Greetings Friends on the Meteorite_List!

I am sending a (slightly) off-topic post I think you will enjoy because it relates to meteorite parent bodies.

The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft is on its way to carbonaceous asteroid Bennu! As you may know, the spacecraft made its successful Earth Gravity Assist (EGA) flyby past Earth on Sept. 22nd.  The Science Team continues to work hard to process and evaluate their data and systems by taking advantage of this calibration opportunity.

I am sending information on a very special opportunity  6 pm Thursday night (TOMORROW Sept. 28) for those who might be in the Tucson area: SPECIAL PRESENTATION AT FLANDRAU SCIENCE CENTER– NEW PHOTOS OF EARTH FROM OSIRIS-REX

Come see a special presentation of newly-released photos taken by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft as it flew past Earth on its journey to asteroid Bennu! ​​UA professor Dante Lauretta, leader of the OSIRIS-REx mission team, will show photos in the EOS Planetarium Theater and talk about the Earth Gravity Assist on Thursday, September 28, 6pm at the Flandrau Science Center & Planetarium located on the University of Arizona campus. In addition, following Dr. Lauretta’s presentation there will be a screening of the fulldome planetarium show ASTEROID: MISSION EXTREME produced by National Geographic. Admission $5. Tickets may be purchased in advance here: or in person at the Flandrau front desk.

For more information about the Earth Gravity Assist (EGA) see the OSIRIS-REx mission website for news stories:     For EGA images and animations of the approaching spacecraft among the stars see the mission Gallery>Photographs:     For EGA images and data of Earth taken by spacecraft instruments see the mission Gallery>Spacecraft Imagery:

Next stop: Bennu!

Best regards to meteorite, astronomy and space program aficionados everywhere,
Dolores Hill

Dolores H. Hill
Sr. Research Specialist
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
Kuiper Space Sciences Bldg. #92
The University of Arizona
1629 E. University Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85721

OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission Communication & Public Engagement Team
Lead OSIRIS-REx Ambassadors program
Co-lead OSIRIS-REx Target Asteroids! citizen science program
Co-coordinator Target NEOs! observing program of the Astronomical League
Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers - Meteorite Section


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