Hi Norbert,

you're not telling the truth :-)
Once I took a shale piece from you and when I cut it,
a tiny elongated grain of pure metal appeared, 3mm long, less then half a mm
wide. First I thought, what for a poor quality blade I had, that parts of it
got loose, but when I grinded the cut surface, it turned out to belong to
the shale ball.


PS: who falls for a spam mail for the hundredth time. Gosh "Corel Draw"
sounds to me like a typical American meteorite name...seigh.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von ROCKS ON
Gesendet: Freitag, 19. Mai 2006 02:12
An: Steve Arnold, Chicago!!
Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] wolf creek meteorite

Hello, List and Steve,

VERY small pieces, penny size and smaller, have been collected from 
smashed large shale balls (about 25 kg+). And apparently the Washington 
US Nat. Museum has got a 62g piece of unaltered Wolfe Creek iron among 
its 350 kg total.
That is all what I am aware.
A friend of mine has got a very small thin slice of Wolf Creek iron. 
Here is a metallurgical microscope picture of it:
I have never come across any unaltered iron from Wolfe Creek here in 
However, there are rumors that some fragments of unaltered iron have 
been found on the surface, approx. 8 km SW of the crater.

I would not bet my 2 Ozzie cents on this.

Best regards from DOWN-UNDER,

Norbert & Heike Kammel
       IMCA #3420
www.rocksonfire.com <http://www.rocksonfire.com>





Steve Arnold, Chicago!! wrote:
> Good evening list.I have noticed since I have been collecting meteorites,I
> have never seen the metal version of wolf creek meteorite.All I have seen
> is the shale balls kind of meteorite.Did any metal version pop up ever?I
> am not looking for any,I just need a question answerd.Any help will be
> helpful.
>                                  steve arnold,chicago,usa!
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
> Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
> website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
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