Hi Everyone,

this is really fantastic!
Great job Ruben Jr.!!
Way to go!!

Great hunting!
and keep up the finds!

Best wishes, Moni

From: Ruben Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Three weekends,Three strewn feilds....... Some really cool Space Rocks!!
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 21:10:47 -0700 (PDT)

Hi All,

Holbrook, Glorieta and Red Lake(OK technically Red
Lake probably isn't much of a strewn field but you get
the picture.)

A few weekends ago I hunted Holbrook with some good
friends and great hunters, John Blennart, Bill
Southern, and Earl Hammond. We did O.K. and found some
cool little extra terrestrial stones.

Here's a link to some pictures of that hunt.

Then last weekend on a spur of the moment jaunt up to
Glorieta. Stan Wall, Earl Hammond, Jim Kriegh and
Myself picked up a few Pallasites and Siderites!

Here's a link to some pictures of that hunt.

This weekend I was supposed to head up to Kingman Az.
where I was going to spend most of the day buying, and
trading meteorites with a friend. I finished up early
so I decided to hit Red Lake. When I got there I
thought I'd do something different and hunt an area I
had never hit. A spot where as far as I know no
meteorites have been found. To my surprise within 3
hours we found 3 meteorites! I had found two and my
son found one.

Here's a link to some pictures of that hunt.

I think next week I'm gonna buy a lottery
ticket......couldn't hurt right?

Ruben Garcia

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