Rob Matson:

Congratulations on the honor of having an asteroid named after you.

"The Minor Planet Center today updated its Discovery Circumstances pages with 93 new 
namings. The highest numbered asteroid with a name is now 73491 Robmatson (2002 
PO164), a Main Belter discovered by Sebastian Hoenig in the NEAT/Palomar archive. Rob 
Matson is also an archive sleuth (see 2004 DW news) as well as a meteorite and SOHO 
comet hunter." 


> Hi List and Rob,
> I did get permission from our own list member Rob Matson to post this email 
> he send to me.
> I thought it to be very interesting and would like to share it with you.
> Happy hunting, Moni
> >that reminds me, have you found one lately?
> Yep -- nearly every day.  But all of the finds credited to me (so far)
> have been Main Belt asteroids.  The most interesting and rewarding
> work was my precovery of asteroid 2004 DW last month.  You may have
> read about this giant icy TNO (trans-Neptunian object) in the news,
> as it is probably the largest body that has been found in the solar
> system other than the planets and their moons.  You can read about
> it here:
> In other asteroid news, as asteroid was officially named after me
> today!  See page 2 here:
> --Rob
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