Hi List,     I was driving in Riverside ( 10:40 PM ) south when I saw a fireball coming from the North East moving towards the South East at about a 45 degree angle , I saw 1 very bright fireball for about 2 seconds then it split into 2 fireballs flowing 1 after the other less that 1 second after the split it went dark , it was still fairly high when it went dark .  I have seen shooting stars before but I have never seen anything like this before, It seemed so close ,  I could not believe it.  but in reality it was probably farther away than I think. I did not think to stop and listen for the explosion . as there was heavy road work going on where I was,  If I did hear anything I thought it was the road workers.
             Has anybody else seen this ?  I am sure it must have hit somewhere unless it went into the ocean.
     Best Regards To All ,  Steven Drummond   "The Unknown Collector"  :-)

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