport.  I did make sure that Ron and Jan
Barsted, the organizers of the dig, understood the steps necessary to
get it classified and officially recognized if it is the real thing.  As
a result, they will be taking it for identification to Arizona State
University, where Jan Barsted is a faculty member. Here are 2 photos I
posted a week ago, if anyone cares to comment based on photos alone:





NEWPORT, R.I. -- An archaeological dig at a mysterious Newport Tower turns up --
not much.

Archeologists spent a month digging at a structure called the Old Stone Mill.
The tower's origins are uncertain -- leading amateur historians to speculate it
was built by Nordic Vikings, Irish monks or even stranded Chinese sailors.

Archaeologists said the excavation yielded buttons, pottery and glass fragments
-- but none dated later than the late 1600s.

However, the team believes it found part of a small meteorite that fell more
than 2,000 years ago.

Many in Newport believe the tower has more local origins. They said it was built
under the direction of colonial Governor Benedict Arnold, the great-grandfather
of the Revolutionary War traitor.

Joyce Clements, an archaeologist involved in the dig, said colonial Rhode Island
had craftsmen skilled enough to build it.

Meteorite-list mailing list
---End Message---
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Rhode Island meteorite?

2006-11-19 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello Jason and list,

I have written to Jan Barsted, president of the Chronognostic Research
Foundation, the group doing the excavation, and informed her of the
procedures that must be followed to make a find official.  Of course, it
may turn out to be a meteorwrong, but I agree it does indeed look
promising.  The dig is scheduled to end on the 22nd, and if it ever
stops raining around here, I will visit the site before then.  Right
now, that looks like Saturday, the 18th.  I'll let the list know how it
Best wishes,


Hello All,
For those interested, the log from the 18th does have some high quality
photos of the 'meteorite.'
And I'd have to say that it certainly looks promising, at the very least.
The interior looks relatively unweathered compared with the semi-present
crust (you can see ?chondrules? through it), but on the whole, it doesn't
look half bad.  Shape is good, texture and colour are good...anyone who's in
the area would do well to check it out.

On 11/15/06, Charlie Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello list,

There has never been a recorded fall or find of a meteorite from my home
state of Rhode Island.  However, it was recently reported in our local
press that a stone meteorite was discovered during a still ongoing
archaeological excavation of the Newport Tower in Newport, R.I.  This
excavation hopes to answer once and for all whether the tower is
colonial English in origin or whether it is earlier in origin. ( It has
long been speculated that the tower is Norse in origin.  However, the
most recent previous study dated the mortar as 17th century. ) In any
event, if you look at the entry log for 10/19/2006, they describe the
discovery of a meteorite.  Identification was made by one Ron Barstad
and his email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The on-site photos posted with
the 10/19 log entry don't show the alleged discovery.  I will try to
visit the dig site next week.  I have many more connections to
archaeology then I do meteorite studies, so if any list member can
confirm that a meteorite has indeed been discovered in Rhode Island,
please post to the list.

On the following page, the entry for 10/19/06 describes the discovery:



Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list
---End Message---
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Rhode Island meteorite?

2006-11-15 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello list,

There has never been a recorded fall or find of a meteorite from my home
state of Rhode Island.  However, it was recently reported in our local
press that a stone meteorite was discovered during a still ongoing
archaeological excavation of the Newport Tower in Newport, R.I.  This
excavation hopes to answer once and for all whether the tower is
colonial English in origin or whether it is earlier in origin. ( It has
long been speculated that the tower is Norse in origin.  However, the
most recent previous study dated the mortar as 17th century. ) In any
event, if you look at the entry log for 10/19/2006, they describe the
discovery of a meteorite.  Identification was made by one Ron Barstad
and his email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The on-site photos posted with
the 10/19 log entry don't show the alleged discovery.  I will try to
visit the dig site next week.  I have many more connections to
archaeology then I do meteorite studies, so if any list member can
confirm that a meteorite has indeed been discovered in Rhode Island,
please post to the list.

On the following page, the entry for 10/19/06 describes the discovery:



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Rhode Island meteorite?

2006-11-15 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello list,

A list member has kindly pointed out that the
meteorite in question is indeed shown on the webpage I sent earlier,
documenting the archaeological dig at the Newport Tower.
Here are 2 photos, which can be found in the daily log entry for




Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Odd Gibeon Request

2006-08-09 Thread Charlie Devine
While I have never seen incontrovertible proof for the existence of PK
or TK, in general research into these areas is part of the much broader
research into the relationship of consciousness and the physical
universe, whether macro or micro(quantum).  I personally find such
research to be one of the truly exciting frontiers of scientific
See, for example, http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/
The random number generator experiments at this Princeton facility are
of particular interest where speculation regarding PK is concerned.


Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] New Meteorites Discovered in Australia

2006-07-14 Thread Charlie Devine
You wrote:

But why do these people have to mar their
wonderful finds with BS like that he dreamed
about finding it only a few meters away the
night before?  That is simply stupid.

On page 62 of The Robert Haag Collection of Meteorites, Private
Collection Edition, Robert Haag wrote:  Great Sand Sea 010.  302 grams
total.  Howardite achondrite.  These five stones were found in one lucky
day by the author after a vivid dream the night before.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] ebay sniping

2006-06-23 Thread Charlie Devine
http://www.esnipe.com will place a bid for you with as little as one
second remaining in the auction.  You set the time when esnipe bids for

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: AW: [meteorite-list] OT-Crystals

2006-06-02 Thread Charlie Devine
Andi wrote:

   Wow!  Where do you buy these perfect 
   minatures of hman beings?:)

Seeing is disbelieving.  This page gives a short synopsis.  Check the
link  more photos to see more little people :-)



Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] OT-Crystals

2006-06-01 Thread Charlie Devine

Selenite, Naica mine, southern Chihuahua, Mexico.  Discovered April,

I posted this pic on the list several years ago.
Sorry for the repost, just going for the Wow! factor:-)

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Los Angeles meteorite??

2006-03-04 Thread Charlie Devine

Can't get the link but check out item# 6610535940.  What's up with that?
Even the description of the discovery is similar to Bob Verish's
Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] For the Peekskil lovers (ad.)

2006-02-11 Thread Charlie Devine
Nice Peekskill kits, Jan.  I am a Peekskill lover and own none:-(  And I
knew Alan Lang well and could have had a fine piece if only I asked!  It
was during a lull in my interest in meteorites.  Love the stones that
draw attention to themselves this way. Have a slice of Worden with red
paint from the car it hit, and a slice of the Garza stone from Park
Forest with white plaster on the crust, as well as artifacts from the
impact.  Very nice way of combining meteorites and unique moments in
man's relationship with meteorites.
Thanks for the link.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite finder list

2005-12-18 Thread Charlie Devine

I can't find my copy of Find a Falling Star :-(
But in that book Nininger describes the one and only time he, purely by
chance, surface collected  a previously unknown meteorite.  As I recall,
it was a very small chondrite.  If you can find that passage, or if
someone else can find where he describes that chance find, please post
it to the list if possible.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite finder list

2005-12-18 Thread Charlie Devine
I want to thank Robert Woolard for answering my question regarding the
only previously unknown meteorite actually field collected by Nininger.
It was Puente-Ladron, an L chondrite of 7.673 grams which Nininger
picked up near a bridge over the Puerco River, 10 miles from Ladron
Peak, in Socorro Co, New Mexico, on 17th May, 1944.  Nininger describes
the discovery on page 143 of Find a Falling Star.
Now if I could just find my copy, I could read about it:-)
Thanks again Robert!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: Re-2: [meteorite-list] Barringer Ban Area

2005-12-18 Thread Charlie Devine
Bernd, Gary, listees,

This page from Eric Twelker's site has a rough map of the distribution



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites carved by the Inca?

2005-10-22 Thread Charlie Devine
When I saw the phrase meteorites that the Incas had carved on, this
hoax came to mind:
Just a thought


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] siderolites

2005-07-31 Thread Charlie Devine
Arnold wrote:

I see I misspelled the word. Just an oversite
on my part.

Oversite should be spelled oversight.  Just another oversight on your
part.  Also, why do I get the impression that all your posts from the
past 2 days were really just an excuse to spam the list with your never
ending sales updates?
Is that an oversite on your part???


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Backyard Crater in Rhode Island Spawns Questions

2005-07-16 Thread Charlie Devine
The owner of the property is still waiting for a response from either
Brown University or the University of Rhode Island.  If nobody stops by
to examine the crater by Monday he's going to dig up whatever, if
anything, is at the bottom of the hole.  I'll keep the list updated if
anything of interest turns up.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Bolide Reported From Cape Cod, Mass

2005-04-25 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello Jerry and Ryan,

From CNN Boston:


From The Westerly Sun, south coast of Rhode Island:


Some observations culled from reports in the Providence Journal:

Tiverton, R.I. police said they searched near the Sakonnet River for
reported meteorite landings but found nothing.  Connecticut state police
were searching near East Lyme last night, based on similar reports.  (
I was artifact hunting along the Sakonnet River today, but, of course,
did not see any skyrox.)

A crowd gathered at Second Beach in Middletown to watch the show in the
sky, according to Newport, R.I. police. 'A woman came into the station
and said it was awesome,'
a Newport police spokesperson said. 'They were down at Second Beach ( a
south facing beach on the Atlantic ), and this thing came screaming
across the sky.  It had a tail and everything. It was green.' 

From R.I. State police: The descriptions varied, a spokesperson said.
It came in as a plane smoking.  Then it came in a a plane throwing out
small articles, which were parachuting.  It really was bizarre.  Most of
reports were something that was smoky, or a plane that was on fire the
spokesperson said.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] PHOTO OF A LUNAR IMPACT EVENT (was Crackpot in the news...)

2005-04-24 Thread Charlie Devine
Sterling wrote:

 Lunascan is a network of people who run
 automated telescopes to search for
 TLP's (Transient Lunar Phenomenon).

Some years ago, I got to know, through their mailing list, some of the
members of Lunascan.
In general. I am not one to judge, but I believe many on this mailing
list would position the people of Lunascan within the lunatic fringe.
For example: http://www.astrosurf.com/lunascan/elo-st.htm
Check out the article Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Moon to get
an idea.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Allende, the new drug of 2005?

2005-03-20 Thread Charlie Devine
Sterling Wrote:

   I'm sure Lunar agriculture will be big
   business some day.  100% Absolute
   Guaranteed Pollution Free Organic
   Lunar Produce!

Reminds me of the Moon Trees.  

Moon Trees:  http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/lunar/moon_tree.html

The search for the missing moon trees:

As recently as a few years ago, it was still possible to purchase seeds
from second generation moon trees.  Don't know if that's still the case.


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Pacific Northwest fireball

2005-03-13 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello list,

A report from MSNBC on Saturday night's fireball in the Pacific
Northwest.  At least one very cool video exists of the event, as I saw a
clip of it on MSNBC TV a short time ago.  Perhaps someone can locate
that clip on the web somewhere?



Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] What's in a name?

2005-02-21 Thread Charlie Devine
I woud like to see a meteorite fall by the shores of: 

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg

Located in Webster Ma, at the boundary of Ma, Connecticut and Rhode
Island.  Most popular( but probably not the most accurate) translation:
You fish on your side, I fish on my side, and nobody fishes in the


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] meteoriteblog.com anyone game?

2005-02-21 Thread Charlie Devine

While the description several listess have given of a blog, namely that
it is a personal web log, is accurate, it is perhaps also educatinal to
note that the bloggers are emerging as competitors to the mainstream
news media. The story at the link below illustrates the tremendous
impact the bloggers are having on the mainstream media in the US, being
at least indirectly responsible for the resignation of Dan Rather, among


Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] STILL not clear - Park Forest Meteorite, Winslow St. House

2005-01-29 Thread Charlie Devine

I believe Farmer was the first to offer pieces of the Winslow St impact
with fragments of the house siding.  Knowing you collect hammer stones,
I would put it this way: the Winslow St stone is not a hammerstone like
the Garza or Jones stones.  It did not directly hit the house, but
rather impacted the street in front of the house. It shattered upon
impact, with pieces ricochetting into the house.  As I recall at the
time, Farmer purchased a large fragment(s) that had caused the damage to
the siding and then offered slices from this fragment.  It may be
reasonable to assume that Cottingham obtained his Winslow St. specimens
from Farmer.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] last word on gmail

2005-01-05 Thread Charlie Devine
Michael wrote:

   Dave, come on, are you 3 years old?

Michael, in the years I've been on this list, nobody acts more like a 3
year old then you do.

Have a wonderful day,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Great to be poor!

2005-01-03 Thread Charlie Devine
They are ONLY rocks, Tom.  You can't take them with you even when you
can afford only the best, and if you do take them with you, the
graverobbers will soon do their thing:-) They are ONLY rocks, the
objects of desire.  Desire is never satisfied.  Get a new rock, enjoy it
for a short time, and desire returns.  A large or valuable meteorite
collection will never be the foundation of true happieness.  Desire
attaches itself to the objects it desires and demands to be fed still
more.  Give ebay a break for a spell.  Stop looking at meteorites for a
spell.  What did you do before you discovered it was possible to own
meteorites?  Did you miss acquiring them when you didn't realize you
could acquire them?  I stopped buying meteorites a year and a half ago.
I don't miss spending money on meteorites at all.  I'm a non-collector
I still enjoy the science.  I enjoy seeing beautiful specimens.  But I
never find myself saying gee, I wish I could afford that one.  I
stilled the desire.  Of course, I doubt dealers would like it if my
philosophy took hold:-)


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] OT: A gift for the new year

2005-01-01 Thread Charlie Devine
A friend sent me this page this morning.
I accepted it as a gift for the new year, the story of a child so
inspiring that I feel moved to share it with as many people as possible.
Take the time to view the art and poetry and you may wonder, as I do,
from whence such genius derives.  Her name is Akiane and she is a gift
to the world.


Happy New Year,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] my address

2004-11-21 Thread Charlie Devine

Why are you posting private messages to the list?


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] and you thought meteorites were expensive

2004-11-04 Thread Charlie Devine
Hi John,

Good one.  I knew before going to the link that it would be Babe's
contract.  The seller, Alan Shawn Feinstein is a Rhode Island
institution by now.  Made his first fortune from ads on matchbook
covers, and has been giving his money away ever since.  Thanks for
sharing that.  BTW, I never believed in the curse.
Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Chinese satellite slams apartment building

2004-10-17 Thread Charlie Devine
Heads Up!


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AW: General MeteoriteInterestHasIncreased100%InLastYear

2004-10-01 Thread Charlie Devine
Norbert, Bernhard, Matt, and list

A US registered package must be signed for by each and every postal
worker who handles it.  Should it disappear, the powers that be go
straight to the last person who signed for it.
Registered mail is for valuables.  Up to the individual to decide if
$200 is valuable, or if it need be a lot higher in value to justify
registered mail.  All registered packages are handled seperately from
all other classes of mail.  You can settle for less expensive insured
mail, but such packages are routed with all other parcels.  Registered
items are kept in locked cages and conveyed to branch offices apart from
the flood of mail and packages that comprise the bulk of mail volume.
Getting it signed for every step of the way is as close to TLC as the
post office gets, so if it's valuable to you as a buyer or seller, send
it registered.

Best wishes,
Charlie Devine
Wrwick, R.I.

Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] RE: The Other Mars Meteorite - LafayetteMeteorite

2004-09-16 Thread Charlie Devine

Here is a photo of Lafayette from the Smithsonian:


And here, in Nininger Moment #11, as compiled by Al Mitterling, Nininger
talks about Lafayette:


Amazing that it should look so fresh despite its' terrestrial age.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Tunguska Story Makes the Rounds

2004-08-12 Thread Charlie Devine
Dear listmembers,

This story sheds light on the recent claims and provides some history
regarding similar claims.  Turns out the explorers predicted they would
find alien technology before they set out to do so.


C. Devine

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] LETTER FROM EBAY

2004-07-26 Thread Charlie Devine

Some time ago I noticed a Native American skull for sale on ebay.  I did
report it to them, but I also reported it to a Native American news
group who in turn reported it to the assistant US Attorney General of
the seller's state.  Ebay cancelled the ad and law enforcement took it
from there.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Resend: Repatriating Chinese fossils from Australia

2004-07-01 Thread Charlie Devine

For years now I keep hearing that exportation of fossils from China is
illegal, with severe punishments for those Chinese who collect and
supply.  Yet here in the USA, and in other markets I'm sure, dino eggs
continue to be so prolific it's as if the dinos were still laying them.
And the market evolves.  In very recent years complete, albeit small
dinosaurs, have entered the market from China, some displayed in death
pose on matrix, some assembled freestanding.  Now it is possible for a
collector to own a complete dinosaur.  Unheard of in the not very
distant past.  I don't know what is legal or illegal here, nor do I
really know the laws as it applies to meteorites.  I do know I can bid
on complete dinosaur skeletons from China on ebay, if I so choose, not
to mention trilobites, marine reptiles, dinosaur age birds, dinosaur
eggs of many varieties, etc, etc..
Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] List Problems?

2004-06-20 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello Geoff.  I'm answering you from the archives as I've only received
a few list messages in recent days.  Seems to me Michael Blood had a
similar problem a few weeks ago, and now and then it seems to happen to
some list membes.  So, you're not alone.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite eBay Bidding Comment

2004-06-13 Thread Charlie Devine
Jim and list,

I agree.  I always saw sniping as a stategy used to get the item for the
best possible price.  If I decide I am willing to spend $200 for an item
and with minutes left the price is still $75 I may snipe with $200 with
seconds left to see if I can get it for less then $200.  If I bid the
$200 with days left, it allows others to raise closer to my bid.  I may
still win but I may pay more then if I sniped at the end. If you don't
like being sniped or think it unfair, you can use anti-snipe services.
Best wishes,


Good MorningWalter, list members.

I hate to beat a dead horse at this point, but I think most ebay bidders 
try to get an item at the lowest possible price with no regard to what they 
would be willing to buy the item at a fixed sale. This is justthe 
way most of us conduct ourselves in an auction.

Here is a perfect example:

I currently have a 100 gram DOUBLE ORIENTED 100 gram Sikhote-alin on ebay 
that started at a penny. FourDIFFERENT bidders have placed bids and 
it is only up to $5.50. See item number 2249907461 if this link does not 


I think it is just natural for all of us to try to get the best deal 
possible and by budding the maximum one is willing to pay on the first bid then 
perhaps we feel like we are giving up our control over the situation.

Just my two cents on the subject.

Jim Strope421 Fourth StreetGlen Dale, WV 26038


Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite eBay Bidding Comment 
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 05:48:13 -0400 
No, I am RIGHT. 
If you place your maximum bid the first and only time, then you 
should walk 
away happy from the deal each and every time. 
If you win, you the item at YOUR price. 
If you lose, you may be disappointed over not getting the item, 
but you walk 
away with the satisfaction knowing that you did not spend beyond 
your means. 
BTW, I see nothing wrong with bidding in the last few 
seconds.It is still 
a valid auction.I have obtained many nice pieces this 
way and I have lost 
many nice pieces to others.Either way, I was happy 
with outcome because I 
did not spend more than what I wanted to spend. 
You might be irritated that you lose an auction, but what have 
you really 
lost?Besides, what is ebay supposed to do, stop an 
auction after a given 
individual bids. 
Other bidders don't know your maximum bid.How can you 
say you are the 
loser when you were willing to go to x amount anyway? 
Also, as someone else pointed out, if you have a "sniper" placing 
a bid 
against you at the last second, the person isn't quaranteed to 
win just 
because he or she places a bid. What happens when the sniper 
places his or 
her bid and it is below yours? 
It seems to me that bidders only have a problem with "sniping" 
when they 
lose an auction, not when they win. 
 Only faster gunmen survive. 
You are making a rather large assumption, that the faster gunmen 
actually hit his target.What if he misses? 
- Original Message - 
From: "Meteoryt.net" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 1:30 PM 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite eBay Bidding Comment 
   Hi Mike, 
   Just bid your highest bid the first time and forget 
it.If you win, you 
   win.If you don't, via sniping or 
otherwise, well you weren't going to 
   any higher anyway so what difference does it make 
whether the other 
   bid was entered 10 hours, 10 minutes, or 10 
milliseconds before the 
  You are WRONG. 
  Its verry importand when You place bid. 
  If item is placed f.e. for 1$ , and in a first few days 
will go up to 20$ 
  then You put f.e. 100$ your max bid 3 days before auction 
ends. So then 
  other bidders will try to outbid You and final price will 
grown up more or 
  less slowly, and finally price will be f.e. 90$. You are 
lucky winner ? 
  You are lucky looser. And many times You will return from 
work, log to 
  and what You see ? You are outbited and someone win Your 
item. Nothing 
  Without your early bid price is still 20$ and in the next 
days will not 
  up in the same speed as with your bid. So finally in last 5 
minutes of 
  auction,item price will be 50$. Someone who is 
high bidder in last 60 
  seconds think that noone will place higher price, and then 
You come. A 
  sniper, who will place his 101$ in last 20 seconds of 
auction. Not 100$, 
  becouse people usualy enter prices as 50, 60, 100, 110, so 
to be sure you 
  must put 51, 61, 101$. If You do this in the last 20 
seconds Your bid will 
  be entered in around 5-10seconds 

[meteorite-list] Video re New Zealand event

2004-06-12 Thread Charlie Devine
Dear list,

I can't download this 2 minute clip, but most listmembers probably can,
and it may be worth seeing.  Scroll down the page at the link until you
see a video entitled Space rock falls into living room



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Video re New Zealand event

2004-06-12 Thread Charlie Devine
Ken wrote:

 Thanks very much for the link.

Your welcome, Ken.  And thank you for the description which gave me some
idea of what I'm missing:-)  Guess we'll all be following the saga of
this new fall as it unfolds.
Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Archaeologist Finds Brenham Meteorite AmongArtificats from the Hopewell People

2004-06-02 Thread Charlie Devine
Michael and Martin,

And because prehistoric refers to cultures that have not developed
writing, there are still prehistoric cultures in existance today.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Fireballs from Space

2004-05-30 Thread Charlie Devine
Dear list,

For those in the US, the Discovery channel is airing a program called
Fireballs from Space Sunday evening at 8, with a repeat airing at 11
PM.The show is described as dealing with earth crossing objects and the
menace they pose.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Info on Scalisi Collection?

2004-05-06 Thread Charlie Devine

I have spoken to Phil Scalisi several times.  He is a good friend of a
friend, and he often sets up a table at the Springfield, Ma show in
August.  His is one of the foremost private mineral collections in New
England, and probably well beyond that.  To the best of my knowledge he
never specialized in meteorites per se, but his collections include
great rarities among several collectables.  I'm sure I can get his phone
number for you should you wish to gather more info on the history of
your specimen.  Or his email should he have one.  Just let me know.

Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Have we sent life to Mars?

2004-03-24 Thread Charlie Devine

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Survival after a large impact event (Delete if you don`t wish to know)

2004-02-26 Thread Charlie Devine
Worrying about surviving an asteroid impact?
Maybe this is an even bigger worry, especially for our European friends
by the sounds of this secret Pentagon report.  For what it's worth:



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] It is ridiculous now.

2004-02-23 Thread Charlie Devine
Mark and list,

There is an artifact collector who goes by the name I buy fakes.
Don't know if he's still using that handle but he would bid on fakes.
Other potential bidders would see his bid, and perhaps curious, click on
his about me ebay page, where they would find a dissertation on the
great proliferation of fake artifacts on ebay, and how to avoid them.
Perhaps 30% of Native American artifacts on ebay are fake, and this was
his way of doing his part to fight back.

 Hello list and Mark,  Mark asked "well, hasn't someone bought from this seller now? Therefore, when the article arrives, it should be analyzed by one of our experts, and a signedanalysis submitted for mail fraud."  This seller also has no feedback. Perhaps the IMCA could create a eBay account, like "fakemeteoritebuyer", "Ionlybuyfakemeteorites", "biddingonfakemeteorites" or the like. I am sure we could keep a little fund going to purchase the cheaper ones, then they could recycled back onto eBay like John's auction..  Mark Bostick www.meteoritearticles.com
---End Message---

Re: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites - money for terrorism?

2004-01-31 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello Ken and Matt,

Matt, I have a question I would like you to ask Matteo should you see
him in the near future.
On 8 January 2004, a friend of Matteo's posted a message to the
meteorite-list with the subject heading UP WITH MATTEO!!  The friend's
name was Francesco Cini.  Mr. Cini provided a link in his post.  When
downloaded this link went to a pro Al Quaida broadside, lampooning the
United States and calling for its' destruction.
I noted with interest at the time that Matteo did not repudiate this
post by Mr. Cini.  So I'm curious.  Is Matteo sympathetic to the goals
of Al Quaida?

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Finding Bits Of Mars On Earth

2004-01-17 Thread Charlie Devine
Hard to believe I'm the only one interested in an answer to this curious
statement by a scientist who collects meteorites in Antarctica.  But I
did a little digging and got the answer.  It is perfectly legal for
private parties to collect meteorites in Antarctica.

Ron and list,

Towards the end of this article, one of the scientists expresses concern
that private expeditions will beat the scientific expeditions back to
the LaPaz ice field next year.  He is quoted as saying: The expeditions
who use our information to help a tourist pick up a meteorite and lock
it away in a private collection, it's a travesty to me.'  How long has
this been going on?  Is it gong on?  I thought the Antarctic was off
limits to private hunters?

Meteorite-list mailing list
---End Message---

Re: [meteorite-list] Finding Bits Of Mars On Earth

2004-01-17 Thread Charlie Devine
Dear Adam, Norbert, Ken and list:

Adam, what you're saying is what I was told as well.  But it was
certainly a revelation to me, until I asked myself who would prosecute
an INDIVIDUAL if he or she collected meteorites in Antarctica?  And I
guess the answer is indeed nobody!  But, I was also told that
individuals from private expedition cruises were doing the collecting.
I have no idea how close to the coast any meteorite fields may be, but
while expensive, Antarctic cruise prices seem to be within financial
reach of many people, and not just those for who $50,000 is a pittance.
I checked a few websites for Antarctic cruises and several do arrange
for smaller groups of 15 people or less to travel inland as far as 3-4
hours will take them to camp out.  This can hardly amount to a serious
threat to the scientific parties down there.  I imagine any list
member contemplating going on such a cruise would want to check the
exact geographic itinerary of these cruises and pick one that might be
more interesting then others.  As for the ethics, I'm conflicted about
it, but that's par for the course for me.  Legal it is.

Hi Ken and List Members,

I read the same thing some time ago.  What keeps dealers and collectors from
going to Antarctica is the cost of logistics.  Flying in shelter, food,
snowmobiles, communications, medical supplies and cold weather gear would be
extremely expensive not to mention travel costs just getting there.  Some
group was offering the chance to search for about $50,000.00 per a person a
couple of years ago, no thanks!  It would probably be half this amount to go
to Greenland, a prime virgin territory.  The treaty regarding the Antarctic
finds only relates to the scientific communities of several countries and
not individuals as I understand it.

More importantly, the scientist in that article made it sound like a sin
that private individuals are allowed to collect and own meteorites.  I do
not see any grant money going towards looking for these meteorites in the
hot desert so I see no reason for any complaints.  After all, the Sahara
would not be out performing Antarctica if private money was not involved.
Just look out how much planetary material has been coming out of the hot
desert in the last five years.

All the best,

Adam Hupe

- Original Message -
From: magellon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Charlie Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Finding Bits Of Mars On Earth

 Amazing!  Well done!
 (Hupes are now packing their thermal underwear:)

 Charlie Devine wrote:

  Hard to believe I'm the only one interested in an answer to this curious
  statement by a scientist who collects meteorites in Antarctica.  But I
  did a little digging and got the answer.  It is perfectly legal for
  private parties to collect meteorites in Antarctica.

  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Finding Bits Of Mars On Earth
  Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 14:43:18 -0500 (EST)
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Devine)
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Baalke)
  CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Meteorite Mailing List)
  Ron and list,
  Towards the end of this article, one of the scientists expresses concern
  that private expeditions will beat the scientific expeditions back to
  the LaPaz ice field next year.  He is quoted as saying: The expeditions
  who use our information to help a tourist pick up a meteorite and lock
  it away in a private collection, it's a travesty to me.'  How long has
  this been going on?  Is it gong on?  I thought the Antarctic was off
  limits to private hunters?
  Meteorite-list mailing list

 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list
---End Message---

Re: [meteorite-list] meteorites on ice

2004-01-17 Thread Charlie Devine
Hi John,
The wind chill yesterday morning here in Rhode Island was 40 below zero
Fahrenheit.  I wore four layers, was outdoors for several hours and
stayed as warm as toast!  Loved it in fact.  Well of course I'm crazy,
but I'm thinking now the Antarctic ice fields would be a piece of cake.
Yeah, right.

BTW, the key to my stay warm strategy is making thermolactyl the first
layer.  The underwear of choice for expeditions to Everest and the

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Finding Bits Of Mars On Earth

2004-01-16 Thread Charlie Devine
Ron and list,

Towards the end of this article, one of the scientists expresses concern
that private expeditions will beat the scientific expeditions back to
the LaPaz ice field next year.  He is quoted as saying: The expeditions
who use our information to help a tourist pick up a meteorite and lock
it away in a private collection, it's a travesty to me.'  How long has
this been going on?  Is it gong on?  I thought the Antarctic was off
limits to private hunters?

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] OT Martian weather reports

2004-01-14 Thread Charlie Devine

I found this:



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Roach Dry Lake

2003-12-14 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello Grant, Rob, and list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Roach Dry Lake

2003-12-14 Thread Charlie Devine
Hello Grant, Rob, and list

Grant wrote:

Your last comment reminded me of this

Walter M. Miller's acclaimed SF classic 
A Canticle for Leibowitz opens with the
accidental excavation of a holy artifact:
a creased brittle memo scrawled by the
hand of the blessed Saint Leibowitz, that
reads: Pound pastrami, can kraut, six
bagels--bring home for Emma.

Grant, that is one of my favorite SF novels.
As I recall, it's set in what is Utah today, long after our civilization
has vanished.  And the memo is part of the sacred scripture of a
monastic order living in the desert.  Deserts and the monastic lifestyle
always attracted me and I enjoy the theme of post apocalyptic worlds in
the SF genre.  Some years ago there was a spoof written of
archaeological over-interpretation, the name escapes me, in which a team
of future archaeologists excavate a McDonald's and interpret it as a
religious temple from our times.  Serious message: don't assume you
understand the past so well, check your preconceptions at the door.

Rob, be a shame if enough of your meteorite hunting reject piles don't
survive long enough to keep future archaeologists on their toes.
Astronomical alignments among the stone cairns of Roach Dry Lake.  A
ceremonial cairn complex at Roach Dry Lake.  Best of luck finding
meteorites and artifacts ( my 2 favorite collectables ).

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Roach Dry Lake

2003-12-13 Thread Charlie Devine
Hi Rob, John, Mark and list

Rob wrote:

In a given day at Roach, I probably pick
up a couple thousand rocks, piling them
up in this manner.

I wonder, if in some far distant future, an archaeologist will write a
thesis on The stone cairns of Roach and other dry lakes of the Far
West: towards a solution. :-)
I was just looking at a copy of Ancient Hunters of the Far West, 1966,
by Malcolm Rogers, a former director of the San Diego Museum of Man.
Many photos of stone cairns and stone enclosures dubbed sleeping circles
in southern California.  Apparently these are several thousand years
old. Makes me chuckle to think in a millennium or 2, people may scratch
their heads over all those meteorite hunter rock piles.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] dirty laundry

2003-12-11 Thread Charlie Devine
John and list,

I'm sure Bernd has a sense of humor, but no way is he Proud Tom.  Who
was quickest to answer virtually any meteorite-related question on this
list, complete with enough references to satisfy anyone?  Bernd.  And he
always showed his class.  I don't know if he's disappeared because of
the no-class arguments.  But if that's the case, this list is very
much poorer for it.
Buried in snow up to my gill slits,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] dirty laundry

2003-12-08 Thread Charlie Devine
Dave and list,

I miss Bernd.  Does anyone know if is still on this list?  Has all the
negative content of recent months finally driven even him away?  

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: Lunar eclipse

2003-11-09 Thread Charlie Devine
Dear list:

From a secluded spot on the shore of Mill Cove, Narragansett Bay, Rhode
Island, USA, my wife and I watched a narrowing band of moonlight on
still waters, a blood moon, and lots of squawking ducks. We thought it
very beautiful.

BTW, http://www.spacewheather.com has a nice lunar eclipse gallery up.


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Lunar eclipse gallery

2003-11-09 Thread Charlie Devine
Dear list:

Didn't realize there were 2 space weather sites.
Here is the correct address for the lunar eclipse gallery:

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Life on Mars? New Light on a Martian Mystery

2003-11-07 Thread Charlie Devine

This article describes tests done in the Atacama desert that may shed
light on results obtained in the 76 Vikng mission.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Today's meteorite fall anniversary

2003-10-18 Thread Charlie Devine
John and Gregory,

Well, no quakes in New England thursday night/friday morn, but as rabid
baseball fans I'm sure you guys can understand the gloomy mood pervading
Boston and the rest of New England at the moment.  We do get an average
of 2-3 small quakes each month in RI and southeast Mass.but few are
noticed.  A small one last week produced a loud bang similar to the
famous Moodus noices that have been heard in the Moodus, Ct. area for
many centuries.  

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] OFF TOPIC - Unusual

2003-09-09 Thread Charlie Devine
Michael and list,

Here in southern New England there exists groups of Monk parrots.  These
parrots are, I believe, native to Argentina.  The predominant theory is
that they escaped from ships in New York city.  They have been here in
Rhode Island, year round mind you, for at least 15 years.  I first saw
one of the groups, for they have multiplied into many colonies over the
years, on a Xmas morning at my parent's house where I saw 7 of them
sitting on the backyard clothesline in a snowstorm!  Had never heard of
them, but soon a large colony took up residence in a neighbor's tree.
Each pair of parrots has a seperate chamber in a huge communal nest.
When they came home to roost at dusk the din was incredible.  It would
suddenly sound like the jungle and I'd deadpan to any visitors oh,
that's just the parrots.  There's about 50 live in a tree out back.
They have since moved on but colonies still thrive here abouts and
elsewhere in New England I'm sure.


WARNING: This is off topic, so, some/many of you may wish to hit
your delete button.

Yesterday (Sept. 8) a very unusual occurrence took place in my
yard: A flock of a dozen parrots came to eat my leftover sunflower
 When I went out to pick up the paper at about 8 AM I was alerted
when a neighbor lady called out to me, Mr. Blood, there are parrots in
your sunflowers! And, to my delight and amazement, there were,
indeed, parrots feeding off the Russian Giant Sunflowers! I had left
most of them to dry in the sun, even though the birds had been eating
themŠ. but I had surely never seen parrots doing so.
In fact, there were twelve of them ­ an entire flock. And
beautiful they were, indeed. Most amazing, they were clearly
all the same species.
I grabbed my camera and went out to get some photos. You can see
most of the photos I captured of these beautiful creatures at:


(Particularly nice are photos # P16  P15)

I later researched the species. They had beautiful blue
heads, orangish top beak and near black bottom beak with
a little blue in their underwing and red in the underside of
some of their tail feathers. Their legs and feet were flesh
colored and when I later examined their photos closely, I
could see no bands on any of their legs, indicating they likely
escaped bird importers in the Tiajuana area and/or have
bread in the wilds of this area. They turned out to be Sharp-tailed
Conures (Aratinga acuticaudata) which are native to Brazil,
Bolivia, Uruguay and Argentina. So, they are clearly an escaped
flock that have naturalized in the area.
It is very rare to see parrot flocks in San Diego, but one
hears of them appearing here  there on occasion. Usually,
however, such flocks are reported to contain mixed species
of parrots, presumably attracted to their own kind having
escaped captivity individually. This is the only occurrence
I have been aware of where an entire flock was the same
In any event, I will certainly be planting more sunflowers
next year! 
Best wishes, Michael


Meteorite-list mailing list
---End Message---

Re: [meteorite-list] ebay auctions by Comet Meteorite-Shop

2003-08-22 Thread Charlie Devine

I'll go a step further then John.  You can absolutely trust Serge and
company.  They are also good friends with Al Lang and he speaks highly
of them.  Since Al is one of the true good guys in this hobby, whom
I've known for many years, that's good enough for me.  I've also dealt
with Serge at the Springfield show and, if Im any judge of character,
he's a good man.  He's running ebay auctions while he's in the US
between shows.
Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Apparent Meteorite Lands In Washington?

2003-07-17 Thread Charlie Devine
Tom asked:

How long until these asphalt chunks turn up
on EBAY?

Not long at all, Tom:



Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] Apparent Meteorite Lands In Washington?

2003-07-17 Thread Charlie Devine
Two more:




Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: eBay Likes and Dislikes

2003-07-15 Thread Charlie Devine
Roman wrote:

Hey someone named Gregory, Are you the
guy who had mentioned something about
bulls in a china shop when we were having
the SEX and meteorites contest?

Good morning Roman and list,

In fairness to Gregory and to save Gregory the task of searching the
archives, it was I who made the bull in the china shop comment.

Have a great day,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] eBay Likes and Dislikes

2003-07-13 Thread Charlie Devine
Adam and list,

I saw a segment on the Today Show, I believe it was yesterday's edition,
about a guy who lived out west, and who was selling a theme park that
had been owned and operated by his family for years.  He chose eBay over
any number of local real estate agents.  When asked why, he replied
because eBay allowed him to reach the entire world.  As of the airing of
the Today segment, bidding had reached 4 million dollars.  As a result
of listing his property on eBay, interested parties with a serious
interest were flying  great distances to inspect the property and
business.  Ebay brought those interested parties to his doorstep.

It's been called the world's largest fleamarket.
Somewhere in excess of 100,000 people earn a full time living off eBay.
And with the introduction of the buy-now option, it's not just an
auction format anymore, but a world-wide virtual retail shopping mall as
well.  And it let's the little guy, not just the full-timers, earn a
buck now and then with an ease never before possible before this virtual
market existed.

Well, I don't own stock in eBay, and a person's likes and dislikes are
their own business  But clearly, in the internet era, eBay was an idea
waiting to happen.  Wish it had been my idea.
Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] IMCA member offering questionable meteorite

2003-07-12 Thread Charlie Devine
Dear list,

I agree with John that this is not a case of an IMCA member trying to
sell a meteorwrong as a meteorite.  He calls it an iron rock and
meteorite-looking, and if I were a bidder I would not believe I was
bidding on a meteorite,
To protect those who might believe they were bidding on a meteorite,
however, it would have been better if he stated clearly this is not a

But, if one wishes to question the practices of an IMCA member, consider
the following auctions.  Here is an auction for a 1.12g slice of
Shirokovsky which ended in April, before it was official that
Shirokovsky was not a meteorite.
In this auction the seller identifies himself by IMCA number:
Sometime later, the seller ran an auction for a 0.64g slice of
Shirokovsky.  Although official word had not yet come down on this
material, I wrote to the seller and told him it was not looking good for
this material being meteoritic
He replied that he would look into it and he cancelled the auction.
I was therefore surprised when he ran the auction again, this time to a
Note that in this auction, he does not mention the IMCA at all, even
though he is still listed as a member, and he states the material is a
pallasite. Further, he states that he is selling as is, which tells me
this IMCA member knew exactly what he was doing: selling a meteorwrong
as a meteorite.  The winner of the auction also left feedback indicating
that he loved his meteorite specimen!
If this sounds familiar, I did point out this questionable auction to
the list a few weeks back. The reason I am bringing it up now is that
this IMCA member seems clearly to have pulled a fast one with the buyer
being none the wiser,  whereas the IMCA member selling the iron rock
from Maryland does not seem to be, in my mind at least, anywhere near as
deceptive in what he's doing.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Dave Marsocci contact me

2003-07-10 Thread Charlie Devine

I received your message but my replies bounce back.  If you contact me
again and include your phone number, I'll touch base with you that way.
My apologies to the list for the personal message.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Dealer Refunds: IDENTITY and DOUBLE GAUL

2003-06-29 Thread Charlie Devine
Tom, Ken, list,

Just a short note to assure anyone who feels that they may have offended
me somehow that such is simply not the case.  This thing between Matteo
and I, which had nothing to do with the dealer-refund thread, was over
as far as I was concerned.  When Matteo chose to complain to the list
regarding me, I felt comfortable in setting the record straight.
So,there is only one person to whom I might take offense, namely he who
brought a private matter onto the list, but believe me, I am not sitting
here stewing over it!  From my perspective this private matter was
unfortunate but of no great consequence
in the grand scheme of things.  

Best wishes,

Hello Charlie and list, Steve started a post called dealers refunds. I do
not think  the buyer in Steve's post deserves a refund! Some how, some
where, the thread got off topic and on to the subject with Matteo and an
ebay deal of his. When I replied on this subject, I thought we were still on
Steve's original thread. So Charlie, I want you to know that I has not
talking about you in this thread at all. I am sorry if I offended you, I
thought if I was offending anyone it was the guy asking Steve for a refund!
: )
Thanks, Tom
The proudest member of the IMCA 6168
- Original Message -
From: Charlie Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael L Blood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Tom aka James Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ken O'Neill
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Meteorite-List (E-mail)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; M come Meteorite Meteorites
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Dealer Refunds: IDENTITY and DOUBLE GAUL

 Hello everyone,

 On ebay I am shawomet, and I am the person whom Matteo is suggesting be
 blackballed on ebay because I left him negative feedback.
 I am very sorry that Matteo chose to air our differences on this list.
 When he continued to lie to me, I told Matteo he was very lucky I was
 keeping this between the 2 of us.  Now he has decided to slam me in
 public, so, to set the record straight, here is why Matteo is so upset
 with me.

 It begins with the simple fact that Park Forest was a very special fall
 in my opinion.  My emphasis in collecting has always been more on the
 history, and less on the science.  So, Park Forest had it all in my
 eyes.  I knew I was reading about, on this list, a fall that would rank
 as very historic.  I resolved that I would try to acquire as many
 samples of the various hammers or house smashers as I could.
 It's 3 months later and I believe I did well in reaching my specific

 Then one day I saw this ebay auction just a few hours after Matteo
 listed it:

 This listing gave the unmistakable impression that the seller was
 offering a slice of the stone that hit the roof of the PF Firestation!
 With a buy-now option of $55 for a 1g slice.  I thought, wow, what a
 way to round out my PF hammer collection!.  But I also thought I
 thought the PF town council had decided to sell this stone to a museum?
 I then did what I've never done before.  Bid first ( or in this case
 buy-now first ) and ask questions later.  If this really were a piece
 of the PF Firestation stone, the auction might end with a buy-now before
 Matteo could answer my questions.  So I ended the auction and
 immediately wrote to Matteo.  I told him I would send payment if he
 could provide the evidence that this was indeed from the PF Firestation
 hammer.  His reply did not really address my question.  He told me that
 he got the slice from Michael Blood, who got it from the Hupes.  He told
 me he had a slice from this stone on his collection page.  He did, and
 it was captioned Firestation stone.

 I decided to contact Michael Blood, but he was not around.  I decided to
 sleep on it.  Lo and behold, when I awake I remember that Michael did
 offer pieces of a stone that had fallen across the street from the
 firestation.  Matteo was mistaken.  It must be a piece of this stone
 that I had purchased.  So I wrote to Matteo and told him he must be in
 error, but being an honorable man, I would pay his ebay fees since I had
 bid first and asked questions later.  A small loss for me, no loss for

 Matteo's reply to my suggestion was that I could believe one of 2
 things.  I could believe that Michael Blood was a liar, or I could
 believe the slice came from the stone that penetrated the roof of the
 firestation.  Whatever Matteo's reason for putting it that way, I fell
 for it and sent my payment.  A perfect example of being told what I
 really wanted to hear and believing it I guess.

 Several days went bye when I noticed a post from Michael to the list.
 Seeing that he was around I contacted him and discovered my memory had
 been correct.  Michael never offered this hammer on his pre-post list
 and Michael never told Matteo that the pieces Matteo bought from him
 came from the Firestation impactor.  Michael also fwd

[meteorite-list] OT: Giant Hailstone

2003-06-25 Thread Charlie Devine
Dear list

Don't imagine they get much bigger then this..


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Is Shirokovsky a meteorite?

2003-05-30 Thread Charlie Devine
Gregory and list:

In fact I informed the seller about a month ago that the status of
Shirokovsky was questionable.  At the time the seller was running an
ebay auction for the same 0.64g slice.  He replied that he would look
into it and ended the auction.  When I saw that he had relisted the
slice last night, I first checked to see if he was still an IMCA member,
as he had stated that he was the first time the slice was listed, but
did not state as much in his current listing.  Since the listing clearly
states that Shirokovsky is a rare pallasite, and since the seller
understands that status is questionable (why else sell it as is?), I
felt this auction was an attempt by the seller to simply pass his loss
on to someone else.  While I am not myself a member of the IMCA, I do
understand the goals of that group, and this seller would seem to be
less then forthright in his description.


The seller is IMCA member #8645. In an earlier auction of this material
he was informed that the jury was still out on this material. The
description states that it IS a pallasite classified by the Vernadsky
Institute of Moscow. At the same time he states it is being sold "as

A number of meteoritical scientists at the very top of the classification food-chain have stated (unofficially, not yet published) that their analyses establish that Shirokovsky is NOT a meteorite, and to my knowledge a number of dealers have been making refunds. The Meteoritical Society has not issued a final report to make it absolutely official and close the case, but it seems to be only a question of time. This seller is going to have to refund this piece anyway, so I would think that the IMCA would be well within its rights to insist (or at least strongly advise) that the seller add a sentence or two to his auction text (there's still plenty of time), essentially saying what I just did. It technically is not deemed a meteorwrong but apparently it will be soon enough, and surely the seller would want to see the big picture and be forthright here, if for no other reason than to be able to maintain credibility in the future. 

---End Message---

[meteorite-list] Is Shirokovsky a meteorite?

2003-05-29 Thread Charlie Devine

Dear list:
The seller is IMCA member #8645.  In an earlier auction of this material
he was informed that the jury was still out on this material.  The
description states that it IS a pallasite classified by the Vernadsky
Institute of Moscow.  At the same time he states it is being sold as
What's up with that?

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] When is a fall historical?

2003-04-03 Thread Charlie Devine
Regarding Park Forest, Matteo wrote:

  Historical?? Historical is after over minimum
  40 years, no after 4 dayshistorical only
  probably for the USA persons of the zone,
  but for meteorite collectors is not

Maybe we're splitting hairs here.  In Matteo's interpretation,
historical is synonymous with old. A certain passage of time must
occur before a fall can be called historical.  I don't know how we
decide how many years must pass.  Historical can also be use to convey
the belief that something is important as in the phrase today an
historic event transpired. 
Most of us, when we hear historical fall probably think old fall.
But I know when I first heard the news of Park Forest, with all its'
house smashing stones, I thought this was an historic fall. Historic as
in important.  That is why I said a few days ago that were I lucky
enough to own a piece of one of the house smashers from this fall I
would not need 50 years to know I owned a piece of meteorite history.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] I heard a crash (Park Forest)

2003-03-31 Thread Charlie Devine
Very detailed first hand accounts of 2 of the house smashers.  Great


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Adler scientists seek photographic evidence (Park Forest)

2003-03-31 Thread Charlie Devine
Determining an orbit would be the icing on the cake.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] updates on park forest

2003-03-31 Thread Charlie Devine

Three individuals totaling 610 grams.  That's some good friend you have
Steve.  And some good fortune on your part.  Have you given any thought
to sharing your good fortune by donating your remaining micros to an
area school perhaps?

Just a thought :-)

Good evening list.I got wonderful news from my friend today.He decided to
keep 4 of the 7 piece's he found in his back yard, bit I am getting the 3
largest.When he told me the size, I almost had a coronary.They are 360,
173, and 77 gram whole individuals.He said the all have about 95 percent
fusion crust, and are totally blackgray in color.YYYESSS!!Also
to update as to what I have left i micro's, here is a breakdown as to what
I have left.

FUSION CRUSTED MICRO'S 7X3X3mm, (3 AT)6X4X3mm, 7x3x2mm, 6x3x2mm, and

NON-CRUSTED PIECE'S  8x5x4mm, 8x6x3, (2 at)6x4x2, and (2 at)4x4x2mm

This is what I have left.I will be going back to the strewnfield this
saturday at about 8:00am. Also roman jirasek from toronto will be there.I
also heard a few other collecters will be there.Hope some of you can make

  steve arnold, chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
Illinois Meteorites
website url http//:stormbringer60120.tripod.com

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!

Meteorite-list mailing list
---End Message---

Re: [meteorite-list] Park Forest meteorite debacle - whats a fairprice?

2003-03-29 Thread Charlie Devine
If I could get a piece that was documented to have crashed through the
roof of a house for $7/g, I would be very happy and I wouldn't have to
wait 50 years to know I owned a piece of meteorite history

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] US wins back moon rock

2003-03-28 Thread Charlie Devine

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] EBAY SCAM??????

2003-03-22 Thread Charlie Devine
What happens when a meteorite collector discovers ebay?  They go
bonkers!  I've seen it happen many times.  Sometimes they're new to
meteorites, in which case they often overpay.  If he's new to
meteorites, he'll eventually find other venues to acquire meteorites. If
they already collect meteorites, and are simply new to ebay, eventually
he'll calm down.  Probably not a list member, and no harm is done
writing to this person and inviting him/her to join the list. I've done
so in the past and they're usually grateful to learn the meteorite-list
community exists where they can learn more.  You might try this.  Just
don't comment on his/her spending habits so as not to be accused of
interfering with an auction.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Russian scientists to search for meteorite

2003-03-12 Thread Charlie Devine


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Questionable items?

2003-02-24 Thread Charlie Devine
Dear list,

Recently thee was a thread regarding a slice and individuals of
Estherville for auction on ebay.  The consensus was that the samples wee
not meteorites.  In fact, the seller offered a slice of this material in
an earlier auction and is presently offering more.  In both the earliest
and latest auctions I notice ebay handles of people who regularly bid on
real meteorites.
In order of earliest to current, the second being the one discussed
earlier on the list, and the current being a relist of the second(?):




This seller seems to be doing OK for themselves..

Best wishes,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Questionable items?(Correction)

2003-02-24 Thread Charlie Devine
Oh God, how I hate it when this happens.
Here are the correct urls for my previous post.




If these links are dead, but curiosity has the better of you, go to
advance search on the listings and key in the item number.


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