Re: [meteorite-list] Big Bang in Antarctica - Killer Crater Found UnderIce

2006-06-03 Thread Stefan Brandes

Hi Ron, list,

are they sure yet?

Just curious

- Original Message - 
From: Ron Baalke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Meteorite Mailing List
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 6:37 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Big Bang in Antarctica - Killer Crater Found 

Ohio State Research News
June 1, 2006

Ancient mega-catastrophe paved way for the dinosaurs, spawned Australian

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Planetary scientists have found evidence of a meteor
impact much larger and earlier than the one that killed the dinosaurs --
an impact that they believe caused the biggest mass extinction in
Earth's history.

The 300-mile-wide crater lies hidden more than a mile beneath the East
Antarctic Ice Sheet.  And the gravity measurements that reveal its
existence suggest that it could date back about 250 million years -- the
time of the Permian-Triassic extinction, when almost all animal life on
Earth died out.

Its size and location -- in the Wilkes Land region of East Antarctica,
south of Australia -- also suggest that it could have begun the breakup
of the Gondwana supercontinent by creating the tectonic rift that pushed
Australia northward.

Scientists believe that the Permian-Triassic extinction paved the way
for the dinosaurs to rise to prominence. The Wilkes Land crater is more
than twice the size of the Chicxulub crater in the Yucatan
peninsula, which marks the impact that may have ultimately killed the
dinosaurs 65 million years ago. The Chicxulub meteor is thought to have
been 6 miles wide, while the Wilkes Land meteor could have been up to 30
miles wide -- four or five times wider.

This Wilkes Land impact is much bigger than the impact that killed the
dinosaurs, and probably would have caused catastrophic damage at the
time, said Ralph von Frese, a professor of geological sciences at Ohio
State University.

He and Laramie Potts, a postdoctoral researcher in geological sciences,
led the team that discovered the crater. They collaborated with other
Ohio State and NASA scientists, as well as international partners from
Russia and Korea. They reported their preliminary results in a recent
poster session at the American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly meeting
in Baltimore.

The scientists used gravity fluctuations measured by NASA's GRACE
satellites to peer beneath Antarctica's icy surface, and found a
200-mile-wide plug of mantle material -- a mass concentration, or
mascon in geological parlance -- that had risen up into the Earth's

Mascons are the planetary equivalent of a bump on the head. They form
where large objects slam into a planet's surface. Upon impact, the
denser mantle layer bounces up into the overlying crust, which holds it
in place beneath the crater.

When the scientists overlaid their gravity image with airborne radar
images of the ground beneath the ice, they found the mascon perfectly
centered inside a circular ridge some 300 miles wide -- a crater easily
large enough to hold the state of Ohio.

Taken alone, the ridge structure wouldn't prove anything. But to von
Frese, the addition of the mascon means impact. Years of studying
similar impacts on the moon have honed his ability to find them.

If I saw this same mascon signal on the moon, I'd expect to see a
crater around it, he said. And when we looked at the ice-probing
airborne radar, there it was.

There are at least 20 impact craters this size or larger on the moon,
so it is not surprising to find one here, he continued. The active
geology of the Earth likely scrubbed its surface clean of many more.

He and Potts admitted that such signals are open to interpretation. Even
with radar and gravity measurements, scientists are only just beginning
to understand what's happening inside the planet. Still, von Frese said
that the circumstances of the radar and mascon signals support their

We compared two completely different data sets taken under different
conditions, and they matched up, he said.

To estimate when the impact took place, the scientists took a clue from
the fact that the mascon is still visible.

On the moon, you can look at craters, and the mascons are still there,
von Frese said. But on Earth, it's unusual to find mascons, because the
planet is geologically active. The interior eventually recovers and the
mascon goes away. He cited the very large and much older Vredefort
crater in South Africa that must have once had a mascon, but no evidence
of it can be seen now.

Based on what we know about the geologic history of the region, this
Wilkes Land mascon formed recently by geologic standards -- probably
about 250 million years ago, he said. In another half a billion years,
the Wilkes Land mascon will probably disappear, too.

Approximately 100 million years ago, Australia split from the ancient

Re: [meteorite-list] Big Bang in Antarctica - Killer Crater Found UnderIce

2006-06-03 Thread Sterling K. Webb


   The journal Nature reports on the find very skeptically,
dragging in the Siberian Traps, the lack of geological deformation
in nearby Antarctic mountains, the unproven-ness of
Chicxulub (gimme a break), the lack of any applicable dating
method, and in general sniffing at the notion like it was a dead fish:

   The New Scientist is more reasonably skeptical, and
references an earlier article that suggests that giant impacts
cause ALL the major outbreaks of mantle plume outflows (like
The Traps) by punching through the Earth's crust, thus tying
three opposing theories (impacts, basalt floods, and poisonous
gases) together as one unified theory, satisfying the biases
of nobody and annoying pretty much everybody. Good work, guys.

Nice large map of the crater location (roughly 120E 70S) in this article:

   The dating IS vague: younger than 400-500 mya (million years ago)
and older than 100 mya. Not exactly a smoking gun. But there is the
earlier publication of discoveries of excess meteoritic material in
Antarctica at the right date (250 mya), which was criticized because
they couldn't specify a crater location. And the discovery of buckyballs
or fullerenes from around the world with extraterrestrial gas in them at
the same date. Sounds to me like a case is being built. Slowly.

   What bothers me about the topography of the location is that we
are shown a single or simple basin that large with no signs that I can
see of further rims or arc segments of rims. A 30-mile impactor is
going to make a ring basin, not just a hole. Unless it was really
only a 10-mile impactor and the 300 mile arc is the outer ring
of a ring basin, which would make it only a bit bigger than
the Chicxuluber.

   But the Permian extinction is The Champ; it deserves a
Whopper of an impactor. 96% of all marine species went
bye-bye. So long to trilobites, farewell to pelycosaurs,
blastoids, acanthodians, placoderms, and the ever-popular
fusulinid foraminifera. Greatly reduced in variety and numbers
were the bryozoans, brachiopods,  ammonoids,  sharks,
bony fish, crinoids, eurypterids, ostracodes, and echinoderms.
For about five million years, corals disappeared from the
oceans altogether, then returned. If it was tough on sharks,
it wasn't an easy time.

   Personally, the absence of a huge crater does not affect my
notion of the likelihood of an impact at 250 mya. 70% of the globe's
area is deep ocean, and thanks to the policy of extensive Crustal
Renewal instituted by the Zargon Administration billions of years
ago, none of the submerged Crust is more than 200 million years
old. I hate an ocean cluttered with old run-down unsightly Crust,
don't you?

   You could have had a 60-mile-diameter impactor and a basin
800 miles across at 250 mya, and there wouldn't be a trace today,
if it had been in ocean. At 250 mya, the continents were still
gathered together in one premiere tourist destination known
as Gondwanaland, and the rest of the world was just ocean.
Lots and lots of ocean. East Antarctica was out at the southern-
most tip of Gondwanaland in fact, so if something  hit there,
it ALMOST missed land. The fact that whatever it was so
greatly affected MARINE species may be a sort of clue,
you know. Well, first, there was this tidal wave about ten
miles high, and then, right after that the water started to BOIL...

   For those of us who want to see where our continents came from
and where they've been, here's a nice set of dated world maps, at
roughly 50 million year intervals, going back to 750 mya and very
readable, with present lands keyed in on the old continents.

   For those who miss having a 50-kilometer body in potentially
Earth-intercepting orbit, you'll have to make do with 1866 Sisyphus,
the largest Apollo asteroid, at 10 km, about the size of the
Chicxuluber. Unless, as some contend, it was bigger than 10 km.
Impact odds on Sisyphus are pretty nil for thousands of years,

   Or you could worry about the NEA with the highest ACTUAL
chance of striking the Earth, out of all the thousands of NEA's. That
would be 1950 DA, a 1100 meter asteroid, which stands a good
shot (33%) at whacking us on March 16, 2880. Mark it on your
calendar. Put up some water and canned goods in the basement.
A bag of cookies wouldn't hurt.

Sterling K. Webb
- Original Message - 
From: Ron Baalke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Meteorite Mailing List
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 11:37 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Big Bang in Antarctica - Killer Crater Found 

Ohio State