Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-22 Thread Michael L Blood
Hi Greg and all,
The greatest problem I have with the list is people send
Me private emails with the list in the subject box: Since I sometimes
Don't read all the posts or sometimes take days to read them all,
This means some private posts never reach me.
We would all do well to NEVER send a private post  with
[meteorite-list] in the subject box - unless it is preceded with
My 2 cents.

on 2/21/08 1:41 PM, GREG LINDH at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Del,
   I agree with you.  If I'm away from my computer for just a few days, I have
 a couple of hundred e-mails to go through.  What a pain.  Plus, I have to look
 very carefully at the e-mails because I delete the vast majority of the ones
 from the meteorite list.  If I don't check the e-mails carefully, I may delete
 an actual e-mail from a friend.  It's happened before.
   I've moderated a Yahoo Group (forum) for about 6 years and it is much more
 user friendly than the Meteorite List.  I love all of the knowledge that is
 given out by the members of this list.  I just wish it didn't come to me in my
   With respect,
Greg Lindh
 Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 12:35:18 -0800
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum
 I agree with this too! A lot of very good info here
 and boy it really sucks if you go on vacation or
 something because you'll have 100+ emails to clean
 The least that could be done for a forum is maybe
 setting up something through Yahoo. It isn't that
 difficult to do and it would probably take an hour or
 two to setup.
 --- JKGwilliam  wrote:
 David and List,
 I don't know the answer to your questions, but they
 sure make
 sense. About a year and a half ago, I finally shut
 down the
 Meteorite Impact Forum due to a lack of
 participation. Even with
 nearly 200 registered members, there was very little
 traffic for the
 final three months. Online forums offer a lot of
 updated features
 that the old mail servers don't. The one feature
 that I really like,
 and is reason enough to use a forum, is that replies
 stay in
 chronological order. I don't know about the rest of
 you, but it's
 very frustrating for me to try and read all the
 replies to a thread
 in order. I end up reading all the replies and then
 try guessing what
 order they should be in. If you miss even one
 reply, some threads
 don't make sense. With a forum, this doesn't happen.
 My only guess is that the Meteorite List has been
 around for a long
 time ( I've been here for 10 years) that no one
 wants to mess with
 convention. Or, could it be an old dog/new trick
 At 12:56 PM 2/21/2008, David  Kitt Deyarmin wrote:
 I'm not trying to stir up trouble or incite
 arguments I'm just curious.
 Email lists are by today's standard an antiquated
 venue for
 discussing any hobby.
 They have many limitations and can be taxing on
 your email inbox,
 which is why I receive the Dailey Digest. I delete
 them and do all
 of my reading from the archives.
 Online forums are easier to use and the posted info
 is easier to track.
 Plus it's easy to ignore topics that you're not
 interested in
 without having to pick through a bunch of emails.
 However, I would like to understand why so many of
 the members here
 prefer not to use forums.
 I want to make it clear that I'm not trying stir up
 trouble, I'm
 just trying to understand the aversion most of this
 list has to using a forum.
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-22 Thread Michael L Blood
on 2/21/08 12:37 PM, Gary K. Foote at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to understand why so many of the members here prefer
 not to use forums.
Gary and all,
I don't use forums for the following reasons:

#1 - most require a sign in identity AND a password (I can hardly keep track
Of all the passwords and sign ins I have already). For instance, I refuse to
have anything to do with Yahoo because of their obsession with signing in,
passwords, etc. 

#2 In some forums people do not identify themselves, but instead have a
handle or forum nickname. I don't care to communicate with people whom
I cannot identify.

#3 Forums are always live - right now, for instance, it is 5:43 AM and I
Am writing the list. People will read it when they are ready, when they are
Not at work, or eating dinner with their wife or watching TV or the like.
I doubt any forum has anyone on at this time.

#4 People can pretend they are ME and say horrid things in such a format.
(There was a Meteorite Blog that started about a year ago - I dropped out
within 20 minutes for this reason and the general filth of the place).

Lastly, many or even most may not see my reasons as valid - but
you might want to accept the fact that lots of people do things - or don't
Do things for reasons we, ourselves, see as irrational or an excuse or
whatever. It is still a fact.
The meteorite list suits me just fine  -  you can read it when you
want - you can delete and still look up old posts at Meteorite Central.
It is all I need. However, I might drop in some time to check out this
forum thing. Who knows, I might get into it.
Best wishes, Michael

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-22 Thread David Kitt Deyarmin
I know you said most may not see my reasons as valid but this went to the 
entire list so I would like an opportunity to address each of your issues 
for the benefit of the other members that may not be familiar with how 
forums work.


#1 - most require a sign in identity AND a password (I can hardly keep track 
Of all the passwords and sign ins I have already). For instance, I refuse to
have anything to do with Yahoo because of their obsession with signing in, 
passwords, etc.

The Met List required you to create a password when you signed up.  There 
has to be a cookie somewhere on your computer that identifies you when you 
send an email to the list otherwise anyone could send emails to the list 
without subscribing.

When you sign up for most forums you can elect that it bypass the sign in 
procedure every time you visit which will put a cookie on your computer. 
Yahoo does require you to sign in frequently but most other forums don't.


#2 In some forums people do not identify themselves, but instead have a 
handle or forum nickname. I don't care to communicate with people whom

I cannot identify.

The Met List allows people to do the same thing.  On this list you see my 
email which is bobadebt at, my real name is David Deyarmin. 
Several other members use email addresses that are not connected to their 
real identity.

HOWEVER, a forum admin can make it mandatory that you have your real 
identity attached to your profile.  An added benift of a forum is that you 
can use avatars (small pictures) to represent yourself in each post.  I'm 
sure most people would use a real picture. The Admin can actually require 
that a member either uses a real image or none at all.

Being new to the community I would love to see who I'm talking to when I 
read this list.


#3 Forums are always live - right now, for instance, it is 5:43 AM and I 
Am writing the list. People will read it when they are ready, when they are 
Not at work, or eating dinner with their wife or watching TV or the like. I 
doubt any forum has anyone on at this time.

Of all your reasons I find this one the most confusing.  You do not have to 
use a forum in real time. A forum can be accessed by any member at their 
convenience.   I think your talking about chat rooms.


#4 People can pretend they are ME and say horrid things in such a format. 
(There was a Meteorite Blog that started about a year ago - I dropped out 
within 20 minutes for this reason and the general filth of the place).

People can do the same thing at the met list

I could create a yahoo email account that was mblood at and make 
it appear as Michael Blood when I send emails.  I could subscribe to the 
list and pretend to be you.

Forums are actually have more security protocols available designed to 
prevent this very issue.


This is from your other post to the list

The greatest problem I have with the list is people send Me private emails 
with the list in the subject box: Since I sometimes Don't read all the posts 
or sometimes take days to read them all, This means some private posts never 
reach me. We would all do well to NEVER send a private post with 
[meteorite-list] in the subject box - unless it is preceded with OFF LIST

All forums have a Private Message System which allows any member the 
opportunity to send a message to a single person.  Members have the option 
to disable this feature if they do not want to receive PMs.  Some forums 
have a Send a member an email option which enable a person to email a 
member without that member having to make their email address public.


I hope this helps clear up a few of the concerns that you have.

Art has already said he's implementing code that will allow users to use 
this list as an Email List or a Forum so hopefully it will please satisfy 
all the members that use this venue to communicate with the meteorite 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-22 Thread Notkin

Dear Listees:

I find it bizarre and somewhat annoying that every so often someone 
joins the M-List and then tries to change it. Why isn't it this way or 
that way? you ask.

The M-List, along with Meteorite Times, are the cornerstones of the 
international meteorite collecting community and the List works great 
just the way it is. If you don't want to read the as it happens news, 
subscribe to the daily digest. Very easy.

The List has been around for 11 (?) years. I've been a member for more 
than ten, and I also run a large international fossil discussion group 
-- The Paleolist -- which employs exactly the same excellent Mailman 
software which Art Jones uses to run the M-List. In fact, I modelled 
the Paleolist after the M-List in some respects (thank you Art), 
because it does work so very well.

I've also been a web professional for more than ten years and in my 
experience, forums are difficult and inefficient to use, have security 
and reliability issues, and -- please! -- the suggestion about moving 
to Yahoo Groups? That is the WORST available discussion format -- 
loaded with cheap ads and with Yahoo's tacky, antiquated and 
user-unfriendly features slapped on top.

The M-List is the biggest and best meteorite discussion group out 
there, and I'm quite sure it always will be. Love it or leave it  : )


Geoff N.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-22 Thread Alexander Seidel
 The M-List is the biggest and best meteorite discussion group out 
 there, and I'm quite sure it always will be. 

After a fine speech, our dear respected friend and long-time list
member Geoff stepped off the soapbox! I could not agree more...
Thanks also a bunch to Art Jones, the admin of this list!

[...member since the very beginnings...]
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-22 Thread Jerry
I guess that sums up my sentiments as well! I must agree with Geoff even 
though I do belong to some forums. But I like instant gratification whether 
positive or negative and I seem to get that here. Also the knowledge base 
here is more apparent to me. Not that forums lack informed participants but 
I can't seem to relate personally to them as readily as here. After all, 
this is up automatically every time I open email. If that's lazy then I 
confess sloth.

Jerry Flaherty
- Original Message - 

To: Meteorite List
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum 

Dear Listees:

I find it bizarre and somewhat annoying that every so often someone joins 
the M-List and then tries to change it. Why isn't it this way or that 
way? you ask.

The M-List, along with Meteorite Times, are the cornerstones of the 
international meteorite collecting community and the List works great just 
the way it is. If you don't want to read the as it happens news, 
subscribe to the daily digest. Very easy.

The List has been around for 11 (?) years. I've been a member for more 
than ten, and I also run a large international fossil discussion group --  
The Paleolist -- which employs exactly the same excellent Mailman software 
which Art Jones uses to run the M-List. In fact, I modelled the Paleolist 
after the M-List in some respects (thank you Art), because it does work so 
very well.

I've also been a web professional for more than ten years and in my 
experience, forums are difficult and inefficient to use, have security and 
reliability issues, and -- please! -- the suggestion about moving to Yahoo 
Groups? That is the WORST available discussion format -- 
loaded with cheap ads and with Yahoo's tacky, antiquated and 
user-unfriendly features slapped on top.

The M-List is the biggest and best meteorite discussion group out there, 
and I'm quite sure it always will be. Love it or leave it  : )


Geoff N.

Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-22 Thread ensoramanda
Well said Geoff...I totally agree...hope you've recovered from the 
Tucson efforts...great show!

Best wishes,

Graham Ensor

Notkin wrote:

Dear Listees:

I find it bizarre and somewhat annoying that every so often someone 
joins the M-List and then tries to change it. Why isn't it this way 
or that way? you ask.

The M-List, along with Meteorite Times, are the cornerstones of the 
international meteorite collecting community and the List works great 
just the way it is. If you don't want to read the as it happens 
news, subscribe to the daily digest. Very easy.

The List has been around for 11 (?) years. I've been a member for more 
than ten, and I also run a large international fossil discussion group 
-- The Paleolist -- which employs exactly the same excellent Mailman 
software which Art Jones uses to run the M-List. In fact, I modelled 
the Paleolist after the M-List in some respects (thank you Art), 
because it does work so very well.

I've also been a web professional for more than ten years and in my 
experience, forums are difficult and inefficient to use, have security 
and reliability issues, and -- please! -- the suggestion about moving 
to Yahoo Groups? That is the WORST available discussion format -- 
loaded with cheap ads and with Yahoo's tacky, antiquated and 
user-unfriendly features slapped on top.

The M-List is the biggest and best meteorite discussion group out 
there, and I'm quite sure it always will be. Love it or leave it  : )


Geoff N.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-22 Thread Bob Loeffler
I also belong to a couple forums.  They are nice for some reasons, but not
great for others.  Most of those have been mentioned already.

One thing that I really like about e-mail lists is that I can click on one
or two buttons in my e-mail application (Outlook) and go through all of the
messages easily.  The Delete button gets used half of the time; the next
button gets used the other half (which means I want to keep the e-mail).
That is very simple.  Most forums have multiple sections, so you have to
click on different links or buttons to switch between the sections, then
click on a topic, and then scroll down through it. At the bottom of the
topic thread, some forum software will allow you to go to the next topic,
but others don't.  Some allow you to go to the next section; others do not.
Navigation in e-mail is so much easier.

In e-mail, I can sort my Inbox by subject, select multiple e-mails with that
subject and delete them (or move them to a specific folder if I want to keep
them).  You can't do that on a forum.  Sometimes the already read
automatic feature in all forums don't work correctly (especially if you
click on your web browser's Back button to go back to the section's topic
index), so after you have read a topic in a forum/section, it doesn't get
marked as read and the next time you go in there (maybe a few days or a week
later), you mistakenly re-read a topic that you've already read, even if no
new messages are posted in it.  That doesn't happen in e-mail with a good
e-mail application.

As others have said, most forums allow pictures and that is nice.

Forums are also more like a community because you are able to see a forum
member's profile or their avatar (a small personalized picture) like David
mentioned.  But, when you have that community feeling, you tend to get a lot
of one-line replies like Yeah, me too or Great job or Congrats on
finding that meteorite.  I like to hear that sometimes, and I even say it
sometimes, but sometimes I'm too busy to wade through 20 of those to get to
the next meaningful post in the topic thread.  On an e-mail list such as
this one, we don't seem to get nearly as many of those.

Sometimes having different sections in a forum are good if the forum is very
broad and the sections are very specific.  But people often post to the
wrong forum section so you won't be able to find the messages that you are
looking for (unless you search through all of the sections).  You don't have
to worry about this with e-mail.  It all comes in to one place and it's very
easy to search.

I know we aren't voting, but if we were, I would strongly vote to keep this
list as it is.  Anyone who would rather have the forum functionality, they
are free to join those other forums.  I have joined other forums and other
lists specifically so I can get all of the information possible.  I think
that is the best way to do it, but you have to know what to expect in forums
vs. e-mail lists or you might go crazy.  :-)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jerry
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 2:52 PM
To: Notkin; Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an onlineforum

I guess that sums up my sentiments as well! I must agree with Geoff even 
though I do belong to some forums. But I like instant gratification whether 
positive or negative and I seem to get that here. Also the knowledge base 
here is more apparent to me. Not that forums lack informed participants but 
I can't seem to relate personally to them as readily as here. After all, 
this is up automatically every time I open email. If that's lazy then I 
confess sloth.
Jerry Flaherty
- Original Message - 
To: Meteorite List
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum 

 Dear Listees:

 I find it bizarre and somewhat annoying that every so often someone joins 
 the M-List and then tries to change it. Why isn't it this way or that 
 way? you ask.

 The M-List, along with Meteorite Times, are the cornerstones of the 
 international meteorite collecting community and the List works great just

 the way it is. If you don't want to read the as it happens news, 
 subscribe to the daily digest. Very easy.

 The List has been around for 11 (?) years. I've been a member for more 
 than ten, and I also run a large international fossil discussion group --

 The Paleolist -- which employs exactly the same excellent Mailman software

 which Art Jones uses to run the M-List. In fact, I modelled the Paleolist 
 after the M-List in some respects (thank you Art), because it does work so

 very well.

 I've also been a web professional for more than ten years and in my 
 experience, forums are difficult and inefficient to use, have security and

 reliability issues, and -- please

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-22 Thread Moni Waiblinger

Hi All, 

I would like to keep this list as is as Bob L. mentioned.
I am a moderator of three groups and have found that often I do not read them 
daily unless a post was send directly to me, and also if photos were posted and 
it was send in a message one never knows.
Other groups I belong to I read only as a daily digest because they clutter up 
my mail box.

The forum I belong to is also nice and one can see the photos right away, but 
one always has to scroll all the way down to read an added reply or sometimes 
they even show up added to an old topic of two months ago.

I like this list and have it come into a separate folder and this doesn't 
interfere with my personal emails.
I also like when some one has an URL send to share a picture.
Usually that is one click and certainly no problem at all.

Keep up this terrific list Art,
many thank yous from me.

With best regards,

Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your HotmailĀ®-get your 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-21 Thread JKGwilliam

David and List,
I don't know the answer to your questions, but they sure make 
sense.  About a year and a half ago, I finally shut down the 
Meteorite Impact Forum due to a lack of participation.  Even with 
nearly 200 registered members, there was very little traffic for the 
final three months.  Online forums offer a lot of updated features 
that the old mail servers don't.  The one feature that I really like, 
and is reason enough to use a forum, is that replies stay in 
chronological order.  I don't know about the rest of you, but it's 
very frustrating for me to try and read all the replies to a thread 
in order. I end up reading all the replies and then try guessing what 
order they should be in.  If you miss even one reply, some threads 
don't make sense. With a forum, this doesn't happen.
My only guess is that the Meteorite List has been around for a long 
time ( I've been here for 10 years) that no one wants to mess with 
convention.   Or, could it be an old dog/new trick issue?



At 12:56 PM 2/21/2008, David  Kitt Deyarmin wrote:

I'm not trying to stir up trouble or incite arguments I'm just curious.

Email lists are by today's standard an antiquated venue for 
discussing any hobby.

They have many limitations and can be taxing on your email inbox, 
which is why I receive the Dailey Digest. I delete them and do all 
of my reading from the archives.

Online forums are easier to use and the posted info is easier to track.

Plus it's easy to ignore topics that you're not interested in 
without having to pick through a bunch of emails.

However, I would like to understand why so many of the members here 
prefer not to use forums.

I want to make it clear that I'm not trying stir up trouble, I'm 
just trying to understand the aversion most of this list has to using a forum.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-21 Thread JKGwilliam

I just tried something here.  If it works, I'll explain what I did.


At 01:08 PM 2/21/2008, JKGwilliam wrote:

David and List,
I don't know the answer to your questions, but they sure make 
sense.  About a year and a half ago, I finally shut down the 
Meteorite Impact Forum due to a lack of participation.  Even with 
nearly 200 registered members, there was very little traffic for the 
final three months.  Online forums offer a lot of updated features 
that the old mail servers don't.  The one feature that I really 
like, and is reason enough to use a forum, is that replies stay in 
chronological order.  I don't know about the rest of you, but it's 
very frustrating for me to try and read all the replies to a thread 
in order. I end up reading all the replies and then try guessing 
what order they should be in.  If you miss even one reply, some 
threads don't make sense. With a forum, this doesn't happen.
My only guess is that the Meteorite List has been around for a long 
time ( I've been here for 10 years) that no one wants to mess with 
convention.   Or, could it be an old dog/new trick issue?



At 12:56 PM 2/21/2008, David  Kitt Deyarmin wrote:

I'm not trying to stir up trouble or incite arguments I'm just curious.

Email lists are by today's standard an antiquated venue for 
discussing any hobby.

They have many limitations and can be taxing on your email inbox, 
which is why I receive the Dailey Digest. I delete them and do all 
of my reading from the archives.

Online forums are easier to use and the posted info is easier to track.

Plus it's easy to ignore topics that you're not interested in 
without having to pick through a bunch of emails.

However, I would like to understand why so many of the members here 
prefer not to use forums.

I want to make it clear that I'm not trying stir up trouble, I'm 
just trying to understand the aversion most of this list has to using a forum.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-21 Thread Chris Peterson
It's fine if a forum is both web and email based (like Yahoo, for 
example). Personally, I hate web forums, however, and generally avoid 
them. Email is so much more convenient, it comes when it comes and 
doesn't have to be checked on some website. I wouldn't be on this list 
if it was web-only.

I have pseudo-broadband Internet: satellite. It's my only option, and 
the latency is horrible. Using forums and web-based email is simply 

BTW, Outlook Express aside, most email readers these days are threaded, 
so you should still be able to see messages grouped by subject, allowing 
you to ignore threads of no interest.


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

- Original Message - 
From: David  Kitt Deyarmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 12:56 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum 

I'm not trying to stir up trouble or incite arguments I'm just 

Email lists are by today's standard an antiquated venue for discussing 
any hobby.

They have many limitations and can be taxing on your email inbox, 
which is why I receive the Dailey Digest. I delete them and do all of 
my reading from the archives.

Online forums are easier to use and the posted info is easier to 

Plus it's easy to ignore topics that you're not interested in without 
having to pick through a bunch of emails.

However, I would like to understand why so many of the members here 
prefer not to use forums.

I want to make it clear that I'm not trying stir up trouble, I'm just 
trying to understand the aversion most of this list has to using a 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-21 Thread David Kitt Deyarmin

I'm not trying to stir up trouble or incite arguments I'm just curious.

Email lists are by today's standard an antiquated venue for discussing any 

They have many limitations and can be taxing on your email inbox, which is 
why I receive the Dailey Digest. I delete them and do all of my reading from 
the archives.

Online forums are easier to use and the posted info is easier to track.

Plus it's easy to ignore topics that you're not interested in without having 
to pick through a bunch of emails.

However, I would like to understand why so many of the members here prefer 
not to use forums.

I want to make it clear that I'm not trying stir up trouble, I'm just trying 
to understand the aversion most of this list has to using a forum.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-21 Thread Delbert Waterbury
I agree with this too! A lot of very good info here
and boy it really sucks if you go on vacation or
something because you'll have 100+ emails to clean

The least that could be done for a forum is maybe
setting up something through Yahoo. It isn't that
difficult to do and it would probably take an hour or
two to setup.


--- JKGwilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 David and List,
 I don't know the answer to your questions, but they
 sure make 
 sense.  About a year and a half ago, I finally shut
 down the 
 Meteorite Impact Forum due to a lack of
 participation.  Even with 
 nearly 200 registered members, there was very little
 traffic for the 
 final three months.  Online forums offer a lot of
 updated features 
 that the old mail servers don't.  The one feature
 that I really like, 
 and is reason enough to use a forum, is that replies
 stay in 
 chronological order.  I don't know about the rest of
 you, but it's 
 very frustrating for me to try and read all the
 replies to a thread 
 in order. I end up reading all the replies and then
 try guessing what 
 order they should be in.  If you miss even one
 reply, some threads 
 don't make sense. With a forum, this doesn't happen.
 My only guess is that the Meteorite List has been
 around for a long 
 time ( I've been here for 10 years) that no one
 wants to mess with 
 convention.   Or, could it be an old dog/new trick
 At 12:56 PM 2/21/2008, David  Kitt Deyarmin wrote:
 I'm not trying to stir up trouble or incite
 arguments I'm just curious.
 Email lists are by today's standard an antiquated
 venue for 
 discussing any hobby.
 They have many limitations and can be taxing on
 your email inbox, 
 which is why I receive the Dailey Digest. I delete
 them and do all 
 of my reading from the archives.
 Online forums are easier to use and the posted info
 is easier to track.
 Plus it's easy to ignore topics that you're not
 interested in 
 without having to pick through a bunch of emails.
 However, I would like to understand why so many of
 the members here 
 prefer not to use forums.
 I want to make it clear that I'm not trying stir up
 trouble, I'm 
 just trying to understand the aversion most of this
 list has to using a forum.
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Meteorite-list mailing list


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-21 Thread Gary K. Foote

I would like to understand why so many of the members here prefer
not to use forums.


An excellent question. I've often wondered the same since forums allow pictures 
of our 
treasures and we all know how much we like pictures.  Yet this list, like other 
lists I belong to, have a life of their own.  If I had to state a reason I'd 
speak a simile;  

Being the '800 pound gorilla in the room' creates prestige and draws the best 
talent to itself.  

This list is that 800 pound gorilla. There's a lotta talent here and a lotta 
knowledge to be 
gleaned.  Who wouldn't want to be here?

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-21 Thread GREG LINDH

  Hi Del,

  I agree with you.  If I'm away from my computer for just a few days, I have a 
couple of hundred e-mails to go through.  What a pain.  Plus, I have to look 
very carefully at the e-mails because I delete the vast majority of the ones 
from the meteorite list.  If I don't check the e-mails carefully, I may delete 
an actual e-mail from a friend.  It's happened before.
  I've moderated a Yahoo Group (forum) for about 6 years and it is much more 
user friendly than the Meteorite List.  I love all of the knowledge that is 
given out by the members of this list.  I just wish it didn't come to me in my 

  With respect,
   Greg Lindh 

 Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 12:35:18 -0800
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum 

 I agree with this too! A lot of very good info here
 and boy it really sucks if you go on vacation or
 something because you'll have 100+ emails to clean

 The least that could be done for a forum is maybe
 setting up something through Yahoo. It isn't that
 difficult to do and it would probably take an hour or
 two to setup.


 --- JKGwilliam  wrote:

 David and List,
 I don't know the answer to your questions, but they
 sure make
 sense. About a year and a half ago, I finally shut
 down the
 Meteorite Impact Forum due to a lack of
 participation. Even with
 nearly 200 registered members, there was very little
 traffic for the
 final three months. Online forums offer a lot of
 updated features
 that the old mail servers don't. The one feature
 that I really like,
 and is reason enough to use a forum, is that replies
 stay in
 chronological order. I don't know about the rest of
 you, but it's
 very frustrating for me to try and read all the
 replies to a thread
 in order. I end up reading all the replies and then
 try guessing what
 order they should be in. If you miss even one
 reply, some threads
 don't make sense. With a forum, this doesn't happen.
 My only guess is that the Meteorite List has been
 around for a long
 time ( I've been here for 10 years) that no one
 wants to mess with
 convention. Or, could it be an old dog/new trick



 At 12:56 PM 2/21/2008, David  Kitt Deyarmin wrote:
I'm not trying to stir up trouble or incite
 arguments I'm just curious.

Email lists are by today's standard an antiquated
 venue for
discussing any hobby.

They have many limitations and can be taxing on
 your email inbox,
which is why I receive the Dailey Digest. I delete
 them and do all
of my reading from the archives.

Online forums are easier to use and the posted info
 is easier to track.

Plus it's easy to ignore topics that you're not
 interested in
without having to pick through a bunch of emails.

However, I would like to understand why so many of
 the members here
prefer not to use forums.

I want to make it clear that I'm not trying stir up
 trouble, I'm
just trying to understand the aversion most of this
 list has to using a forum.

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Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-21 Thread Lasse Lindh

Hi all

I've been using forums since they were  mailing lists and a part of the 
BBS way back in ancient times in the 80:ies. Mailing lists are great 
since they allow you to read an answer in piece at home. They were great 
when most people had phone dial modems. Today, when we are graphically 
spoiled by nice looking forums and less people have phone dial modems, 
at least here in Europe, they tend to overtake the mailing lists. If 
that is good or bad, I let the user deside.

But online forums have one benefit over mailing lists and that is, 
unless the forum structure is bad, it's easier to follow threads and 
like Gary said it's a lot nicer to see all those beautiful images. But 
other than that, it's the information och people sharing their 
experoience and knowledge that is the most important thing.

For me they can both coexist. I like them both...



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

2008-02-21 Thread Darren Garrison
I don't know about other people (haven't read all of the replies yet) but here
are somr reasons for me:

1.) A mailing list automaticly sends the information to you-- you get all the
updates at once just by opening your e-mail app.  With web forums, it is up to
you to actively search for new information, popping in and checking updates on
possibly several different threads located in several different areas.  E-mail
is therefore easier and more convenient.

2.) Archiving-- if you want to keep the information that you read, it is simple
with e-mail-- just avoid deleting it.  With web forums, again it takes active
effort on your part to save that information-- sometimes lots of trouble.
(Options include printing out physical copies, copying and pasting to a
document, or installing a PDF-creating applet to make PDFs from the page--
trusting an on-line archive of the posts at the original site just doesn't cut
it for me).  Again, e-mail is easier and more convenient.
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