[meteorite-list] Update on 24 Aug 2022 Colorado event

2022-08-31 Thread Fries, Marc D. (JSC-XI211) via Meteorite-list
I have posted a NASA page for the recent Colorado event:


This is a POSSIBLE meteorite fall.  It only produced one radar signature but I 
am including it because the signature is fairly strong and features short-range 
turbulence.  Having only one signature reduces confidence that this is a fall, 
but the appearance of turbulence makes it more interesting.  Also, the Denver 
mineral show is coming up and some folks have contacted me stating that they'd 
be interested in investigating this event as part of a trip to that show.  So, 
here it is - good luck!  I hope it is a fall.


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update: Meteorite Fall outside Patch Grove WI 20 Jan 2022

2022-01-23 Thread Fries, Marc D. (JSC-XI211) via Meteorite-list
Howdy all

  After parsing through some more data I've convinced myself that 
there was a (probably small) meteorite fall near Patch Grove, WI on 20 January. 
 NASA Meteor Watch (look them up on Facebook) reports that this fireball was 
very slow-moving, near the lower limit of infall velocities for meteoroids.  
This makes for a relatively weak fireball and enhanced chance of meteorite 
survival - but it also means this could be a small body that wouldn't have 
survived if not for the low speed, and few meteorites were produced.  On radar 
I see radar signatures from falling meteorites of mean masses 2.8g and 0.2g, 
seen on two different radars (KARX and KGRB) which improves confidence in the 
detection.  Seismic data shows a relatively weak sonic boom, and only one AMS 
eyewitness reported hearing this one and it was electrophonic noise and not a 
sonic boom.  It does not show up in GLM data.
  All told, my conclusion was this was a small body that produced a 
small fall, largely on account of its very low infall speed.  The ground is 
mostly farmland and should be favorable for recovery.  It might be best to 
focus on finding meteorites in the sub-100g range, but that is just my opinion.

NASA Meteorite Falls page is up:


If you have trouble with the website try using a phone.  I can't see it on my 
computer but it shows up fine on my phone.

Good luck!
Marc Fries

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update - TheMeteoriteSite.com

2021-10-22 Thread Adam Hupe via Meteorite-list

Dear List Members,

This is a note to let you know that the domain, TheMeteoriteSite.com has 
been sold so I am no longer entertaining offers. The new owner also 
purchased the rights to the Northwest Africa 5000 website.  Please seek 
permission before linking other websites to this site and respect the 
copyrighted images and text.

I accepted the offer based on the professionalism, honesty and fairness 
this firm has demonstrated in the past. They reflect with great honor on 
the meteorite community!

Kind Regards,

Adam Hupe

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update on Offshore Meteorite Hunt - Washington Coast

2018-07-04 Thread Paul via Meteorite-list

Meteor fragments possibly found on ocean floor off Washington

coast Researchers may have found space rocks in the Pacific Ocean.

Drew Mikkelsen, July 3, 2018


Meteorite search off the Washington coast recovers two

small fragments by Sandi Doughton, Seattle Times, July 3, 2018



Paul H.


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[meteorite-list] UPDATE - Sikhote Alin Iron Meteorite Slices & End Cuts – Pics of Etched Peices

2017-11-19 Thread bobadebt--- via Meteorite-list

$627 - 209 gram true full slice that was polished on both sides and etched.






$432 - 144 gram slice – Etched on all sides with some crust on the back

It is 2.108" wide, 2.087 tall and .330” thick.








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[meteorite-list] UPDATE - Prices Reduced on Sikhote Alin / New NWA 8529 H-6 End Cuts & Slice

2017-11-12 Thread bobadebt--- via Meteorite-list

Both the the end cut from the top right corner are sold

Updated pictures




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[meteorite-list] Update and Image on New NWA 5000 Products - Not an Ad

2017-03-22 Thread Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list

Dear List Members,

In case you have been following my ads, I hinted at a new use for NWA 5000 
lunar material.  I am not selling any of these so I do not consider this an 
advertisement.  As a matter of fact I, the most expensive units have already 
been sold out with only a handful of the least expensive ones left.   I 
provided a link to an image of the intricate housing  that NWA 5000 will be 
incorporated into below.  I will provide additional links to images of the 
finished product soon.  I am waiting on the manufactures green light.

I have been hinting about a new unique use for NWA 5000 with the following 

You may want to get a specimen while you still can since there has been some 
interesting developments and interest from an outside corporate concern that 
has found a surprising new use for this material.  Actually, it goes beyond 
an interest.  Material is being integrated into an intricate new product 
line that is now in production and the most expensive offering in the fresh 
new line-up has already sold out in presales.  I will get into it more later 
once I better understand its use and receive the green light from the 

UPDATE: I mentioned that there was some additional corporate involvement in 
NWA 5000 last week. I will provide some hints.  This new product, which 
integrates NWA 5000 into its design, ads tangibility to something that is 
otherwise intangible.  It is both intricate and beautiful at the same time. 
This new product comes in three tiers priced accordingly at $349.00, $449.00 
and $1,000.00.  The $1,000.00 and $449.00 priced units sold out as 
production just began last week and the least expensive is expected to sell 
out today or tomorrow.  The demand has outpaced production which is 
scheduled to be completed next month.  The uses for NWA 5000 are only 
limited by someone's imagination and this is the first time any meteorite 
has been used this way.  I am not selling any of these items, just supplying 
the limited NWA 5000 material that goes into them.  I will announce what 
they are as soon as the first run is sold out and the manufacturer is 


Here is a link to an image in which NWA 5000 specimens will be house in:

I will provide images of the completed product soon.  Unlike the NWA 5000 
display ring and casting I designed, it is doubtful that this product will 
be copied since it requires secret codes and needs to be loaded to add 
another hint.



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[meteorite-list] Update: Small Asteroid to Pass Close to Earth March 8 (2013 TX68)

2016-02-27 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Small Asteroid to Pass Close to Earth March 8
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Additional observations of asteroid 2013 TX68 have been obtained, refining 
its orbital path and moving the date of the asteroid's Earth flyby from 
March 5 to March 8.

The observations, from archived images provided by the NASA-funded Pan-STARRS 
asteroid survey, enabled scientists at NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object 
Studies (CNEOS) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, 
to refine their earlier flyby and distance predictions, reconfirming that 
the asteroid poses no threat to Earth.

"We already knew this asteroid, 2013 TX68, would safely fly past Earth 
in early March, but this additional data allow us to get a better handle 
on its orbital path," said Paul Chodas, manager of CNEOS. "The data indicate 
that this small asteroid will probably pass much farther away from Earth 
than previously thought."

Marco Micheli of the European Space Agency's NEO Coordination Centre 
in Frascati, Italy, is the astronomer who identified the object in the 
archived images, measured its position, and provided these observations 
to the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

CNEOS's new prediction for 2013 TX68 is that it will fly by roughly 3 
million miles (5 million kilometers) from our planet. There is still a 
chance that it could pass closer, but certainly no closer than 15,000 
miles (24,000 kilometers) above Earth's surface. The new observations 
also better constrain the path of 2013 TX68 in future years; CNEOS has 
determined that 2013 TX68 cannot impact Earth over the next century.

"There is no concern whatsoever regarding this asteroid - unless you were 
interested in seeing it with a telescope," said Chodas. "Prospects for 
observing this asteroid, which were not very good to begin with, are now 
even worse because the asteroid is likely to be farther away, and therefore 
dimmer than previously believed."

Orbit calculations of asteroids are constantly updated based on observations 
reported to the Minor Planet Center. This results in projections of minimum, 
maximum and nominal distances from Earth, which can sometimes have a wide 
disparity due to limited data. Over time, with additional observations 
added to the equation, scientists are able to refine and narrow the orbit 


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[meteorite-list] Update on yesterday morning's bolide

2016-02-12 Thread Matson, Rob D. via Meteorite-list
Correction to my post yesterday:  now that there are two dashcam videos of the 
(one from Hollywood, the other from Oceanside), it is clear that the Pacific 
Ocean bolide
yesterday morning was much further south. The terminal lines of sight intersect 
30d 42.5' N, 118d 24.5' W, over 120 miles west of Baja and almost 150 miles 
south of
San Clemente Island. I have a kmz file with the two camera locations and my
estimates of the terminal vectors for each if anyone is curious.  --Rob

-Original Message-
From: Matson, Rob D. 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 2:57 PM
To: 'Michael Mulgrew'; drtanuki; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Pacific Ocean bolide

Hi Michael -- yes, it ended up in the drink. I've got it on Santa Ana radar 
(KSOX) near "Fortymile Bank"
at an altitude of 11.3 km at 14:39:03 UT (6:39:03 am PST). Missed the SoCal 
coast by about 70 km. :-(


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[meteorite-list] Update Glostrup/Ejby meteorite

2016-02-08 Thread Lars Zielke via Meteorite-list


Found: One stoke 56 gram, broken into 3-4 fragments

Beautiful black fusion crust

Found on pavement.

Looks like a stony meteorite.

Found: Somewhere in Ejby near Glostrup.

Traveling from west to east

Lots of reports about heavy sonic booms

Good change for more stones.





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Re: [meteorite-list] Update new fall near Copenhagen

2016-02-07 Thread Lars Zielke via Meteorite-list
Oh no, this is Denmark. Whatever falls from the skies is the sole property of 
the state. 

It will end up at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, says associate 
professor Henning Haack. They have already been all over the media telling 
people that they must deliver any finds to the them. It's called "danekræ" and 
should be turned over because the laws say meteorites have exceptional 
scientific or exhibition value. Funny we regards falls in Denmark to be of more 
value than meteorites falls in other countries. You can buy meteorites at the 
museum, but not Danish ones.

So I'll probably be ending up paying to see the meteorite at exhibition in 
Copenhagen, unless I find a piece myself and don't tell anybody about it. Which 
is not that fun :(

The piece is according to Henning Haack to be sent to Italy for further 

Pics and interview - in Danish.



Are any of the smaller fragments available for sale?
John A. Shea
IMCA 3295

Sent using the mail.com mail app

On 2/7/16 at 2:29 PM, Lars Zielke via Meteorite-list wrote:

> Update:
> Found: One stoke 56 gram, broken into 3-4 fragments Beautiful black 
> fusion crust Found on pavement.
> Looks like a stony meteorite.
> Found: Somewhere in Ejby near Glostrup.
> Traveling from west to east
> Lots of reports about heavy sonic booms Good change for more stones.
> Here's the first pic, scroll down a bit
> http://nyheder.tv2.dk/samfund/2016-02-07-nu-er-stumper-af-meteoritten-
> fundet
> http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/stump-fra-meteorit-fundet-i-ejby-ved-gl
> ostrup
> Cheers
> Lars
> This email has been scanned by BullGuard antivirus protection.
> For more info visit www.bullguard.com
> __
> Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/meteoritecentral and 
> the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

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[meteorite-list] Update new fall near Copenhagen

2016-02-07 Thread Lars Zielke via Meteorite-list

Found: One stoke 56 gram, broken into 3-4 fragments
Beautiful black fusion crust
Found on pavement.
Looks like a stony meteorite.
Found: Somewhere in Ejby near Glostrup.
Traveling from west to east
Lots of reports about heavy sonic booms
Good change for more stones.

Here's the first pic, scroll down a bit




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[meteorite-list] Update- Romania meteor event 07JAN2015 - now 20 videos posted

2015-01-09 Thread drtanuki via Meteorite-list
Update- Romania meteor event 07JAN2015 - now 20 videos posted

Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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Re: [meteorite-list] UPDATE **15th Annual Meteorite Mayhem Bash**

2014-01-28 Thread Maria Haas
I don't see that this went through to the list. My apologies if you receive it 


> From: dragons...@msn.com
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 08:41:24 -0800
> Subject: [meteorite-list] UPDATE **15th Annual Meteorite Mayhem Bash**
> Dear Tucson Travelers,
> The details for 15th Annual METEORITE MAYHEM BASH have been worked out!
> Please join us for an evening of socializing and the 2014 HARVEY AWARDS
> Friday, February 7, 2014
> 7:30 pm Cocktails and Socializing
> 9:00 pm Harvey Awards
> SKY BAR, 536 N 4th Avenue, Tucson, AZ
> Map: http://goo.gl/maps/vb2F5
> Have someone who you think deserves a HARVEY AWARD? Please let me know 
> I look forward to seeing all of you world travelers, local travelers, and 
> fellow Tucsonans there! 
> Have a safe trip!
> Maria   
> __
> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list   

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[meteorite-list] UPDATE **15th Annual Meteorite Mayhem Bash**

2014-01-28 Thread Maria Haas
Dear Tucson Travelers,
The details for 15th Annual METEORITE MAYHEM BASH have been worked out!

Please join us for an evening of socializing and the 2014 HARVEY AWARDS
Friday, February 7, 2014
7:30 pm Cocktails and Socializing
9:00 pm Harvey Awards

SKY BAR, 536 N 4th Avenue, Tucson, AZ
Map: http://goo.gl/maps/vb2F5

Have someone who you think deserves a HARVEY AWARD? Please let me know OFF-LIST.

I look forward to seeing all of you world travelers, local travelers, and 
fellow Tucsonans there! 

Have a safe trip!

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Re: [meteorite-list] Update

2013-09-27 Thread Michael Blood
Great news,
For those of you who helped get Gary Foote get into the experimental
Cancer treatment program by participating in buying his meteorite

Things here are going well for him in the program.  To date Gary
has had very little side effects from the chemotherapy.
CJ, his wife, passes on,  "Thank the Lord.  We have been so busy but
I must take time to thank  the buyers.  They are great people"

Without your help Gary would not have been able to get into the
Treatment program.
Thanks, everyone,


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Re: [meteorite-list] Update on 2011 EH & 2011 EO40 similarity to

2013-08-02 Thread Ron Baalke
> Here, 2011 EO40 has moved up the list to the #2 spot. Clearly the best
> asteroid match is going to be fairly sensitive to the choice of orbital
> elements for Chelyabinsk.

Thanks for that.  It turns out the de la Fuente Marcos brothers had a list
as well - of 20 asteroids.  It was mentioned in today's Nature. 


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[meteorite-list] Update on 2011 EH & 2011 EO40 similarity to Chelyabinsk

2013-08-01 Thread Matson, Robert D.
Rerunning with the latest catalog:

Borovicka target elements (q=0.768, e=0.50, i=3.6, peri=109.7,

Mod. D   Minor Planetaq   ei  PeriNode
---   ---  --- ---  --  
0.01749  2011 EH  1.47945  0.76110 0.48555  2.3498  96.6142 339.1692
0.03870  2003 BR471.62812  0.81354 0.50032  4.4207 112.5051 314.5762
0.04415  2000 SM101.66237  0.76469 0.54000  0.5486 176.6893 260.6144
0.05003  2005 CJ  1.74990  0.82952 0.52596  1.0837  81.6548 358.0905
0.05134  2010 TG541.67147  0.79433 0.52477  5.6658  72.3492  15.8937
0.05379  2011 EO401.65383  0.76021 0.54033  3.3638  17.0586  50.3098
0.05772  2005 EQ951.66859  0.78608 0.52890  2.3979 252.1268 196.2794
0.05855  2001 TB  1.71936  0.81505 0.52596  3.9656 245.0260 192.2095
0.06247  1998 OX4 1.58053  0.81258 0.48588  4.5134 117.1047 299.7205
0.06308  2004 RN251   1.65407  0.78139 0.52760  4.3903 245.9692 179.5745

Using de la Fuente Marcos estimated Chelyabinsk elements
(q=0.76, e=0.53, i=3.82, peri=109.44, node=326.41):

Mod. D   Minor Planetaq   ei  PeriNode
---   ---  --- ---  --  
0.02517  2000 SM101.66237  0.76469 0.54000  0.5486 176.6893 260.6144
0.03890  2011 EO401.65383  0.76021 0.54033  3.3638  17.0586  50.3098
0.04483  2011 EH  1.47945  0.76110 0.48555  2.3498  96.6142 339.1692
0.04878  2005 CJ  1.74990  0.82952 0.52596  1.0837  81.6548 358.0905
0.04896  2010 TG541.67147  0.79433 0.52477  5.6658  72.3492  15.8937
0.05145  2003 BR471.62812  0.81354 0.50032  4.4207 112.5051 314.5762
0.05193  1999 NC431.75955  0.74036 0.57923  7.1235 120.5648 311.8171
0.05411  2005 EQ951.66859  0.78608 0.52890  2.3979 252.1268 196.2794
0.05730  2001 TB  1.71936  0.81505 0.52596  3.9656 245.0260 192.2095
0.05952  2004 RN251   1.65407  0.78139 0.52760  4.3903 245.9692 179.5745

Here, 2011 EO40 has moved up the list to the #2 spot. Clearly the best
asteroid match is going to be fairly sensitive to the choice of orbital
elements for Chelyabinsk.



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[meteorite-list] Update: Fake Ebay Displays

2013-05-14 Thread info
Hello All,

It has been about a year since the ebay seller of the fake Moon & Mars
displays was stopped by Ebay from listing his items. They do get some
things right, though I wish they had a policy where they informed all
his past buyers. I am happy to report that since then he has not
attempted to list fakes again under the name steelhorse1994 or any other
username. Last year there were several instances where someone who
bought from him tried to resell the items on ebay, and those were
thwarted by myself or other keen eyes in the community who reported such
to ebay. 

Here's to a great summer of hunting and collecting!

Best regards,


Daniel Noyes
Genuine Moon & Mars Meteorite Rocks
ebay: danovanni


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[meteorite-list] Update on Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)'s Close Flyby of Mars in October 2014

2013-04-12 Thread Ron Baalke


Comet to Make Close Flyby of Red Planet in October 2014
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
April 12, 2013


New observations of comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) have allowed NASA's 
Near-Earth Object Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. 
to further refine the comet's orbit.

Based on data through April 7, 2013, the latest orbital plot places the 
comet's closest approach to Mars slightly closer than previous estimates, 
at about 68,000 miles (110,000 kilometers). At the same time, the new data 
set now significantly reduces the probability the comet will impact the Red 
Planet, from about 1 in 8,000 to about 1 in 120,000. The latest estimated 
time for close approach to Mars is about 11:51 a.m. PDT (18:51 UTC) on 
Oct. 19, 2014. At the time of closest approach, the comet will be on the 
sunward side of the planet.

Future observations of the comet are expected to refine the orbit further. 
The most up-to-date close-approach data can be found at: 


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[meteorite-list] Update on Russia's Mega-Meteor

2013-03-06 Thread Ron Baalke


Update on Russia's Mega-Meteor
Kelly Beatty
Sky & Telescope
March 6, 2013

The asteroidal fragment that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, last
month delivered the kinetic-energy equivalent of at least 400 kilotons
of TNT. Damage was limited because it disrupted so high up - but the
situation could have been much worse.

It's been nearly a month since a big chunk of asteroid plunged into
Earth's atmosphere on the morning of February 15th and put on a
spectacular show in the skies over central Russia. Since then impact and
meteorite specialists have raced not only to figure out where it came
from but also to gather up and analyze as many fragments of the impactor
as possible. From reports and interviews gathered by Sky & Telescope,
they've had great success on both fronts.

First, let's recap where this interloper came from. Thanks to ample
video recordings (many from the dashboard-mounted cameras of
security-wary Russian drivers), it's been a snap to reconstruct the
entry circumstances and, from those, the pre-impact orbit. But different
teams come up with different values, as the table below reveals.
(Uncertainties aren't shown; see the linked sources for those.)

Orbit of the Russian Mega-Meteor
*Authors*   *Semimajor axis**Eccentricity*  *Inclination*   
*Perihelion*   *Aphelion*
Borovicka & Other1.55 a.u.  0.503.6°   0.77 a.u.   2.33 a.u.
Zuluaga & Ferrin 1.73 a.u.  0.513.5° 0.82 a.u. 2.64 a.u.
NASA/JPL/(to come)/ /(to come)/ /(to come)/ /(to come)/ 
/(to come)/

The spread of values arises from how each team interprets the videos,
derives the trajectory and speed as it passed through the atmosphere,
and then derives an orbit.

Orbit of the Cherbakul meteoroid

Still, there's consensus that the object came from a well-populated
section of the inner asteroid belt. How it got bumped inward toward
Earth isn't known and might never be - for example, the path's aphelion
doesn't correspond to any strong orbital resonances with Jupiter.

A refinement might eventually emerge from a team led by Peter Brown
(University of Western Ontario). They're now analyzing star positions in
nighttime images taken at the exact locations where several bolide
videos were recorded. Here's a "top five" list compiled by Brown, along
with the coordinates of the camera:

* Kichigino 
  (54.50056°N, 61.27165°E)

* Yemanzhelinsk 
  (54.756579°N, 61.304044°E):

* Kurchatovskiy 
  (55.220774°N, 61.296265°E)

* Korkino  (54.89092°N,

* Central Chelyabinsk 
  (55.16632°N, 61.44478°E)

In any case, everyone agrees that the object entered the atmosphere at
roughly 12 miles (19 km) per second along an east-to-west track, more or
less. According to Juri Borovicka's team, the bolide's flight path had a
slope of 16½°, and it started breaking apart relatively high up, 20
miles (32 km) above the ground.

The dazzling light, brighter than the Sun, certainly got the attention
of anyone looking its way - though some videos show apparently
pedestrians unfazed by the bright-as-the-Sun spectacle. Purdue impact
specialist H. Jay Melosh notes that what many are calling a contrail (as
in "condensed water vapor") is actually a smoke trail. "Probably most of
the mass ended up as fine dust that blew away," he says.

What certainly got everyone's attention was the bolide's powerful shock
wave, which reached the ground about 88 seconds later. This blast blew out
countless windows in and near the city of Chelyabinsk. Although many
were injured, no one was killed.

However, the damage could have been much worse. "All that blast energy
was distributed over a large area," explains Mark Boslough (Sandia
National Laboratories). If this half-megaton blast had been directed
straight downward, he says, its fireball might have engulfed the ground.
That's what happened during the 1908 Tunguska event, which involved a
blast at least 10 times more powerful and much closer to the ground.
But such a fate didn't befall the residents of Chelyabinsk or in the
surrounding countryside, Boslough concludes. "The villages are still there."

Meanwhile, Russian meteorite specialists have been scrambling to collect
as many pieces of the meteoritic shrapnel as they can. These fell over a
wide area near the town of Cherbakul. In most cases, searchers simply
looked for small holes in the ubiquitous snow cover and dug down to
claim their cosmic prizes. Most of the pieces are small, no more than an
inch across, and the largest fragment found to date weighs only 4 pounds
(1.8 kg).

According to a team of analysts led by Viktor Grokhovsky (Ural Federa

[meteorite-list] UPDATE on stolen meteorites from PARI

2013-01-09 Thread J Sinclair
Dear Meteorite collectors and dealers,

By a remarkable effort by a number of people, 105 out of the 112
meteorites that were stolen from the Pisgah Astronomical Research
Institute on Christmas Eve 2012 have been recovered.
There were a number of meteorite list members that expressed concern,
made suggestions and got the word out. To everyone, a sincere thanks!

After talking with Dave Clavier at PARI today, here is how I
understood the recovery took place.
When the suspects were identified by surveillance cameras during the
visit where they cased the Institute and their pictures were put on
the local news stations as persons of interest, the meteorites were
dumped in a wooded area. One suspect came to the police station to
answer some questions after calling the station and denying his
involvement. After lengthy questioning, he confessed to breaking in.
He then led authorities to several areas where he said he disposed of
the meteorites. After nothing was found, he confessed again and led
them to the woods behind his mother's house. After a lot of searching,
the meteorites were recovered.

Still missing:

Canyon Diablo, 424.5 grams
Odessa, 9.16 kilos
Campo del Cielo, 2.5 kilos
Gruver, Texas H4 part-slice, 7.3 grams
and 3 small Canyon Diablos

I've got a picture of one of the suspects still at large and a little
more information at


Again, The entire staff and the supporters of the Pisgah Astronomical
Research Institute thank you very much for your concerns and efforts
in helping with this recovery.


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[meteorite-list] UPDATE (AD)

2013-01-09 Thread steve arnold
Hi again list. I just wanted to update my mets for sale. The nwa 5142
is 78 grams, not 80 grams. Sorry for that. The nwa 5142 is known as
"the perfect chondrule" meteorite that tom phillps brought to the
forfront about 6 years ago. It has an ugly exterior, but inside it is
dark and full of dark chondrules. It looks better as an endcut. I also
want to add a 15 gram fragment of nwa 5142 for $45. Thanks again.

Steve R. Anold, chicago, ill.

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
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Re: [meteorite-list] update on oriented stones

2012-12-01 Thread bill kies

Giving kind advice is useless. It's all been done a thousand times. He thrives 
on the attention his imbecility generates. All we can do is to ask Art to the 
end the spam.

> From: astror...@hotmail.com
> Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 18:48:03 -0700
> To: dmerc...@rochester.rr.com
> CC: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; dmerc...@rochester.rr.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] update on oriented stones
> Steve, you might also consider a savings account, should
> You become unemployed again. The lack of funds seems
> To be a hardship for you from time to time.
> Dennis
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 1, 2012, at 1:27 PM, "Don Merchant"  wrote:
> > Steve why not save it until the Tucson Open and maybe you can find 
> > something there. I mean wasn't that the idea of selling your meteorites 
> > here on the List.
> > Don
> > - Original Message - From: "steve arnold" 
> > 
> > To: "meteorite-list" 
> > Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:49 PM
> > Subject: [meteorite-list] update on oriented stones
> > 
> > 
> >> Hi again list. I have $170 to spend on oriented stones or stone. I had
> >> only a few pics but not anything that REBOUNDS out to me. Please if
> >> you have anything nice just waiting to send out my $$$ to someone.
> >> 
> >> -- 
> >> Steve R. Anold, chicago, ill.
> >> __
> >> 
> >> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> >> Meteorite-list mailing list
> >> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> >> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list 
> > 
> > __
> > 
> > Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> > Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> __
> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list   

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] update on oriented stones

2012-12-01 Thread Dennis Miller
Steve, you might also consider a savings account, should
You become unemployed again.  The lack of funds seems
To be a hardship for you from time to time.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 1, 2012, at 1:27 PM, "Don Merchant"  wrote:

> Steve why not save it until the Tucson Open and maybe you can find something 
> there. I mean wasn't that the idea of selling your meteorites here on the 
> List.
> Don
> - Original Message - From: "steve arnold" 
> To: "meteorite-list" 
> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:49 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] update on oriented stones
>> Hi again list. I have $170 to spend on oriented stones or stone. I had
>> only a few pics but not anything that REBOUNDS out to me. Please if
>> you have anything nice just waiting to send out my $$$ to someone.
>> -- 
>> Steve R. Anold, chicago, ill.
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list 
> __
> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] update on oriented stones

2012-12-01 Thread Don Merchant
Steve why not save it until the Tucson Open and maybe you can find something 
there. I mean wasn't that the idea of selling your meteorites here on the 

- Original Message - 
From: "steve arnold" 

To: "meteorite-list" 
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:49 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] update on oriented stones

Hi again list. I have $170 to spend on oriented stones or stone. I had
only a few pics but not anything that REBOUNDS out to me. Please if
you have anything nice just waiting to send out my $$$ to someone.

Steve R. Anold, chicago, ill.

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
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Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Novato strewn field

2012-10-29 Thread Jim Wooddell
Hi Marc!

Do you know what is going on with the classification   Has Peter
submitted the type specimen and to whom???



On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Marc Fries
> Greetings, ladies and gents
> We have been updating our Novato web page all along, but today's
> update includes new projected strewn field sites based on the combined work
> of everyone at Galactic Analytics. We hope this is useful for recovering
> more meteorites.
> http://wp.me/p2AyTK-dQ
> Good luck!
> Marc Fries
> Galactic Analytics LLC
> __
> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

Jim Wooddell

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[meteorite-list] Update on Novato strewn field

2012-10-29 Thread Marc Fries

Greetings, ladies and gents

	We have been updating our Novato web page all along, but today's  
update includes new projected strewn field sites based on the combined  
work of everyone at Galactic Analytics. We hope this is useful for  
recovering more meteorites.


Good luck!
Marc Fries
Galactic Analytics LLC

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-06-26 Thread karmaka
Dear list members

SM 52 and SM 67 have been added to the list


Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.


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Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-06-04 Thread Jim Wooddell
I'd guess 5 to 8 additional finds.  Looking forward to the updates!

T-Mobile. America's First Nationwide 4G Network

"Matson, Robert D."  wrote:

>Hi Brien,
>All the abstracts for the 2012 MetSoc meeting were due last week, so
>Petrus has had his hands full with those and likely has had little
>or no time to update the find list on the consortium page. Also,
>there is the possibility that some of the most recent finds have
>not even been reported to him.  --Rob
>-Original Message-
>From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
>[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Brien
>Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:23 PM
>To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter\'s Mill find data
>It seems awfully suspicious that the daily finds all but stopped being
>tracked after the blimp went up. Perhaps the NASA/SETI team found the
>motherlode and aren't divulging any details. 
>Visit the Archives at 
>Meteorite-list mailing list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-06-04 Thread Michael Gilmer
Hi List,

I have received reports from several locals in Sutter's Mill.  They
claim that new finds are being found but not reported.  Reasons cited
include - privacy concerns on the part of landowners, wanting to hunt
out the surrounding area before reporting, and paranoia about the IRS
wanting a piece of a sale.  Even if less than half of these reports
are true, the actual TKW of this fall is likely to be over 500g and
possibly 600g.

Best regards and happy huntings,

Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG

Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GalacticStone
RSS: http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516

On 6/4/12, Matson, Robert D.  wrote:
> Hi Brien,
> All the abstracts for the 2012 MetSoc meeting were due last week, so
> Petrus has had his hands full with those and likely has had little
> or no time to update the find list on the consortium page. Also,
> there is the possibility that some of the most recent finds have
> not even been reported to him.  --Rob
> -Original Message-
> From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
> [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Brien
> Cook
> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:23 PM
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter\'s Mill find data
> It seems awfully suspicious that the daily finds all but stopped being
> tracked after the blimp went up. Perhaps the NASA/SETI team found the
> motherlode and aren't divulging any details.
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-06-04 Thread Matson, Robert D.
Hi Brien,

All the abstracts for the 2012 MetSoc meeting were due last week, so
Petrus has had his hands full with those and likely has had little
or no time to update the find list on the consortium page. Also,
there is the possibility that some of the most recent finds have
not even been reported to him.  --Rob

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Brien
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 4:23 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter\'s Mill find data

It seems awfully suspicious that the daily finds all but stopped being
tracked after the blimp went up. Perhaps the NASA/SETI team found the
motherlode and aren't divulging any details. 


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter\'s Mill find data

2012-06-04 Thread Brien Cook
It seems awfully suspicious that the daily finds all but stopped being tracked 
after the blimp went up. Perhaps the NASA/SETI team found the motherlode and 
aren't divulging any details. 

Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting

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Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-06-04 Thread Dave Johnson
Any update on the coordinates for the new find mentioned last week?
Dave Johnson

Sent from my iPad

On May 29, 2012, at 1:52 PM, "karmaka"  wrote:

> Update (29th May)
> Dear list members
> The coordinates of SM 27 and SM 50 have just been corrected 
> and the coordinates of SM 35 have been confirmed.
> http://asima.seti.org/sm/
> Best regards,
> Martin
> Von: "karmaka" 
> An: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data
> Datum: Sat, 26 May 2012 00:02:09 +0200
> Dear list members,
> now they've added hyperlinks to photos of some specimens (SM #1, #2, #3, #12 
> and #44):
> Excellent idea !!
> Best regards,
> Martin
> Von: "karmaka" 
> An: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data
> Datum: Fri, 25 May 2012 17:32:10 +0200
> SM 54 (20.2 g) data added to find list
> http://asima.seti.org/sm/ 
> Martin
> Von: "karmaka" 
> An: "met-list" 
> Betreff: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data
> Datum: Mon, 21 May 2012 07:58:35 +02 00
> New data are available:
> SM 35 (coordinates), SM 47, SM50 (Ward, 42 g) and SM 51
> http://asima.seti.org/sm/
> Martin
> Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
> endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
> http://www.t-online.de/email-kostenlos
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
> endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
> http://www.t-online.de/email-kostenlos
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
> endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
> http://www.t-online.de/email-kostenlos
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
> endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
> http://www.t-online.de/email-kostenlos
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-05-29 Thread karmaka
Update (29th May)

Dear list members

The coordinates of SM 27 and SM 50 have just been corrected 
and the coordinates of SM 35 have been confirmed.


Best regards,
Von: "karmaka" 
 An: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data
 Datum: Sat, 26 May 2012 00:02:09 +0200
Dear list members,
 now they've added hyperlinks to photos of some specimens (SM #1, #2, #3, #12 
and #44):
 Excellent idea !!
 Best regards,
 Von: "karmaka" 
 An: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data
 Datum: Fri, 25 May 2012 17:32:10 +0200
 SM 54 (20.2 g) data added to find list
 Von: "karmaka" 
 An: "met-list" 
 Betreff: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data
 Datum: Mon, 21 May 2012 07:58:35 +02 00
 New data are available:
 SM 35 (coordinates), SM 47, SM50 (Ward, 42 g) and SM 51
 Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-05-25 Thread karmaka
Dear list members,
now they've added hyperlinks to photos of some specimens (SM #1, #2, #3, #12 
and #44):

Excellent idea !!

Best regards,

Von: "karmaka" 
 An: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data
 Datum: Fri, 25 May 2012 17:32:10 +0200
SM 54 (20.2 g) data added to find list
 Von: "karmaka" 
 An: "met-list" 
 Betreff: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data
 Datum: Mon, 21 May 2012 07:58:35 +02 00
 New data are available:
 SM 35 (coordinates), SM 47, SM50 (Ward, 42 g) and SM 51
 Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list
 Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-05-25 Thread karmaka
SM 54 (20.2 g) data added to find list

Von: "karmaka" 
 An: "met-list" 
 Betreff: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data
 Datum: Mon, 21 May 2012 07:58:35 +02 00
New data are available:
 SM 35 (coordinates), SM 47, SM50 (Ward, 42 g) and SM 51
 Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter\'s Mill find data

2012-05-21 Thread Brien Cook
Has anyone heard if there were any finds discovered from the blimp survey of 
the area?

Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-05-21 Thread Michael Gilmer
Hi Martin and List,

Interesting that the last official find date is May 12 (Robert Ward's
big stone), and yet we have heard news of other finds since then.
Even if unreported finds are being made, the overall rate of finds
does appear to be dropping off significantly now.  I wonder if we are
seeing the end of the "fresh" finds from this fall, or if more will
turn up later as time goes on?

Unofficial TKW and find tally page - http://www.galactic-stone.com/pages/lotus

As of this writing, the unofficial TKW is - 432.81g

Taking into account unreported finds, we are probably around 500g
(.5kg) of recovered material.

Still waiting in great anticipation to see what the official
classification will be.  :)

Best regards and happy hunting!


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG

Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GalacticStone
RSS: http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516

On 5/21/12, karmaka  wrote:
> New data are available:
> SM 35 (coordinates), SM 47, SM50 (Ward, 42 g) and SM 51
> http://asima.seti.org/sm/
> Martin
> Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und
> endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.
> http://www.t-online.de/email-kostenlos
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill find data

2012-05-20 Thread karmaka
New data are available:

SM 35 (coordinates), SM 47, SM50 (Ward, 42 g) and SM 51


Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.


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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update on Sutter's Mill radar data

2012-05-19 Thread karmaka
There is an interesting update on Marc's website about additional radar data:


Keep up the great work, Marc !!!

Best regards,


Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update for the new Oslo meteorite

2012-03-28 Thread karmaka
Hallo Morton, dear list members
I love stories like this one:



Godt gjort , Morton!

Best regards


 An: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
 Betreff: [meteorite-list]  Update for the new Oslo meteorite
 Datum: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 13:06:30 +0200
Dear list, here`s some photos of the new meteorite and finders from
 Oslo. We found a new approx 150 gram stone crashed in the road at
 saturday. More info will come.
 Morten Bilet
 Visit the Archives at 
 Meteorite-list mailing list

Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und 
endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update for the new Oslo meteorite

2012-03-26 Thread Bob King
Hi Mike and all,
Reminds me very much of the Mifflin, Wisconsin fall.

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Michael Gilmer  wrote:
> Hi Morten,
> Thanks for the photos and updates.  Those young ladies look very happy
> to find some meteorites.
> >From the photos, I am guessing this is an L6 breccia.  :)
> Best regards and clear skies,
> MikeG
> --
> ---
> Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG
> Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/GalacticStone
> RSS: http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516
> ---
> On 3/26/12, GEOTOP  wrote:
>> Dear list, here`s some photos of the new meteorite and finders from
>> Oslo. We found a new approx 150 gram stone crashed in the road at
>> saturday. More info will come.
>> Photos:
>> http://www.geotop.no/storefront.pages.php?id=47
>> Morten Bilet
>> IMCA#1690
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update for the new Oslo meteorite

2012-03-26 Thread Michael Gilmer
Hi Morten,

Thanks for the photos and updates.  Those young ladies look very happy
to find some meteorites.

>From the photos, I am guessing this is an L6 breccia.  :)

Best regards and clear skies,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG

Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GalacticStone
RSS: http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516

On 3/26/12, GEOTOP  wrote:
> Dear list, here`s some photos of the new meteorite and finders from
> Oslo. We found a new approx 150 gram stone crashed in the road at
> saturday. More info will come.
> Photos:
> http://www.geotop.no/storefront.pages.php?id=47
> Morten Bilet
> IMCA#1690
> __
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[meteorite-list] Update to U.S. State Department website regarding meteorite hunting

2011-12-19 Thread Robert Ward
Hello all, It's not every day my actions are mentioned on a government website, 
I thought I should share this with the meteorite community.    May the new year 
usher in a wave of new falls!
Robert Ward
                                                                (copied from 
State Dept. website)
Like many countries, Oman prohibits the removal of what it considers cultural 
heritage items, including archaeological treasures, meteorites, rocks and 
stones. Anyone suspected of engaging in such activity may be prosecuted under 
Omani law. U.S. citizens are strongly encouraged to check with Omani 
authorities before removing anything that may fall into this category. Two U.S. 
citizens were found guilty of removing stones and imprisoned in 2011.



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[meteorite-list] update

2011-11-20 Thread Marc Fries

Howdy all

Here's a few updates on the Ontario bolide, to include a first-pass 
potential fall area.  Enjoy!


Marc Fries
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[meteorite-list] Update to Site & AD:Thanksgiving Days Sale

2011-11-17 Thread Don Merchant
Hi List and wishing you all an early Happy Thanksgiving Day. In honor of 
Thanksgiving Day I have listed all meteorites on my sales page at 20% off 
from now until November 27, 2011. I have also listed 2 auctions on eBay 
(listing today at 8:00 pm and 8:30 pm EST) which you can find at the bottom 
of the sales page.


NOTE: Also, for those who have never seen the 1993 video METEORITES-Menace 
From The Sky Part 1, you can now this very interesting 42 minute video on my 

"The Black Hole Mystery Video of the Month" page!
I usually don't reveal my mystery video of the month, but this video is 
quite interesting especially comparing what was known in 1993 in relation to 
the present 2011

Lastly, The "A Flash from the Past Photo of the Month" is up.

As is the "Image of the Month"

I have fine tuned my Website quite a bit over the last several weeks to make 
it user friendly. I have split the "Astronomy Resources" page into 2 pages. 
This other page is called "The Night Sky Astronomer" and is full of great 
information relating to night sky observing with or without binoculars or 
telescopes, plus much more. Hope you like the image when the page comes up! 
If you look at the image, The Big Dipper and Little Dipper in the night sky 
are truly geometrically correct to each other!


Thank you.
Don Merchant
Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders
IMCA #0960 

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[meteorite-list] Update -- New Event Time NASA To Unveil Vesta Images At News Conference

2011-07-28 Thread Ron Baalke

July 28, 2011

Trent J. Perrotto 
Headquarters, Washington 

Priscilla Vega 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. 



WASHINGTON -- NASA will host a news conference on Monday, Aug. 1, at 
noon EDT, to discuss the Dawn spacecraft's successful orbit insertion 
around Vesta on July 15 and unveil the first full-frame images from 
Dawn's framing camera. The news conference will be held in the Von 
Karman auditorium at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), 4800 Oak 
Grove Dr., Pasadena, Calif. Journalists also may ask questions from 
participating NASA locations or join by phone. 

To obtain dial-in information, journalists must contact JPL's Media 
Relations Office at 818-354-5011 by 8 a.m. PDT 
on Aug. 1. 

NASA Television and the agency's website will broadcast the event. It 
also will be carried live on Ustream, with a live chat box available, 


The news conference panelists are: 
-- Colleen Hartman, assistant associate administrator, Science Mission 
Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington 
-- Charles Elachi, director, JPL 
-- Marc Rayman, chief engineer and mission manager, JPL 
-- Christopher Russell, Dawn principal investigator, University of 
California, Los Angeles 
-- Holger Sierks, framing camera team member, Max Planck Society, 
Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany 
-- Enrico Flamini, chief scientist, Italian Space Agency (ASI), Rome, 

Although Dawn is collecting some science data now, the mission's 
intensive collection of information will begin in early August. 
Observations of the giant asteroid Vesta will provide unprecedented 
data to help scientists understand the earliest chapter of our solar 
system. Dawn is the first spacecraft to orbit an asteroid in the main 
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. After spending one year 
orbiting Vesta, Dawn will travel to a second destination, the dwarf 
planet Ceres, and arrive there in February 2015. 

For more information about Dawn, visit: 


For NASA TV streaming video, downlink and schedule information, visit: 



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[meteorite-list] UPDATE Re: AD - NWAxxxx meteorite fragments and more - sale

2011-07-16 Thread Melanie Matthews
All that remains now of this sale are the Olivine diogenite micromounts, the 
Whitecourt, the 122.9 g uNWA CV3 and the two Park Forest riker displays! 

-Melanie "MetMel" - avid meteorite collector/enthusiast from Canada! 
IMCA#: 2975
eBay: metmel2775

I eat, sleep and breath meteorites 24/7.

- Original Message 
From: Melanie Matthews 
To: Meteorite List 
Sent: Thu, July 14, 2011 11:27:53 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - NWA meteorite fragments and more - sale

Two 2 of the AH76009, CV3 2, Gold Basin slice and one NWA 4734 micro SOLD. 

-Melanie "MetMel" - avid meteorite collector/enthusiast from Canada! 
IMCA#: 2975
eBay: metmel2775

I eat, sleep and breath meteorites 24/7.

- Original Message 
From: Melanie Matthews 
To: Meteorite List 
Sent: Wed, July 13, 2011 7:47:27 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] AD - NWA meteorite fragments and more - sale

Hi Listers, 

CV3 1 - 122.9 g. 
CV3 2 - 58.4 g. 
^^both with CAIs showing. 

LL7 "metachondrite" - 84.5 

Whitecourt - 9.45 g. in as-found condition; with export paper and ID card from 
Big Kahuna Meteorites 

Two Park Forest Riker displays - one Garza the other Winslow Street Hammer 
Collection. take both if you wish. 


Four micromounts of : 
NWA 4734 Lunar with Lunar image displays (like the ones by Greg Catterton); $14 

Allen Hills 76009 L6 chondrite; $5 each 
NWA 1877 Olivine Diogenite ; $7 each 

Eight mounts really cool NWA LL4. 

16.4 g. Gold Basin slice in display case - includes info card from Moritz Karl. 

Please contact me offlist for questions, pricing/offers (for ones without 

prices) and photos. no trades in this 

offer.  need to sell fast. 


-Melanie "MetMel" - avid meteorite collector/enthusiast from Canada! 
IMCA#: 2975
eBay: metmel2775

I eat, sleep and breath meteorites 24/7.
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[meteorite-list] Update- SE USA Meteor 29APR2011

2011-05-03 Thread drtanuki
Dear List,

An update post for the 29APR2011 Georgia, Florida, ... / SE USA Meteor:

There is post includes a TV report and Florida Allsky Camera footage of the 
event seen in 7 States.

Dirk Ross...Tokyo
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[meteorite-list] UPDATE on Tucson event (April 2nd)

2011-03-28 Thread Mark Bowling
Just wanted to let everyone know that the 4th Avenue Street Fair will be in 
swing during our gathering, so parking will be difficult.  Expect delays!

Our very own Lisa Marie Morrison (of Sirocco Design) may be set up near the Sky 
Bar selling her jewelry (including some meteorite jewelry!).  So we may have an 
impromptu field trip (our very first)!

Clear skies,
  ~El Minador

- Original Message 
From: Mark Bowling 
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; meteorite_hunt...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, March 27, 2011 12:20:41 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Gathering in Tucson Saturday!!! (4/2)

Hey all,
Saturday April 2nd the Tucson Meteorite Club will be gathering at the Skybar 
around noonish.  Feel free to join us if you will be in the Tucson area.  Last 
month we had some excellent meteorites and gear for show & tell - it seemed 

everyone had a great time!!

There are many good restaurants in the area for before/after the gathering, or 
you can order Brooklyn Pizza next door and have it delivered to the Sky Bar.  
Think about it fun, fellowship, food y ¡¡¡METEORITOS!!!

536 N. 4th Avenue
Ph. 622-4300

Mark B.
Vail, AZ
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[meteorite-list] UPdate Jackson Mississippi Bolide event 11JAN2011

2011-01-12 Thread drtanuki
Dear List,
Jackson, Mississippi area was visited by AT LEAST two large green bolides on 
last night 1-1-11!

Dirk Ross...Tokyo
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Re: [meteorite-list] Update of eBay Meteorite Info. page

2010-11-22 Thread Greg Catterton
That is the most well put together site available for newer collectors.
Great job, you can tell you put a large amount of time and effort into it.
I think everyone should bookmark it and also share a link to it on facebook!

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/wanderingstarmeteorites
On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WanderingStarMeteorites

--- On Mon, 11/22/10, Don Merchant  wrote:

> From: Don Merchant 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Update of eBay Meteorite Info. page
> To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Cc: "Don Merchant" 
> Date: Monday, November 22, 2010, 5:45 PM
> Hi List and Happy Thanksgiving which
> will be here soon. I wanted to post and say that I have
> changed the font on my eBay Meteorite Info. page to a larger
> size font to make it easier to read. I also have disabled
> the right click, since visitors mentioned they could not
> save the step by step information as a reference when
> protecting yourself and buying meteorites on eBay. Now you
> can copy n paste this information into a program like
> Microsoft Word and print it out as a hands on reference
> reminder in front of you.
> Thank You.
> Sincerely
> Don Merchant
> Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders
> IMCA #0960
> http://www.ctreasurescwonders.com/index.html 
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
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[meteorite-list] Update of eBay Meteorite Info. page

2010-11-22 Thread Don Merchant
Hi List and Happy Thanksgiving which will be here soon. I wanted to post and 
say that I have changed the font on my eBay Meteorite Info. page to a larger 
size font to make it easier to read. I also have disabled the right click, 
since visitors mentioned they could not save the step by step information as 
a reference when protecting yourself and buying meteorites on eBay. Now you 
can copy n paste this information into a program like Microsoft Word and 
print it out as a hands on reference reminder in front of you.

Thank You.
Don Merchant
Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders
IMCA #0960


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[meteorite-list] [Update] NWA 4590 Angrite Slices - AD

2010-11-08 Thread Greg Hupe

Hello List,

Here is a quick update of what is now available of angrite NWA 4590 
"Tamassint" after last week's start of sale. There are only five polished 
specimens left, after these there are only some small fragments!

6.878g ps w/ ~30% crust along edge
30mm x 22mm x 4mm

5.238g end cut w/ ~20% crust & polished face
20mm x 16mm x 12mm

5.050g ps w/ ~25% crust along edge
21mm x 20mm x 4mm

4.788g ps w/ ~25% crust along edge
29mm x 23mm x 3mm

552mg ps (no crust) - $179.00
12mm x 7mm x 4mm

These pieces have been sold:
23.8g end cut w/ ~25% crust & polished face - SOLD
32mm x 22mm x 20mm
2.308g ps (no crust) - SOLD
19mm x 10mm x 5mm
872mg ps w/crust along ~40% of edge - SOLD
16mm x 6mm x 4mm
512mg ps w/crust along ~40% of edge - SOLD
11mm x 5mm x 4mm

If you are interested, please email me off List for pricing. Thanks again 
for considering these!

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions: 

Hi All Who Appreciate Angrites:

To help researchers in the ongoing studies of angrite NWA 4590 
I have cut the 66-gram main mass resulting in the first ever slices of 
meteorite. To my surprise, cutting it resulted in very stable slices which 

was also able to lightly polish on one side. After supplying an internal
slice to scientists, there are a few additional specimens that I would 

to make available to collectors. I believe Tamassint is the most beautiful
of all angrites, especially after viewing a polished surface!

Here is the list of this First-Time-Ever offering of cut & polished
specimens of NWA 4590 "Tamassint":

NWA 4590 "Tamassint" Angrite Specimens (Only 9 slices/end cuts 

23.8g end cut w/ ~25% crust & polished face
32mm x 22mm x 20mm
6.878g ps w/ ~30% crust along edge
30mm x 22mm x 4mm
5.238g end cut w/ ~20% crust & polished face
20mm x 16mm x 12mm
5.050g ps w/ ~25% crust along edge
21mm x 20mm x 4mm
4.788g ps w/ ~25% crust along edge
29mm x 23mm x 3mm
2.308g ps (no crust)
19mm x 10mm x 5mm
872mg ps w/crust along ~40% of edge
16mm x 6mm x 4mm
552mg ps (no crust)
12mm x 7mm x 4mm
512mg ps w/crust along ~40% of edge
11mm x 5mm x 4mm

ps - part slice (polished one side)

If you are interested in a specimen of NWA 4590 "Tamassint" please email 

for pricing. After these, there are only <200mg fragments left!

"Thank You" for considering Tamassint for your collection!

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

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[meteorite-list] update on all my finds from NV.

2010-10-28 Thread ontheroad

Hi All,  I had the great pleasure of having one of the top meteorite hunters
in the USA stop in here to visit at my camp at El Mirage. HE and his
incredibly nice lady friend both had a really nice long visit with me and my
wife, Terri.
 I don't want to name any names here but he took his time out of his day to
look over all of my NV dry lake bed finds from last summer and fall of
hunting.  I just can't express what a pleasure it was spending time with
both of them.  They are true treasures both of them.
Any way I have two of my finds that were in my Meteorite pile from Jungo
that have to go back into my meteor wrong pile. 
 The first one was one that I had in my wrong pile but moved over into my
finds pile. It was not magnetic at all but had all of the looks of a
meteorite. So he goes back as a wrong now again. Now my number two wrong
was, the smaller Jungo that was heavily magnetic and at one end had what I
thought to be  large olivine crystal & gold . Well they are not, I believe
he said quartz crystals and pyrite. So this little fella goes back into the
wrong pile. And it looks like the rusty orange colored Luning rock will go
back to my wrong pile as well . But when I get a new saw blade I will open
him up for a better look inside
During the big rains here I had my Jungo meteor wrongs out side and in the
rain for a few days. So some days back I looked them over again after the
playa was washed off them nicely. I found what looked to be a new find in my
jungo wrong pile.  I opened up a window and there it was nice light nickel
flakes. After it was looked at by a pro I was able to add it to my Jungo
Meteorite pile that will be sent in for testing.  
Then on my  3  bigger NE NV finds that I got underground on a dry lake bed
near a big strune field where I recovered about 200 fragments at  Sonny's
strune field. Well there is a very good chance that these are from a
different meteorite fall then the ones from the strune field.  After they
get classified I will up date you all.
Here is my goodies I will send in
 I got 3  bigger ones from NE NV  underground that are lightly magnetic
1 bigger one from Tungston . the other 6 smaller ones will not be sent in.
3 really nice ones from Jungo
 I will have thin sections made and sent in for classification ASAP. 
 The ebb and flow of wrongs to rights and rights to wrongs.  So, I am now
down 2 meteorite from what I had a few days back.
Its all part of the fun of meteorite recovery. 
WE are now headed back into the field  at my no name location in the middle
of the Mojave
for two more weeks of Joyous meteorite recovery
Best Regards
Scott  Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377

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Re: [meteorite-list] Update: Iron meteorite inclusion question

2010-08-30 Thread Yinan Wang
Nevermind, I was just notified that the lab wrote down Odessa by
mistake, its actually Nantan... That's a big downer...


On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Yinan Wang  wrote:
> Correction, this meteorite I posted a few weeks ago was recently
> identified as Odessa based on petrology, not Canyon Diablo.
> http://pics.livejournal.com/thefossiladdict/pic/000aypd1
> -Yinan
> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Yinan Wang  wrote:
>> A couple of people asked for a better picture, so here it is;
>> http://pics.livejournal.com/thefossiladdict/pic/000aypd1
>> Thanks for help in advance!
>> -Yinan
>> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 8:04 PM,   wrote:
>>> Wang,
>>> Very nice specimen. Wish it was in my cabinet. In your first message you 
>>> had the descriptions of the inclusions correct.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Count Deiro
>>> IMCA 3536
>>> -Original Message-
From: Yinan Wang 
Sent: Aug 19, 2010 8:58 PM
To: Galactic Stone & Ironworks 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Iron meteorite inclusion question

Here's a rough picture of the slice, any suggestions?



On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks
> Hi Yinan,
> The dark inclusions could be graphite.  Troilite often has a "brassy"
> coloration to it.
> Do you have a photo of the slice?
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> On 8/19/10, Yinan Wang  wrote:
>> Hi everyone, simple question:
>> In an iron meteorite, when etched, what do the troilite and
>> schreibersite inclusions look like?
>> I have a slice of canyon diablo and I'm seeing dark round nodules (the
>> troilite) and silvery dendritic material (schreibersite?). Which is
>> which?
>> Thanks,
>> Yinan
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> --
> Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
> http://www.galactic-stone.com
> http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
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Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
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[meteorite-list] Update: Iron meteorite inclusion question

2010-08-30 Thread Yinan Wang
Correction, this meteorite I posted a few weeks ago was recently
identified as Odessa based on petrology, not Canyon Diablo.



On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Yinan Wang  wrote:
> A couple of people asked for a better picture, so here it is;
> http://pics.livejournal.com/thefossiladdict/pic/000aypd1
> Thanks for help in advance!
> -Yinan
> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 8:04 PM,   wrote:
>> Wang,
>> Very nice specimen. Wish it was in my cabinet. In your first message you had 
>> the descriptions of the inclusions correct.
>> Best regards,
>> Count Deiro
>> IMCA 3536
>> -Original Message-
>>>From: Yinan Wang 
>>>Sent: Aug 19, 2010 8:58 PM
>>>To: Galactic Stone & Ironworks 
>>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Iron meteorite inclusion question
>>>Here's a rough picture of the slice, any suggestions?
>>>On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks
>>> wrote:
 Hi Yinan,

 The dark inclusions could be graphite.  Troilite often has a "brassy"
 coloration to it.

 Do you have a photo of the slice?

 Best regards,


 On 8/19/10, Yinan Wang  wrote:
> Hi everyone, simple question:
> In an iron meteorite, when etched, what do the troilite and
> schreibersite inclusions look like?
> I have a slice of canyon diablo and I'm seeing dark round nodules (the
> troilite) and silvery dendritic material (schreibersite?). Which is
> which?
> Thanks,
> Yinan
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

 Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

>>>Visit the Archives at 
>>>Meteorite-list mailing list
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[meteorite-list] Update: Re: Fireball

2010-08-03 Thread Mark Bowling
Update: 2 other witnesses so far.



- Original Message 
From: Mark Bowling 
To: geo...@aol.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 9:50:58 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Fireball

That did cross my mind, but I failed to mention that (It was about 4 hours past 
my bedtime...).  I saw about 5 meteors in about 20 minutes on Sunday night.  

I saw one meteor when I was trying to figure out what my marker stars were.  So 
I was wondering if it was part of a shower.  But I think this was a sporadic 
meteor of greater significance.

I'm trying to remember, but I think the other meteors were faster.  I think it 
traveled about 10 degrees, but if someone can check on their planetarium 
software, and measured what I described, I think that would be more accurate.

I think the whole event (sighting to burn out) was 5 to 10 seconds (it's hard 

remember).  Next time I'll try to remember details that I failed to think about 
(or hopefully I'll have a camera set up...).  The glowing train was about 5 
seconds before it faded into the darkness.  If this is an alpha Capricornid (or 
another from a shower), then it wouldn't produce a meteorite.  :-/  But I'm 
hoping it was significant and more people will report it! :-)

Clear skies,
Mark B.
Vail, AZ

- Original Message 
From: "geo...@aol.com" 
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Tue, August 3, 2010 6:36:49 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Fireball

Re: [meteorite-list] UPDATE: WI Meteorite Hunting Statistics +Strewnfield Map Data

2010-05-20 Thread Meteorites USA


The strewnfield map and data are coming along nicely. People are being 
very generous with their find coordinates. Again I thank you all who've 
sent me coordinates so far for your cooperation and participation. It's 
much appreciated, and it's thanks to you that we're able to map this 
field at all. So far there are 52 coordinates mapped to within a few 
feet accuracy! Weights are accurate within .1g and I'm currently waiting 
on 3 more locations that will be plotted tonight. Also, there's at least 
another 3-4 coordinates that have been promised that I expect to receive 
very soon. This brings to tentative total to 58-59 stones!

The strewnfiled is slowly revealing itself. In fact there's evidence 
that once all the coordinates have been plotted, that two of the denser 
groupings/clusters on the map may coincide with the first two 
airbursts/fragmentation events that were visible in the video Milwaukee 
and Sherrif's car video. This combined with the data being provided by 
meteorite hunters and others in the field, as well as eye witness 
sightings of the WI fireball, could make this meteorite strewnfield a 
size which will surprise most everyone.

Those who've found stones and would like to add your find to the 
strewnfield map please send over your data. Locals in the area who've 
found meteorites, your stones are important as well. It's vital we get 
as much data as possible to get a good visual of the distribution 
ellipse on the ground. So far, the ellipse is approximately 2 miles 
wide, but I can't yet say how long, that little tidbit you'll have to 
wait for. ;) Unless of course you'd like to see the map tonight, then 
simply send over your meteorite location data. I'll share, really I will!

In the interest of openess and sharing I'd like to invite anyone working 
closely with universities, labs, schools, museums and/or scientists to 
please contact me if you'd like to receive this data as well.

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

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Re: [meteorite-list] UPDATE: WI Meteorite Hunting Statistics +Strewnfield Map Data

2010-05-16 Thread Meteorites USA
Still working on compiling the list of coordinates, a map and 
statistical data. I will be releasing the map and data on my site after 
I have at least 50-75 coordinates, there are 100+ finds reported, and I 
have plotted about 30 so far. We're about 25% to 30% complete. There are 
also hunters still in the field and I must respect their wishes not to 
release their specific data publicly until after they've left the field.

Those hunters who've hunted the great WI meteorite fall and did NOT find 
one please send over your data as well since it is quite useful and 
relevant as well. Even if you did not find a meteorite I'd like to 
include your data in a separate sub total... Just as a reminder I will 
only be including statistical data and NOT identifying data in the 
totals. Your anonymity will be respected if you so wish...

I will be releasing this data soon, and to those that participate I will 
reciprocate privately with the strewnfield map file.

Please send:
Total Days In The Field:
Total Hours Hunted Per Day:
Total Miles Walked Per Day:
Total Costs: (just a total number, it need not be itemized)
Total Number of Meteorites Found:
Total Weight Found:
Coordinates: (if you don't mind releasing them publicly)

Thank you all...


On 5/13/2010 5:44 PM, Meteorites USA wrote:
Since the compiling is taking longer than expected perhaps my self 
imposed Sunday deadline for release of the information was a bit 
premature. I will try to release it publicly on Sunday, however it 
might not be ready by then, if you would like to see what I have thus 
far, please feel free to email me on Sunday and I will email it to you 
privately. Once I'm finished compiling all the data, I will release it 
on my site.

I want to thank everyone thus far who has shown more than reasonable 
cooperation in helping compile the data for the strewnfield, and the 
statistical cost data. Again as a recap, the more information 
available the more accurately we'll be able to map this strewnfield. I 
have compiled coordinates for 20-25 finds so far, many people have 
been way more than willing to provide their data and I'm surprised 
actually at the level of cooperation. Though I'm disappointed that 
some people I thought would participate have not yet provided any 

Those of you who've not yet contributed, I welcome and encourage your 
participation. Those not participating because of prior agreements 
with your team members and/or landowners, I respect that and look 
forward to seeing you in the field on the next one.

Please send:
Total Days In The Field:
Total Hours Hunted Per Day:
Total Miles Walked Per Day:
Total Costs: (just a total number, it need not be itemized)
Total Number of Meteorites Found:
Total Weight Found:
Coordinates: (if you don't mind releasing them publicly)

Thank you all...


On 5/9/2010 10:30 AM, Meteorites USA wrote:
Hi listees and fellow meteorite hunters in the field. I'm back from 
the field and I'm compiling (unscientifically) some statistical data 
that I've not yet seen anyone attempt to calculate in any way but a 
cursory manner thus far. If you've hunted the WI meteorite fall, and 
have data you'd like to share, please send me an email with your 
hunting information/statistics.

Primarily what I'm looking for is totals, hours hunted, days hunted, 
meteorites found, and costs associated with this hunt. I'd like to do 
this while WI is fresh in everyone's minds and I think that will 
provide the most reliable information, and also give some an idea of 
the costs in time and money that go into recovering meteorites from 
the field.

Please send in the following format to make it easier to add all 
totals. If you can think of any other data that should be included in 
this list, please feel free to respond on-list so others can add 
their input.

I will be including all my totals as well in this data.

Total Days In The Field:
Total Hours Hunted Per Day:
Total Miles Walked Per Day:
Total Costs: (including airfare, hotel, rental car, food, fuel, cost 
of meteorites purchased, miscellaneous expenses; i.e. "pay to hunt" 
expenses) This need not be itemized, and can be a total cost for your 

Total Number of Meteorites Found:
Total Weight Found:

This survey is completely anonymous, and your identity will be kept 
confidential, all you need send is totals/numbers.

In addition, those of you who'd like to share coordinates that would 
also be appreciated, again, your anonymity will be kept unless you 
state specifically that you wouldn't mind releasing your identity 
publicly in association with your data.

All this information will be published on my site and on-list to 
share with everyone in a completely transparent and "open" manner.

Thank you all in advance for your cooperation.

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA
Visit the Archives at 

[meteorite-list] [UPDATE] Holbrook

2010-05-09 Thread The Tricottet Collection

Dear List members,

I updated my page on Holbrook with more text and pictures.
If you want to take a look: 

Feedback is very welcome.

Also congratulations Svend for your great page on Mount Tazerzait. Very 
informative, very well done as always!!


The Tricottet Collection of Natural History Specimens
(Minerals, Fossils & Meteorites)
Facebook: The Tricottet Collection
Twitter: TricottetColl

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] UPDATE - http://www.qmig.net

2010-04-22 Thread Bob WALKER

My apologies for two posts in short order

At least it's not the usual repetitive sales ads or crap from Jeff but if
anyone wants to buy my Scorpion Bight (WA) main mass on ebay... you know
where I am

I've done a news webpage edit in quick and dirty fashion tonite - I'll
fixee fixee the background and weblinks tomorrow... and I still have to
update the Queensland Falls (I really should change this to falls and
finds or another form of wording one of these days) with details of my
accession of the small but cute 117.2 g Mussel Waterhole find

It really really gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to repatriate the odd
specimen or two... they do yearn to be back home with all their mates...
if any listoids can assist with repatriating any other unclassified
Queensland meteorites - you know where I am...

I had hoped to overtake the number of finds/falls in other Australian
States - but alas my time is limited and no doubt others will continue ?

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update on NEO computer hack

2010-02-17 Thread E.P. Grondine

"As a result of the recent hacking at CfA and the consequent
uncertainty as to when we will be able to update the website at
CfA, the Minor Planet Center is announcing (several months ahead
of its planned date) the availability of its official mirror

http://www.minorpla netcenter. org/iau/mpc. html

It will eventually be an exact copy of the CfA site. At the
moment, it is nowhere near complete. The only links that are
functional currently are:

1) Recent MPECs page, along with the MPECs issued in 2010.
2) The MPC Status page (and the E-Mail Woes pages)
3) The NEOCP
4) The MPES
5) The New Object Ephemeris Generator
and any link to a script or page on the MPC's webserver.

Other links will be made active in the near future, but the priority
was to the NEOCP and MPECs back on the web. Until access to the
main CfA site is restored, the copying to the mirror site will
be very slow.

If you experience problems using the new mirror site, send a full
report via the Feedback Forms.


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] UPDATE RE: Whetstone Mountains Monograph

2009-12-28 Thread Dave Gheesling
Thanks Rob...very kind words, and much appreciated!
Happy New Year,

-Original Message-
From: Rob Wesel [mailto:nakhla...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 8:24 PM
To: d...@fallingrocks.com; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] UPDATE RE: Whetstone Mountains Monograph

Chiming in late but I must join in offering the highest praise for this
monograph. Limited or standard edition makes no matter in its lightning fast

An excellent work Dave.

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...
and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

- Original Message -
From: "Dave Gheesling" 
To: "'Matson, Robert D.'" ; "'Greg Catterton'" 
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 5:06 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] UPDATE RE: Whetstone Mountains Monograph

> Rob, Greg & All,
> Rob, your comments below re: the Limited Edition Whetstone Mountains
> meteorite monograph being a "value for the small price" were much
> appreciated, as that was most definitely the intent of the offering.
> There's no telling where the one-time eBay listing I posted last week will
> end, but from the looks of it this notion of value seems to be on target 
> as
> Jack and I had hoped:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180448321242
> Thanks again to all of you who have purchased copies, particularly to 
> those
> who did so sight-unseen when the monograph was first introduced last 
> month!
> All the best, and Happy New Year!
> Dave
> www.fallingrocks.com
> -Original Message-
> From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
> [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Matson,
> Robert D.
> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 7:01 PM
> To: Greg Catterton; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Whetstone Mountains Monograph
> Hi All,
> I wholeheartedly concur with Greg -- I received my Whetstone Mountains
> monograph today from Dave, and it is a top-notch job. Excellent
> photo-documentation of the finds, and a terrific value for the small price
> Dave was asking.
> Congrats to all
> involved in this story of Arizona's latest fall, and in particular to Jack
> Schrader for the many weeks of legwork and hot-temperature field work in 
> the
> (continuing)
> recovery of this fall.
> Best wishes,
> Rob
> -Original Message-
> From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
> [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Greg
> Catterton
> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 3:47 PM
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Whetstone Mountains Monograph
> I just received my autographed copy of Whetstone Mountains monograph.
> I have to say an excellent job was done on this, and I am super pleased to
> have one.
> The documentation is an incredible read that I will certainly take time to
> read more then once.
> The fragment is got even had a nice spot of fusion crust on it!
> If you ordered one and have not got it yet, just wait!!!
> Thats all Im gonna say. I dont want to spoil it for those that have not 
> seen
> it in person.
> Great job to all involved in this.
> Greg C.
> __
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> __
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] UPDATE RE: Whetstone Mountains Monograph

2009-12-28 Thread Rob Wesel
Chiming in late but I must join in offering the highest praise for this 
monograph. Limited or standard edition makes no matter in its lightning fast 

An excellent work Dave.

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...
and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Gheesling" 
To: "'Matson, Robert D.'" ; "'Greg Catterton'" 

Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 5:06 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] UPDATE RE: Whetstone Mountains Monograph

Rob, Greg & All,

Rob, your comments below re: the Limited Edition Whetstone Mountains
meteorite monograph being a "value for the small price" were much
appreciated, as that was most definitely the intent of the offering.
There's no telling where the one-time eBay listing I posted last week will
end, but from the looks of it this notion of value seems to be on target 

Jack and I had hoped:


Thanks again to all of you who have purchased copies, particularly to 
who did so sight-unseen when the monograph was first introduced last 

All the best, and Happy New Year!


-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Matson,
Robert D.
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 7:01 PM
To: Greg Catterton; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Whetstone Mountains Monograph

Hi All,

I wholeheartedly concur with Greg -- I received my Whetstone Mountains
monograph today from Dave, and it is a top-notch job. Excellent
photo-documentation of the finds, and a terrific value for the small price
Dave was asking.
Congrats to all
involved in this story of Arizona's latest fall, and in particular to Jack
Schrader for the many weeks of legwork and hot-temperature field work in 

recovery of this fall.

Best wishes,

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 3:47 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Whetstone Mountains Monograph

I just received my autographed copy of Whetstone Mountains monograph.

I have to say an excellent job was done on this, and I am super pleased to
have one.
The documentation is an incredible read that I will certainly take time to
read more then once.
The fragment is got even had a nice spot of fusion crust on it!

If you ordered one and have not got it yet, just wait!!!
Thats all Im gonna say. I dont want to spoil it for those that have not 

it in person.

Great job to all involved in this.

Greg C.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] UPDATE RE: Whetstone Mountains Monograph

2009-12-28 Thread Dave Gheesling
Rob, Greg & All,

Rob, your comments below re: the Limited Edition Whetstone Mountains
meteorite monograph being a "value for the small price" were much
appreciated, as that was most definitely the intent of the offering.
There's no telling where the one-time eBay listing I posted last week will
end, but from the looks of it this notion of value seems to be on target as
Jack and I had hoped:


Thanks again to all of you who have purchased copies, particularly to those
who did so sight-unseen when the monograph was first introduced last month!

All the best, and Happy New Year!


-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Matson,
Robert D.
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 7:01 PM
To: Greg Catterton; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Whetstone Mountains Monograph

Hi All,

I wholeheartedly concur with Greg -- I received my Whetstone Mountains
monograph today from Dave, and it is a top-notch job. Excellent
photo-documentation of the finds, and a terrific value for the small price
Dave was asking.
Congrats to all
involved in this story of Arizona's latest fall, and in particular to Jack
Schrader for the many weeks of legwork and hot-temperature field work in the
recovery of this fall.

Best wishes,

-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 3:47 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Whetstone Mountains Monograph

I just received my autographed copy of Whetstone Mountains monograph.

I have to say an excellent job was done on this, and I am super pleased to
have one.
The documentation is an incredible read that I will certainly take time to
read more then once.
The fragment is got even had a nice spot of fusion crust on it!

If you ordered one and have not got it yet, just wait!!!
Thats all Im gonna say. I dont want to spoil it for those that have not seen
it in person.

Great job to all involved in this.

Greg C.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] update on Utah meteor of 18NOV09

2009-12-01 Thread drtanuki
Dear List,
  I just posted a news update on the Utah fireball of 18NOV09. New information 
in the article:

Also, there is a report of a loud noise, earthquake?, meteor? in Australia on 

Thank you for reading!
Best Always,
Dirk Ross...Tokyo
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update with videos of Japanese Fireball of 6NOV09

2009-11-07 Thread drtanuki
Dear List,
  My news site was updated as well: 

 There are now videos and other information about the fireball of 
2009年11月6日 20:28:59 北陸 大火球

SEE :http://sonotaco.jp/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2151

Thank you to Dr. Ohtsuka, Katsuhito for the link and to SonotaCo Network JAPAN 
for their fine research!!!

This is the same fireball that I witnessed and had reported to the list earlier 
in "Large Fireball Over Sayama, Saitama, Japan Area 6NOV09".

Hope that you enjoy the excellent videos and additional information kindly 
provided by the Sonota Corp. Network, Japan.

Best Regards, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] UPDATE: Meteorite AD Spots 1 Year $99

2009-08-21 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi Listees,

Yesterday I posted an announcement that I was offering 125x125 pixel 
advertising spots on the MeteoritesUSA.com home page to dealers and 
website owners with meteorite related websites. Since then I've had good 
response through email, but only one spot is taken. A little confused as 
to why, I figured it was because I posted so late in the evening around 
9:30pm EST. So here's another opportunity with a bit of an added bonus!

I also own MeteoriteBlog.com a daily meteorite news blog which also has 
high ranking and THE SAME amount of traffic that my MeteoritesUSA.com 

I decided to up the ante a bit by offering advertising on BOTH sites as 
a package deal. $99 for a 125x125 pixel AD spot on the home of 
Meteorites USA or $150 for a 125x125 spot on BOTH websites for an entire 

The best thing about the MeteoriteBlog.com website is that you get a 
SIDEBAR AD. This means your AD will show one EVERY page of the site! 
Thereby increasing your exposure to everyone who visits the site by more 
than tenfold.

How big is 125x125 pixels?
This is about the size of the AD you will get:
| |
| |
| AD|
| |
| |
| |

This AD size gives you a good amount of space to advertise your 
meteorite business or astronomy related website. Not to mention the 
price is right.

It's only $99 for the whole year on the home page of one of the highest 
ranked TOP 10 meteorite websites on the planet! Or $150 for both sites.

Thousands of visitors per month mean more traffic for you and a back 
link for your Google ranking. Oh yeah, and my Google page rank on my 
home page is 3 which is pretty high for this biz! Meteorite.com website 
(the #1 meteorite site on the web) has a PR of 5!

You can view the sites here:

Contact me off-list for details on how to order, payment info or for any 
questions you might have.

Phone: 904-236-5394

If you don't have a 125x125 pixel graphic to use, I'll make you one for 

Oh yeah, one more thing. Those that reserve their spot today, get a 
special BONUS advertising advantage. But you'll actually have to email 
or call to find out what that bonus is... ;)

Talk to you soon...

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update: Interesting crystal in meteorite - a closer look

2009-08-05 Thread Gary Fujihara
Aloha, sending it out again>

Monday I introduced to the list, a recently obtained meteorite with a  
large iridescent crystal visible in its naturally broken face.   
Yesterday, I walked down to the Geology Department to show the  
specimen to Dr Ken Hon, who inspected it and took some  
photomicrographs of the crystal.  You can check out what they look  
like up close here:


Next step: shipping out the specimen to UH Manoa for analysis ...

Gary Fujihara
AstroDay Institute
105 Puhili Place, Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 640-9161, fuj...@mac.com

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update: Stolen meteorite shipment

2009-08-05 Thread John Gwilliam
I'm glad to see you had an acceptable resolution to your problem. 
Many people are not as fortunate as you and end up taking the entire 
loss themselves.  Maria Haas is one of those people who work "behind 
the scene" at solving issues very effectively.  The next time someone 
complains about the IMCA, remind them of this incident.

John Gwilliam

At 07:41 PM 8/4/2009, Gary Fujihara wrote:


Since my original post on this subject June 1, a lot has transpired
and I thought it in the best interest of the parties involved, as well
as the members of this list to know (as the late Paul Harvey would
say) "The rest of the story".

The meteorites I had purchased were won on ebay in a bulk auction that
took about 3 hours to run.  I paid for the items, and they were
shipped out of South America soon after.  When the package arrived, I
eagerly went to the post office to claim my treasure.  After the
discovery of the theft of my meteorites in shipment (I received an
empty box from the post office), I staggered home in disbelief.  I
emailed the seller notifying him of the disaster, but did not hear
from him in a couple of days.  At this point I was not a happy camper
and filed a grievance with IMCA, a claim with eBay and Paypal, and
wrote my email to the list.

The seller responded to my emails, was empathetic and offered to
assist on his end by filing a claim at his post office, and suggested
I do the same at my post office.  I returned the next day to file a
claim at the USPS.  Meanwhile Maria Haas, representing IMCA, responded
almost immediately by contacting both the seller and me separately
first to gather information from each other's respective viewpoint.
She extracted the facts and shared with me the IMCA code of ethics and
the issues of insurance, customs, taxes and other things that which I
was not aware (but were reiterated by list members in response to my
email).  She then took steps to mediate the situation in as tactful a
manner possible.

At some point, the seller offered to share the loss with me, and
agreed to refund me half of my payment if I would drop my claim with
Paypal (which was withholding my payment to him until resolution).  I
dropped the claim, the seller reimbursed half my loss and the rest, as
they say, is history...but wait, there's more.

Since then, I have become a member of the IMCA.  Not to become a big
dealer, but to establish and uphold a modicum of the integrity and
honor that was demonstrated to me by the characters in this story,
themselves upstanding members of the IMCA.  I have learned a lot from
them and other IMCA members and dealers, and am dedicated to extending
and perpetuating those values to the current and next generation of
meteorite enthusiast.

BTW, the seller (as many of you can guess) is Eduardo Jawerbaum, and I
am a happy winner and recipient of some of the meteorites he had on
auction a couple of weeks ago!  Yes, I bought some more meteorites
from the same person in the same country and postal system from which
my previous shipment was stolen.  Slow learner?  Repeat offender?
Obsessed collector?  Maybe a little of all, but I must tell you that I
am happy to continue to be a customer of Eduardo, and the proud owner
of the freshest Franconia you've ever seen.  Mahalo Eduardo ... Peace
and poi.

Gary Fujihara
AstroDay Institute
105 Puhili Place, Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 640-9161, fuj...@mac.com

Meteorite-list mailing list

John Gwilliam

Too many people were born on third base
and go through life thinking they hit a triple. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update: Stolen meteorite shipment

2009-08-04 Thread Gary Fujihara


Since my original post on this subject June 1, a lot has transpired  
and I thought it in the best interest of the parties involved, as well  
as the members of this list to know (as the late Paul Harvey would  
say) "The rest of the story".

The meteorites I had purchased were won on ebay in a bulk auction that  
took about 3 hours to run.  I paid for the items, and they were  
shipped out of South America soon after.  When the package arrived, I  
eagerly went to the post office to claim my treasure.  After the  
discovery of the theft of my meteorites in shipment (I received an  
empty box from the post office), I staggered home in disbelief.  I  
emailed the seller notifying him of the disaster, but did not hear  
from him in a couple of days.  At this point I was not a happy camper  
and filed a grievance with IMCA, a claim with eBay and Paypal, and  
wrote my email to the list.

The seller responded to my emails, was empathetic and offered to  
assist on his end by filing a claim at his post office, and suggested  
I do the same at my post office.  I returned the next day to file a  
claim at the USPS.  Meanwhile Maria Haas, representing IMCA, responded  
almost immediately by contacting both the seller and me separately  
first to gather information from each other's respective viewpoint.   
She extracted the facts and shared with me the IMCA code of ethics and  
the issues of insurance, customs, taxes and other things that which I  
was not aware (but were reiterated by list members in response to my  
email).  She then took steps to mediate the situation in as tactful a  
manner possible.

At some point, the seller offered to share the loss with me, and  
agreed to refund me half of my payment if I would drop my claim with  
Paypal (which was withholding my payment to him until resolution).  I  
dropped the claim, the seller reimbursed half my loss and the rest, as  
they say, is history...but wait, there's more.

Since then, I have become a member of the IMCA.  Not to become a big  
dealer, but to establish and uphold a modicum of the integrity and  
honor that was demonstrated to me by the characters in this story,  
themselves upstanding members of the IMCA.  I have learned a lot from  
them and other IMCA members and dealers, and am dedicated to extending  
and perpetuating those values to the current and next generation of  
meteorite enthusiast.

BTW, the seller (as many of you can guess) is Eduardo Jawerbaum, and I  
am a happy winner and recipient of some of the meteorites he had on  
auction a couple of weeks ago!  Yes, I bought some more meteorites  
from the same person in the same country and postal system from which  
my previous shipment was stolen.  Slow learner?  Repeat offender?   
Obsessed collector?  Maybe a little of all, but I must tell you that I  
am happy to continue to be a customer of Eduardo, and the proud owner  
of the freshest Franconia you've ever seen.  Mahalo Eduardo ... Peace  
and poi.

Gary Fujihara
AstroDay Institute
105 Puhili Place, Hilo, HI 96720
(808) 640-9161, fuj...@mac.com

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km indiameter)

2009-01-25 Thread Bob Loeffler
Hi Doug,

Thank you very much for the detailed info.  I wasn't able to stay awake that
night (I think it was around 12:30am when I finally went to bed), but I
wouldn't have been able to see anything with my binoculars anyway since the
magnitude was very low by that time.  But now I know what kind of details I
need to know for when it happens the next time.



-Original Message-
From: mexicod...@aim.com [mailto:mexicod...@aim.com] 
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 5:00 PM
To: b...@peaktopeak.com; Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km

Hi Bob, sorry I didn't catch this sooner, and wish I could have helped 
more so you could see probable biggest ordinary chondrite of your life. 
I was skunked and I'm a bit unhappy at the moment for losing the sleep.

I don't know where you live, but assuming it is close to lat. 39 Deg 
56' 23"; long. W. 105° 8' 24", the asteroid will have dropped to the 
14.5 magnitude and rise tonight at 01:25 AM MST. The 3/8's of a Moon 
will follow at 01:59 AM MST.

So, you are probably out of luck, even if an accurate finders chart 
existed. Due to the closeness of the asteroid you really ought to 
specify where you are, and when you are observing (I bet you can easily 
get an error of several minutes from different positions on Earth). On 
top of that, there is uncertainty in the position even for a fixed 
single observer, as this is really pushing the orbital elements to an 
extreme (though after this pass, indubitably Arecibo and Goldstone 
observations and the resulting orbital refinements will make this more 
plausible in the near future).

The best bet as this point is to beg, borrow or steal the combination 
for the Denver Astronomical Club's dark sky site East of your 
metropolis, where these observations now could be made with a good 
telescope with star drive and lots of luck or experience or both.

If you have a planetarium program, you might try these orbital elements 
(they are not guaranteed
, I'm very tired!):

Epoch: 2454856.5 (2009/1/25 0:00:00)
o (argument of perihelion): 97.46551
O (longitude of ascending node): 110.94293
i (inclination): 7.78920
e (eccentricity): 0.5782656
a (semimajor axis): 1.4916402 AU
M (mean anomaly): 336.59998
T (perihelion date): 2454234.35924 (2007/5/13 20:37:18)
q (perihelion distance): 0.62908 AU
H (mean visual magnitude): 17.62
G (magnitude slope factor): 0.15

In my first post I gave the link to orbital elements that would have 
allowed you to generate your personal star chart in any worthy 
planetarium program, I'm sorry you missed them. The second post then 
listed what Goldstone and Arecibo are using, I believe, or at least 
coordinates). By now something like that which is of questionable help 
for star-hopping but shows the asteroid being clobbered by Hercules' 
club (near Club star: Kornephoros) at exactly 3:00AM MST (Estimated 
Asteroid position: RA 16 32 44, Dec. +19 22 56, mag. 14.5) and then 
bonking the Hero of song and story's constellation directly in the head 
(Head star: Ras Algethi), 20 hours later:


Note, while the distance has increased only about 15% from closest 
approach, due to the Sunlit portion (phase) the major fading is taking 
place. This can be visualized better by referring to the orbital 
diagram I gave a link to in the first post where the orbital elements 
are found.

Best wishes and Great Skies, hope I didn't make a 
mistake as if anyone 
would really try this, considering Pluto will be twice as bright at the 
time mentioned than the asteroid that is the object of my recent 

-Original Message-
From: Bob Loeffler 
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 6:32 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 
1 km indiameter)

Hi all,

Does anyone have coordinates (or better yet, a star chart image) of 
this asteroid is located?



-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 3:58 PM
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km

Dear List,

Drat's, I was completely rained out and will be again tonight, and then
it head a little too "north" for me. Did anyone see this potential
hammer asteroid inchworming from Ursa Major past Arcturus and towards
Corona Borealis (actually it is thought to be a non-carbonaceous stony

There is still plenty of time for the next two or three days to see it
as it fades to Pluto brightness from its current status a being visible
through big binoculars or amateur scopes. The actual closest approach
is on January 17 at a c

[meteorite-list] Update regarding recent fireballs over Scandinavia and Barents Sea

2009-01-21 Thread Thomas Österberg

Hello list!

Apparently, two large bolides have entered the atmosphere over Scandinavia 
and Barents Sea in a matter of two days in mid January!

According to a recent newsletter from the Swedish Institute of Space Physics 
(IRF), an even larger event took place January 15, over Barents Sea, in an 
area between Spitz Bergen and Norway.

Rick McGregor at IRF, would like to suggest a connection between the two 
fireballs and the Delta Cancrid- meteor trail. See:


Below you can find some information regarding the Swedish -Finnish network 
of Infra Sound Detectors IRF uses to track incoming meteors and re-entering 
rockets over Northern Scandinavia.


Good luck!

Thomas Österberg

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km indiameter)

2009-01-18 Thread mexicodoug
Hi Bob, sorry I didn't catch this sooner, and wish I could have helped 
more so you could see probable biggest ordinary chondrite of your life. 
I was skunked and I'm a bit unhappy at the moment for losing the sleep.

I don't know where you live, but assuming it is close to lat. 39 Deg 
56' 23"; long. W. 105° 8' 24", the asteroid will have dropped to the 
14.5 magnitude and rise tonight at 01:25 AM MST. The 3/8's of a Moon 
will follow at 01:59 AM MST.

So, you are probably out of luck, even if an accurate finders chart 
existed. Due to the closeness of the asteroid you really ought to 
specify where you are, and when you are observing (I bet you can easily 
get an error of several minutes from different positions on Earth). On 
top of that, there is uncertainty in the position even for a fixed 
single observer, as this is really pushing the orbital elements to an 
extreme (though after this pass, indubitably Arecibo and Goldstone 
observations and the resulting orbital refinements will make this more 
plausible in the near future).

The best bet as this point is to beg, borrow or steal the combination 
for the Denver Astronomical Club's dark sky site East of your 
metropolis, where these observations now could be made with a good 
telescope with star drive and lots of luck or experience or both.

If you have a planetarium program, you might try these orbital elements 
(they are not guaranteed

, I'm very tired!):

Epoch: 2454856.5 (2009/1/25 0:00:00)
o (argument of perihelion): 97.46551
O (longitude of ascending node): 110.94293
i (inclination): 7.78920
e (eccentricity): 0.5782656
a (semimajor axis): 1.4916402 AU
M (mean anomaly): 336.59998
T (perihelion date): 2454234.35924 (2007/5/13 20:37:18)
q (perihelion distance): 0.62908 AU
H (mean visual magnitude): 17.62
G (magnitude slope factor): 0.15

In my first post I gave the link to orbital elements that would have 
allowed you to generate your personal star chart in any worthy 
planetarium program, I'm sorry you missed them. The second post then 
listed what Goldstone and Arecibo are using, I believe, or at least 
coordinates). By now something like that which is of questionable help 
for star-hopping but shows the asteroid being clobbered by Hercules' 
club (near Club star: Kornephoros) at exactly 3:00AM MST (Estimated 
Asteroid position: RA 16 32 44, Dec. +19 22 56, mag. 14.5) and then 
bonking the Hero of song and story's constellation directly in the head 
(Head star: Ras Algethi), 20 hours later:


Note, while the distance has increased only about 15% from closest 
approach, due to the Sunlit portion (phase) the major fading is taking 
place. This can be visualized better by referring to the orbital 
diagram I gave a link to in the first post where the orbital elements 
are found.

Best wishes and Great Skies, hope I didn't make a 
mistake as if anyone 
would really try this, considering Pluto will be twice as bright at the 
time mentioned than the asteroid that is the object of my recent 


-Original Message-
From: Bob Loeffler 
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 6:32 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 
1 km indiameter)

Hi all,

Does anyone have coordinates (or better yet, a star chart image) of 

this asteroid is located?



-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 3:58 PM
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km

Dear List,

Drat's, I was completely rained out and will be again tonight, and then
it head a little too "north" for me. Did anyone see this potential
hammer asteroid inchworming from Ursa Major past Arcturus and towards
Corona Borealis (actually it is thought to be a non-carbonaceous stony

There is still plenty of time for the next two or three days to see it
as it fades to Pluto brightness from its current status a being visible
through big binoculars or amateur scopes. The actual closest approach
is on January 17 at a couple minutes past 17:00 London time.

here is no chance this asteroid will hit Earth anytime soon, but is a
good illustration of what is being done to track potentially
Earth-threatening objects. Both the Puerto Rico's Arecibo (
http://www.naic.edu/public/the_telescope.htm ) and the Mojave Goldstone
dishes ( http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/dsn/goldstone/ ) Gigantic Radio
telescopes, on the NASA/NSF/UStaxpayer payroll, are dedicating serious
time to it to figure out its shape, and whatever else they can glean,
which while an academic question in this century, could help with
strategies to deflect it if necessary at a time in the fa

Re: [meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km indiameter)

2009-01-17 Thread Bob Loeffler
Hi all,

Does anyone have coordinates (or better yet, a star chart image) of where
this asteroid is located?



-Original Message-
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 3:58 PM
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km

Dear List,

Drat's, I was completely rained out and will be again tonight, and then 
it head a little too "north" for me. Did anyone see this potential 
hammer asteroid inchworming from Ursa Major past Arcturus and towards 
Corona Borealis (actually it is thought to be a non-carbonaceous stony 

There is still plenty of time for the next two or three days to see it 
as it fades to Pluto brightness from its current status a being visible 
through big binoculars or amateur scopes. The actual closest approach 
is on January 17 at a couple minutes past 17:00 London time.

There is no chance this asteroid will hit Earth anytime soon, but is a 
good illustration of what is being done to track potentially 
Earth-threatening objects. Both the Puerto Rico's Arecibo ( 
http://www.naic.edu/public/the_telescope.htm ) and the Mojave Goldstone 
dishes ( http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/dsn/goldstone/ ) Gigantic Radio 
telescopes, on the NASA/NSF/UStaxpayer payroll, are dedicating serious 
time to it to figure out its shape, and whatever else they can glean, 
which while an academic question in this century, could help with 
strategies to deflect it if necessary at a time in the far 
future...Typically I think up to ten asteroids monthly (all PHA's, 
potentially hazardous) are within range and under RADAR study at these 
installations. It is also a Great time to do some spectroscopy on 
the relatively intense light detectable from Earth during
 this pass. 
Basically, taking spectra of the reflected light and analyzing which 
colors/wavelengths are strongest to get a handle on the composition. 
Can't wait to find out what new is learned.

Hopefully Arecibo stays afloat...:-)

Here are the scheduling pages to see the crunching going on for over a 
week of observations (as we speak errr...breathe) to see what is being 
done about this object that will pass 11.31 LDs (Lunar Distances) from 


Regarding the distance and its associated dangers - Here is an 
illustration of ONE Lunar Distance:


This is a rather big one and events concerning asteroids this size and 
proximity happen at best a a few times a year in a fun year.

A couple of clarifying comments, the info on this web page indicates 
the Japanese were the ones who discovered it first, at this place,


Well the Japanese data is two days after the Chinese data so I don't 
know what's the problem with the crediting of the discovery. Second it 
mentions that the asteroid measures 0.9 km in diameter plus/minus a 
FACTOR OF TWO. That puts it between 0.5 and 1.8 km in diameter - so it 
is very likely to be over 1 km in diameter the catastrophic arbitrary 
threshold many talk about.

Best wishes and Great Health,

-Original Message-

From: mexicod...@aim.com
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 5:10 pm
Subject: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km in diameter)

Dear Listees, 
Thought I'd pass along to anyone interested in seeing a typical Hammer 
of God asteroid (no, it is not called Kali, but it really does have a 
devil of an orbital period: 666 days), in the form of Chinese 
discovered potentially threatening asteroid (136849) 1998 CS1 (That's 
CS1, not CSI :)). This asteroid is likely well over 1 kilometer in 
diameter and will be paying us a quite "close" visit on January 17 at 
about 5:00PM London time, when it will be about 4.35 million kilometers 
away (2.7 million miles) from Earth. That's about 11 Lunar Distances 
(11 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon). 
For comparison, 4179 Toutatis, which made for a great deal of drama on 
29 Sep 2004, is about twice the diameter of 136849 1998 CS1 and passed 
by Earth at 4 LD's. It was supposedly 10th magnitude, 5 times brighter, 
but was not as optimally placed to see for many of us. 
Due to 136849's phase, it will actually be brightest tomorrow night 
(sometime between 10 PM and 12:30 AM) or whenever is just before 
Moonrise if you are in the northern hemisphere north of at least 15 
degrees latitude or so. If you are South of that you need to put up 
with the fairly bright Moon but can try to look at it starti
ng a couple 
of hours after Moonrise 'til dawn. 
I think I'll give it a shot if conditions are ok, since it would be 
nice to see something this big, this close

[meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km in diameter)

2009-01-17 Thread E.P. Grondine
Hi Doug, all, 

Thanks for the update. I hope as well that the confusion over Arecibo 
operations will come to an end with Griffin's departure, in as much as one name 
mentioned for NASA Adminstrator, Gration, worked with Pete Worden.

I assume the Chinese data came from Purple Mountain, and am puzzled as why 
the discovery was attributed to Japanese astronomers. Perhaps it has to do 
with data posting times.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

Dear List,

Drat's, I was completely rained out and will be again tonight, and then
it head a little too "north" for me. Did anyone see this potential
hammer asteroid inchworming from Ursa Major past Arcturus and towards
Corona Borealis (actually it is thought to be a non-carbonaceous stony

There is still plenty of time for the next two or three days to see it
as it fades to Pluto brightness from its current status a being visible
through big binoculars or amateur scopes. The actual closest approach
is on January 17 at a couple minutes past 17:00 London time.

There is no chance this asteroid will hit Earth anytime soon, but is a
good illustration of what is being done to track potentially
Earth-threatening objects. Both the Puerto Rico's Arecibo (
http://www.naic.edu/public/the_telescope.htm ) and the Mojave Goldstone
dishes ( http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/dsn/goldstone/ ) Gigantic Radio
telescopes, on the NASA/NSF/UStaxpayer payroll, are dedicating serious
time to it to figure out its shape, and whatever else they can glean,
which while an academic question in this century, could help with
strategies to deflect it if necessary at a time in the far
future...Typically I think up to ten asteroids monthly (all PHA's,
potentially hazardous) are within range and under RADAR study at these
installations. It is also a Great time to do some spectroscopy on
the relatively intense light detectable from Earth during
this pass.
Basically, taking spectra of the reflected light and analyzing which
colors/wavelengths are strongest to get a handle on the composition.
Can't wait to find out what new is learned.

Hopefully Arecibo stays afloat...:-)

Here are the scheduling pages to see the crunching going on for over a
week of observations (as we speak errr...breathe) to see what is being
done about this object that will pass 11.31 LDs (Lunar Distances) from


Regarding the distance and its associated dangers - Here is an
illustration of ONE Lunar Distance:


This is a rather big one and events concerning asteroids this size and
proximity happen at best a a few times a year in a fun year.

A couple of clarifying comments, the info on this web page indicates
the Japanese were the ones who discovered it first, at this place,


Well the Japanese data is two days after the Chinese data so I don't
know what's the problem with the crediting of the discovery. Second it
mentions that the asteroid measures 0.9 km in diameter plus/minus a
FACTOR OF TWO. That puts it between 0.5 and 1.8 km in diameter - so it
is very likely to be over 1 km in diameter the catastrophic arbitrary
threshold many talk about.

Best wishes and Great Health,

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km in diameter)

2009-01-16 Thread mexicodoug

Dear List,

Drat's, I was completely rained out and will be again tonight, and then 
it head a little too "north" for me. Did anyone see this potential 
hammer asteroid inchworming from Ursa Major past Arcturus and towards 
Corona Borealis (actually it is thought to be a non-carbonaceous stony 

There is still plenty of time for the next two or three days to see it 
as it fades to Pluto brightness from its current status a being visible 
through big binoculars or amateur scopes. The actual closest approach 
is on January 17 at a couple minutes past 17:00 London time.

There is no chance this asteroid will hit Earth anytime soon, but is a 
good illustration of what is being done to track potentially 
Earth-threatening objects. Both the Puerto Rico's Arecibo ( 
http://www.naic.edu/public/the_telescope.htm ) and the Mojave Goldstone 
dishes ( http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/dsn/goldstone/ ) Gigantic Radio 
telescopes, on the NASA/NSF/UStaxpayer payroll, are dedicating serious 
time to it to figure out its shape, and whatever else they can glean, 
which while an academic question in this century, could help with 
strategies to deflect it if necessary at a time in the far 
future...Typically I think up to ten asteroids monthly (all PHA's, 
potentially hazardous) are within range and under RADAR study at these 
installations. It is also a Great time to do some spectroscopy on 
the relatively intense light detectable from Earth during
this pass. 
Basically, taking spectra of the reflected light and analyzing which 
colors/wavelengths are strongest to get a handle on the composition. 
Can't wait to find out what new is learned.

Hopefully Arecibo stays afloat...:-)

Here are the scheduling pages to see the crunching going on for over a 
week of observations (as we speak errr...breathe) to see what is being 
done about this object that will pass 11.31 LDs (Lunar Distances) from 


Regarding the distance and its associated dangers - Here is an 
illustration of ONE Lunar Distance:


This is a rather big one and events concerning asteroids this size and 
proximity happen at best a a few times a year in a fun year.

A couple of clarifying comments, the info on this web page indicates 
the Japanese were the ones who discovered it first, at this place,


Well the Japanese data is two days after the Chinese data so I don't 
know what's the problem with the crediting of the discovery. Second it 
mentions that the asteroid measures 0.9 km in diameter plus/minus a 
FACTOR OF TWO. That puts it between 0.5 and 1.8 km in diameter - so it 
is very likely to be over 1 km in diameter the catastrophic arbitrary 
threshold many talk about.

Best wishes and Great Health,

-Original Message-

From: mexicod...@aim.com
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 5:10 pm
Subject: Asteroid 136849 approaching (over 1 km in diameter)

Dear Listees, 
Thought I'd pass along to anyone interested in seeing a typical Hammer 
of God asteroid (no, it is not called Kali, but it really does have a 
devil of an orbital period: 666 days), in the form of Chinese 
discovered potentially threatening asteroid (136849) 1998 CS1 (That's 
CS1, not CSI :)). This asteroid is likely well over 1 kilometer in 
diameter and will be paying us a quite "close" visit on January 17 at 
about 5:00PM London time, when it will be about 4.35 million kilometers 
away (2.7 million miles) from Earth. That's about 11 Lunar Distances 
(11 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon). 

For comparison, 4179 Toutatis, which made for a great deal of drama on 
29 Sep 2004, is about twice the diameter of 136849 1998 CS1 and passed 
by Earth at 4 LD's. It was supposedly 10th magnitude, 5 times brighter, 
but was not as optimally placed to see for many of us. 

Due to 136849's phase, it will actually be brightest tomorrow night 
(sometime between 10 PM and 12:30 AM) or whenever is just before 
Moonrise if you are in the northern hemisphere north of at least 15 
degrees latitude or so. If you are South of that you need to put up 
with the fairly bright Moon but can try to look at it starti
ng a couple 
of hours after Moonrise 'til dawn. 

I think I'll give it a shot if conditions are ok, since it would be 
nice to see something this big, this close - about 
the same level of difficulty as Toutatis was. For me timing critical as 
it will barely rise 15 degrees above the horizon when the Gibbous 
Moonriserises a little before midnight local time. But if you are a 
Hamburger (Germany) or Juneauean (Alaska), you can observe for at least 
two hours before Moonrise preferably in thermal knickers... 

The predicted visual magnitude will be 12.25, well within the range of 
amateur telescopes. It will be moving against the starry background at 
about 40 arcseconds per minute wh

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on New England Fireball of 12-29-08

2008-12-31 Thread Jerry Flaherty
Thanks Much Robert. Keep us in the loop. That's only 100+ miles from 
- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Woolard" 

Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 11:09 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Update on New England Fireball of 12-29-08


 Thanks to several of you who have emailed me with their appreciation for 
my previous postings on the two recent fireballs/possible falls. I 
appreciate you guys taking the time to do that.

 Here is PART of an update on the New England fireball. The map that 
accompanies the report can be seen by going to:


NEW ENGLAND FIREBALL: On Dec. 29th, around 9:30 pm EST, a blue-green 
fireball 100+ times brighter than Venus soared over New England and 
exploded colorfully in mid-air. Onlookers saw the flash from at least nine 
US states: eye-witness reports.

Dan Linek of North Bay Shore, New York, was one of the eye witnesses. 
Combining his own observations with those of others, he created a 
hand-drawn map of sightings and the probable location of the fireball when 
it exploded:

   ** ( see map at www.spaceweather.com )  *

If any fragments reached the ground, they might have landed in the western 
half of Linek's trapezoid. (The meteor was traveling east to west.)

Believe it or not, meteors like this are not rare--they are just rarely 
seen.  The New England fireball stands out because it hit a densely 
populated area only a few hours after sunset. It was bound to be seen.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update on New England Fireball of 12-29-08

2008-12-31 Thread Robert Woolard

  Thanks to several of you who have emailed me with their appreciation for my 
previous postings on the two recent fireballs/possible falls. I appreciate you 
guys taking the time to do that. 

  Here is PART of an update on the New England fireball. The map that 
accompanies the report can be seen by going to:


NEW ENGLAND FIREBALL: On Dec. 29th, around 9:30 pm EST, a blue-green fireball 
100+ times brighter than Venus soared over New England and exploded colorfully 
in mid-air. Onlookers saw the flash from at least nine US states: eye-witness 

Dan Linek of North Bay Shore, New York, was one of the eye witnesses. Combining 
his own observations with those of others, he created a hand-drawn map of 
sightings and the probable location of the fireball when it exploded:

** ( see map at www.spaceweather.com )  *

If any fragments reached the ground, they might have landed in the western half 
of Linek's trapezoid. (The meteor was traveling east to west.)

Believe it or not, meteors like this are not rare--they are just rarely seen.  
The New England fireball stands out because it hit a densely populated area 
only a few hours after sunset. It was bound to be seen.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Colorado fireball

2008-12-08 Thread mail
I had the privilege to map the geology of the north part of the Ft Carson base 
in 2002-2003. The area is very rugged, much like Glorieta, and is full of 
rocks. Not the best hunting grounds. I remember driving down one of the base 
roads in a remote area, and was ambushed by several men that were dressed like 
terrorists (masks, black clothing and machine guns). They thought I was part of 
the exercise. I explained who I was and we all had a laugh, but I nearly soiled 

The area north of the base is extremely rugged with a few thousand feet in 
elevation changes, very remote (don't get lost) and full of mountain lions. I 
am not trying to scare you away, but this is no walk in the park.

--Original Message--
To: Mike Miller
Cc: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Dec 8, 2008 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Colorado fireball

Hello Mike and List,

Fort Carson is a large and active military base, a lot of training there 
before deployment in Iraq. I doubt they would welcome visitors. But you could 
just west of the base along 115, mostly ranch land I believe.
Also a major winter storm is expected here today. It is gray cold and light 
drizzle in Denver right now, it could already be snowing there.
Sorry, I don't mean to be discouraging, but those are the facts.

Anne M. Black
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.

In a message dated 12/8/2008 12:25:03 PM Mountain Standard Time, 
When you say "Fort Carson Reservation" Is that a military base or an
Indian reservation?

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Chauncey Walden
> From that altitude and with the prevailing winds aloft, that should put it
> on the ground in the middle of the Fort Carson Reservation. Maybe we can get
> then to trail some magnets from the tanks;-)
> __
Mike Miller 230 Greenway Dr. Kingman Az 86401
**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Matt Morgan
Mile High Meteorites
P.O. Box 151293
Lakewood, CO 80215 USA
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Colorado fireball

2008-12-08 Thread Impactika
Hello Mike and List,

Fort Carson is a large and active military base, a lot of training there 
before deployment in Iraq. I doubt they would welcome visitors. But you could 
just west of the base along 115, mostly ranch land I believe.
Also a major winter storm is expected here today. It is gray cold and light 
drizzle in Denver right now, it could already be snowing there.
Sorry, I don't mean to be discouraging, but those are the facts.

Anne M. Black
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.

In a message dated 12/8/2008 12:25:03 PM Mountain Standard Time, 
When you say "Fort Carson Reservation" Is that a military base or an
Indian reservation?

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Chauncey Walden
> From that altitude and with the prevailing winds aloft, that should put it
> on the ground in the middle of the Fort Carson Reservation. Maybe we can get
> then to trail some magnets from the tanks;-)
> __
Mike Miller 230 Greenway Dr. Kingman Az 86401
**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Colorado fireball

2008-12-08 Thread Darren Garrison
On Mon, 8 Dec 2008 12:24:50 -0700, you wrote:

>When you say "Fort Carson Reservation" Is that a military base or an
>Indian reservation?

In my (granted, limited) experience, few Indians have tanks.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Colorado fireball

2008-12-08 Thread Mike Miller
When you say "Fort Carson Reservation" Is that a military base or an
Indian reservation?

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Chauncey Walden
> From that altitude and with the prevailing winds aloft, that should put it
> on the ground in the middle of the Fort Carson Reservation. Maybe we can get
> then to trail some magnets from the tanks;-)
> __
> http://www.meteoritecentral.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
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Mike Miller 230 Greenway Dr. Kingman Az 86401
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Colorado fireball

2008-12-08 Thread Chauncey Walden
From that altitude and with the prevailing winds aloft, that should put 
it on the ground in the middle of the Fort Carson Reservation. Maybe we 
can get then to trail some magnets from the tanks;-)

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update on Colorado fireball

2008-12-07 Thread Chris Peterson
I've posted more information about the Dec 6 fireball at 
http://www.cloudbait.com/science/fireball20081206.html in case anybody wants 
to start looking for pieces. Not the best ground to search, but better than 
the side of Pikes Peak, which was my first estimate.


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] update of Gao-Guenie website AD

2008-10-10 Thread PolandMET

Hello List
I have new specimens of Gao.

Few complete meteorites in size from 50g to 1kg
Two nice oriented specimens, include one with natural hole 

Anyone interested in lot of small Gao peas also can contact me.
Its really hard now to obtain anything larger than 100g, so my new Gao's are 
not the another of 1001 specimens.

visit http://www.GAO-GUENIE.com

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-
http://www.Meteoryty.pl marcin(at)meteoryty.pl
http://www.PolandMET.com   marcin(at)meteorite.pl
http://www.Gao-Guenie.com  GSM: +48 (793) kosmos
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] update

2008-05-19 Thread Jerry
I heartily agree with Mike on this. Learn a little patience Pete. Michael's 
been with the List a longtime doing a marvelous service for all of us. To 
say that he makes a special effort to provide this daily service for the 
List even under trying times only magnifies his dedication!!

Jerry Flaherty
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Bandli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Pete Shugar'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Met Bul'" 

Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] update

With all due respect, Pete, the tone of your email is very rude and an
'update' on your situation is unnecessary. Michael Johnson has provided us
all with a free service and to flame him on the list for simply not replying
to your emails is inappropriate. Put yourself in his shoes. He probably gets
dozens of requests and large image files a day and may not have time to
reply immediately (especially while moving). Typically, when I send him an
image, it gets posted to RFS within a couple weeks.

Have some patience, my friend. MJ is a good guy and doesn't deserve the

Kind regards,

Mike Bandli

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pete
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 7:56 AM
To: Met Bul
Subject: [meteorite-list] update

Update: Someone on the list said that he is moving so he can't answer his
Duh---He has time to post the rocks from space picture of the day every day
but no time to answer his email?

Greetings list,
Is it just me, or what?
How does one get a reply from Michael Johnson, rocksfromspace, guy?
I've sent about 5 over the past month or so only to get no reply to any of
Maybe I didn't get the secret handshake right when I joined IMCA so he won't
Whatever it is, I'd just like an answer to my email.
Pete IMCA 1733

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] update

2008-05-19 Thread Mike Bandli
With all due respect, Pete, the tone of your email is very rude and an
'update' on your situation is unnecessary. Michael Johnson has provided us
all with a free service and to flame him on the list for simply not replying
to your emails is inappropriate. Put yourself in his shoes. He probably gets
dozens of requests and large image files a day and may not have time to
reply immediately (especially while moving). Typically, when I send him an
image, it gets posted to RFS within a couple weeks.

Have some patience, my friend. MJ is a good guy and doesn't deserve the

Kind regards,
Mike Bandli 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pete
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 7:56 AM
To: Met Bul
Subject: [meteorite-list] update

Update: Someone on the list said that he is moving so he can't answer his 
Duh---He has time to post the rocks from space picture of the day every day 
but no time to answer his email?

Greetings list,
Is it just me, or what?
How does one get a reply from Michael Johnson, rocksfromspace, guy?
I've sent about 5 over the past month or so only to get no reply to any of
Maybe I didn't get the secret handshake right when I joined IMCA so he won't
Whatever it is, I'd just like an answer to my email.
Pete IMCA 1733

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] update

2008-05-19 Thread Pete Shugar
Update: Someone on the list said that he is moving so he can't answer his 
Duh---He has time to post the rocks from space picture of the day every day 
but no time to answer his email?

Greetings list,
Is it just me, or what?
How does one get a reply from Michael Johnson, rocksfromspace, guy?
I've sent about 5 over the past month or so only to get no reply to any of
Maybe I didn't get the secret handshake right when I joined IMCA so he won't
Whatever it is, I'd just like an answer to my email.
Pete IMCA 1733

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on suspected fireball !

2008-04-13 Thread wahlperry

Hi Bob,
Good question! I could check the suspected fall day with with the moon 
cycle. Also another question to ask the second witness.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Loeffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:28 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on suspected fireball !

Hi Sonny,

If it occurred at night, how could they see the impact's dust cloud 6 
or 7

miles away? Was there a full moon that night?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 10:41 AM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Update on suspected fireball !

Hi all,

I have had a chance to get a little more information on a reported
fireball. The suspected fire ball was seen coming across the valley and
hit into a hillside,witnessed by two guys herding cattle at night. The
fireball broke up twice before hitting the hillside and appeared to
burn out before hitting . The large dust cloud appeared within a few
seconds on the hillside. The dust cloud was around 6-7 miles from their
location. They were not able to ride to the hillside until the
following day. They went to the general location but found nothing. I
have received some great emails regarding this fireball. A few things
list members suggest I ask the witnesses; Did the fireball explode and
any sounds heard? appear to burn out or continue to burn upon impact?
was it witnessed from different locations? The one witness heard no
sound or explosion from the fireball, but saw the dust cloud and
fireball go down below the horizon on his side of the ridge. I have not
been able to contact the second witness yet. I'm working on contacting
him and going to the location. If a meteorite hit in the area, how many
people would know what to look for? It could have buried itself, or
broke up into many pieces! On the other hand, it could be miles from
the location. It might be a waste of time looking, but may be
worthwhile to check out a new area and maybe find something.



Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on suspected fireball !

2008-04-13 Thread David Hardy
The impact was only "a few seconds" after burning out?  Unless it burned out a 
couple hundred feet up, it would take longer than that.  If it was 20-30 
thousand feet up, you are looking at a couple of minutes free fall at a 

Just a thought,

David H.

- Original Message 
From: Bob Loeffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 2:28:50 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Update on suspected fireball !

Hi Sonny,

If it occurred at night, how could they see the impact's dust cloud 6 or 7
miles away?  Was there a full moon that night?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 10:41 AM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Update on suspected fireball !

Hi all,

I have had a chance to get a little more information on a reported 
fireball. The suspected fire ball was seen coming across the valley and 
hit into a hillside,witnessed by two guys herding cattle at night. The 
fireball broke up twice before hitting the hillside and appeared to 
burn out before hitting . The large dust cloud appeared within a few 
seconds on the hillside. The dust cloud was around 6-7 miles from their 
location. They were not able to ride to the hillside until the 
following day. They went to the general location but found nothing. I 
have received some great emails regarding this fireball. A few things 
list members suggest I ask the witnesses; Did the fireball explode and 
any sounds heard? appear to burn out or continue to burn upon impact? 
was it witnessed from different locations? The one witness heard no 
sound or explosion from the fireball, but saw the dust cloud and 
fireball go down below the horizon on his side of the ridge. I have not 
been able to contact the second witness yet. I'm working on contacting 
him and going to the location. If a meteorite hit in the area, how many 
people would know what to look for? It could have buried itself, or 
broke up into many pieces! On the other hand, it could be miles from 
the location. It might be a waste of time looking, but may be 
worthwhile to check out a new area and maybe find something.



Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on suspected fireball !

2008-04-13 Thread Bob Loeffler
Hi Sonny,

If it occurred at night, how could they see the impact's dust cloud 6 or 7
miles away?  Was there a full moon that night?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 10:41 AM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Update on suspected fireball !

Hi all,

I have had a chance to get a little more information on a reported 
fireball. The suspected fire ball was seen coming across the valley and 
hit into a hillside,witnessed by two guys herding cattle at night. The 
fireball broke up twice before hitting the hillside and appeared to 
burn out before hitting . The large dust cloud appeared within a few 
seconds on the hillside. The dust cloud was around 6-7 miles from their 
location. They were not able to ride to the hillside until the 
following day. They went to the general location but found nothing. I 
have received some great emails regarding this fireball. A few things 
list members suggest I ask the witnesses; Did the fireball explode and 
any sounds heard? appear to burn out or continue to burn upon impact? 
was it witnessed from different locations? The one witness heard no 
sound or explosion from the fireball, but saw the dust cloud and 
fireball go down below the horizon on his side of the ridge. I have not 
been able to contact the second witness yet. I'm working on contacting 
him and going to the location. If a meteorite hit in the area, how many 
people would know what to look for? It could have buried itself, or 
broke up into many pieces! On the other hand, it could be miles from 
the location. It might be a waste of time looking, but may be 
worthwhile to check out a new area and maybe find something.



Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update on suspected fireball !

2008-04-13 Thread wahlperry

Hi all,

I have had a chance to get a little more information on a reported 
fireball. The suspected fire ball was seen coming across the valley and 
hit into a hillside,witnessed by two guys herding cattle at night. The 
fireball broke up twice before hitting the hillside and appeared to 
burn out before hitting . The large dust cloud appeared within a few 
seconds on the hillside. The dust cloud was around 6-7 miles from their 
location. They were not able to ride to the hillside until the 
following day. They went to the general location but found nothing. I 
have received some great emails regarding this fireball. A few things 
list members suggest I ask the witnesses; Did the fireball explode and 
any sounds heard? appear to burn out or continue to burn upon impact? 
was it witnessed from different locations? The one witness heard no 
sound or explosion from the fireball, but saw the dust cloud and 
fireball go down below the horizon on his side of the ridge. I have not 
been able to contact the second witness yet. I'm working on contacting 
him and going to the location. If a meteorite hit in the area, how many 
people would know what to look for? It could have buried itself, or 
broke up into many pieces! On the other hand, it could be miles from 
the location. It might be a waste of time looking, but may be 
worthwhile to check out a new area and maybe find something.



Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] update on website

2007-05-12 Thread Floyd \"Griff\" Griffith

What an impressive Gao collection. Nice job and thanks for sharing.
Best to you,
Floyd "Griff" Griffith
Parker, Colo.

- Original Message - 
From: "steve arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 3:29 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] update on website

Good afternoon list.I hope you all are doing well.I
also hope many of you are donating money and material
to the greensburg relief.I just wanted to let you all
know that I now have a complete GAO meteorite
website.I added a new web page to my site with 1.76
kilo's of new GAO specimens.My newest piece and
biggest is 1.008 kilo's.I also added a 475 gram piece
originally from the BOB HAAG collection with card and
receipt.My TKW now of gao's in my collection is now,
7.2 kilo's.And as always,I am always happily to look
and get more gao pieces.Let me know what you
think,view at your liesure and do not forget to sign
my guest book.And please,no profanity or personal put
downs.I hope all have a great day and to all you mom's
on this list.a very happy mothers day.

steve arnold,chicago,the gao king

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
 Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
 in Gao Meteorites!
 Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] update on website

2007-05-12 Thread steve arnold
Good afternoon list.I hope you all are doing well.I
also hope many of you are donating money and material
to the greensburg relief.I just wanted to let you all
know that I now have a complete GAO meteorite
website.I added a new web page to my site with 1.76
kilo's of new GAO specimens.My newest piece and
biggest is 1.008 kilo's.I also added a 475 gram piece
originally from the BOB HAAG collection with card and
receipt.My TKW now of gao's in my collection is now,
7.2 kilo's.And as always,I am always happily to look
and get more gao pieces.Let me know what you
think,view at your liesure and do not forget to sign
my guest book.And please,no profanity or personal put
downs.I hope all have a great day and to all you mom's
on this list.a very happy mothers day.

steve arnold,chicago,the gao king

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
  Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
  in Gao Meteorites!
  Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites


TV dinner still cooling? 
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] update to my web site sale//ad//

2007-03-08 Thread Mike Miller
Hello everyone we have been updating some aspects of my website
including the sales page, and ordering information. These are some of
the recent additions, Gibeon, Henbury large thin etched slices. Some
very large Brenham siderite slices and some very rare etched end cuts
of the Glorieta Mountain siderite. There will be more to follow in a
couple weeks or so.
I would also like to take this opportunity to let you all know that I
do offer a layaway plan if you would like to pay for a piece over
several payments instead of all at once, just let me know and we can
set up a plan.
Here is a link to my site   http://www.meteoritefinder.com/sale.htm

Mike Miller Po Box 314 Gerber Ca 96035

Mike Miller Po Box 314 Gerber Ca 96035
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update on Iris Lang

2007-03-05 Thread Notkin
Dear Listees:

A number of you have emailed me to ask how Iris Lang is doing. I spoke 
with her today by telephone and her spirits are improved. She is still 
convalescing in Florida.

Iris suffered congenital heart failure. She is taking a blood thinner 
and is under orders from her doctors to take it easy, but she is able 
to get around. She has friends and family nearby and she sounded 
considerably better than a couple of weeks ago.

She sends her thanks to the many members of the meteorite community who 
took the time to mail her get well cards and flowers. If anyone else 
wishes to send her a note or card, please email me off-List for her 
mailing address.

It was very kind of so many of you to write to her.

Best wishes,

Geoff N.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Update; Muonionalusta homepage

2007-02-22 Thread Thomas Österberg
Dear members of the Meteorite-list,

Would like to inform you about a recent update of our web-site: 

We have added some newly taken pictures from recent finds (summer 2006), 
including two large individuals. Inquiries are welcome! 

Have fun!

Thomas Osterberg, Daniel Svensson

Meteorite-list mailing list

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