Hi all - 

I received this message.

Apparently Robert is having trouble posting to the list. 

Dirk, can you help him fix this?

Hello Ed,

I tried to post additional info on the ancient Chinese impact to meteorite-list 
but failed as usual. I'll have to tweak my settings a bit more.

Anyway, you may be interested in further info below.

   (originally from Xinhua.net)

Hohho -- A 5,000-year old rock carving in north China's Inner Mongolia 
Autonomous Region depicts a falling meteor, said archaeologists on Saturday.

A rock on the side of Dahei Mountain 大黑山 in the city of Chifeng 赤峰市( 
42°15'28.14"N, 118°53'12.68"E), also known as Ulanhad, about 350 kl NE of 
Beijing, has images of people, domed houses and a fire ball with a long tail 
falling from the sky engraved on it, said Wu Jiacai, head of the Inner Mongolia 
rock paintings protection association.

"I believe it shows prehistoric people returning at dusk from a hunting trip to 
their domed houses, as a meteor falls from the sky," Wu shared his findings at 
the 6th Hongshan Cultural Forum that runs from August 25 to 27.

He added that in the same location several years ago, another set of carvings 
were found showing people fleeing, snakes slithering and birds flying away, 
which might be what happened after the meteor hit the earth.
Wu Jiacai has been quite active in that area. He previously found a carving of 
the Big Dipper.


In 2006, Xinhua News reported a find made by Wu Jiacai in Inner Mongolia. 
During an expedition to Baimiaozi Mountain near Chifeng City in the northwest, 
a stone, 310 centimeters long, was found on which had been carved 19 stars. The 
shape of the Big Dipper or Plough was on the north side of the stone. The stars 
are round indentations in the rock, as if someone had used a blunt instrument 
and ground out the shapes. The carving style is consistent with the Neolithic 
cultures. The shape of the Dipper is consistent with estimates of the star 
positions about 10,000 years ago. The carvings were found in the area where 
many artifacts from the Hongshan Culture dating to about 4000 BC have been 
found. Paintings on nearby rocks may date to the same period, but they have not 
been verified. They depict sun images as well as horses.

The link below takes you to the original article in Chinese. If you run it 
through Google Translate, you can get a pretty good idea of the content.



Robert A. Juhl, Tokyo

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