Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

2002-05-17 Thread Edward Hodges

Well Gordon, let's not make the mistake of calling reptiles; dinosuars. They 
really aren't the same thing, not really even related. When the 
classification system is modified they will be shown to have more in common 
with the cow, (reptiles that is). The smaller dinosaurs obviously evolved 
into birds, as Archaeopteryx lithographica is a clear example of. Life 
always finds a way. Life on Earth was changed by cataclysmic events more 
than a few times. It's too bad that really old theories about the evolution 
of life are still taught to kids in school. I suggest to anyone interested 
to read about these newer more sensical theories at, or read  Dinosaurs under 
the Big Sky, and Digging Dinosaurs by Jack Horner. This guy was the model 
for Dr. Alan Grant in the Jurassic Park movies as well as the technical 
director. His theories about T-rex, being a total scavenger and not a 
predator at all are controversial in themselves. All I'm saying is stay away 
from the school text books and try reading something that scares you with 
all it's new fangled idears Could you name a few of the reptiles that were 
large and survived? I can't think of one.  Even we evolved from a small 
shrew like creature that probably ate rotten who knows what to survive.Even 
the Bible gives us a story of Noah's Ark, and how life was utterly swept 
from the face of the Earth, but yet life found a way. Well anyway, who's got 
something to say about meteorites?- Edward R. Hodges

The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... 
The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All 
progress depends on the unreasonable man.- George Bernard Shaw

From: Gordon Trone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Edward Hodges [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 20:25:46 -0500

There were and are several larger reptiles that obviously survived quite
nicely. And they didn't evolve into anything different... so what really
happened to the small dinosaurs???
Gordon Trone
- Original Message -
From: Edward Hodges [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

  The theory is that after the impact there was a nuclear winter that
  out the sun long enough to kill off the food sources that would sustain
  large animals. Since large animal require large quanities of food, it
  make sense that they would die out pretty fast. So all that's left are
  reptiles, amphibians, small dinosaurs that eventually evolved into 
  and small endothermic mammals. They might have survived on rotting 
  matter, molds, fungus, lichen and each other. When the skies cleared, 
  that were left are the little creatures, and they were the new rulers of
  Earth. That's my take on it anyway. - Edward R. Hodges
  From: George Winters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang
  Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 15:03:58 -0600
  I always love to debate this issue of impact caused extinction.  There 
  no doubt that an asteroid or some large body struck the earth about 65
  million years ago (and many times prior to that event).  But the fact
  the event happened, does not prove that it was the sole cause for the
  There are to many holes in the theory.  My favorite example, is that 
  creatures that should have been severely affected such as birds, frogs,
  turtles and many forms of microscopic life, in fact survived the
  event.  These animals and plants are very sensitive to their
  environment.  Today we are loosing many species because of much less
  changes to habitats Then a large impact would cause.  I feel that it is
  more likely that the impact contributed to the extinction of already
  weakened groups such as the dinosaurs and other marine and flying
  At 12:56 PM 5/16/2002 -0700, you wrote:
  Giant dinosaurs arrived with a bang
  New Scientist
  May 16, 2002
  Dinosaurs may have arrived with a bang, as well as gone out with one.
  Scientists have found the hallmarks of a meteorite impact and mass
  extinction in rocks just below strata containing the earliest 
  large meat-eating dinosaurs.
  The finding of high levels of iridium metal and fossilised fern spores
  suggests that a sudden extinction cleared the ecological stage, 
  for meat-eating dinosaurs to grow suddenly larger. A subsequent, 
  meteorite impact about 65 million years ago resulted in the extinction
  the creatures.
  Dinosaurs evolved about 230 million years ago and competed with many
  reptiles until the Triassic period ended about 202 million

Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

2002-05-17 Thread Edward Hodges

Fred- The Komodo Dragon wasn't around 65 million years ago, and either were 
crocodiles like the ones you see now. They have evolved to become a more 
effeciant and smaller predator. So, can you think over any large Reptiles, 
that have survived for at least the last 65 million years that are still the 
same size? The point is that all large creatures were wiped out 65 million 
years ago. It's not clear if the impact killed them, if the nuclear winter 
killed them, if they starved, or were wiped out by viruses. The fact remains 
that ALL large creatures were wiped from the face of the earth, with the 
possible exception of some sea creatures, 65 million years ago by or from 
the effects of a large impact. By the way, 10ft., and 25 ft. are hardly 
large animals when compared to the large animals that existed pre-impact. 
Let's get this straight for those who are still confused, the Komodo Dragon, 
and the Crocodile are not dinosaurs that evolved, nor are they related other 
than in similar appearance to what we imagine dinosaurs might have looked 
like. After a huge event that wipes out almost all food on the planet is it 
unreasonable to think that all large un-effecient creature would surely 
starve, and or die of related complications? Imagine you are a 30 ton animal 
who survives a fiery impact that destroys everything around you. Now, what 
do you eat, and exactly how much would you have to eat everyday just to 
survive? My guess is that if you were a plant-eater you'd have to come up 
with at least 2 tons of vegetation everyday. Let's remember that there was 
no grass the way we know it today then. If you were a meat eater, after a 
while you'd have to feed on sick starving animals which breeds disease, 
which would eventual be passed to the herd. Global Catastrophic Mass 
Extinction of all large creatures, not just reptiles. It's all there in the 
research data, in the ground, and on the web. -Edward R. Hodges

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 14:37:24 EDT

Hello Edward,
 Two reptiles that are large and survived are the Komodo dragon, length 
to 10 feet, and crocodiles, length up to 25 feet.
Regards, Fred Hall

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Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

2002-05-17 Thread S.Singletary

At 12:22 PM 5/17/2002 -0700, Edward Hodges wrote:

Fred- The Komodo Dragon wasn't around 65 million years ago, and either 
were crocodiles like the ones you see now. They have evolved to become a 
more effeciant and smaller predator. So, can you think over any large 
Reptiles, that have survived for at least the last 65 million years that 
are still the same size? The point is that all large creatures were wiped 
out 65 million years ago. It's not clear if the impact killed them, if the 
nuclear winter killed them, if they starved, or were wiped out by viruses. 
The fact remains that ALL large creatures were wiped from the face of the 
earth, with the possible exception of some sea creatures, 65 million years 
ago by or from the effects of a large impact. By the way, 10ft., and 25 
ft. are hardly large animals when compared to the large animals that 
existed pre-impact.

What about whales?  Anyone know when the first whales appear in the fossil 
record?  I seem to remember something about a fossil find in the 
afghan/pakistan region that was thought to be  transitional between whales 
as we know them and a land bound animal.  Don't know the age of the find 
though.  Pakicephalus I think was the name but I am definitely not positive 
about that.


Steven Singletary
Dept. Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel - 617.253.6398
Fax - 617.253.7102

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Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

2002-05-17 Thread S.Singletary

whoops, never mind.  A few minutes of research reveal that Indocetus ramani 
(earliest known whale form) is from the lower Eocene - long after our 
controversial impact.

At 03:30 PM 5/17/2002 -0400, S.Singletary wrote:
At 12:22 PM 5/17/2002 -0700, Edward Hodges wrote:

Fred- The Komodo Dragon wasn't around 65 million years ago, and either 
were crocodiles like the ones you see now. They have evolved to become a 
more effeciant and smaller predator. So, can you think over any large 
Reptiles, that have survived for at least the last 65 million years that 
are still the same size? The point is that all large creatures were wiped 
out 65 million years ago. It's not clear if the impact killed them, if 
the nuclear winter killed them, if they starved, or were wiped out by 
viruses. The fact remains that ALL large creatures were wiped from the 
face of the earth, with the possible exception of some sea creatures, 65 
million years ago by or from the effects of a large impact. By the way, 
10ft., and 25 ft. are hardly large animals when compared to the large 
animals that existed pre-impact.

What about whales?  Anyone know when the first whales appear in the fossil 
record?  I seem to remember something about a fossil find in the 
afghan/pakistan region that was thought to be  transitional between whales 
as we know them and a land bound animal.  Don't know the age of the find 
though.  Pakicephalus I think was the name but I am definitely not 
positive about that.


Steven Singletary
Dept. Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel - 617.253.6398
Fax - 617.253.7102

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Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

2002-05-17 Thread Fredmeteorhall
Dear Edward:
 First of all, you did not specify how large the surviving reptile had to be. Second, crocodiles have been around for some 200 million years.
Regards, Fred Hall

Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

2002-05-17 Thread Edward Hodges

Crocodilians, yes have been around for 100's of millions of years. Like I 
was telling Fred, The crocodile of today that he was using as his example 
didn't exist 65 million years ago. I'm not even sure how we got into this, 
but it's kind of silly. Anyone you ask on the street will tell you that all 
of the large animals that once ruled the Earth died 65 million years ago. 
The Supercroc died out, the crocs of today are tiny in comparison. 
Nit-picking will not change the facts. Everything big with the possible 
exception of some sea creatures went extinct. Life as it exists on Earth now 
is the result of 65 million years of evolution from tiny creatures that 
survived the famine, disease, and nuclear winter. There is no possible way 
that anything large could have survived, there wasn't food for it to eat.  I 
have nothing more to say, except pick up a book, get on the net, go to a 
museum, ask your teacher, or better yet blow your teacher away with 
something that he won't find in the textbooks that are tax dollar is wasted 
on. Some ideas, and theories seem radical then decades go by and the nuts 
turn out to be visionaries .-Edward

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 20:42:56 EDT

Crocs have been around for hundreds of millions of years--along with

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[meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

2002-05-16 Thread Ron Baalke

Giant dinosaurs arrived with a bang
New Scientist
May 16, 2002

Dinosaurs may have arrived with a bang, as well as gone out with one.
Scientists have found the hallmarks of a meteorite impact and mass
extinction in rocks just below strata containing the earliest footprints of
large meat-eating dinosaurs.

The finding of high levels of iridium metal and fossilised fern spores
suggests that a sudden extinction cleared the ecological stage, leaving room
for meat-eating dinosaurs to grow suddenly larger. A subsequent, massive
meteorite impact about 65 million years ago resulted in the extinction of
the creatures.

Dinosaurs evolved about 230 million years ago and competed with many other
reptiles until the Triassic period ended about 202 million years ago. Then
most of the competitors vanished and dinosaurs grew to their
characteristically monstrous proportions in the Jurassic period that

The key to how the dinosaurs came to dominate the land in this way may now
have been discovered in the sedimentary rocks laid down over the
Triassic-Jurassic boundary in what is now northeastern North America.

Devastated landscape

The rocks contain few fossil bones, but they preserve both fossil pollen and
the footprints of animals that walked beside ancient lakes. Lake levels rose
and fell with periodic climate cycles, so the rocks can be finely dated,
says Paul Olsen of the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia

Surveying 80 sites, Olsen's group found that fossil footprints changed from
typical Triassic to typical Jurassic groupings in a period of just 50,000
years. In between lay the boundary between the periods, defined by a change
in pollen type, and including the layer rich in iridium and fern spores.

The fern spores are indicative because ferns spread rapidly over devastated
landscapes - sharp peaks of spores also occurred just after the final,
cataclysmic impact 65 million years ago.

Eat anything

The faunal change was also sharp. In the late Triassic, there were lots of
different footprints representing many different reptile groups, Olsen told
New Scientist. Yet at the start of the Jurassic all you see are dinosaurs,
lizards and very small, fully terrestrial crocodiles.

And the size of the dinosaurs jumps sharply. Just 50,000 years after the
start of the Jurassic, there are tracks of Eubrontes giganteus, a six-metre
long predator that Olsen says was nearly twice as massive as the biggest
Triassic dinosaur.

The meat eaters survived the disaster probably because of their adaptable
diets, says Olsen. It is typical for a decimated ecosystem to become
dominated by animals that can survive on whatever they can find, he says.

Instead of hunting plant-eaters, they're primarily hunting other carnivores
and things in the water, such as fish. Not until about 100,000 years after
the extinction did a few small plant-eaters start leaving their footprints
by the lakes.

Michael Benton of the University of Bristol aggress that the rapid change in
seen in the dinosaurs suggests it was more of a catastrophic event than
people had thought. However, he warns that Olsen's group has studied only
one area, while iridium-rich deposits from the impact 65 million years ago
have been found at 200 different sites.

Journal reference: Science (vol 296, p 1305)

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Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

2002-05-16 Thread PeterUtas

I think that the main cause of extinction today isn't changes in climate, but 
people.  I don't think that there is a recent animal that instantly pops into 
your head that was killed off just because of climate changes, or one that 
pops into your head after thinking about it for hours.  There aren't many.
Jason the 11 year old

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Re: [meteorite-list] Giant Dinosaurs Arrived With A Bang

2002-05-16 Thread George Winters


You are absolutely right, Humans are responsible for the extinction of many 
recent species.  But there are local catastrophes such as drought, floods, 
and disease that do affect smaller populations  of animals.  As recently as 
50 million years ago, the climate changed worldwide, and areas such as 
south western Wyoming, and parts of Utah and Colorado started 
drying.  Large lakes disappeared, and whole species of fish, and plants 
disappeared.  My point was that I don't believe we have yet found the 
common factor that wiped out a whole group of animals.

At 08:01 PM 5/16/2002 -0400, you wrote:
I think that the main cause of extinction today isn't changes in climate, but
people.  I don't think that there is a recent animal that instantly pops into
your head that was killed off just because of climate changes, or one that
pops into your head after thinking about it for hours.  There aren't many.
Jason the 11 year old

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