Paul, thank you for presenting this material. I know at least one List member will be familiar with this information, Mr. Grodine [forgive any misspelling]. Loving these dates, even the conservative ones. Such archeological and mythological investigations help to substantiate Hopes many of we contemporaries share that our distant ancestors still speak to us. It is consoling to realize [even though it would seem common sense] that our species has, for its entire existence struggled with universal questions.
Jerry Flaherty

From: "Paul Heinrich" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:36 AM
To: "Meteorite List" <>
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Impacts and Australian AboriginalGeomythology

1. Hamacher, D.W., and P. P. Norris, 2009, Australian
Aboriginal Geomythology: eyewitness accounts of
cosmic impacts? Archaeoastronomy. vol. ??, No. ??,
pp. ??-??.

Hamacher, D. W, 2009, Meteorite Falls and Cosmic
Impacts in Australian Aboriginal Mythology. 72nd
Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, held
July 13-18, 2009 in Nancy, France. Published in
Meteoritics and Planetary Science Supplement., p.5005

Duane Willis Hamacher II CURRICULUM VITAE

This Vitae lists some other impact related papers:

Hamacher, D.W., and P. P. Norris, 2010, “Falling
Star at Puka”: using Aboriginal oral traditions to
locate undiscovered meteorite falls and impact craters.
In Ilgarijiri – things belonging to the sky, edited by
Ray Norris. Proceedings of the AIATSIS symposium
on Australian Indigenous Astronomy, 27 November
2009, Canberra, Australia, Aboriginal Studies Press.

Hamacher, D.W., C. O’Neill, A. Buchel, and T. R.
Britton, 2010, A newly discovered meteorite crater in
Palm Valley, Central Australia. Meteoritics & Planetary
Science - in preparation

2. Emu Dreaming! - Aboriginal Astronomy

Literature on Aboriginal Astonomy & Aboriginal Cultures

This page includes:

Bevan, A., and P. Bindon, 1996, Australian Aborigines
and Meteorites. Records of the Western Australian
Museum. vol. 18, pp. 93-101.

Also, there is a full length web page about the proposed
Palm Valley impact crater within the Finke Gorge National
Park in the Northern Territory, Australia. It is "“Google,
Dreaming lead to crater discovery” – the REAL story...
from the horse’s mouth" at:

3. Ray Norris's Publications (complete list)

Norris, R. P., and D. W. Hamacher, 2009, The Astronomy
of Aboriginal Australia. in The Role of Astronomy in Society
and Culture Proceedings, D. Valls-Gabaud and A. Boksenberg,
eds., pp. 10-17. IAU Symposium No. 260, 2009

4. Geomythology


Paul H.
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