[meteorite-list] possible meteorite

2007-06-28 Thread Dana L. Hawn
Unknown object falls through the roof of a Woburn, Mass business.  There is a 
nice picture of the object in the article. 
  Dana Hawn
  Louisville, IL

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Re: [meteorite-list] Sky detonation video

2007-06-13 Thread Dana L. Hawn
It is hard to say what that was in the video.  I am sure what it isn't though 
is a meteorite.
  Dana Hawn
  Louisville, Illinois  

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[meteorite-list] The chance of a lifetime?

2007-03-12 Thread Dana L. Hawn
Church organist required for jungle meteorite hunt  

  Wanted: one organist for concert in remote Bolivian jungle accessible only by 
raft. Must be prepared to face rapids, alligators and 30C (86F) temperatures. 
Ability to swim a bonus. 
  Church organists are rarely an essential part of expeditions into the 
Amazonian rainforest, but a team of scientists about to embark on a journey to 
a far-flung meteorite impact site in Bolivia believe that one will be key to 
achieving their mission. 
  Colonel John Blashford-Snell, a professional adventurer who made headlines in 
2000 when he took a grand piano 350 miles (560km) along the Amazon River as a 
present for the Wai Wai tribe in Guyana, intends to deliver a pedal organ to 
the isolated Ojaki community as a way of persuading its people to help his 
  The colonel’s team, which will also help to install a clean water supply and 
perform medical duties for the Ojaki people, are reliant on local expertise to 
build bridges to the impact site, which is five miles wide. The locals are 
religious and have asked the visitors to install an organ in their newly built 
  The organ — a pedal-powered Harmonium donated by St James’s church in Milton 
Abbas, Dorset — will be flown to La Paz and then transported by lorry 120 miles 
over the Andes to the Beni river. It will then be loaded on to a 59ft (18m) 
boat for a 430-mile journey over rapids and more dangerous, man-made hazards. 
  Colonel Blashford-Snell, 70, told The Times that the main obstacle would be 
logs floated down the river by timber companies. “You get around those by 
gunning the engine before pulling the prop out of the water,” he said. “God 
willing, your bow comes out of the water and you shoot over the log and land on 
the other side.” 
  Natural hazards include alligators, although these are not a problem “unless 
you step on them”, he said. 
  The explorer made a reconnaissance expedition two years ago but had to stop 
within seven miles of the crater when his party got down to their last bottle 
of water. He suggests that any organist willing to join should be prepared to 
face discomforts such as swarms of bees and 30C temperratures. “The organist 
should be fit enough to catch a bus and it would be very nice if he or she 
could swim,” he said. The successful applicant will also be expected to pay a 
share of the costs of about £2,000. 
  The team hopes to be the first to bring back traces of the meteorite, which 
is estimated to have landed between 5,000 and 30,000 years ago. It will also 
try formally to identify the Andean double-nosed tiger hound, a dog first 
observed in Bolivia in 1913 by Percy Fawcett, a British adventurer. 
  —Colonel John Blashford-Snell is a former officer in the Royal Engineers who 
helped to found Operation Raleigh. He will lead the 20-person team on the 
two-month trip on June 21 
  —He has twice been shot at by Ethiopian bandits, bitten by a vampire bat and 
ate a Panamanian spider monkey 
  —Blashford-Snell is the founder of the Scientific Exploration Society 
  —He led the first descent of the Ethiopian Blue Nile in 1968 and the first 
vehicle crossing of the Darien Gap in Panama in 1972 
  —He invented a jungle hat that is mosquito-repellent, Teflon-coated and has a 
refrigerated headband 
  —He said recently: “I often say at 6am as I climb out of a soaking wet 
hammock, ‘God, I must be mad. Why am I doing this?’ ”
  Here is the link where the article is located:  
  Hi every one!  What I was wondering about this is why it has to be a church 
organist?  Why not just a good organist?
  Well I just thought I would throw it on the list for anyone who was 
  Dana Hawn

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[meteorite-list] Peruvian Crater

2007-02-28 Thread Dana L. Hawn
If Randall is only open for discussion about the crater and the find after 
scientific studies have been completed what was the point of mentioning it now 
prior to the studies being completed?  What is the point of the rambling about 
the laws and filed paperwork, ect.?  What is up with throwing in the fear 
factors about what could happen to a person if they did this or that?  If 
Randall was concerned about someone horning in on his find and ransacking the 
crater why didn't he just remained tight lipped about the find like others have 
done?  Looks like loose lips can sink more than a ship.
  I wish all people acted like Steve Arnold when it comes to a good find!
  Luckily Randall will not be the last person on the face of the Earth to have 
a find and we can all happily going hunting our own merry ways.
  Happy Hunting to One and All,
  Dana L. Hawn
  Louisville,  Illinois

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[meteorite-list] Sabrina Branch RE:Walter

2007-02-08 Thread Dana L. Hawn
I am so sorry to hear about Walter.  I will keep him, your daughter, and you in 
my prayers.  Walter was a wonderful informative friend when I began my hobby of 
meteorites years ago and helped to steer me clear of a couple of unsavory 
dealers.  I am truly saddened to hear of the accident.   Please let us know if 
there is any change in his condition.   If there is anything I can do to help 
you at this time please feel free to ask me.   I sincerely mean this.
  Sincerely,  Dana L.  Hawn 

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[meteorite-list] Michael L Blood

2007-01-08 Thread Dana L. Hawn
Dear Michael,  Dang I knew dealing meteorites was cut throat, but I just didn't 
realize how cut throat.  ha ha ha!  So who on the list do you think is trying 
to have you bumped off before the Tucson show?  ah just kidding!  
  Anyway Happy New to you!  It looks like your off to an interesting start this 
year.  What is really interesting is this person is willing to meet you face to 
face.  Woo hoo its someone local possibly?  Yep, you best turn this one 
over to the FBI.  I can't wait to hear how this all turns out in the end.  Do 
keep me posted!  
  Sincerely,  Dana L. Hawn

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[meteorite-list] Attention All

2006-12-23 Thread Dana L. Hawn
With Christmas upon us, I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very 
Merry Christmas on the list.  I also wanted to say thank you to all of you for 
the wealth of knowledge you have shared upon the list this year, because of 
your contribution of information I am just a little more wiser this year than I 
was last year about my hobby.   I am truly grateful to those of you who take 
meteorites seriously and aren't running scams.  I am also very grateful to a 
couple of you on here who saved me from being conned by someone and intervened 
to prevent it from happening.  I will never forget your kindness when I began 
  Merry Christmas Everyone!  
  Sincerely,  Dana Hawn 

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[meteorite-list] Who has the rarest of them all?

2006-10-13 Thread Dana L. Hawn
With little time to bid I only wish I could afford buy this gem. ha ha ha http://cgi.ebay.com/METEORITE_W0QQitemZ300034369553QQihZ020QQcategoryZ3239QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItemYa'll think this was a typo or a wishful thinker? ~Dana Hawn  Louisville, IL 
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[meteorite-list] Michael Johnson's News Article of the Day

2006-09-10 Thread Dana L. Hawn
Congratulations Michael! That was a wonderful and well written article! Nice picture too! ~Dana Hawn 
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[meteorite-list] a June sighting

2006-06-24 Thread Dana L. Hawn
RONA JOHNSON COLUMN: Fireball sightings stretch to Wyoming  On June 2, Dayne LaHooe was driving on a gravel road through Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming when something caught his eye.  "It was the most spectacular thing I've ever seen - I have never seen anything like it before," he said. LaHooe called after he read my June 10 column in the Herald about the fireball that streaked across the sky June 2.  "It shot across the sky and looked like it landed right behind the Tetons," he said.  LaHooe, who works in Jackson Hole, Wyo., figured it was about 9:30 p.m., because the stars hadn't even come out yet.  He didn't say much to anyone about it because he thought they wouldn't believe him. But he did tell his girlfriend and her father. Then, as luck would have it, his girlfriend's father, who lives in the Twin Cities, was driving through this area
 and somehow came across my column and sent it to LaHooe.  From Minnesota  Errol and Chris Johnson, who are from Chewelah, Wash., were in Roseau, Minn., on June 2. They were celebrating Errol's uncle Glen Johnson's 86th birthday. It was about 11:30 p.m. and Errol and about five other family members were sitting in the breezeway of his uncle's home when they heard some distant booming noises.  "My wife said it sounded like a baseball bat hitting the side of the house - like a sonic boom, I thought," he said. Johnson decided to go outside to see if there was anything going on.  "Almost immediately, I saw two large fireballs with tails fly by, moving from the south-southeast as they appeared to descend to the north," Errol said.  He called to the other family members to come, but the meteor was out of range by the time they got outside.  Johnson and his wife didn't hear anything
 more about the fireball until after they had returned to Washington.  "My aunt and uncle sent a thank you card and they sent along your article," he said. That's when Johnson called me.  Using Google Earth, Johnson was able to find the exact longitude and latitude of where he was standing when he saw the fireballs, which were 48 degrees, 50 minutes, 34.68 seconds north latitude and 95 degrees, 45 minutes, 38.84 seconds west longitude.  "As far as the angle off of the horizon, I am thinking I had to be looking up about 60 to 75 degrees as I looked directly east," he said.  Over in N.D.  At the same time that Johnson saw the fireball, Leann Weber was in a tractor cultivating a field about 3 miles north of Cando, N.D. It was about midnight and there was no moon.  "All of a sudden, the sky just lit up," Weber said.  She said the fireball stayed in the sky for about a
 minute.  "As it was falling, you could see debris coming off it and it started breaking apart," she said. "I've never seen anything like it, and probably will never see any like it again. I guess it's a good reason to keep cultivating late at night."  Weber, who works at the Herald as a copy editor, was reminded of the sighting when she was reading my column the night before it appeared in the Herald.  If you read my column June 10, you know that I was sitting in University Park in Grand Forks during the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life when I saw the fireball.  It's fun to hear from people who saw the fireball, but I still haven't received any photos - hint, hint. And it would be really cool to find out if anyone has found any pieces of the meteorite.  I have to apologize to anyone who has been trying to e-mail me lately. My e-mail address has been missing an "r" for the last month and wasn't caught until this
 last week. I haven't been ignoring your e-mails, I just haven't received them. 
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[meteorite-list] A sighting

2006-05-22 Thread Dana L. Hawn
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[meteorite-list] Luke Hill

2006-04-25 Thread Dana L. Hawn
Hi Luke I have a search that is running 24/7 thru yahoo for the keywords meteorite, fireball, bollide and bolide in case of a miss-spelling in the media which occurs frequently. I guess you could use another bot thru topix news to scour the media. There is also a group of people on yahoo groups who share this info. I am a member and would be happy to send you the link if you would like to join.Dana Hawn  "People may forget what you have said, people may even forget what you did, but they will never ever forget how you made them feel..." ~Dana L. Hawn 
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