Re: Fw: [meteorite-list] Where Did The Moon Come From?

2003-07-10 Thread Mark Jackson
Tom and Marcia,

With all due respect for your opinions:

I'm sorry guys but . . . to think that any entity capable of creating this completely vast universe could have the slightest interest in this little dustball we live on; much less the concerns and cares of the six billion tiny virus spores (that's us) living on it, is so utterly ludicrous to me as to make me want to scream.

The ruler of the cosmos is chaos. Chaos is not evil; it's not necesarily disorder or disarray. Chaos can also be order. Chaos is the unknowable future. It's in charge of the planet killing asteroid that will extinct us tomorrow or the next day. It's happened six times on this planet already. It will happen again. To us.

I am very comfortable withthis opinion as I'm sure you are with yours. Peace to you and all my fellow virus spores.
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RE: Fw: [meteorite-list] Where Did The Moon Come From?

2003-07-10 Thread mark ford

Indeed, You have to ask yourself why would
an entity create a universe (especially given the colossal amount
of mass/energy/planning required), and why it would have any interest to the entity
whether any of its inhabitants drink alcohol or dont go to
church?  its just an insane concept.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Jackson
Sent: 10 July 2003 11:41
To: Marcia Swanson;
Subject: Re: Fw: [meteorite-list]
Where Did The Moon Come From?

Tom and Marcia,

With all due respect for
your opinions:

I'm sorry guys but . . .
to think that any entity capable of creating this completely vast universe
could have the slightest interest in this little dustball we live on; much less
the concerns and cares of the six billion tiny virus spores (that's us) living
on it, is so utterly ludicrous to me as to make me want to scream.

The ruler of the cosmos
is chaos. Chaos is not evil; it's not necesarily disorder or disarray. Chaos
can also be order. Chaos is the unknowable future. It's in charge of the planet
killing asteroid that will extinct us tomorrow or the next day. It's happened
six times on this planet already. It will happen again. To us.

I am very comfortable
withthis opinion as I'm sure you are with yours. Peace to you and all my
fellow virus spores.

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calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

RE: Fw: [meteorite-list] Where Did The Moon Come From?

2003-07-10 Thread Marcia Swanson
Dear Mark J., Mark F., and List,
I am answering a question with sincere intentions. For the faint of
heart, and all those on the list who feel this is inappropriate, please
push the delete button right NOW ! You have been dutifully warned !! I
have no wish to offend anyone, or convert anyone against their will, to
my way of thinking. Any further comments on the subject to me, please do
off-list, as we have the band-width situation. Thank-You, Marcie

If it were against our nature as humans to not tackle to improve
(inventions), or understand (research:eg. Mars probes) what is not yet
knowable, we would till be living in caves and using our appendixes to
flter out the stones, in our food, and on a personal level...forget
meteorite collecting, we'd be quivering in our caves in fear, not
collecting and trying to understand why, where, ect. ! In modern human
Society, if instructions and directions were not a neccessary tool in
life, they wouldn't put expiration dates, poison alerts, how-to put it
together papers in packages. We wouldn't instruct our children, and back
it up with rules, on what  the can and can't do to stay alive, whats
right, whats wrong. Why do we do it?
Love? A lot of people don't believe in that either and say it's an
insane concept, but we keep doing it . Look back in time, before all the
marvels of technology. All the things that if they had been left
unquestioned and uninvented because everybody said, they were insane
concepts, that could never be realized, which puts us back in caves,
munching on rocks again (and no air-conditioning!) 
The Bible says, We were created in His image. Think about that. Then
He proceeded to finish creating  a whole universe. Something beyond our
nowtimes human comprehension, but that doesn't mean that it couldn't
have happened that way.  Obviously our Creator was evolved above our
level of understanding, but passed along, with our existance, a trait
that has enabled us to evolve to where we are now
in understanding and technology. Are you really that sure, that we are
the only live civilization in time, and the universe!? Or that we are
the most advanced? If so, why are we seeking beyond our world for life
on other planets!? When you create something, you love what you did (
it was good), to make sure it stayed in existence there has to be
rules for continuum. We were given all that, and with it  Free Choice.
Bottom line is.. It's up to you, what to believe. Your choice. It's
an entitlement. Use it, or discard it, as you will. I can and have only
told you what your questions asked, as far as what my own comprehension
and belief dictate.
Not my job to Judge. Regards, Marcie


Indeed, You have to ask yourself why would
an entity create a universe (especially given the colossal amount
of mass/energy/planning required), and why it would have any interest to the entity
whether any of its inhabitants drink alcohol or dont go to
church?  its just an insane concept.

-Original Message-
From: Mark Jackson
Sent: 10 July 2003 11:41
To: Marcia Swanson;
Subject: Re: Fw: [meteorite-list]
Where Did The Moon Come From?

Tom and Marcia,

With all due respect for
your opinions:

I'm sorry guys but . . .
to think that any entity capable of creating this completely vast universe
could have the slightest interest in this little dustball we live on; much less
the concerns and cares of the six billion tiny virus spores (that's us) living
on it, is so utterly ludicrous to me as to make me want to scream.

The ruler of the cosmos
is chaos. Chaos is not evil; it's not necesarily disorder or disarray. Chaos
can also be order. Chaos is the unknowable future. It's in charge of the planet
killing asteroid that will extinct us tomorrow or the next day. It's happened
six times on this planet already. It will happen again. To us.

I am very comfortable
withthis opinion as I'm sure you are with yours. Peace to you and all my
fellow virus spores.

Do you Yahoo!?
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calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

---End Message---

Re: Fw: [meteorite-list] Where Did The Moon Come From?

2003-07-09 Thread Pekka Savolainen
Well, Einstein said, God doesn´t roll dices, Hawking makes the
whole creator questonable.
Anyway, the creator should have had  some knowledge in physichs,
if the speed of the moon would have been over 11,2 km:s / sec, it
would be now somewhere else...;-
The philosophic point in all of this is, when I think my everyday
problems,  the  small voice says, what problems? ;-
take care,


Tom aka James Knudson wrote:

Hello List, Boy this is neat, just think, a giant asteroid struck the
sent  debris into space and it formed our Moon. Not only that, it formed
perfect distance from the earth (by chance) to perfectly block out the sun
during an eclipse... 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: Fw: [meteorite-list] Where Did The Moon Come From?

2003-07-09 Thread Howard Wu
As I recall from the discovery channel the moon had orbited alot closer to the earth and has been drifting further away overtime. So he/she put us here just in time to see annular and total eclipes. In another billion years it would be to late.

Howard WuPekka Savolainen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, Einstein said, God doesn´t roll dices, Hawking makes thewhole creator questonable.Anyway, the creator should have had some knowledge in physichs,if the speed of the moon would have been over 11,2 km:s / sec, itwould be now somewhere else...;-The philosophic point in all of this is, when I think my everyday"problems", the small voice says, what problems? ;-take care,pekkaTom aka James Knudson wrote: Hello List, Boy this is neat, just think, a giant asteroid struck theearth, sent debris into space and it formed our Moon. Not only that, it formedthe perfect distance from the earth (by chance) to perfectly block out the sun during an eclipse... __Meteorite-list mailing
 list[EMAIL PROTECTED] to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo!

Re: Fw: [meteorite-list] Where Did The Moon Come From?

2003-07-09 Thread Marcia Swanson
On Wed., July 9th, Tom wrote..Hey! Don't you think it would be cool
if that happenned?

Right Tom.. and it all makes PERFECT sense!
That just about says it all. Wouldn't it be ridiculous for mankind to
take billions of years, only to have to concede the fact that this all,
could not have happenned by accident? That everything is just too
precise, and specifically balanced to have been a coincidence, that it
cannot be scientifically explained any other way, then to acknowledge
the existance of The Creator? Probably not Politically correct to bring
this up on-list, but I stand with you on this Tom, right out in the
open..where it started and will ultimately end. It does pertain
to the heavens and the firmaments, so as we are all entitled to our
opinions on this, I believe we are within our list- boundaries also.
Bravo Tom. Highest Regards, Marcie

 Hello List, Boy this is neat, just think, a giant asteroid struck the
 sent  debris into space and it formed our Moon. Not only that, it formed
 perfect distance from the earth (by chance) to perfectly block out the sun
 during an eclipse. What are the odds of that? Any closer or further, it
 would not work. If the moon was not it's exact size and distance, the moon
 just would not do what it does and the earth would be in great trouble. The
 odds of this all working right are about the same as another theory,
 The odds of these two theories working just blows my mind It almost
 seems like someone had to plan this all out. Can you imagine, someone with
a great mind Creating the universe and all that's in it.  Maybe like;  In
 beginning someone created the heavens and the earth.  And the earth was
 formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the
 Spirit of the someone was moving over the surface of the waters.  And then
 that someone said, Let there be light; and there was light.  And this
 someone saw the light, that it was good: and he divided the light from the
 darkness. And he called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.
And the evening and the morning were the first day.
   And He said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let
it divide the waters from the waters.
And he made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the
 firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
And he called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were
the second day.
And he said, Let the waters under the Heaven be gathered together unto
 one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
  And he called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters
 called he Seas: and he saw that it was good.
   And he said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and
 the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon
 the earth: and it was so.
   And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind,
 and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and
 he saw that it was good.
And the evening and the morning were the third day.
   And he said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide
 the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for
 days, and years:
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light
 upon the earth: and it was so.
And he made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the
 lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
   And he set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the
 earth,And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the
light from the darkness: and he saw that it was good.

 Hey, don't you think it would be cool if that happened, Oh wait, I think it
 did and we call Him God

 Thanks, Tom
 The proudest member of the IMCA 6168

- Original Message -
 From: Ron Baalke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Meteorite Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 10:30 AM
 Subject: [meteorite-list] Where Did The Moon Come From?
  Where did the Moon come from?
  Katie Pennicott
  Physics Web
  3 July 2003
  Astronomers believe that the Moon was formed when a Mars-sized body
  smashed into the Earth, ejecting matter into orbit and lengthening our
 to its
  present value of 24 hours. Until recently, however, estimates of much of
  Moon is impactor material that came from this impactor object, as
  to the Earth, have varied wildly - from 1 to 90%. Now, by comparing the
  compositions of lunar and terrestrial rock samples, astronomers in
  have calculated that no more than two-thirds of the Moon is impactor
  material. Moreover, they estimate that the Moon must be at least 4.5
  years old (C Munker et al 2003 Science 301 84).