If you missed this opportunity the first time around...

Collectors and meteorite dealers alike will be happy to know that the
latest edition of "The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2011" is now
available for purchase.

Coin and stamp collectors can find price guides for about every coin
or stamp ever minted or printed. I have worked diligently to duplicate
this effort with meteorites.


Some comments from those collectors and dealers who have already
purchased this report:

"Top notch work... I'm sure most everyone would enjoy looking it over."

"This is going to be really useful and I think that $15 is spot-on for
an asking price."

"As always, an excellent compendium of our meteorite marketplace!
Great work, Kevin!"


In 1995 I created a consistent methodology for determining the average
price for a large number of meteorites. I have continued to compile
data, publishing and selling it since 2005. No one else anywhere is
attempting the broad scope of this survey.

Collectors - Would you like to calculate the value of your existing
collection based on the latest dealer price listings? Do you have a
wish list of pending purchases and wonder what today's market price is
for these specimens?

Dealers - Do you want to be sure your price offerings are within the
range of your competition, neither selling too inexpensively nor too

With the Tucson Rock-and-Gem Show less than two weeks away, wouldn't
everyone profit by knowing the current average prices of the
meteorites they will be buying and selling?

To create extra value, I've nearly doubled the amount of different
meteorites covered from the 2007 report.

Additionally, historical prices from past reports going back to 2005
are included for trend spotting.  The latest "ask prices" have been
compiled by mining nearly every dealer website available, a process
that took me over one hundred hours (kids, don't try this at home
without extraordinary patience and a large bottle of eye drops.)

Meteorites are divided by type and alphabetically for easy reference.

There is price information on 185 meteorites in this latest report -
virtually everything that at least two dealers are selling somewhere
on the planet.

I accept no advertising and I am not favoring or promoting any
dealer's wares. The prices reflected are an unbiased snapshot of
today's market. Even if you thought you knew the prices and trends in
prices, like me, you will be surprised at many of the findings.


"I just wanted to let you know I just sent money via PayPal for the
Meteorite Price List that you have so painstakingly put together. I am
sure it will reflect your time and effort and become a great tool for
some of us, especially me! Just like your book has become an excellent
tool! I have read and re-read it learning something each time. It has
become one of my favorite  resource books."

"Very interesting indeed."

"Hi Kevin, I am impatient to look at your "Global Meteorite Price
Report - 2011" always a useful document."

"Przesłano Ci pieniądze!"


This eight page report has been reformatted as an Adobe pdf for easy
transmittal to your e-mailbox.

To purchase, please visit Paypal and my account at mars...@gmail.com.

Deposit US$15 and a copy "for your eyes only please" :>) will soon be
transmitted to your email account.

Don't put yourself at a competitive dis-advantage while buying or
selling. Learn today what your meteorites are worth.

"Thanks for sending and I concur with your "state of the market"
conclusions - my personal viewpoint is from that of the collector -
not of the dealer - so it is refreshing to see that analysis

"To be honest I would be willing to pay even more for this report to
help cover your time in collecting the data and doing the analysis - I
know that it is a pretty small group that holds a high interest in
this information."


The proceeds from this project will be used to print additional copies
of my book, "The Art of Collecting Meteorites." I have been showered
with comments from past purchasers concerned that I keep this book
available to assist new collectors and make them aware of the hobby's
past and current influences. Without your help, the book would be
"sold out" and go out of print next month. My humble and sincere
thanks for all those helping me further this grand and noble hobby of
collecting meteorites.

Again, to purchase, "The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2011" please
visit Paypal and my account at mars...@gmail.com.

Deposit US$15 and a copy will soon be transmitted to your email account.

Kevin Kichinka
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