[meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1

2005-07-13 Thread Dana
Since you made so many statements about the article
link I had posted.  Let me point out a couple of

I don't know what large is to them...  However,  I do
know this, that in 2003 what might be the largest
meteorite to be recovered on Indian soil came from
this area.  

Secondly, it would seem one of these beauties found in
2003, big or not in our eyes, is from a rare primitive
carbonaceous chondrites group.  Making it a very
special interest.

Thanks for telling me the area is wow like the size of
TX, but narrow that down to the western part and then
I think you might really be telling me something worth
while.  LOL  How big is the western part of frigging
TX?  Does anyone else know of ANY area with 10 falls
in the past 10 years?  Like as in happening now, a
current event that is occurring in an area smaller
than the size of western TX or even the same size cuz
July ain't over.

The meteorites fall from April to July.  So I think is
is safe to say its an annual event.  Now that is
consistent!  I mean if you bleed out your ears every
year for 10 yrs during the months of April-July
wouldn't you think that is consistent?  Shit call this
indian/hillbilly stupid, but I will say yes.  

Are you saying that because they do not know the
origins of the falls, that you yourself do?  Enlighten
me please!  I mean we all know the basics of
meteorites and so do they, but they are wanting to
know which meteorite has left this trail or if ifs
more than one. 

The article may have been poorly written.  I agree. 
However, it was not posted for that reason.  It was
posted because you never know who will be where or
when from this list.  The information might not mean
shit to you.  However, I myself found it worthwhile in
the fact that this is exactly the type of area that
might be worth keeping our eyes on if the activity
continues.  Even if you or I never hunt that area
there may be others on this list that will, do, or
have.  That is why I posted the link.

I know everyone here on the list will want to shoot me
for asking, but good God gravy what is with the #1
under your name?   

Sincerely,  Dana Hawn

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Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1

2005-07-13 Thread Dana
Hi Susan and list,

I am sure this is not the exact same link but it is on
the same story from the same newspaper site in India
it's pretty close to the original.  It came out the
following day to the actual original.  Its not like it
was a scientific journal and perhaps English is a
second language to the writer.  Jeez!

Some of ya'll on this list set your expectations of
others wa too high.  I would like to see
Steve write an article on an American fall in their
language and see if it meets their standards.  Ha ha
ha just kidding, but ya'll get my point.


Also just to let everyone know I am not sorry for my
for being myself.  Where I come from shit is not a
curse word.  I told Dirk Ross sorry if I offended him
and would like to say sorry to anyone else on the list
if I truly offended them.  Sorry.  

And thanks for the info Susan.  I am so cracking up
here cuz' I thought it was Chicago Steve.  ha ha ha  
Thought the vacation had gone straight to his head! 
Surely, their middle initials are different!  I can
see where this would cause a lot of problems for one
Steve or the other.

Dana Hawn

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Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1

2005-07-13 Thread Darren Garrison
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 06:59:29 -0700 (PDT), Dana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for telling me the area is wow like the size of
TX, but narrow that down to the western part and then
I think you might really be telling me something worth
while.  LOL  How big is the western part of frigging
TX?  Does anyone else know of ANY area with 10 falls

1.) Don't take his comments so personally-- YOU didn't write the article.

2.) Even if he WAS intending to berate the person who posted the article, the 
copy he replied to was
the copy that I posted (which was before the copy that you posted, but your 
copy was before the copy
that Ron Blaake posted)

3.) Even if he WAS replying to the copy that YOU posted, there is no reason for 
you to think that he
was addressing the message at you and you alone.

FWIW, I thought at the time that the article was riddled with holes big enough 
to drive something
rather large yet drivable (possibly but exclusive to that crawler that moves 
the shuttle to the
launch pad) through, but thought it interesting enough to post.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1

2005-07-13 Thread MeteorHntr
Hello Dawn, Steve #2 (see below)  list,

I was going to respond to your email point by point, like I did the article 
that was posted, but that probably wouldn't be so nice. And I am a very nice 

In fact, if you are in Tucson this next February, I would like to invite you to 
a little birthday party a friend of mine and I are throwing.  It's no big deal, 
it's just a couple of us that like to get together around a table and talk 
rocks over cake.  But to show how nice I am, you would be invited to pull up a 
chair with us and chat.  

Let me point out that over time, you will see MASSIVE mistakes in the media 
when it comes to meteorites.  I am sure they mess up most all of their other 
stories on other topics, only I am not smart enough to know about every thing 
else in the world. But I have picked up a few established facts on meteorites 
over the years (thanks to Richard Norton, Bernd, David Wier and a couple 
thousand hours out in the field chasing these crazy rocks). My experience is 
that reporters more often than not, cannot write a story without some facts 
being wrong.  

The one event that really made me realize this was the West Texas fall in 
Monahans in 1998. Over and over again the media got simple facts like The fire 
chief confiscated the meteorite from the boys... Where the simple fact was 
that it was the Police Chief that confiscated the meteorite from the boys.  In 
that case, the reporters got these facts right:

1. That it was some type of chief that did the confiscating
2. That they were boys
3. That it was indeed a meteorite

But they got what TYPE of chief, wrong.  

An honest mistake you might say, but it is horrible.  While in one topic they 
were right 75%, the 25% they got wrong is still a FACT (and very easy one to 
verify).  It wouldn't be so bad, but most people would like to get news that is 
a little better than 75% right. 

Besides, if it weren't for the fact that there was TV footage of the boys 
holding the meteorite, then the editors might have not caught the potential 
errors that reporters first said it was 6 little girls that found a geode in 
Houston, New Mexico, and the area Indian Chief took it from them. (Just 
joking!  You either gotta laugh or cry with some of this.)

And the fire/police chief fact was just one of MANY in that case that was at 
least a little off base.  

My favorite mistake is when a paper in Jonesboro Arkansas called me a 
scientist in their front page title of a story.

I have become so skeptical of ANY facts that the media puts out because they 
are so bad at getting even the simple stuff right.  Did 9/11 really happen?  
Well I think so, not because I believe the reporters, but because I my friend 
Geoff Notkin took some great pictures from the Jersey shore that day, NOT 
because a reporter wrote about something about it.

It got to the point that I would not consent to an interview for a newspaper 
article, without first getting agreement that I could proof read the text of 
the story before it went to print.  Not to censor the story, but to help the 
poor souls from botching up the story too bad. I used to think Editors were 
paid to do that.

Let me say two things:  First: I am not the numbers guy here, but I feel pretty 
safe that western Texas does get MORE than one meteorite fall per year.  And if 
you would populate western Texas with as many people as India has, you should 
easily get 10 recovered in each decade.  Would anyone out there like to play 
with the numbers and report back here?

Second, I do have a middle initial, it is K but someone called me The First 
Steve Arnold once, not because I was born first, but because I was in the 
meteorite community first, and thus the #1 was mentioned.  I suppose I could 
always use Arkansas after my name, but to be honest, it just isn't as 
insulting to Steve Arnold #2 (Chicago), when I use Arkansas.  :-)

(Don't get me wrong, Steve #2 is my friend, so I like to tease him.  Besides, I 
WAS here first!)

Oh, and to prove I am really nice, I will let you sit beside #2 during the 
whole duration of our little birthday bash, as we like to call it in Tucson.  

NOTE TO STEVE #2 - OK #2, if Dawn takes me up on this invite, I guess you can 
come to the party this year, just don't tell anyone else that you are coming or 
there might just be the 4 of us at the table again this year.  And #2, don't 
think that this 2006 invitation automatically earns you an invite for 2007! 
Depending on how you act at this party (specifically not spoiling the carpet 
again) will be taken into consideration if you get invited to come back again.

Steve #1

Since you made so many statements about the article
link I had posted.  Let me point out a couple of
I don't know what large is to them...  However,  I do
know this, that in 2003 what might be the largest
meteorite to be recovered on Indian soil came from
this area.
Secondly, it would seem one of these beauties 

Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1

2005-07-13 Thread Dawn Gerald Flaherty
Hi Dana,
I kinda missed Steve's post but as to the #1, there is a second Steve Arnold
on the List.
Jerry Flaherty
- Original Message - 
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:59 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1

 Since you made so many statements about the article
 link I had posted.  Let me point out a couple of

 I don't know what large is to them...  However,  I do
 know this, that in 2003 what might be the largest
 meteorite to be recovered on Indian soil came from
 this area.

 Secondly, it would seem one of these beauties found in
 2003, big or not in our eyes, is from a rare primitive
 carbonaceous chondrites group.  Making it a very
 special interest.

 Thanks for telling me the area is wow like the size of
 TX, but narrow that down to the western part and then
 I think you might really be telling me something worth
 while.  LOL  How big is the western part of frigging
 TX?  Does anyone else know of ANY area with 10 falls
 in the past 10 years?  Like as in happening now, a
 current event that is occurring in an area smaller
 than the size of western TX or even the same size cuz
 July ain't over.

 The meteorites fall from April to July.  So I think is
 is safe to say its an annual event.  Now that is
 consistent!  I mean if you bleed out your ears every
 year for 10 yrs during the months of April-July
 wouldn't you think that is consistent?  Shit call this
 indian/hillbilly stupid, but I will say yes.

 Are you saying that because they do not know the
 origins of the falls, that you yourself do?  Enlighten
 me please!  I mean we all know the basics of
 meteorites and so do they, but they are wanting to
 know which meteorite has left this trail or if ifs
 more than one.

 The article may have been poorly written.  I agree.
 However, it was not posted for that reason.  It was
 posted because you never know who will be where or
 when from this list.  The information might not mean
 shit to you.  However, I myself found it worthwhile in
 the fact that this is exactly the type of area that
 might be worth keeping our eyes on if the activity
 continues.  Even if you or I never hunt that area
 there may be others on this list that will, do, or
 have.  That is why I posted the link.

 I know everyone here on the list will want to shoot me
 for asking, but good God gravy what is with the #1
 under your name?

 Sincerely,  Dana Hawn

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 Meteorite-list mailing list

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[meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

2005-07-13 Thread MeteorHntr
Hey list,

I was going to wait a little longer and let that last post of mine soak in a 
little more before following up, but I am going to be out of the house for much 
of this evening, and I was a little concerned it might start to smell too bad 
unless I cleaned it up first.

Sometimes I forget that this is a serious scientific list, and that some 
people here might not understand or appreciate strange Arkansas humor (also 
now known as #1 and #2 humor). So... 

No, #2 did NOT really do #1 on the floor at our party.  

While some have accused me, #1, of being full of #2, I am confident that this 
last post proves them right.

I wrote all that last post to make my original point: if it were 75% factually 
correct, which I am sure (even with the typos) it was more than 75% correct, it 
still paints a very inaccurate picture of what really happened that night at 
our party.  Such is the case with all too many of the meteorite stories we all 
see out there in the professional media, because you do expect the media to be 
right nearly all of the time, and at worst just a little biased.  

Then their so called corrections get buried in small print on page #29D (if a 
meteorite article was ever corrected at all).  

At least here on the list our follow up, comments and corrections get the same 
exposure as the original mistakes.

Anyway, I appreciate Mr. Arnold #2 of Chicago being a good sport about this 
once again, and for you all bearing with a topic that did seem to go off topic, 
if not at least off colored.

You gotta love this place!  Long live the meteorite list.

Steve Arnold
The First
(I am not sure I like that term #1 anymore, it kind of is leaving a strange 
taste in my mouth all of a sudden...)

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

2005-07-13 Thread Tom Knudson
Steve Arnold The First wrote;
(I am not sure I like that term #1 anymore, it kind of is leaving a
strange taste in my mouth all of a sudden...)

Well I can assure you it tastes better than # 2

Thanks, Tom

- Original Message -
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

 Hey list,

 I was going to wait a little longer and let that last post of mine soak
in a little more before following up, but I am going to be out of the house
for much of this evening, and I was a little concerned it might start to
smell too bad unless I cleaned it up first.

 Sometimes I forget that this is a serious scientific list, and that some
people here might not understand or appreciate strange Arkansas humor
(also now known as #1 and #2 humor). So...

 No, #2 did NOT really do #1 on the floor at our party.

 While some have accused me, #1, of being full of #2, I am confident that
this last post proves them right.

 I wrote all that last post to make my original point: if it were 75%
factually correct, which I am sure (even with the typos) it was more than
75% correct, it still paints a very inaccurate picture of what really
happened that night at our party.  Such is the case with all too many of the
meteorite stories we all see out there in the professional media, because
you do expect the media to be right nearly all of the time, and at worst
just a little biased.

 Then their so called corrections get buried in small print on page #29D
(if a meteorite article was ever corrected at all).

 At least here on the list our follow up, comments and corrections get the
same exposure as the original mistakes.

 Anyway, I appreciate Mr. Arnold #2 of Chicago being a good sport about
this once again, and for you all bearing with a topic that did seem to go
off topic, if not at least off colored.

 You gotta love this place!  Long live the meteorite list.

 Steve Arnold
 The First
 (I am not sure I like that term #1 anymore, it kind of is leaving a
strange taste in my mouth all of a sudden...)

 Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

2005-07-13 Thread Michael Farmer

Can we stop this idiotic thread? This has nothing to do with anything.
Mike Farmer
- Original Message - 
From: Tom Knudson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

Steve Arnold The First wrote;
(I am not sure I like that term #1 anymore, it kind of is leaving a
strange taste in my mouth all of a sudden...)

Well I can assure you it tastes better than # 2

Thanks, Tom

- Original Message -
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

Hey list,

I was going to wait a little longer and let that last post of mine soak
in a little more before following up, but I am going to be out of the 

for much of this evening, and I was a little concerned it might start to
smell too bad unless I cleaned it up first.

Sometimes I forget that this is a serious scientific list, and that 

people here might not understand or appreciate strange Arkansas humor
(also now known as #1 and #2 humor). So...

No, #2 did NOT really do #1 on the floor at our party.

While some have accused me, #1, of being full of #2, I am confident that

this last post proves them right.

I wrote all that last post to make my original point: if it were 75%

factually correct, which I am sure (even with the typos) it was more than
75% correct, it still paints a very inaccurate picture of what really
happened that night at our party.  Such is the case with all too many of 

meteorite stories we all see out there in the professional media, because
you do expect the media to be right nearly all of the time, and at worst
just a little biased.

Then their so called corrections get buried in small print on page #29D

(if a meteorite article was ever corrected at all).

At least here on the list our follow up, comments and corrections get the

same exposure as the original mistakes.

Anyway, I appreciate Mr. Arnold #2 of Chicago being a good sport about

this once again, and for you all bearing with a topic that did seem to go
off topic, if not at least off colored.

You gotta love this place!  Long live the meteorite list.

Steve Arnold
The First
(I am not sure I like that term #1 anymore, it kind of is leaving a

strange taste in my mouth all of a sudden...)

Meteorite-list mailing list

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Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.14/48 - Release Date: 7/13/2005

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

2005-07-13 Thread batkol

i am so glad to hear this.
- Original Message - 

To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

Hey list,

I was going to wait a little longer and let that last post of mine soak 
in a little more before following up, but I am going to be out of the 
house for much of this evening, and I was a little concerned it might 
start to smell too bad unless I cleaned it up first.

Sometimes I forget that this is a serious scientific list, and that some 
people here might not understand or appreciate strange Arkansas humor 
(also now known as #1 and #2 humor). So...

No, #2 did NOT really do #1 on the floor at our party.

While some have accused me, #1, of being full of #2, I am confident that 
this last post proves them right.

I wrote all that last post to make my original point: if it were 75% 
factually correct, which I am sure (even with the typos) it was more than 
75% correct, it still paints a very inaccurate picture of what really 
happened that night at our party.  Such is the case with all too many of 
the meteorite stories we all see out there in the professional media, 
because you do expect the media to be right nearly all of the time, and at 
worst just a little biased.

Then their so called corrections get buried in small print on page #29D 
(if a meteorite article was ever corrected at all).

At least here on the list our follow up, comments and corrections get the 
same exposure as the original mistakes.

Anyway, I appreciate Mr. Arnold #2 of Chicago being a good sport about 
this once again, and for you all bearing with a topic that did seem to go 
off topic, if not at least off colored.

You gotta love this place!  Long live the meteorite list.

Steve Arnold
The First
(I am not sure I like that term #1 anymore, it kind of is leaving a 
strange taste in my mouth all of a sudden...)

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

2005-07-13 Thread David Weir


I enjoyed your story and you made your point well. You also made your 
point about how newspapers always mis-spell names as you did with mine - 
Wier instead of Weir. BTW I still regard the Honolulu night as one of my 
all time best times.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1

2005-07-13 Thread David Freeman mjwy
...and the #2 is a long, long way's behind the #1!  Try following the 
complete library of Ssteve Arnold #2's critically inputted archives.

Dave F.

Dawn  Gerald Flaherty wrote:

Hi Dana,
I kinda missed Steve's post but as to the #1, there is a second Steve Arnold
on the List.
Jerry Flaherty
- Original Message - 

To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:59 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1


Since you made so many statements about the article
link I had posted.  Let me point out a couple of

I don't know what large is to them...  However,  I do
know this, that in 2003 what might be the largest
meteorite to be recovered on Indian soil came from
this area.

Secondly, it would seem one of these beauties found in
2003, big or not in our eyes, is from a rare primitive
carbonaceous chondrites group.  Making it a very
special interest.

Thanks for telling me the area is wow like the size of
TX, but narrow that down to the western part and then
I think you might really be telling me something worth
while.  LOL  How big is the western part of frigging
TX?  Does anyone else know of ANY area with 10 falls
in the past 10 years?  Like as in happening now, a
current event that is occurring in an area smaller
than the size of western TX or even the same size cuz
July ain't over.

The meteorites fall from April to July.  So I think is
is safe to say its an annual event.  Now that is
consistent!  I mean if you bleed out your ears every
year for 10 yrs during the months of April-July
wouldn't you think that is consistent?  Shit call this
indian/hillbilly stupid, but I will say yes.

Are you saying that because they do not know the
origins of the falls, that you yourself do?  Enlighten
me please!  I mean we all know the basics of
meteorites and so do they, but they are wanting to
know which meteorite has left this trail or if ifs
more than one.

The article may have been poorly written.  I agree.
However, it was not posted for that reason.  It was
posted because you never know who will be where or
when from this list.  The information might not mean
shit to you.  However, I myself found it worthwhile in
the fact that this is exactly the type of area that
might be worth keeping our eyes on if the activity
continues.  Even if you or I never hunt that area
there may be others on this list that will, do, or
have.  That is why I posted the link.

I know everyone here on the list will want to shoot me
for asking, but good God gravy what is with the #1
under your name?

Sincerely,  Dana Hawn

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Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???

2005-07-13 Thread Walter Branch
I still regard the Honolulu night as one of my
all time best times

hummm.  I think I need to start reading these
posts a little more closely from now on.


- Original Message - 
From: David Weir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Meteorite List
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Steve Arnold #1 full of #2???


 I enjoyed your story and you made your point well. You also made your
 point about how newspapers always mis-spell names as you did with mine -
 Wier instead of Weir. BTW I still regard the Honolulu night as one of my
 all time best times.


 Meteorite-list mailing list

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