Re: [meteorite-list] Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis and Missoula (Spokane) Megafloods (Paul)

2017-10-16 Thread E.P. Grondine via Meteorite-list
Hi Paul - 

Thanks for the links to the new paper.A few notes:1) If you remember, fast 
neutrons are produced in large hyper velocity impacts.If you do not remember 
that fast neutrons are produced in large hyper-velocity impacts, 
you can always watch my YouTube video on the "Peopling of the Americas".
This being the case 10Be production is going to be affected as well,and thus 
the 10Be dates given in the paper will have to be looked atfor calibration 
2) If you remember, there were TWO impact events at the start of the 
Holocene,so the interval between them can be used as a check on those 10Be 
If you do not remember these TWO impact events, you can read the materials 
and here:
3) I will be working my way through this paper in detail,but it looks like the 
first flood lines up roughly with the first impacton the ice sheet, shown in 
the first link above.

While the Coderilla may have been slightly affected,You seem to think that a 
rise in Pacific Ocean temperatures led to 
general melting of the ice sheet. 
My hypothesis is that the earlier warm Pacific Current led to 
warm moist air over Canada, 
which in turn led to snow, 
which in turn led to the reflection of solar energy back into space,which led 
to the Earth cooling.
Thanks for not lumping me in with Hancock and Collins,nor asking me to defend 
their works in any way.
good hunting,Ed

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Re: [meteorite-list] Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis and Missoula (Spokane) Megafloods

2017-10-16 Thread E.P. Grondine via Meteorite-list
Hi Paul - 

Option 4) While I have thought that the Kitscoty Uplift was generated by an ice 
sheet impact 
during the most recent glacial cycle,because if it was from an earlier glacial 
cycle it would have been scoured away,
In other words, I may have to continue the search for impact pointsfor the TWO 
impact events.

5) This new data also has to agree with the glacial lake data.
As the data always wins in the end,thanks,Ed


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[meteorite-list] Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis and Missoula (Spokane) Megafloods

2017-10-14 Thread Paul via Meteorite-list

There is a new paper containing research about the
Missoula (Spokane) megafloods that contain bad news
for those few proponents of the Younger Dryas impact
hypothesis, who argue that these megafloods were
a single megaflood and caused by a hypothetical Younger
Dryas Impact.

It is:

Balbas, A.M., Barth, A.M., Clark, P.U., Clark, J., Caffee,
M., O’Connor, J., Baker, V.R., Konrad, K. and Bjornstad,
B., 2017. 10Be dating of late Pleistocene megafloods
and Cordilleran Ice Sheet retreat in the northwestern
United States. Geology, 45(7), pp.583-586

This paper contains cosmogenic 10Be ages that directly
date flood and glacial features important to understanding
the flood history, the evolution of the Channeled Scabland,
and relationships to the Cordilleran Ice Sheet. Popular
authors of lay books for the general public, lecturers, and
podcasters, e.g. Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson cannot
dismiss these dates as they did any radiocarbon dates that
contradicted their beliefs as being older wood / bone
reworked from older sediments.

The last of the larger megafloods occurred at 18.2 ± 1.5 ka. It
flowed down the northwestern Columbia River valley prior to
blockage of this route by advance of the Okanogan ice lobe
of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet. The largest of multiple megafloods
predates the alleged Younger Dryas impact event by thousands
of years.

These dates show that the last of the megafloods from
glacial Lake Missoula occurred at about 14.7 ± 1.2 ka. The
youngest of the dated megaflood(s) (14.0 ± 1.4 ka to
14.4 ± 1.3 ka) likely came from glacial Lake Columbia,
indicating that the lake persisted for a few centuries after
the last Missoula megaflood. The last of the megafloods
predate the alleged Younger Dryas impact event by
thousands of years and came from two different sources.
The multiple megafloods that all are older than the
start of the Younger Dryas and, as a result, cannot be
associated with a hypothetical Younger Dryas event
as a few self-taught avocational investigators argue.

That there were multiple the Missoula (Spokane) megafloods
that predated a hypothetical Younger Dryas Impact is a
long standing idea based on solid evidence is shown by an
older and related Friends of the Pleistocene field trip
guidebook. It is:

Waitt, R.B., 1983. Tens of successive, colossal Missoula
floods at north and east margins of channeled scablands.
Friends of the Pleistocene, Rocky Mountain Cell, Guidebook
for 1983 Field Conference Day 2: 27 August 1983
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-671

More recent research will be presented at the October
22nd Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting
in Seattle. Go see:

Session No. 22. T174. Cordilleran Ice Sheet Outburst
Floods: From Glacial Lake Missoula to the Hubbard Glacier.
Sunday, 22 October 2017: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM.
GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA - 2017


Paul H.

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