Re: [meteorite-list] Graham Hancock on the YD impacts E.P.

2015-09-09 Thread Paul H. via Meteorite-list
E.P. Grondine wrote,

"Hi Paul, all
A preview of fall TV shows:
I never heard of Randall Carson - has anyone here heard of him? "

In slumming on the Graham Hancock Messageboard, I have 
become aware of him. Randall and Graham seem to be kindred 
souls in being contrarians and independent investigators into 
and advocates for matters that they judge to be unfairly 
overlooked by convential science and labeled either "alt-history"
 and "alternative history." Some people, whom I know have far 
less diplomatic and kinders lables for their interests.

Randall regards himself as self taught expert in whole range
of subjects, including geomythology, geology, catatsrophist,
planetary geologist, scared geometry, and so forth and an able
teacher of all the above. People can judge for themselves
how well Randall's self-evaluation of his expertise either 
matches or mismatches reality by listening or reading his 
own views at:

1. Sacred Geometry International (Featured Posts) , ,

2. Randall Carlson and Joe Rogan Discuss Lost Civilizations, 
Climate Change, Sacred Geometry, Freemasonry and
Rewriting History with Graham Hancock – JRE #606 by SGI

3. Randall Carlson: The Making of a Catastrophist – Part 1
by Randall Carlson

By the way, an advanced discussing of their new book Magicians 
of the Gods can be found in "EXCLUSIVE: Comet 'three times 
bigger than dinosaur killer could soon destroy Earth' A 
TWENTY-mile wide piece of a huge comet poses a "clear and 
present" danger to 'all life on Earth,' a controversial new book 
by a bestselling author claims," by Jon Austin, Express, Sept. 2015.

It appears that this book has a quite different view of the
Younger Dryas Impact hypothesis than has appeared in the 
"Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United
States" and other journals. This book appears will be not at 
all helpful, as assumed by some people, at making their ideas 
known among the public in a constructive manner. It might 
end up as a classic case of be careful what you wish for as you
might get it. It will be very interesting to see how it all eventual
turns out.

Ed also stated:

"To my knowledge, the FIRST suggestion that the YD 
impacts may have triggered a  release of Glacial Lake 
Missoula was made by me to the meteorite list several years 
back in regards to Assiniboine memories of what occurred."

The latest megaflood from Glacial Lake Missoula has been
very intensively research. At this point, there is absolutely no
need to invoke an exterestrial impact for the latest Missoula 
Flood event as a more plausible explanation has been well-
documented in numerous publications. For example, go see:

DeGrey, L., and P. K. Link, 2005, Lake Missoula Floods. 
(The Pleistocene Ice Age and the Cordilleran Ice 
Sheet Ancient Lake Missoula and the Missoula Ice Age 
Floods Lasting Effects of the Missoula Ice Age Floods, 
Digital Geology Idaho, Idaho State University.

O'Connor, J. E., R. B. Waitt, G. Benito, D. Cordero, and 
S. Burns, 1995a, Beyond the Channeled Scabland A field trip 
to Missoula flood features in the Columbia, Yakima, and 
Walla Walla valleys of Washington and Oregon-Part 1. 
Oregon Geology, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 51-60.

O'Connor, J. E., R. B. Waitt, G. Benito, D. Cordero, and 
S. Burns, 1995b, Beyond the Channeled Scabland: A Field 
Trip to Missoula Flood Features in the Columbia, Yakima, 
and Walla Walla Valleys of Washington and Oregon; Part 2; 
Field Trip, Day One. Oregon Geology. v.ol 57, no.4, pp. 75–86.

Norman, D.K., A. J. Busacca, and R. Teissere, 2004, 
Geology of the Yakima Valley Wine County— A 
Geologic Field Trip Guide from Stevenson to Zillah, 
Washington. Field Trip Guide 1 June 2004. Washington 
State Department of Natural Resources .

Baker, V. R., and D. Nummedal, eds., 1978, The Channeled 
Scabland, NASA, Washington, DC.

There are a number PDf files of fieldtrip guidebook in
Discover the Ice Age Floods –

[meteorite-list] Graham Hancock on the YD impacts

2015-09-07 Thread E.P. Grondine via Meteorite-list
Hi Paul, all

A preview of fall TV shows:

I never heard of Randall Carson - has anyone here heard of him?

To my knowledge, the FIRST suggestion that the YD impacts may have triggered a 
release of Glacial Lake Missoula 
was made by me to the meteorite list several years back in regards to 
Assiniboine memories of what occurred. 

Aside from that, there was not one advanced culture that was displaced or 
destroyed, as theTheosophists cult archaeologists would have it, 
but many, at different times and different places.

For the modern theosophist cult archaeology industry, see


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