Re: [uf-discuss] [hCite] call for examples: language

2007-01-31 Thread Edward Summers

On Jan 31, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Michael McCracken wrote:

If we use @lang, doesn't that mean we're specifying the language of
the words in the hCite element, but not necessarily the language of
the thing we're citing?

Practically aren't these the same thing?

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] hCite progress

2006-11-14 Thread Edward Summers

On Nov 13, 2006, at 4:11 PM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

But I do feel strongly that page count is beyond scope. Do we want to
then include ways to encode the length of a CD or a DVD film or an
HTML document? I think not, particularly when there are more important
issues to worry about.

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Citation Microformat: LazyWeb for BibTeXperts

2006-10-06 Thread Edward Summers

On Oct 6, 2006, at 8:50 AM, Brian Suda wrote:

I think if we get some test cases and see where
things fall down and itterate from there. We'll never get everything
perfect, we just have to take off our citation expert glasses/hats
and agree when we've hit that 80% mark of what IS ACTUALLY being
published on the web.

brian, first off -- you rule...

Is it premature to add x2c to the hg repository [1] and starting to  
work on some test cases?


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: Flock + Microformats

2006-09-14 Thread Edward Summers

On Sep 14, 2006, at 8:30 PM, Ian McKellar wrote:

Bah! Lucene is basically a red herring. We need some way of storing
searchable semantic data though.

Promoting/adding uf support to nutch [1] on the other hand would be  
pretty rad.


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] OpenSearch

2006-08-30 Thread Edward Summers

On Aug 30, 2006, at 9:36 AM, David Janes wrote:

The reason I think that (2) is needed is:

(a) profiles are not manditory, so we can't depend on their presence
(b) the search-results consumer, knowing that there is hAtom search
results, may want not to read the URL at all (prefering a proxy to do
(c) there is and will continue to be pages that have HTML but not  

So are you proposing an extension to OpenSearch to support hAtom; or  
that a MIME type is established for hAtom?

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] OpenSearch

2006-08-30 Thread Edward Summers

On Aug 30, 2006, at 9:52 AM, David Janes wrote:

I'm not sure how to be clearer: my first message in this thread
suggests in point (2) add a single-field extension to OpenSearch XML;
my second message says adding a MIME type is not the solution [1].

OK, so an extension to OpenSearch since OpenSearch currently uses  
MIME types to distinguish the type of a response. IMHO this is  
undesirable since it essentially makes opensearch treat microformats  
(hAtom) as a special case.

But maybe I've got something wrong here with my understanding of  
OpenSearch. I just pinged people over on opensearch-discuss [1] to  
take a look at this thread so maybe more light is available.


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] OpenSearch

2006-08-30 Thread Edward Summers

more light:

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Joining CalConnect?

2006-08-08 Thread Edward Summers
Speaking of calendars--has anyone checked out 
calendar to see if it supports any hCal goodness?

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] ISBN mark-up

2006-06-02 Thread Edward Summers

On Jun 2, 2006, at 5:48 PM, Andy Mabbett wrote:

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andy Mabbett

Perhaps not a microformat, in the sense used here, but I feel that
there should be some way (or is there already?) for marking up an  

number, so that it is recognisable as such.

Was this ever resolved? I recall that discussion seemed to get

Not resolved by any means, but UID brainstorming [1] mentions a way  
of marking up identifiers including ISBNs.

abbr class=uid title=urn:isbn:09507881200 9507881-2-0/abbr

Please feel free to add you thoughts/ideas.


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Citation Straw Proposal II

2006-05-03 Thread Edward Summers

On Apr 29, 2006, at 1:58 PM, Brian Suda wrote:

I have spent some time reviewing the examples and the formats on the
wiki. Here is the list of the implied schemas. These are the common
fields amongst the examples. I then looked at the cross over between
the real-world examples and the formats and have created a straw
proposal from that.

Nice work Brian.

At the moment it is pretty strict, i only included
VERY common properties - it is easier to make additions than
subtractions - so if there is a property that is NOT in the straw
proposal please speak-up.

I noticed a couple things:

- you have audience as not being in the implied schema for formats  
but it is actually a valid DC element, albeit not in the core set.

- journal is missing from the implied schema for examples. There are  
several examples that use include a journal ACM Digital Library, Self- 
Citation Example, IEEE Search Results, CiteSeer, PubMed Medical  
Journal Example. Indeed it's even listed in the 'Implied Schema' [1].  
Some of the examples that had journal names neglected to break it out  
as such though (which I've just remedied), so that might have added  
some obscurity. Being able to mark up a journal is pretty important  
for academic citations.

Also I'm a bit confused by:

p class=citationHave you read span class=titleabbr  
title=book class=formatFoo Bar/abbr/span?
It was written by span class=author vcardspan class=fnJohn  
It only came out a abbr class=dtpublished title=20060101few  
months ago/abbr/p

What function is the title attribute in abbr title=book ...  
serving here?

I guess the draft will reference the Datetime Design Pattern [2]  
explicitly? Speaking of a draft--lets write one! Is that the next  
logical step in the process? Thanks so much for your continued efforts!


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] meeting minutes: microformats needed?

2006-05-03 Thread Edward Summers

On May 3, 2006, at 5:29 AM, brush wrote:

*new microformat?: hparticipants (multiple hcards plus class=role)
  -- could be useful in many other circumstances

If a role could somehow be assigned to an hCard it would be very  
useful in the citation microformat for authors, editors,

translators, etc...

microformats-discuss mailing list

[uf-discuss] role and hCard was: meeting minutes: microformats needed?

2006-05-03 Thread Edward Summers

On May 3, 2006, at 7:29 AM, Scott Reynen wrote:

Doesn't the ROLE property already serve this purpose?

Yes, perfect! I was hoping that someone who knew vCard better than me  
could provide a pointer.

/me annotates the citation-brainstorming page with the info

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: uid microformats? (was Re: [uf-discuss] ISBN mark-up)

2006-04-26 Thread Edward Summers

On Apr 26, 2006, at 11:54 AM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

So I'd say that URLs should only be preferred where one is referring
to a particular item whose canonical location is in fact on the web.
E.g. when you have a web resource, use a URL. Otherwise, prefer a urn,
and then perhaps other similar options such as info.

Definitely add this stuff to the wiki Bruce.

Since both URLs and URNs are URIs I would like to see UID *recommend*  
that people use a URI. Perhaps this is dropping the barrier to entry  
too low...but it seems to be keeping the spirit of RFC 2426 3.6.7.

OK, now I sound like a lawyer...where's my paycheck!

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: uid microformats? (was Re: [uf-discuss] ISBN mark-up)

2006-04-25 Thread Edward Summers

On Apr 25, 2006, at 6:47 PM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

FWIW, I like Xiaoming's suggestion.

I'm glad Xiaoming expressed the case for URI so well. I just added it  
to the uid-brainstorming [1] page. I have to admit I've seen the need  
for a  identifying URIs elsewhere and when Tantek pinged microformats- 
discuss with a straw proposal [2] that would help the LiveClipboard  
and folks I saw an opening to sneak in functionality for  
marking up URIs more generally.

The naming 'uri' vs 'uid' aside, would it be reasonable to RECOMMEND  
that a URI is used (thus including URLs) and leaving the door open to  
less useful ids should people want to use them? This would allow the  
current hCard behavior to be preserved:

	UID in vCard simply becomes another semantic applied to a specific  
URL (or EMAIL) for an hCard.

As Xiaoming suggests both 'http' and 'mailto' are valid URI schemes  
in RFC4395. Allowing a UID this flexibility would mean a UID could  
serve as a module that hCard and hCalendar (and perhaps an hCite and  
others) reference.



microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: uid microformats? (was Re: [uf-discuss] ISBN mark-up)

2006-04-24 Thread Edward Summers

On Apr 24, 2006, at 9:34 AM, Edward Summers wrote:
In light of this I've added Please feel  
free to fill in the gaping holes and add your thoughts! rather

/me gulps coffee
microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] ISBN mark-up

2006-04-21 Thread Edward Summers

On Apr 21, 2006, at 8:08 AM, Andy Mabbett wrote:
Perhaps not a microformat, in the sense used here, but I feel that  
should be some way (or is there already?) for marking up an ISBN  

so that it is recognisable as such.

Yes, Dan Chudnov (they guy behind COinS) actually started a  
conversation about an identifier microformat on here several months ago: 

I agree, an identifier microformat could be used for ISBNs, ISSNs,  
DOIs, UPCs, etc. How about we start a page for this on the wiki? RFC  
4452 makes would mesh nicely with a decent identifier microformat.

Let's get this going.


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Citation IRC Meet-up Time

2006-04-11 Thread Edward Summers

On Apr 10, 2006, at 11:22 AM, Tantek Çelik wrote:

implied schema analysis

I'm a bit lost about what this is. Doesn't the comparison chart fit  
this requirement?

Perhaps I missed the discussion but what is currently not good  
about the  *-examples, *-formats, and *-brainstorming


Maybe next time you or Ryan could actually contribute to the irc  
discussion eh? It was our understanding from Brian during the meetup  
that throwing together a draft to throw darts at might be a good  
place to try to consolidate thought at this point, given the wide  
variety of info on the wiki.


microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Citation format straw proposal on the wiki

2006-03-29 Thread Edward Summers

On Mar 29, 2006, at 12:29 PM, Michael McCracken wrote:

In my opinion, converting losslessly is not the aim. Given a
microformatted citation, I should be able to take one more step and
find enough information to populate a full format, but I don't think
embedding a full bibliograhpic record at a citation point really
follows existing practice. And it might result in a format that is
huge and hard to understand, inhibiting adoption.


I think it would be a mistake to focus (even briefly) on the holy  
grail of lossless conversion between metadata formats. I like the  
microformat way of focusing on how people have published citation on  
the web, and how to mark them up using (hopefully) familiar and  
reused terminology. It's just that this has proved (at least to me)  
to be a very difficult task.

It's *awesome* to see the strawman proposal on the wiki--it feels  
like we just need a foothold here to get some traction. It's also  
cool to hear Brian and Ryan might be able to build up some consensus  
leading up to XTECH.

This microformat is going to be like a fine wine...I just hope we  
won't have to drive a car into a tree to explain why we look so beat  
up :-)

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Citation format straw proposal on the wiki

2006-03-29 Thread Edward Summers

On Mar 29, 2006, at 1:44 PM, brian suda wrote:

Another thing that really helped some hCalendar discussion was to plan
an IRC meet-up, We all selected a time when we could meet online and
knocked-out several of issues at once. Would folks be up for that?  
if so
i can get a sort of agenda together about loose ends and coordinate  
a time.

definitely a good idea brian -- i'm in.

microformats-discuss mailing list

Re: [uf-discuss] Re: [Structuredblogging-discuss] microformat for books in a library catalog

2005-12-19 Thread Edward Summers

On Dec 19, 2005, at 11:21 PM, Phillip Pearson wrote:

Perhaps the example could look something like this in XHTML:

div class=book lang=en
 h3 class=fnArithmetic //h3
 pBy span class=creatorspan class=fnSandburg, Carl/ 
span, span class=date1878-1967/span/span, and span  
class=illustratorRand, Ted/span/p
 pPublisher: span class=publisherspan class=fnHarcourt  
Brace Jovanovich/span, span class=localitySan Diego/span/ 

 pPublished: span class=issued1993/span/p
 p class=descriptionA poem about numbers and their  
characteristics. Features anamorphic, or distorted, drawings which  
can be restored to normal by viewing from a particular angle or by  
viewing the image's reflection in the provided Mylar cone./p

 p class=noteOne Mylar sheet included in pocket./p
   li class=subjectArithmetic/li
   li class=subjectChildren's poetry, American./li
   li class=subjectArithmetic/li
   li class=subjectAmerican poetry/li
   li class=subjectVisual perception/li

It would be nice to have this on the wiki somewhere, perhaps on the ?

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