Re: [meteorite-list] Iridium measuring and testing- disgression on dowsing...

2009-03-16 Thread Darren Garrison
On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 20:21:25 +0100, you wrote:

>Yves Rocard was simply saying that each and every human has an infinite 
>amount of magnetite ?
>(can't remember) or something alike at both our wrists.
>This amount varies greatly between individuals, resulting in better 
>capabilities for some
>to find water sources etc...
>When using a rod, especially hazelnut, an arch is produced with an intensity 
>related to the amount
>or depth of the water.

Ah, I see the source of the confusion here.  You mean midiclorians, not
magnetite.  And Yoda, not Yves.  Here's a quote from that paper:

“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well
you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life
creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings
are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between
you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the

>How many people know that Newton (and many other famous scientists) did 
>serious alchemical
>studies and writings in "secrecy", to not tarnish their reputation... ?

Very few people know that, given the fact that alchemy WAS the mainstream
science at the time-- there was nothing to hide.  Given the scientific knowledge
at the time, searching for the philosopher's stone was no less reasonable or
credible a scientific pursuit than any other (but which, in the end, turned out
to be based on an inaccurate model of the basis of matter.)  Chemestry as we
know it hadn't been invented yet.  Modern chemestry is what is left of alchemy
after many ideas in alchemy have been disproven (and some proven).
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Re: [meteorite-list] Iridium measuring and testing- disgression on dowsing...

2009-03-16 Thread Michael Bross

No Darren, although interesting.
It confirms that some individuals are better at dowsing than others... (see 
This post is not enough related to Meteorites... so maybe we should continue 
off list.

"My" study was from Yves Rocard, one of the fathers of the French A bomb 
after WW2.

There is absolutely nothing "supernatural" to it.
I am also a scientist, but don't reject everything that our modern science 
has too
often a tendency to classify as charlatanism mainly because of its inability 
to "prove"
it/them TODAY !.   (unfortunately, there are too many charlatans in those 
fields, obscuring

the real search for truth)

I read that article 25 years ago. Will try to find it. It was published in a 
most serious
special edition from "Le Canard Enchaine", a reference in France, across the 
Yves Rocard was simply saying that each and every human has an infinite 
amount of magnetite ?

(can't remember) or something alike at both our wrists.
This amount varies greatly between individuals, resulting in better 
capabilities for some

to find water sources etc...
When using a rod, especially hazelnut, an arch is produced with an intensity 
related to the amount

or depth of the water.

I worked 2 years in Nepal (1985-87) on an agricultural project.
An eye opening experience about empiric knowledge for a freshly graduated 
Agronomist I was!
I could talk about several examples, not scientifically proven yet but 
Like suffering from a strong hepatitis there, loosing more than 10 lbs in 5 
glowing fluorescent yellow... and being cured in 3 days with a mix of 56 
herbs... while in US

or France at that time, you could only spend a couple of months to be cured.
The doctor from the French Embassy gave me the contact to the "healer"...

Like some "grandmas recipes" neglected or mocked because not proven.
Last year, a scientific study finally proved the famous "chicken (actually 
hen...) soup" properties.

How many people know that Newton (and many other famous scientists) did 
serious alchemical

studies and writings in "secrecy", to not tarnish their reputation... ?

If I do get my "reputation" tarnished with some on this list with this 
post... well, that's ok :)
But I also know that by using an old alchemical writing from the 13th 
century a major researcher
in Europe allowed companies to make major steps in arsenic cleanup in soils 
etc... reducing the cost

ten folds, although contradictory to modern science findings.

A bientot !
Michael B, France

- Original Message - 
From: "Darren Garrison" 

Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Iridium (+ Osmium ? + Technetium ?) 
measuringand testing

On Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:40:52 +0100, you wrote:

Thanks Darren

Good article. Although I will share later tonight a serious scientific
not much known study about water dowsing.

Or this?
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