Perspective view of deposits in Melas Chasma
European Space Agency
Mars Express 
2 August 2004

This image of the southern part of Valles Marineris, called Melas
Chasma, was obtained by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on
board the ESA Mars Express spacecraft.
This image was taken at a resolution of approximately 30 metres per
pixel. The displayed region is located at the southern rim of the Melas
Chasma, centred at Mars latitude 11° S and Mars longitude 286° E. The
images were taken on orbit 360 of Mars Express.  
This perspective view has been turned in such a way that the observer
has a view of the southern scarp, almost 5000 metres high. The basin on
the floor of the valley is on the opposite side, bordered by a ridge.

On its flanks it is possible to make out some layering. However, the
nature of the bright material, possibly some kind of deposit, is still

This perspective view was created by using the nadir (vertical view)
channel and one stereo channel of the HRSC to produce a digital model of
the terrain. Please note that image resolution has been reduced for use
on the internet.

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