Posting for Bernd

From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 1:34 PM
Subject: Lovina Iron

Marc wrote:

What a beautiful meteorite! My first take on it is that it must have crystallized directly from a melt. The pyramidal forms looks like dendrites complete with a preferred orientation. Dendrites do not form in solids like Widmannstatten patterns
do ­ they form by solidification from a liquid.

Hello List,

Looks like the perfect counterpart to the curious chondrule of the JaH 055 (L4/5),
on which Alan Rubin commented: "The dentrites indicate very rapid cooling.
The material surrounding the dentrites is (or was, before metamorphism) glass."

As for the photo of this dentritic chondrule in JaH 055, go to Tom Phillips' website!

Best wishes,

Bernd (in Germany)

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