Dear all,

I need some room and this is your chance to get 159 references related to 
meteoritics for only $1,900 shipping included.

See list here:
and also below.

It means that each reference costs $12 although there are 44 signed/inscribed 
references (each valued at $30-100) and some rare volumes (e.g. from 16th 
century, $600+ value, some other rare volumes, $100+ each like Borgström 1912, 
Meunier 1892 or McCrosky et al. 1971). This is a unique chance if you want to 
resell, complete your library or start one!

First come, first served,

Best regards,


[1] Albin, E. F. (1997), Georgiaites - Tektite Geochemistry & Stratigraphic 
Occurrence in East-Central Georgia. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, 
Georgia, 202 pp. Signed by the author.

[2] Anders, E. and F. W. Fitch (1962), Search for Organized Elements in 
Carbonaceous Chondrites, Science, 138, pp. 1392-1399

[3] Anders, E., R. Hayatsu and M. H. Studier (1973), Organic Compounds in 
Meteorites, Science, 182, pp. 781-790

[4] Astapowitsch, I. S. (1934), Air waves caused by the fall of the meteorite 
on the 30th June, 1908, in Central Siberia, Quaterly J. Royal Meteorological 
Soc., pp. 493-504. Signed by the author.

[5] Astronomy (2006), Special Meteorite Issue, vol. 34, issue 8, 104 pp.

[6] Baker, R. T. (1900), Note on a New Meteorite form New South Wales, J. and 
Proc. of Royal Soc. N. S. Wales, vol. 34, pp. 81-83. Signed by the author.

[7] Beck, C. W., L. LaPaz and L. H. Goldsmith (1951), The Breece, New Mexico, 
Meteoritic Iron, Mineralogical Magazine, London, vol. 24, no. 212, pp. 531-537

[8] Beck, C. W. and R. G. Stevenson (1951), The Yonozu, Japan, Stony Meteorite, 
Amer. J. Science, vol. 249, pp. 815-821

[9] Berwerth, F. (1917), On the origin of meteorites, Smithsonian report for 
1916, 311-320

[10] Bethany Sciences (1995), Catalog and handbook of meteorites. Sales list, 
no. 9, 31 pp.

[11] Bonhams (2007), Historic Meteorites and Related Americana, Sunday October 
28, 2007 New York. Auction catalogue, 47 pp.

[12] Borgström, L. H. (1912), Der Meteorit von St. Michel. Bull. Commission 
Géologique de Finlande, No. 34, Helsingfors, 49 pp., 3 pls.

[13] Bowman, H. L. and H. E. Clarke (1910), On the structure and composition of 
the Chandakapur meteoric stone, Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 15, pp. 350-376. 
Signed by the author.

[14] Brezina, A. (1905), Meteoritenstudien III, zur Frage der Bildungsweise 
Eutropischer Gemenge, Wien, 9 pp.

[15] Briley, D. J. and C. B. Moore (1976), A Checklist of Published References 
to Barringer Meteorite Crater, Arizona, 1891-1970, Center for Meteorite 
Studies, Arizona State University, octavo, pp. iv., 71 pp.

[16] Brougham, H. (1804), "Izarn, des pierres tombées du ciel ou lithologie 
atmofpherique", 15 pp.

[17] Buchwald, V. (1965), Heat-treated iron meteorites in museum collections, 
Geochimica Cosmochimistra Acta, vol. 29, pp. 603-604. Signed by the author.

[18] Campbell Smith, W. (1950), Stony Meteorites, ‘Advancement of Science’, no. 
26, British Assoc.: Birmingham Meeting, 11 pp.

[19] Carion, A. (1992), Météorites, Paris, 1st ed., 36 pp.

[20] Carion, A. (unk.), Météorites, Paris, 2nd ed.

[21] Chapman, C. R. and D. Morrison (1989), Cosmic Catastrophes. New York: 
Plenum Press, 302 pp. Inscribed by C. R. Chapman.

[22] Chennay (2008), Meteorite, not bomb, September 14, 2008

[23] Chicago Tribune (2003), Meteorite hunters scour Park Forest, March 29, 
2003, 1 pp. Signed by S. Arnold.

[24] Chicago Tribune (2004), ‘Park Forest Meteorite Fall’: One year, many deals 
later, March 26, 2004

[25] Ciel & Espace (2009), On a retrouvé les parents du Système solaire, no. 
473, pp. 36-47

[26] Clarke, R. S. Jr. and M. K. Carron (1961), Comparison of Tektite Specimens 
from Empire, Georgia, and Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. Smiths. Misc. 
Coll., vol. 143, no. 4., 18 pp.

[27] Coulvier-Gravier, R. A. (1866), Recherches sur les météores et sur les 
lois qui les régissent. Paris: Plon, 372 pp., 15 pls.

[28] Corbett, C. S. (1926), Another Kansas Meteorite? Am. J. Sci., vol. 12, pp. 
495-498. Inscribed by the author.

[29] Crook, A. R. and O. C. Farington (1930), The Tilden meteorites. Trans. 
Illinois State Academy Sci., 22, pp. 441-449.

[30] Dunn, J. A. (1939), The Rangala Meteorite, in: Records Geol. Surv. India, 
vol. 74, part 2, pp. 260-276, 5 pls.

[31] Easton, N. W. (1921), The Billitonites (An Attempt to Unravel the Tektite 
Puzzle). Proc. k. akad. wtenschappen, Amsterdam, 2(22), 32 pp., 2 pls.

[32] El Observador (2008), Encontraron particulas del meteorito en Berduc y 
otros lugares, April 9, 2008.

[33] Farrington, O. C. (1896), Shooting-stars that reach the Earth, from: St 
Nicholas Magazine.

[34] Farrington, O. C. (1923), Meteorites, Field Museum of Natural History, 
Department of Geology, Leaflet no. 4, Chicago, 11 pp., 4 pls.

[35] Fitch, F., H. P. Schwarcz and E. Anders (1962), 'Organized elements' in 
carbonaceous chondrites, Nature, 193, pp. 1123-1125

[36] Fitch, F. and E. Anders (1963), Organized Elements: Possible 
Identification in Orgueil Meteorite, Science, 140, pp. 1097-1100

[37] Fletcher, L. (1899), On a mass of meteoric iron from the neighbourhood of 
Caperr, Rio Senguerr, Patagonia | On the cliftonite and taenite of the meteoric 
iron found in 1884 in the sub-district of Youndegin, Western Australia, 
Mineralogical Magazine, 12, no. 56, pp. 167-174. Signed by the author

[38] Foster, G. E. (1957), The Barringer (Arizona) Meteorite Crater, 30 pp. 
Signed by the author.

[39] Franco, F. and M. Franco (2001), Chercheurs de météorites, Le cherche midi 
ed., Paris, 236 pp.

[40] Gallien, A. (2001), Les météorites, ces pierres tombées du ciel..., Guide 
du Prospecteur. Signed by the author, no. 967 /1000.

[41] Gheesling, D. B. (2009), Preliminary Note on the Shower of Meteoritic 
Stones found by Jack Schrader, near Whetstone Mountains, Cochise County, 
Arizona. Self-published. Signed by Jack Schrader, no. 53/97.

[42] Gheesling, D. B. (2011), Conception Junction Pallasite, MO.. On the New 
Missouri Meteorite Confirmed by Karl Aston, Aug. 2011. Self-published, pp. 
124-139. Signed by the author.

[43] Gomes, C. B. and K. Keil (1980), Brazilian Stone Meteorites, Univ. of New 
Mexico Press, Albuquerque

[44] Grimsby Lincoln News (2009), Grimsby meteorite finds are 'worldwide' news, 
October 21, 2009. Signed by Mike Bandli and Rob Wesel

[45] Haag, R. (2003), The Robert Haag Collection of Meteorites, Private 
Collection Edition, Tucson, AZ, 126 pp.

[46] Hartley, W. N. and H. Ramage (1898), A spectrographic analysis of iron 
meteorites, siderolites, and meteoric stones, Scientific Proceedings of the 
Royal Dublin Society, vol. 8, pp. 703-710. Signed by the author.

[47] Heineman, R. E. S. and L. F. Brady (1929), The Winona Meteorite, Am. J. 
Sci., vol. 18, pp. 477-486. Signed by the author.

[48] Henderson, E. P. (1965), Hexaedrites, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 148, no. 5, 
41 pp.

[49] Hidden, W. E. (1887), On the Mazapil Meteoric-iron, which fell November 
27th, 1885, Am. J. Sci., vol. 33, pp. 221-226. Signed by the author.

[50] Hochleitner, R. and D. Heinlein (2003), Neuschwanstein, der Meteorit aus 
den bayerischen Alpen, KulturStiftung der Länder, Patrimonia 267, Staatliche 
Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlung Bayerns, München, 32 pp.

[51] Hodge-Smith, T. (1939), Australian Meteorites, Memoirs Austr. Mus. 7, 
Sidney, 84 pp.

[52] Hutton, C. O. (1936), The Morven meteorite, an aerolite from South 
Canterbury, New Zealand. Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 24, pp. 265-275. Signed 
by the author.

[53] Jaros, Z. D. and V. Rosicky (1937), Meteorit Ze Sazovic u Zlina. Separatum 
| Der Meteorit von Sazovice bei Zlin - Acta musei moraviensis Brunae, Tom. XXX, 
18 pp., 2 pl.

[54] Judin, I. A. and S. I. Smyshlyaev (1964), Chemical-mineragraphy study of 
non-transparent minerals of achondrites Norton Co. and Pesyanoe (Russian text). 
Inscribed by I. A. Judin to B. Mason.

[55] Judin, I. A. (1965), Mineragraphy study of the black chondrite Kainsaz 
(Russian text). Inscribed by the author to B. Mason.

[56] Judin, I. A., S. I. Smyshlyaev and B. A. Junikov (1966), 
Chemical-mineragraphy and X-ray study of Daubréelite (Russian text). Inscribed 
by I. A. Judin to B. Mason.

[57] Kashkai M. A. and V. I. Aliev (1961), Structure and composition of iron 
meteorite shower Yardymli (Russian text). Inscribed by M. A. Kashkai to 
Smithsonian Institution, department of Mineral Sciences.

[58] Kichinka, K. (2005), The Art of Collecting Meteorites, Privately printed 
by the author, New Baskerville, 219 pp. Signed by the author, no. 442.

[59] King , E. A. (1981), Tierra Blanca: An unusual non-chondrite from West 
Texas, draft version, 12 pp.

[60] King, E. A. Jr. (1989), Moon Trip. A Personal Account of the Apollo 
Program and its Science, Houston, Texas, 149 pp.

[61] King , E. A. (c. 1990s), Teaching material on impact processes. Folder 
with annotated block-note and photocopies of articles. The Tricottet Collection 
Manuscript & Correspondence Archive.

[62] Kirkwood, D. (2009), Meteoritic Astronomy: A Treatise On Shooting-Stars, 
Fireballs And Aerolites (1867), Kessinger Publishing, 129 pp.

[63] Knight, D. C. (1972), Meteors and Meteorites, An introduction to 
Meteoritics (ex-library)

[64] Kolomensky, V. D. and I. A. Judin (1958), Mineral composition of the 
fusion crust of Sikhote-Alin meteorite and meteorite and meteor dust (Russian 
text). Inscribed by V. D. Kolomensky to B. Mason.

[65] Kolomensky, V. D. (1960), The results of the X-ray study of stony 
meteorite Nikolskoya (Russian text). Inscribed by the author to B. Mason.

[66] Kolomensky, V. D. and I. V. Miheeva (1963), Hypersthene and olivine from 
meteorite Yurtuk (Russian text). Inscribed by V. D. Kolomensky to B. Mason.

[67] Krinov, E. L. (1962), A short catalogue of meteorites in USSR as of 
January 1962 (in Russian). Meteoritica, 22, pp. 114-126.

[68] Kunz, G. F. (1885), On three masses of meteoric iron from Glorieta 
Mountain, near Canoncito, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Am. J. Sci., 30, 4 pp., 
4 pls.

[69] Kvasha, L. G. (1958), About thermal metamorphism of some of stone 
meteorites (Russian text). Inscribed by the author to B. Mason.

[70] Kvasha, L. G. (1959), Achondrites: vector diagram of the chemical 
compositions (Russian text). Inscribed by the author to B. Mason.

[71] Kvasha, L. G. (1961), Some new data on the structure of chondrites 
(Russian text). Inscribed by the author to B. Mason.

[72] Kvasha, L. G., V. D. Kolomensky and I. A. Budko (1969), Structure of 
nickel-iron and sulfides in meteorite Santa Catharina (Russian text). Inscribed 
by V. Kolomensky to B. Mason.

[73] LaPaz, L. (1953), Meteorite Sectioning Equipement at the Institute of 
Meteoritics, Meteoritics, vol. 1, no. 1

[74] LaPaz, L. (1956), A Preliminary Report on the Dumas, Moore County, Texas, 
Aerolite | A Recent Macro-spicular Recovery From the Glorieta, New Mexico, 
Fall, Meteoritics, vol. 1, no. 4

[75] LaPaz, L. (1973), The present location of the Bacubirito, Mexico, 
meteorite, from: J. Brit. Astr. Ass., vol. 83, no. 5

[76] LeMaire, T. R. (1980), Stones from the Stars, The Unsolved Mysteries of 
Meteorites, Prentice-Hall, 185 pp.

[77] Leonard, F. C. (1946), A Catalog of Provisional Coordinate Numbers for the 
Meteoritic Falls of the World. Univ. of New Mexico Publ. in Meteoritics, no. 1, 
Univ. New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 54 pp.

[78] Life Magazine (1937), Chasing meteorites is a career, September 6, 1936, 
pp. 46-50

[79] Magasin Pittoresque (1871), Les Aérolithes ou Pierres tombées du Ciel, pp. 

[80] Mason, B. and H. B. Wiik (1960), The Tomhannock Creek, New York, 
chondrite, Mineralogical Magazine, vol. 32, no. 250, 528-534

[81] Mason, B. (1974), Notes on Australian Meteorites, Records of the 
Australian Museum, vol. 29, no. 5

[82] Marvin, U. B. and B. Mason (1980), Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites, 
1977-1978, Smithsonian Contrib. to the Earth Sciences, no. 23

[83] Marvin, U. B. and B. Mason (1982), Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria 
Land Antarctica 1978-1980, Smithsonian Contrib. to the Earth Sciences, no. 24

[84] Marvin, U. B. and B. Mason (1984), Field and Laboratory Investigations of 
Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica, Smithsomian Contrib. to the Earth 
Sciences, no. 26

[85] Marvin, U. B. and G. J. MacPherson (1989), Field and Laboratory 
Investigations of Meteorites from Victoria Land and the Thiel Mountains Region, 
Antarctica, 1982-1983 and 1983-1984, Smithsonian Contrib. to the Earth 
Sciences, no. 28

[86] Marvin, U. B. and G. J. MacPherson (1992), Field and Laboratory 
Investigations of Antarctic Meteorites Collected by United States Expeditions, 
1985-1987, Smithsonian Contrib. to the Earth Sciences, no. 30

[87] Mason, B. (1962), The Classification of Chondritic Meteorites. American 
Museum Novitates, no. 2085, 20 pp. Inscribed by the author.

[88] McCartney, T. (2008), The Santa Lucia, Argentina, Meteorite Fall, Jaunayr 
24, 2006. Signed by the author.

[89] McCrosky, R. E., A. Posen, G. Schwartz and C.-Y. Shao (1971), Lost City 
meteorite, its recovery and a comparison with other fireballs. Smithsonian 
Astrophysical Observatory, Special Report 336, 41 pp.

[90] McSween, H. Y. (1996), Meteorites and their parent planets. Cambridge 
University Press, 237 pp.

[91] Merrill, G. P. (1916), Notes on the Whitfield County, Georgia, Meteoritic 
Irons, with New Analyses. Proc. U.S. Nat. Museum, vol. 51, pp. 447-449, 1 Pl.

[92] Merrill, G. P. (1919), The composition and structure of meteorites 
compared with that of terrestrial rocks. Ann. Rep. Smithsonian Inst. for 1917, 
pp. 175-188, 9 pls., 4 figs.

[93] Meteorite! Hunting Collecting magazine. vol. 1, no. 3 (2010). Signed by G. 
Notkin and S. Arnold.

[94] Meunier, S. (1892), Examen minéralogique de deux Météorites 
Bourguignonnes. Luponnas, Ain, 8 sept. 1753 et Les Ormes, Yonne, 4 octobre 
1857, From: Bull. Soc. Histoire Naturelle, Autin, pp 335-364

[95] Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (2010), Dandelions, cow pies and meteorites, 
April 21, 2010

[96] Moore, C. B., ed. (1962), Researches on Meteorites, John Wiley & Sons, 
Inc., Publishers. Signed by the editor.

[97] Mountain, E. D. (1935), The Bowden Meteoric Stone, Records of the Albany 
Museum, vol. 4, pp. 248-253. Signed by the author.

[98] Mühll, T. von der (1975), Der Donnerstein von Ensisheim. Birkhaeuser 
Verlag Basel, 42 pp., no. 209

[99] Murphy, E. C. and N. F. Forsman (1998), Meteorites in North Dakota, 
Educational Series no. 23, North Dakota Geol. Survey, 23 pp.

[100] Nagy, B., G. Claus and D. J. Hennessy (1962), Organic Particles embedded 
in Minerals in the Orgueil and Ivuna Carbonaceous Chondrites, Nature, 193, pp. 

[101] Nagy, B., K. Fredriksson, H. C. Urey, G. Claus, C. A. Andersen and J. 
Percy (1963), Electron probe microanalysis of organized elements in the Orgueil 
meteorite, Nature, 198, pp. 121-125

[102] National Geographic (1986), Invaders From Space, vol. 170, no. 3, 

[103] Nininger, H. H. (1948), American Meteorite Museum Opposite Meteor Crater 
On Highway 66, in: Sky & Telescope, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 151-152

[104] Norton, R. O. (1998), Rocks from Space, Mountain Press Publishing Co., 
Missoula, Montana, 447 pp.

[105] Palache, C. (1926), Notes on New or Incompletely Described Meteorites in 
the Mineralogical Museum of Harvard University. Am. J. Sci., vol. 12, pp. 

[106] Peck, E. L. (2007), Space Rocks and Buffalo Grass, Peach Enterprises, 
Michigan, 3rd print

[107] Phillips County News (1991), Swiss vistor fascinated by meteorites, 
August 7, 1991.

[108] Pontano, J. J. (1545), Liber de Meteoris. Cum interpetatione Viti 
Amerbachij. Crato Mylius, Straßburg, 1545, 225 pp.

[109] Popeye (1978), Popeye the Sailor in The Swamp County Meteorite Site 
Heavyweight Fight!, Whitman, no. 140, King Features Syndicate, Inc.

[110] Povenmire, H. R. (1980), Fireballs Meteors & Meteorites, Indian Harbor 
Beach, FL: JSB Enerpr., Inc., 207 pp.

[111] Povenmire, H. R. (1997), Tektites a Cosmic Paradox. Signed by the author.

[112] Quirke, T. T. (1919), Metallic Copper in a Meteorite Vein, Economic 
Geology, vol. 14, pp. 619-624. Signed by the author.

[113] Regelman, K. (1997), ARN's History of Meteorites. Astronomical Research 
Network, Inc., 368 pp. Inscribed by the author, no. 28.

[114] Roy, S. K. (1935), The question of living bacteria in stony meteorites, 
Geol. Series of Field Museum of Nat. Hist., 6, no. 14, pp. 179-198.

[115] Schwinner, R. (1927), Meteoriten un Geologie. Sonderdruck aus Gerlands 
Beitrage zur Geophysic, Bd. 16, Heft 1/2, pp. 195-222 (in German). WIth two 
handwritten cards (in English and in Dutch) of unknown origin.

[116] Shannon, E. V. and E. S. Larsen (1925), Merrillite and Chlorapatite from 
Stony Meteorites. Am. J. Sci., vol. 9, pp. 250-260.

[117] Sipiera, P. P. (1994), Meteorites, A New True Book, Childrens Press, 
Chicago, 45 pp. Signed by the author.

[118] Sky and Telescope (1978), The Jiling Meteorite, vol. 55, no. 6, June 1978.

[119] Sky News Magazine (2000), Pieces of Heaven, March/April 2000.

[120] Smithsonian Magazine (1999), Mining for meteorites, March 1999.

[121] Spencer, L. J. (1933), Meteorite Craters as Topographical Features on the 
Earth’s Surface, from: The Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for the 
Year 1933, pp. 307-325.

[122] Spencer, L. J. (1935), Murnpeowie (South Australia), a granular type of 
meteoric iron, Mineralogical Magazine, 24, no. 148, pp. 13-20.

[123] Spencer, L. J. (1939), Tektites and silica-glass, Mineralogical Magazine, 
25, no. 167, pp. 425-440.

[124] Spencer, L. J. (1951), ‘Reichenbach’ and ‘Brezina’ lamellae in meteoritic 
irons, Mineralogical Magazine, 29, no. 213, pp. 545-556.

[125] Suess, F. E. (1932), Zur Beleuchtung des Meteoritenproblems (Mit Bezug 
auf das durch A. Lacroix erschlossen indo-chinesische Tektitgebiet). 
Geologischen Gesellschaft, Wien, vol. 25, pp. 115-143.

[126] Sunday Southtown (2003), Prices for meteorites are out of this world, 
March 30, 2003.

[127] Tasch, P. (1964), Life-forms in meteorites and the problem of terrestrial 
contamination: A study in methodology. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., vol. 105, pp. 

[128] Telegraph Herald (2010), Man finds possible part of meteor, April 17, 

[129] Telegraph Herald (2010), Meteorite hunters find fragments, May 1, 2010, 2 

[130] The Dodgeville Chronicle (2010), Livington area is ground zero for 
meteorite hunters, April 22, 2010.

[131] The Dodgeville Chronicle (2010), Student meteorite hunters meet TV 
personalities in farm field, May 6, 2010.

[132] The Meteoritical Bulletin (1963), No. 26, April 1963. The Permanent 
Commission on Meteorites of the International Geological Congress, Moscow, 
USSR., 4 pp.

[133] The Meteoritical Bulletin (1963), No. 27, July 1963. The Permanent 
Commission on Meteorites of the International Geological Congress, Moscow, 
USSR., 2 pp.

[134] The Meteoritical Bulletin (1963), No. 28, October 1963. The Permanent 
Commission on Meteorites of the International Geological Congress, Moscow, 
USSR., 6 pp.

[135] The Meteoritical Bulletin (1965), No. 34, November 1965. The Permanent 
Commission on Meteorites of the International Geological Congress, Moscow, 
USSR., 4 pp.

[136] The New Yorker (2007), A meteorite mystery in New Jersey, July 9 & 16, 

[137] The Platteville Journal (2010), Out of this world, Meteorites collected 
in southwest Wisconsin, April 21, 2010.

[138] The Platteville Journal (2010), Treasure hunters, Students get up-close 
looks at meteorites, April 28, 2010.

[139] The Seattle Times (2003), Crumbling meteorite pelts Midwesterners, March 
28, 2003.

[140] Thomas, P. (2002), Impacts Majeurs, Interface ed., Les Aix d’Angillon, 79 
pp. Signed by the author.

[141] Vdovykin (1970), About the origin of diamonds in meteorites and 
kimberlites (Russian text). Inscribed by the author to B. Mason.

[142] Vojcehovsky, A. I. (1991), What was it? The Mystery of Tunguska (in 

[143] Waco Tribune-Herald (2009), Meteorite hunters find their prize, February 
19, 2009.

[144] Waco Tribune-Herald (2009), Locals not catching the meteorite fever, 
February 26, 2009.

[145] Waco Tribune-Herald (2009), Meteorites ‘money from the sky’, March 17, 

[146] Ward's Natural Science Establishment (1950s-1960s), Meteorite index cards 
with ID, weight and price. The Tricottet Collection Manuscript & Correspondence 

[147] Washington, H. S. (1898), The Jerome (Kansas) Meteorite, Am. J. Sci., 
vol. 5, pp. 447-454. Signed by the author.

[148] West News (2009), Meteor soars through West area sky, February 26, 2009.

[149] West News (2009), Meteorite hunting dog hits paydirt, March 5, 2009.

[150] West News (2009), Large space rock found, March 19, 2009.

[151] West News (2009), Crew to film Meteorite Men episode in West, September 
17, 2009.

[152] Westerwaldes Zeitung (1989), Auf Suche nach den verlorenen Sternen, 
Weihnachten 1989.

[153] Wisconsin State Journal (2010), Meteorite hunters on the prowl, April 19, 

[154] Wisconsin State Journal (2010), Meteorite Mania, April 22, 2010.

[155] Wisconsin State Journal (2010), Scientists excited by meteorite in 
backyard, April 30, 2010.

[156] Yavnel, A. A. (1966), General features of the origin of meteorites 
(Russian text). TBD, 43, pp. 647-654. Inscribed by the author.

[157] Zanda, B. and M. Rotaru, eds (1996), Les Météorites, Muséum d’Histoire 
Naturelle, Paris, Bordas, 128 pp.

[158] No Name (1954), Quelques aérolithes congolais. Bull. Serv. Géol. Congo 
belge et Ruanda-Urundi, no. 5, pp. 29-51. Inscribed (by Mr. Corin?) to B. Mason.

[159] No Name (unk.), L’histoire d’une météorite (tombée à Ensisheim le 7 
novembre 1492), La confrérie Saint-Georges des Gardiens de la météorite et la 
Société d'Histoire

The Tricottet Collection
(Historic Minerals, Fossils & Meteorites)

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