I am sure that nearly everyone in America and the World, unless they're a 
really far rightwing Obama hating conservative, reads the FULL Name, "Barrack 
Hussein Obama" that it means they're using Barrack and Hussein, as "Key Names" 
as in "Hot Button" issue names, since it makes the dense slow to respond folks 
think somethings along the lines of; ( you mean that black Kenyan Muslim 
President that got the slippery route into office. 
I'm sure Adam didn't mean for it to sound that way, but what he copied and 
pasted was written to stir up that hatred and bigotry against Obama. 

I know there's always the comeback of the republican candidates such as Rafael 
Edwardo Cruz, to make him sound Really Hispanic and Cuban, but democrats and 
the media aren't using that full given name, just Ted. 

I think simply the name "Obama" lets everyone in the World know whom someone is 
talking about. 

I think it's a great idea to preserve land, we don't need anymore lame suburbs 
with the same street names throughout like Buena Vista or Peachtree, except 
with Street on one, Drive on the connecting street, Lane on the next street and 
Terrace on the one 3 blocks over. 

Ted Turner and another intelligent few bought up all the land they could to 
preserve the beauty between Denver and Colorado Springs, to keep that area from 
becoming one GIANT tract housing subdivision. 



Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 12, 2016, at 12:19 PM, meteorite-list-requ...@meteoritecentral.com 
> wrote:
> Barrack Hussein Obama

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