[meteorite-list] SMART-1 Impact Simulated In A Laboratory Sandbox

2006-09-11 Thread Ron Baalke

11 September 2006

SMART-1 impact simulated in a laboratory sand-box
European Space Agency
11 September 2006

Laboratory simulations of the SMART-1 impact performed at the University of
Kent, United Kingdom, suggest that the impact may have caused a clearly
elongated lunar crater, and produced a high-speed rebounding for the

This may help explain some properties of the dust cloud observed just after
the actual impact of SMART-1 on the Moon.

The simulations were performed by M.J. Burchell and M.J.Cole at the
University of Kent. For the test, they used a high-speed, two-stage light
gas gun to shoot at 2 kilometres per second a 2-millimitre aluminium sphere
that simulated the SMART-1 spacecraft. The target was a tray of sand,
similar to lunar soil.

We called for such laboratory simulations and numerical modelling of the
SMART-1 impact as a crucial test to understand the processes at work in
space-bound and artificial impacts, said Bernard Foing, ESA SMART-1 Project

Data from a previous project, in which Burchell and Cole made use of coarse
grained sand, had shown that for an impact at a 10-degree incidence the
fastest ejected material travelled forward (within about plus or minus 5
degree angle with respect to the impact direction) at 120 percent of the
impact speed -- a higher value than the impacting projectile had.

However, at that 10-degree incidence angle only one percent of the material
excavated by the impact went forwards and the percentage decreased as the
angle got shallower. Out of that one percent, about 75 percent was at an
angle to the surface greater than 10 degrees.

To reproduce the SMART-1 scenario we simulated an impact at two degrees
incidence. The result was a nice non-circular crater, said Mark Burchell.
According to the test's results, the fine grained dust of the lunar surface
was to raise a cloud of ejected material, which would have spread out
sideways, as well as in a forward direction.

Based solely on the results and ignoring scaling issues, Burchell and Cole
predicted the size for the SMART-1 impact crater, expected to be 7 metres
long and 4.5 metres wide. This was compatible with ESA's scaling-law
predictions on the size of the SMART-1 crater.

Burchell and Cole also observed a 'ricochet-projectile' phenomenon,
suggesting a bounce like that of a single object that had undergone some
deformation, with a slight 20 percent loss of speed during the impact.

Based on the latest topography analysis, SMART-1 touched down with a very
grazing incidence not higher than a few degrees, said Foing. Therefore it
might have bounced in a similar way to the flying bullet in the sand box,
like a stone skipping on water.

The result of these simulations may explain some of the properties of the
clouds detected by the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope (CFHT) up to 100
seconds after the flash, added Pascale Ehrenfreund, coordinator of the
SMART-1 impact ground-based observation campaign. These were spread at some
tens of kilometres downstream from impact, she concluded.

For more information
Bernard Foing, ESA SMART-1 Project Scientist
Email: bernard.foing @ esa.int

Mark Burchell, University of Kent, United Kingdom
Email: M.J.Burchell @ kent.ac.uk

Pascale Ehrenfreund, SMART-1 ground-based impact campaign coordinator,
Leiden University, The Netherlands
Email: pascale @ strw.leidenuniv.nl

[NOTE: Image supporting this release are available at
http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/SMART-1/SEM8SH7LURE_1.html ]

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[meteorite-list] SMART-1 Impact Flash and Debris: Crash Scene Investigation

2006-09-07 Thread Ron Baalke


SMART-1 impact flash and debris: crash scene investigation
European Space Agency
7 September 2006

The SMART-1 observation campaign latest results bring new evidences on 
SMART-1 impact: timing, location, detection of flash and ejecta, and 
a firework.

The successful capture of the SMART-1 impact from Earth raised a
substantial interest in the amateur and professional astronomical community.
They started to reanalyse the available data, to repeat observations of the
impact site and to share the results worldwide as a family, says Pascale
Ehrenfreund, coordinator of the SMART-1 impact ground observation campaign.

Where did SMART-1 impact the Moon?
From the various observations and models, we try to reconstruct the 'movie'
of what happened to the spacecraft and to the Moon surface, says ESA
SMART-1 Project scientist Bernard Foing. For this lunar 'Crash Scene
Investigation', we need all possible Earth witnesses and observational

The actual SMART-1 impact took place on 3 September 2006 in the course of
the spacecrafts 2890th orbit around the Moon. SMART-1 sent its last signals
to Earth at 07:42:21:759 CEST (05:42:21:759 UT), and the JIVE radio
telescope from Hobart, Tasmania, measured a loss of signal a few moments
later, at 07:42:22.394 CEST (05:42:22.394 UT).

These times are remarkably in agreement with the last SMART-1 flight
dynamics predictions of 3 September at 07:42:20 CEST (05:42:20 UT), in the
location at 46.20 deg West longitude and 34.4 deg South latitude.

This is also in agreement with the coordinates newly derived from the
position of the infrared impact flash observed by the Canada-France-Hawaii
telescope (CFHT).

Extensive data processing is now going on to specify the topography of the
impact site.

From a preliminary analysis of the topographic stereo data available and
earlier maps built with SMART-1 data, the satellite should have hit the Moon
in the ascending slope of a mountain about 1.5 kilometres high, above the
Lake of Excellence plain.

What happened? Dust after the flash
To determine what part of the flash comes from the lunar rock heated at
impact or from the volatile substances released by the probe, it is
important to obtain measurements in several optical and infrared
wavelengths, in addition to the CFHT observations (2.12 microns).

From a detailed analysis of the CFHT infrared movie of the variations after
the flash, a cloud of ejected material or debris travelling some 80
kilometres in about 130 seconds has been detected by observer Christian
Veillet, Principal Investigator for the SMART-1 impact observations at CFHT.

It seems that some ejecta or debris made it across the mountain. This is
good news to search for the ejecta blanket says Foing. We might also see
the 'firework' expansion of gas and debris that has bounced after impact
from the spacecraft.

Some SMART-1 campaign amateurs report that they may have observed the
optical flash in their own data, and a possible impact afterglow. We call
for observers to search for the crater and ejecta blankets from SMART-1, in
particular using visible or infrared imagery, or even to look at
spectroscopic anomalies at the impact site, added Foing. We also call all
observers to send us their reports, thanking them for engaging in the
SMART-1 adventure.

Note to editors
The five radio telescopes involved in the SMART-1 observations and
coordinated by the Joint Institute for VLBI (Very Long Baseline
Interferometry) in Europe (JIVE), are: the Medicina (INAF) 32- metre antenna
in Italy, the Fortaleza (ROEN) 14-metre antenna in Brazil, the
German-Chilean TIGO (BKG) 6-metre antenna in Chile, the Mount Pleasant
Observatory of the University of Tasmania (Australia) and the Australia
Telescope Compact Array (CSIRO).

The SMART-1 impact observation campaign involved a core of participating
telescopes, including: the South African Large Telescope (SALT), the Calar
Alto observatory in Andalucia, Spain, the ESA Optical Ground Station (OGS)
at Tenerife, Spain, the TNG telescope in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain,
the CEA Cariri observatory in Brazil, the Argentina National Telescope, the
Florida Tech Robotic telescopes at Melbourne FL and Kitt Peak, MSFC lunar
meteor robotic telescopes, Houston 1m, Big Bear Solar Observatory, MDM
telescopes at Kitt Peak, NASA IRTF, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, the
Japanese Subaru Auxiliary telescopes on Hawaii, the ODIN space observatory.
We acknowledge also support from Nottingham University, and the USGS.

Reports on data gathered by other observatories that joined the campaign
will follow on this site.

For more information:
Bernard H. Foing, ESA SMART-1 Project Scientist
Email: bernard.foing @ esa.int

Pascale Ehrenfreund, SMART-1 ground-based impact campaign coordinator,
Leiden University, The Netherlands
Email: pascale @ strw.leidenuniv.nl

[NOTE: Images supporting this release are available at

[meteorite-list] SMART-1 impact

2006-09-04 Thread Matson, Robert
Hi Doug and List,

I don't know if I'm the first to notice this but the effect of
the lunar impact is still visible in the Canada-France-Hawaii
telescope image 15 seconds after impact.  Check the frame
immediately after the bright impact frame in the movie below,
and you'll see a small lingering white spot centered exactly
on where the impact flash was in the prior frame:



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Re: [meteorite-list] SMART-1 impact

2006-09-04 Thread Sterling K. Webb

Hi, Rob,

   Gee, Rob, now I know why you find things!
The 11th frame has the impact. The 12th frame
has a brightened patch two pixels wide and five
pixels high. The 13th frame has a less bright but
still over-brightened patch two pixels wide and 
two pixels high, which are in the same position
as the upper 4 pixels of the 12th frame patch. 
In the 14th frame and the 11th frame, this same 
area is completely cool, much grayer.

   So, the heating effect persisted for more than
30 seconds (the frame rate was 15 seconds 
exposure per frame, and you have to read out 
the chip between frames).

   If anyone else wants to see the effect, load 
the animated gif file into Photoshop which will 
separate the frames as layers. I enlarged the 
impact point to a 2000% view in a window framed

around the edges of the flash in frame 11, then
switched from layer to layer to layer.

   Rob, if you found this with your bare eyeballs,
from just watching the gif, I congratulate you. It's 
invisible to me at that size!

   A little poking around in the ESA website 
reveals that SMART-1 came in from the north in 
a polar orbit, so I will hypothesize that the top four 
pixels where the heat persists through two frames 
is the impact point itself and the six pixels below 
it are the splash of the low inclination impact,

hot debris and ejecta being thrown out in a blanket
that extends mostly to the south of the crater.

   You know how I like to hypothesize...

   As to pixel size translation to actual ground
size, we can forget it -- not enough data. Instead 
of the megacam they talk about on the CFHT 
website, they used their new WIRcam, a wide

angle IR sensor, so no idea of pixel-ground size.
However, Lehmann C crater is 16 kilometers in
diameter and is eight pixels wide in the image, so
-- just a wild guess -- 2 kilometers to the pixel?

   Just in case anyone has a telescope big enough
to search for a 10-meter crater (like a 10-meter 
scope in orbit, say), the ESA website has a very 
detailed Observing Guide to the impact site:


   The reason Rob finds things? He looks for them!

Sterling K. Webb
- Original Message - 
From: Matson, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 8:19 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] SMART-1 impact

Hi Doug and List,

I don't know if I'm the first to notice this but the effect of
the lunar impact is still visible in the Canada-France-Hawaii
telescope image 15 seconds after impact.  Check the frame
immediately after the bright impact frame in the movie below,
and you'll see a small lingering white spot centered exactly
on where the impact flash was in the prior frame:



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[meteorite-list] SMART-1 Impact: Last Call For Ground Based Observations

2006-08-17 Thread Ron Baalke


SMART-1 impact: last call for ground based observations
European Space Agency 
17 August 2006

If you are a professional or amateur astronomer and want to contribute
to the final phase of the SMART-1 mission, join ESA on the impact ground
observation campaign.
Like most of its lunar predecessors, SMART-1 will conclude its
scientific observations of the Moon through a small impact on the lunar
surface. This is planned to take place in the lunar Lake of Excellence,
located at mid-southern latitudes. A trim manoeuvre at the end of July
has determined that the impact will most likely occur on 3 September
2006 at 07:41 CEST (05:41 UT), or at 02:36 CEST (00:36 UT) on the
previous orbit due to uncertainties in the detailed knowledge of the
lunar topography.

If impacting on 3 Sept at 07:41 CEST, SMART-1 will touch the Moon at the
lunar coordinates 36.44º South and 46.25º West. If impacting on 3
September at 02:36 CEST the lunar coordinates will be 36.4º South and
43.5º West.

The Lake of Excellence is very interesting from the scientific point of
view – it is a volcanic plain area surrounded by highlands, but also
characterised by ground mineral heterogeneities.

“We call for ground-based observations mostly to study impact physics,
the release of spacecraft volatiles, and the lofted soil mineralogy,”
says Bernard Foing , SMART-1 Project Scientist at ESA. “We look for fast
imaging of the impact and of the associated ejected material, and for
spectroscopic analysis, for example to find hints about the mineralogy
of the impact area.”

“Even if the impact at 2 kilometres per second is of modest energy, the
plume might be observable if it reaches sunlight, with an amateur
telescope or binoculars,” continues Foing. “For sites not covering the
time of impact, we ask for context observations before and after impact
to look for the ejecta blanket”.

A number of worldwide observatories have already confirmed their
participation to the campaign. They include the network of VLBI Very
Long Baseline Interferometry and radio observatories, the South African
Large Telescope SALT, the Calar Alto observatory in Andalucia, Spain,
the ESA OGS Optical Ground Station at Tenerife, Spain, the CEA Cariri
observatory in Brazil, the Argentina National Telescope, the Florida
Tech Robotic telescopes, NASA IRTF and Japanese telescopes at Hawaii, as
well as a number of professional and amateur astronomy telescopes around
the world, and the ODIN observatory from space.

ESA invites the scientific community and amateur astronomers to join in
the observation campaign. For more information follow this link

For more information

Bernard Foing, ESA SMART-1 Project Scientist
Email: Bernard.Foing @ esa.int

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