Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery

2010-12-01 Thread Steve Dunklee
I am hoping the announcement will be evidence of life off earth since I believe 
it is likely. But after having thanksgiving dinner in League City near Houston 
nasa and no gossip from the engineers I doubt anything awesome. Only time will 

On Wed Dec 1st, 2010 3:10 PM EST Meteorites USA wrote:

>I don't think it will be a disclaimer, though they might say something, it's 
>highly doubtful they'd put together a panel of distinguished scientists to 
>discount the likes of delusional people. You wouldn't need 5 
>scientists/astrobiologists. A NASA spokesperson would suffice for something 
>like that..
>In an earlier list post Richard Kowalski mentioned that it could be anything. 
>As well it could be... NASA says " discuss an astrobiology *finding* that 
>will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life..." That could 
>mean lots of different things. It could impact it in a "negative" way. They 
>could have found a new element which destroys life and makes it impossible for 
>life to survive in space. In fact this doesn't say anything about space, 
>except for the connection we're automatically drawing with astrobiology.
>So what is it...? Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow.
>Could be it an historic discovery? Or maybe I'm just hoping really hard...;) 
>It could be something not so grand as a fossil in a meteorite. Perhaps another 
>amino acid, or a newly discovered deepwater plankton which can survive in 
>space too. Who knows...
>I'll keep on hoping for aliens in rocks from space.
>On 12/1/2010 7:14 AM, Steve Dunklee wrote.."
>> Has it occured to anyone the announcement might be a disclaimer stating no 
>> clear evidence of microbial life has been found? That the suspected fossils 
>> were actually caused by solar radiation or some other geological process 
>> which simulates fossils? I guess we will find out on the 2nd. Have a great 
>> day. Steve Dunklee.
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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery

2010-12-01 Thread Sakari Nummila
> So what is it...? Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow.

You don't have to wait, just read this:

Best wishes Sakari Nummila

Sakari Nummila
Tahdet ja avaruus -journal
Ursa Astronomical Association
Address: Humalistonkatu 1
FIN-00250 Helsinki
Tel.: (09) 4368 4004
Cellular phone: (+358) 443756068
Business ID 0221689-2
VAT reg.
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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery

2010-12-01 Thread Meteorites USA
I don't think it will be a disclaimer, though they might say something, 
it's highly doubtful they'd put together a panel of distinguished 
scientists to discount the likes of delusional people. You wouldn't need 
5 scientists/astrobiologists. A NASA spokesperson would suffice for 
something like that..

In an earlier list post Richard Kowalski mentioned that it could be 
anything. As well it could be... NASA says " discuss an 
astrobiology *finding* that will impact the search for evidence of 
extraterrestrial life..." That could mean lots of different things. It 
could impact it in a "negative" way. They could have found a new element 
which destroys life and makes it impossible for life to survive in 
space. In fact this doesn't say anything about space, except for the 
connection we're automatically drawing with astrobiology.

So what is it...? Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Could be it an historic discovery? Or maybe I'm just hoping really 
hard...;) It could be something not so grand as a fossil in a meteorite. 
Perhaps another amino acid, or a newly discovered deepwater plankton 
which can survive in space too. Who knows...

I'll keep on hoping for aliens in rocks from space.


On 12/1/2010 7:14 AM, Steve Dunklee wrote.."

Has it occured to anyone the announcement might be a disclaimer stating no 
clear evidence of microbial life has been found? That the suspected fossils 
were actually caused by solar radiation or some other geological process which 
simulates fossils? I guess we will find out on the 2nd. Have a great day. Steve 

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-12-01 Thread Steve Dunklee
Has it occured to anyone the announcement might be a disclaimer stating no 
clear evidence of microbial life has been found? That the suspected fossils 
were actually caused by solar radiation or some other geological process which 
simulates fossils? I guess we will find out on the 2nd. Have a great day. Steve 

On Mon Nov 29th, 2010 6:41 PM EST Adam Hupe wrote:

>Many believe that extraterrestrial proof of life will come this year by way of 
>Martian Nahklite meteorites. 
>Maybe NASA is getting the jump on all of the recent posers who are making 
>similar claims.
>Happy Hunting,
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>Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-11-29 Thread Richard Kowalski
I wouldn't get one's hopes up too much. If life was found I would expect more 
high level people involved.

Note the first paragraph:

"NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss 
an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of 
extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, 
distribution and future of life in the universe. "

Specifically 'will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life' 
with "search" being the word that stands out to me.

Astrobiology covers many disciplines including physics, chemistry, astronomy, 
biology, molecular biology, ecology, planetary science, geography and geology. 
This announcement could involve any one of more than one of these.

While I still think the announcement will be of an interesting finding, I 
suspect anyone expecting the announcement that fossils were found in a 
meteorite, or anywhere else, will be sorely disappointed.

"Embargoed details" is not suspicious in the least. It is a common term used to 
say that information will not, or should not be released by those involved 
until official publication. In this case publication will no doubt occur 
coincident with the press conference.

Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery

2010-11-29 Thread Jim Strope

Sales of my remaining specimens of NWA 998 have been suspended until further 

Jim Strope 
421 Fourth Street 
Glen Dale, WV  26038 

It must have leaked out that NWA 998 is the most fossil-rich meteorite ever 
found or perhaps they found some more in other Nahklites. 

It will be interesting to hear what the big boys have to say. 

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-11-29 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi Richard, List,

The strong wording "Astrobiology Discovery" and "...Science Journal Has 
Embargoed Details Until 2 p.m. EST On Dec. 2..."

And: "...It will be broadcast live on NASA Television and streamed on 
the agency's website at";

Is very, very curious and exciting... I'm trying hard not to get too 
excited. ;)

Anyone got any ideas...?


On 11/29/2010 3:37 PM, Richard Kowalski wrote:

An important clue is the word "finding".

Should be an interesting conference.

Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-11-29 Thread Meteorites USA article:

On 11/29/2010 3:44 PM, Thunder Stone wrote:

Forget the Moon... Now we must go to MARS

Greg S.


Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 15:56:09 -0700
Subject: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery 
(Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

Not sure what this is all about but it seems appropriate to post considering the 
"ET" talk here today.


NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery

On 29 Nov 2010, at 15:50, Meteorites USA wrote:


What worries me about things like this is that when/if scientists actually do 
find proof of extraterrestrial life in meteorites, stories like this will 
dilute the fantastic nature of such a discovery...!


On 11/29/2010 9:20 AM, JoshuaTreeMuseum wrote:

The press conference is tomorrow. This could be as big as Roswell! I can't wait:

Will Proof of Extraterrestrial Life Be Revealed at a Ramada Inn?
Larry Knowles
AOL News
(Nov. 29) -- A Michigan man claiming to possess an ice meteorite rich in 
extraterrestrial organisms will announce in a news conference Tuesday that 
alien life, at long last, has been found. The announcement will take place at a 
Ramada Inn in South Haven, Mich.

"I prayed for Jesus to send me an ice meteorite, because I knew it would be quite 
valuable," Duane P. Snyder, 65, said of the chunk of ice he found on a South Haven 
roadway in 2000.

Valuable indeed. For centuries, humankind has sought confirmation that it isn't 
alone in the universe. If Snyder's claim is accurate, the South Haven resident 
will be catapulted to worldwide fame, and the Ramada Inn, 50 miles west of 
Kalamazoo, will likely become an iconic landmark for the human race.

Duane P. Snyder
E.T. may phone home -- from a Ramada Inn in South Haven, Mich. The red object 
above was found embedded in a chunk of ice in 2000. The owner of the chunk, 
Duane P. Snyder, believes the squiggle is an alien life form and will discuss 
his finding at the Ramada Inn this week.
In March 2000, Snyder noticed several chunks of ice on the road near his home. 
Since it hadn't snowed for weeks, he deduced that the ice must have been an ice 
meteorite. After gathering up a few pieces and stashing them in his freezer, he 
spent the next 10 years trying to convince scientists to analyze the frozen 

However, Snyder received little interest from the scientific community, and in 
September, he paid to have chemical analyses performed by two commercial 
laboratories. What the labs found -- that samples contained particles with 
unique molecular structures -- convinced Snyder that he indeed had in his 
possession alien life forms.

He has set up a website,, where people can purchase the lab reports and photos of the 
particles. He's given the particles descriptive names, such as "Red Watani Worm," "Six Legged 
Life Form" and "Clear Snakelike Life Form."

In a phone interview with AOL News, Snyder emphasized that more rigorous 
analysis is needed to determine just what sort of alien life form he has, 
adding that the prohibitive cost has so far prevented him from getting tests 

"I'm hoping some scientist calls and says, 'Hey, Duane, I'll do it for you,'" 
Snyder said.

Last week, Snyder took strides toward getting that call. He issued a press release, under 
the headline "Ice Meteorite Found With Extraterrestrial Life-Forms," in which 
he announced Tuesday's news conference.

The release received worldwide distribution and, according to Snyder, media 
outlets from Germany, Mexico and Sweden plan to cover the story.

All the attention means that, for a brief moment, the Ramada Inn in South Haven 
will be at the center of the world -- or, in this case, universe. And that has 
the staff at the Ramada Inn slightly anxious.

"We haven't had a chance to speak with Mr. Snyder," Saima Farrukh, director of operations 
for the Ramada Inn in South Haven, told AOL News. "And we're all kind of curious to know what 
kind of life form he has."
Farrukh added that the press release only piqued her curiosity.

"It didn't give a lot of info," she said, "so I was going through my chemistry book 
to find out what the terms mean."

Snyder, a former Air Force mechanic and self-described inventor, spent a good 
portion of his life looking for meteorites before stumbling on his momentous 
block of ice.

"I'd been hunting meteorites for a long time," he said, "and I kept finding 
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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-11-29 Thread Meteorites USA

Already on the way Greg!


On 11/29/2010 3:44 PM, Thunder Stone wrote:

Forget the Moon... Now we must go to MARS

Greg S.


Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 15:56:09 -0700
Subject: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery 
(Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

Not sure what this is all about but it seems appropriate to post considering the 
"ET" talk here today.


NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery

On 29 Nov 2010, at 15:50, Meteorites USA wrote:


What worries me about things like this is that when/if scientists actually do 
find proof of extraterrestrial life in meteorites, stories like this will 
dilute the fantastic nature of such a discovery...!


On 11/29/2010 9:20 AM, JoshuaTreeMuseum wrote:

The press conference is tomorrow. This could be as big as Roswell! I can't wait:

Will Proof of Extraterrestrial Life Be Revealed at a Ramada Inn?
Larry Knowles
AOL News
(Nov. 29) -- A Michigan man claiming to possess an ice meteorite rich in 
extraterrestrial organisms will announce in a news conference Tuesday that 
alien life, at long last, has been found. The announcement will take place at a 
Ramada Inn in South Haven, Mich.

"I prayed for Jesus to send me an ice meteorite, because I knew it would be quite 
valuable," Duane P. Snyder, 65, said of the chunk of ice he found on a South Haven 
roadway in 2000.

Valuable indeed. For centuries, humankind has sought confirmation that it isn't 
alone in the universe. If Snyder's claim is accurate, the South Haven resident 
will be catapulted to worldwide fame, and the Ramada Inn, 50 miles west of 
Kalamazoo, will likely become an iconic landmark for the human race.

Duane P. Snyder
E.T. may phone home -- from a Ramada Inn in South Haven, Mich. The red object 
above was found embedded in a chunk of ice in 2000. The owner of the chunk, 
Duane P. Snyder, believes the squiggle is an alien life form and will discuss 
his finding at the Ramada Inn this week.
In March 2000, Snyder noticed several chunks of ice on the road near his home. 
Since it hadn't snowed for weeks, he deduced that the ice must have been an ice 
meteorite. After gathering up a few pieces and stashing them in his freezer, he 
spent the next 10 years trying to convince scientists to analyze the frozen 

However, Snyder received little interest from the scientific community, and in 
September, he paid to have chemical analyses performed by two commercial 
laboratories. What the labs found -- that samples contained particles with 
unique molecular structures -- convinced Snyder that he indeed had in his 
possession alien life forms.

He has set up a website,, where people can purchase the lab reports and photos of the 
particles. He's given the particles descriptive names, such as "Red Watani Worm," "Six Legged 
Life Form" and "Clear Snakelike Life Form."

In a phone interview with AOL News, Snyder emphasized that more rigorous 
analysis is needed to determine just what sort of alien life form he has, 
adding that the prohibitive cost has so far prevented him from getting tests 

"I'm hoping some scientist calls and says, 'Hey, Duane, I'll do it for you,'" 
Snyder said.

Last week, Snyder took strides toward getting that call. He issued a press release, under 
the headline "Ice Meteorite Found With Extraterrestrial Life-Forms," in which 
he announced Tuesday's news conference.

The release received worldwide distribution and, according to Snyder, media 
outlets from Germany, Mexico and Sweden plan to cover the story.

All the attention means that, for a brief moment, the Ramada Inn in South Haven 
will be at the center of the world -- or, in this case, universe. And that has 
the staff at the Ramada Inn slightly anxious.

"We haven't had a chance to speak with Mr. Snyder," Saima Farrukh, director of operations 
for the Ramada Inn in South Haven, told AOL News. "And we're all kind of curious to know what 
kind of life form he has."
Farrukh added that the press release only piqued her curiosity.

"It didn't give a lot of info," she said, "so I was going through my chemistry book 
to find out what the terms mean."

Snyder, a former Air Force mechanic and self-described inventor, spent a good 
portion of his life looking for meteorites before stumbling on his momentous 
block of ice.

"I'd been hunting meteorites for a long time," he said, "and I kept finding 
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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-11-29 Thread Thunder Stone

Forget the Moon... Now we must go to MARS

Greg S.

> From:
> Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 15:56:09 -0700
> To:
> Subject: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery 
> (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)
> Not sure what this is all about but it seems appropriate to post considering 
> the "ET" talk here today.
> patrick
> NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery
> On 29 Nov 2010, at 15:50, Meteorites USA wrote:
> > What worries me about things like this is that when/if scientists actually 
> > do find proof of extraterrestrial life in meteorites, stories like this 
> > will dilute the fantastic nature of such a discovery...!
> >
> > Eric
> >
> >
> > On 11/29/2010 9:20 AM, JoshuaTreeMuseum wrote:
> >> The press conference is tomorrow. This could be as big as Roswell! I can't 
> >> wait:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Will Proof of Extraterrestrial Life Be Revealed at a Ramada Inn?
> >> Larry Knowles
> >> AOL News
> >> (Nov. 29) -- A Michigan man claiming to possess an ice meteorite rich in 
> >> extraterrestrial organisms will announce in a news conference Tuesday that 
> >> alien life, at long last, has been found. The announcement will take place 
> >> at a Ramada Inn in South Haven, Mich.
> >>
> >> "I prayed for Jesus to send me an ice meteorite, because I knew it would 
> >> be quite valuable," Duane P. Snyder, 65, said of the chunk of ice he found 
> >> on a South Haven roadway in 2000.
> >>
> >> Valuable indeed. For centuries, humankind has sought confirmation that it 
> >> isn't alone in the universe. If Snyder's claim is accurate, the South 
> >> Haven resident will be catapulted to worldwide fame, and the Ramada Inn, 
> >> 50 miles west of Kalamazoo, will likely become an iconic landmark for the 
> >> human race.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Duane P. Snyder
> >> E.T. may phone home -- from a Ramada Inn in South Haven, Mich. The red 
> >> object above was found embedded in a chunk of ice in 2000. The owner of 
> >> the chunk, Duane P. Snyder, believes the squiggle is an alien life form 
> >> and will discuss his finding at the Ramada Inn this week.
> >> In March 2000, Snyder noticed several chunks of ice on the road near his 
> >> home. Since it hadn't snowed for weeks, he deduced that the ice must have 
> >> been an ice meteorite. After gathering up a few pieces and stashing them 
> >> in his freezer, he spent the next 10 years trying to convince scientists 
> >> to analyze the frozen mass.
> >>
> >> However, Snyder received little interest from the scientific community, 
> >> and in September, he paid to have chemical analyses performed by two 
> >> commercial laboratories. What the labs found -- that samples contained 
> >> particles with unique molecular structures -- convinced Snyder that he 
> >> indeed had in his possession alien life forms.
> >>
> >> He has set up a website,, where people can purchase the 
> >> lab reports and photos of the particles. He's given the particles 
> >> descriptive names, such as "Red Watani Worm," "Six Legged Life Form" and 
> >> "Clear Snakelike Life Form."
> >>
> >> In a phone interview with AOL News, Snyder emphasized that more rigorous 
> >> analysis is needed to determine just what sort of alien life form he has, 
> >> adding that the prohibitive cost has so far prevented him from getting 
> >> tests done.
> >>
> >> "I'm hoping some scientist calls and says, 'Hey, Duane, I'll do it for 
> >> you,'" Snyder said.
> >>
> >> Last week, Snyder took strides toward getting that call. He issued a press 
> >> release, under the headline "Ice Meteorite Found With Extraterrestrial 
> >> Life-Forms," in which he announced Tuesday's news conference.
> >>
> >> The release received worldwide distribution and, according to Snyder, 
> >> media outlets from Germany, Mexico and Sweden plan to cover the story.
> >>
> >> All the attention means that, for a brief moment, the Ramada Inn in South 
> >> Haven will be at the center of the world -- or, in this case, universe. 
> >> And that has the staff at the Ramada Inn slightly anxious.
> >>
> >> "We haven't had a chance to speak with Mr. Snyder," Saima Farrukh, 
> >> director of operations for the Ramada Inn in South Haven, told AOL News. 
> >> "And we're all kind of curious to know what kind of life form he has."
> >> Farrukh added that the press release only piqued her curiosity.
> >>
> >> "It didn't give a lot of info," she said, "so I was going through my 
> >> chemistry book to find out what the terms mean."
> >>
> >> Snyder, a former Air Force mechanic and self-described inventor, spent a 
> >> good portion of his life looking for meteorites before stumbling on his 
> >> momentous

Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-11-29 Thread Adam Hupe
Many believe that extraterrestrial proof of life will come this year by way of 
Martian Nahklite meteorites.

Maybe NASA is getting the jump on all of the recent posers who are making 
similar claims.

Happy Hunting,

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-11-29 Thread Richard Kowalski
An important clue is the word "finding".

Should be an interesting conference.

Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-11-29 Thread Meteorites USA

VERY Curious... From NASA no less..

QUOTE: "...WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EST 
on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact 
the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life..."

This is the list of people at the press conference.
Participants are:

- Mary Voytek, director, Astrobiology Program, NASA Headquarters, 
Dr. Mary A. Voytek, a microbiologist with the U.S. Geological Survey - 
She studies environmental controls on microbial transformations of 
nutrients, xenobiotics, and metals in freshwater and marine systems.

- Felisa Wolfe-Simon, NASA astrobiology research fellow, U.S. 
Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif.
...a background in molecular biology, biochemistry, and phytoplankton 
physiology to uncover the sequence of events that shaped the evolution 
of the modern oceans phytoplankton and life itself.

- Pamela Conrad, astrobiologist, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, 
Greenbelt, Md.
Pamela Conrad, an astrobiologist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 
has traveled to the ends of the Earth to study life. Her main work is on 
planetary habitability assessment. It focuses on the development of 
approaches and measurements for assessment of habitability on planetary 
surface environments and the development of non-invasive optical methods 
for the in situ "triaging" of potential rock sample targets, including 
induced native fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy at various excitation 
wavelengths. She is interested in the short-range remote sensing of 
chemical biosignitures and the stability and environment distribution of 
chemical biosignitures.

- Steven Benner, distinguished fellow, Foundation for Applied 
Molecular Evolution, Gainesville, Fla.

Molecular biologist
* Chemical genetics
* Synthetic biology
* Paleogenetics
* Planetary biology
* Systems biology
* The connection of natural history to the physical sciences

- James Elser, professor, Arizona State University, Tempe
Dr. Elser's research involves the integrative field of biological 
stoichiometry, the study of balance of energy and multiple chemical 
elements in living systems. While this work is primarily ecological in 
focus and includes studies of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems 
and biota,

Lots of study in the marine systems area...

Is anyone else excited? ;)


On 11/29/2010 2:56 PM, Patrick Wiggins wrote:

Not sure what this is all about but it seems appropriate to post considering the 
"ET" talk here today.


NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery


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Re: [meteorite-list] NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery (Was: Ice Meteorites From Jesus)

2010-11-29 Thread Adam Hupe
It must have leaked out that NWA 998 is the most fossil-rich meteorite ever 
found or perhaps they found some more in other Nahklites.

It will be interesting to hear what the big boys have to say.

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