------------ Original Message ------------

[meteorite-list] Fireballs Seen Over Germany
Ron Baalke baalke at
Fri Nov 4 14:24:19 EST 2005

Fireballs seen over Germany spark UFO speculation
Dominican Today
November 4, 2005

BERLIN. - Numerous sightings of massive fireballs in
the skies over Germany this week have led to an
upsurge in reports of UFOs, but scientists believe the
cause could be a bizarre annual meteor blitz.

According to the Web site of the U.S. National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), such
fireballs have been reported elsewhere in the world
and may also be due to the fact that the Earth is now
orbiting through a swarm of space debris.

Many people in Germany have noticed the fireballs,
said Werner Walter, an amateur astronomer in Mannheim
who runs a Web site on unexplained astronomical
phenomena and a hotline for reports on unidentified
flying objects (UFO).

"The last reported sighting was yesterday at 7:30 p.m.
(1830 GMT) in a corridor near the border of the
Netherlands," he told Reuters in a telephone


---------- Forward Message -----------

Bright Taurids (2)
knoll at knoll at
Sun Nov 6 08:51:00 EST 2005

I did record that fireball (1 November 05 - 22:27 UT)
in a audio spectogram during my Radio Meteor
observations. I have collected some messages related
to that fireball on a webpage:

An audio spectogram is also available on that webpage.

If you know more messages related to that fireball,
please let me know...

Regards, Peter Knol - Appingedam - The Netherlands. 
(my radio meteor observation website) 

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