Re: [uf-new] Document Sources/References

2009-06-29 Thread Ben Ward

Hi Jamie,

On 29 Jun 2009, at 15:44, Jamie Rumbelow wrote:

Is there a semantic, POSH way of linking to a document's source or  

There's no finalised microformat, but a lot of research has been done  
for a Citations format, see



P.S. Additionally, enquiry/discussion threads should be directed to  
the microformats-discuss@ mailing list, please; microformats-new is  
focused on the actual development of the new formats. Thanks!

microformats-new mailing list

Re: [uf-new] Using external Data with Flash

2009-06-29 Thread Ben Ward

Hi Konrad,

Thanks for getting interested in microformats!

First up, query and discussion threads should be directed to the 
 mailing list, please; [microformats-new] is focused on the actual  
development of new formats, so your question won't necessarily have  
reached the right audience here. Thanks!

I'm crossposting this over to microformats-discuss for you, so any  
future replies should please drop µf-new from the reply header. Thanks!

On 27 Jun 2009, at 17:08, Konrad Röpke wrote:

I want to program a possibility to access an external file online on  
a server with a Flashfile. Would that be possible also with an  
hCalender file? Thanks for any help or recommendations.

Could you clarify a little what you want to do?

If you're trying to parse hCalendar within a Flash application, you  
might be able to reuse some of the JavaScript code from the Operator  
parser to create JavaScript objects. See


microformats-new mailing list

Re: [uf-new] Re: One issue per thread

2009-02-28 Thread Ben Ward
I am a very pro-wiki person; not just in, but  
everywhere else, too.

Also, moving this discussion to microformats-discuss, since this is  
not discussing the creation of new microformats.

On 28 Feb 2009, at 07:49, Manu Sporny wrote:

The only problem with this approach is that it would take a very long
time to develop/implement.

I think I would class that problem as ‘fatal’ to an otherwise  
beautiful vision of interoperating technologies. Nice try though ;-)

On 28 Feb 2009, at 09:47, Scott Reynen wrote:

For what it's worth, I've always considered email a tool for  
discussion and the wiki a tool for documentation.  But I don't think  
that's worth much.

I somewhat agree, in that regardless of how the content is  
compromised, the content of the wiki *must* function as a piece of  
documentation. It's all the documentation we have, of specs,  
brainstorms, and so forth. Certainly within this community it is  
regarded as ‘truth’ — “wiki or it didn't happen”.

As such, no matter where discussion takes place, the knowledge from it  
*must* go on the wiki, or it will be lost. If anything has dragged  
this community down in the past, it's not being able to accurately  
refer to past events. Using the wiki thoroughly is what prevents that.

The importance of using it as part of spec and related developments  
here cannot be played down. I think it's well suited to editorially  
driven content, which is the primary output of

  * The problem with the lists is that if an issue discussed is not  
documented on the wiki, you raise an ever increasing barrier to entry  
for someone else to join that discussion, particularly as time passes  
and the thread is buried under subsequent unrelated discussions.

  * Conversely, the problem with the wiki is that a piece of  
documentation can be spoiled by interjections of disagreement in every  
other paragraph.

I find value in lists for humanising discussion too. Writing this  
email I'm able to be a little more verbose with mannerisms and  
language that, hopefully, means everyone appreciates me as a human  
being rather than a Robot Overlord Admin Robot (additional robot for  
benefit of awesome ‘ROAR’ abbreviation). I think that's important to  
everyone here being able to work together, and the depersonalised  
nature of documentation on the wiki is the opposite; highly-optimised  
issues are vital for documentation, but bad for interacting in a  
friendly manner with the people that contributed. (Issue documented:

The result is a certain amount of duplicity to having lists. As I say,  
I have no issue just ignoring list content that should go on the wiki.  
But, somewhere it shifts a burden: Either to individuals who must  
ensure their point of view is documented twice, or onto specification  
editors to pull every discussion together. The latter editorial burdon  
is not going to be acceptable in most cases; expecting a spec editor  
to create permanent wiki documentation of every discussion is an  
unreasonable waste of their time.

I'm not anti-email. But I support the idea that everyone contributing  
must ensure their knowledge is documented. I don't have a clear idea  
on precisely where the line between different sorts of discussion sits  
to reduce duplication.

microformats-new mailing list

Re: [uf-new] hAudio/Audio RDF clarification (possible admin moderation request)

2008-09-15 Thread Ben Ward

On 15 Sep 2008, at 17:50, Martin McEvoy wrote:

Martin McEvoy wrote:
I will be adding Myself as Editor on the Version 1.0  format,  
because I don't have some other agenda other than completing haudio.
In fact forget that its not very diplomatic, I will Invite Tantek,  
or Brian to edit the 1.0 version of hAudio they are the two admin's  
that have had the most input in haudio, haudio may gain a little of  
its credibility in this way, and I think that it is the best.

I will be emailing the admin's airing your total disregard of  
microformat's principles, and of the damage you are causing the  
Microformats Community, in particular hAudio 
 and currency to which you  
had no hand in authoring.

Obviously the admins are open to email from anyone about any issue,  
but I for one would prefer that as much of this complaint is resolved  
in public, please. And, of course, the personal issues are more  
complex and it's up to individual judgement if you think it's more  
appropriate to take something offlist.
I'm just emphasising that as much as can be resolved openly in this  
community and through process adherence should be, please.  
Additionally, my feeling is that I'm not involved enough in hAudio to  
comment on specifics, so what follows is quite general.

That said, a few things regarding the process/development side of this  
seem quite clear to me. I want to know if the alleged process  
violations can be handled within the development process itself,  
rather than being an admin issue. Please consider these points:

• All issues with hAudio, be they problems to solve, capabilities to  
add, incompatibilities with the Process or anything else should be  
tracked as issues on the microformats wiki. ( 
). For a format to advance, issues need to be resolved. If issues are  
not resolved, the format can't be moved to its next stage (be that  
draft or spec)

• If an issue is ‘resolved’ in a way that is incompatible with the  
process (regardless of who resolves the issue), that issue cannot be  
resolved without addressing that breach of the process. Addressing  
that could be: Changing the issue resolution or changing the Process  
if the process were to be found to be broken. Either way, issues  
against formats cannot be resolved whilst in unaddressed violation of  
the process.

These two points *should* prevent any individual ever pushing through  
a format in a manner which is incompatible with the process. If issue  
resolutions are insufficient, the issue must be reopened.

Martin, if enforcing the process in the manner I describe here is  
insufficient to avoid/revert the issues you've raised, I'd be very  
grateful for elaboration or example of where these two checks have  
been avoided. Where the above is sufficient, anyone involved in hAudio  
development should be able to reopen issues that haven't been  
adequately addressed.

Again I emphasise that I'm not endorsing any side of this personal  
argument at this point, and I'm speaking generally for that purpose.  
What I am trying to do is jump in quickly to apply the Process to the  
development problems raised, and avoid the personal aspects of this  
complaint being tangled with hAudio process issues.

Thanks all,

microformats-new mailing list

Re: [uf-new] hProduct: Shipping

2008-09-10 Thread Ben Ward

On 10 Sep 2008, at 14:36, Paul Lee (이기수) wrote:

I'm fine with that - Jay?

2008/9/9 Jason Hale [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I also agree that shipping information doesn't belong to a product,  

belongs to that transaction and shouldn't be tackled within hproduct.
This would also go along with taxes or any other sales fees  

with a transaction, they should not be apart of hproduct.

It makes more sense to me that taxes, shipping information and so  
forth would be part of a product listing, and thus hListing. Price of  
a product would, presumably, be the ‘recommended retail price’?

microformats-new mailing list

Re: [uf-new] Recipe proposal

2008-06-05 Thread Ben Ward

On 5 Jun 2008, at 14:17, Thomas Yde wrote:

I therefore suggest that we change entry-title to title and entry- 
summary to summary.

We've had issues with ‘title’ before, as it is already defined for a  
different purpose (effectively ‘job-title’) in hCard. Using it in a  
more general way that would allow it to be ‘entity-title’ or ‘object- 
title’ as well would require redefining it, and there's been a lot of  
heated disagreement about doing that previously.

Changing ‘entry-summary’ to ‘summary’ causes a similar clash of  
semantics, since ‘summary’ is used in hCalendar/Review/Listing in more  
of a titular manner.

I'm not sure about basing Recipe off hAtom semantics; I need to think  
more about the situations where you would be using both at the same  
time to see if that would cause conflicts.

microformats-new mailing list

Re: [uf-new] PROPOSAL: Replace hAudio FN with TITLE

2008-02-15 Thread Ben Ward
OK, this is getting a bit wild. Can everyone please take a little  
stock. I shall try to lay out what I see are the ‘facts’ of this  
situation, which are being debated at length, but can't actually be  


• ‘title’ is specified as something else.
• ‘fn’ is perceived as too generic and counter intuitive in the  
context of audio

My elaboration on those ‘facts’:

'Title' came from vcard, and trying to bodge its semantics into  
hAudio is just going to create a mess. Even if there's a tenuous way  
to make the definition fit both, it's just a bad idea to generalise  
two things which are very clearly not the same. ‘title’ a desirable,  
valuable field name, but it's gone. In our µf world, it's got a  
definition (which is not the most common English usage, it's true)  
and if it doesn't map to a usage in another proposed format then  
we'll have to use something else.

Regarding FN, I happen to agree. It's very generic and works in place  
of something-called-title, but the name is unintuitive. I don't think  
that helps publishers.

On the basis of those two things, there is very little to debate.  
TITLE is out of bounds because it doesn't mean what you want it to  
mean in the context of microformats. If ‘FN’ is agreed to be  
undesirable, then the only debate should be regarding what the  
alternative field name should be.

For my 2¢, I think the ‘audio-title’ route is OK, and has no  
‘namespacing’ consequences at all. The ‘audio-’ prefix is precision  
and clarification. It's not a grouping. ‘audio-title’ makes perfect  
sense in natural language, and it's a field that it's necessary to be  
more precise on. If there's some phrase that could be more  
transferrable (something synonymous with ‘media-title’) maybe that  
should be considered too. End of the day, though, ‘TITLE’ is gone,  
and if you don't like ‘FN’ then you need to find an alternative.

Perhaps the current debate would be more productive if it focused on  
solving that problem, rather than thrashing around the cement base of  
the issue.


microformats-new mailing list

Re: [uf-new] hAudio Specification Page is published

2007-11-03 Thread Ben Ward

On 4 Nov 2007, at 00:53, Martin McEvoy wrote:


span class=price

should this not be...

span class=money ?

as per the Currency Proposal

No. Should the currency microformat be completed, then that class  
name would be used in addition. As per existing patterns (such as  
class=author vcard in hReview), you might end up with span  
class=price hcurrency or something.

My view is that with currency still being a proposal, it should not  
be used in examples. That risks causing confusion and may  
inadvertently push a sub-optimal currency pattern into mainstream  
usage without it going through the process.

I'd like to see that simplified to the text form of price, ala:

span class=price$14.00/span

microformats-new mailing list

[uf-new] hAudio Examples (was: hAudio Specification Page is published)

2007-11-03 Thread Ben Ward

On 3 Nov 2007, at 15:42, Manu Sporny wrote:

The hAudio Draft Specification has a new home:

I've been through and edited the examples to fix issues with  
validation and incorrect closing tags.

I have the following issues with them:

• class=price should not include mark-up from a currency proposal.  
It could endorse, promote and spread use of mark-up that is later  
discarded as sub-optimal. I don't think the hAudio spec should  
advocate use of an unfinished microformat at all.

span class=price£1/span should be sufficient for these examples  
at the moment.

• All uses of the ABBR pattern for dates and times should use  
hyphenated separators. We're still in an accessibility grey spot with  
regards to the whole thing, but it was noted that splitting dates  
with hyphens made it acceptable in some cases (2007-11-03 over  
20071103). I don't know what the effect is of your new duration  
abbreviations. It's important that someone with access to the right  
equipment tests those expansions with assistive technology. If it's  
appropriate to hyphenate the expansions in the time formats, then  
they should be.

• I'm of the view that whilst use of HTML elements should be neutral  
wherever possible (SPAN, DIV), use of presentational elements such as  
BR should not feature in our examples. Some of the examples are using  
BR to change the presentation. These should be reworked somehow.


microformats-new mailing list

[uf-new] [hAudio] Contributor as an hCard

2007-11-03 Thread Ben Ward

On 3 Nov 2007, at 15:42, Manu Sporny wrote:

The hAudio Draft Specification has a new home:

  “The contents of the element should include a valid hCard  

Results in:
  span class=contributorspan class=vcard

This is different from the pattern used in hReview for reviewer,  
which results in:

  span class=reviewer vcard

The hReview form is superior, and already in use. I suggest the  
hAudio wording be changed to say:

  A contributor _should_ be an hCard

microformats-new mailing list

[Audio] Playlists and Albums (was: Re: [uf-new] item property)

2007-10-15 Thread Ben Ward

On 15 Oct 2007, at 10:44, Julian Stahnke wrote:
album-title is NOT mandatory. It is only mandatory when you're  

one or more TRACKs.

Tracks can be grouped by more than just albums. I'd say album- 
title should

never be mandatory

Playlists or charts come to my mind, for example.

I'm very out of touch with hAudio development, but this touches on  
something I've not seen addressed lately. In the context of hAudio  
what is the difference between a ‘Playlist’ and an ‘Album’? How is an  
‘Album’ not just a specialised kind of playlist?

Answers by way of links to previous discussions are fine.

Thank you,

microformats-new mailing list

[uf-new] Pattern: Presence of Property

2007-10-09 Thread Ben Ward
Out of the Recipe format development happening on uf-new I came  
across an interested concept that hasn't come up yet in previous  

Quoting Andy Mabbett, then myself:

Whether an ingredients is optional or required is important (again,
consider the ingredients to hand use case).

Agreed, that's a very good use-case. Needs to be included in a  
language-agnostic manner but writing ‘3 sprigs of parsley  
(optional)’ is familiar. I would think that ‘Required’ is implied  
by the absence of ‘Optional’.

In this case, we have a property established for the format which is  
either present or absence. An ingredient is either optional or not.  
So, lets say you have this in English:

span class=ingredient3 Strawberries span class=optional 

Or this in French:

span class=ingredient lang=fr3 Le Strawberries span  
class=optional(en option)/span/span

From a parsing POV, we're only interested in whether ‘optional’ is  
present or not. If it's absent, we'd be assuming ‘required’. We'd be  
using a pattern whereby the property value is determined from  
presence or absence of the element, not by the value of it.

Now of course this application is early days and we may yet find  
further requirements or different ways of doing it, but I like the  
idea of the pattern as it's language agnostic. Also, I think  
‘Presence of Property’ is a pretty snappy name.

What would people think about this sort of parsing rule being added  
to the microformats cannon?

microformats-new mailing list

Re: [uf-new] Recipe

2007-09-28 Thread Ben Ward

On 27 Sep 2007, at 13:51, Andy Mabbett wrote:
We can't expect  people to use precise measurements for  
quantities, nor

even to  explicitly mark up the order of their steps in anything more
than  flowing paragraphs.

But we can allow them to.

Fact is, once such a microformat is available, people will use it for
whatever recipes they see fit, whatever our intentions.

Both of these points are true, and I'm not saying we should actively  
prevent more flexible use of any format that is developed here, but I  
think the development of recipe should be focused on food.

The brainstorm of nutritional information such as calorie counts is  
useful but doesn't apply to the aforementioned bomb making. Of course  
people could use just the required parts of Recipe to define  
instructions for anything, that's fine. But I don't think we should  
exclude anything specific to food for the sake of other uses.

I maintain that we should build the re-usable microformats  

currency, citation) first; then those that will use them.

I completely disagree with this.

A Recipe format can be useful and improve publishing without explicit  
mark-up for measurements and citations. We should not delay  
development of a format that shows so much existing publishing and  
interest from publishers because of missing compound microformats  
which are not attracting the same levels of interest.

In the case of Recipe, I maintain that both quantity and ‘source’  
would be usefully represented as strings. ‘10g’, ‘One handful’,  
‘Three Tablespoons‘ is workable and useful. Similarly, span  
class=sourceReal Food by Nigel Slater/span is perfectly useful  
in that form.

I think it's a reality of the way in which development currently  
moves in this community; that development and interest comes in  
waves. It means to me that forcing dependencies on undeveloped  
compound microformats, which currently have little interest and  
backing, will in effect kill development of this format which people  
are interested in.

I think it is much more productive to accept that Recipe is capable  
of representing quantities and sources well enough with strings, and  
know that future, more precise microformats (or other technologies  
developed elsewhere, such as MathML) _may_ come in the future that  
can enhance the work we're doing now.

Price in hListing will be enhanced by a future currency microformat,  
but even as a string ‘price’ is useful in Listing. The same is true  
of quantities and citations now.

Measurement System (U.S., Imperial etc)

I don't see this being useful. Recipes do not use consistent
measurements: There are combinations of metric weights and   

‘handfuls’ and ‘pinches’. Some recipes publish  both metric and
imperial measurements alongside each other.

In that case, perhaps only one system should be microformatted, to  

confusing parsers?

That would work for situations where two different measurement  
formats are placed next to a single ingredient, but does not handle  
different measurements being used in the same recipe for single  
ingredients. I'm not quite sure which issue you were addressing there.

Imagine you want a parser to compile a shopping list based on a
selection of recipes; or that you want to provide a web service with a
list of the potential ingredients you have to hand; and for it to  

suitable recipes?

In those cases, four eggs is more meaningful than eggs; and 500g
sugar is more meaningful than sugar.

Absolutely. Quantity is present throughout examples and all common  
practice I've ever seen (bar the ingredients listing on the backs of  
packaging, but that is ‘nutritional information’ rather than a  
‘recipe’). The presence of quantity as a sub-part of ingredients is  
certain for me.

My points about the precision of quantity is already laid out above.

Whether an ingredients is optional or required is important (again,
consider the ingredients to hand use case).

Agreed, that's a very good use-case. Needs to be included in a  
language-agnostic manner but writing ‘3 sprigs of parsley (optional)’  
is familiar. I would think that ‘Required’ is implied by the absence  
of ‘Optional’.

microformats-new mailing list

Re: [uf-new] Recipe

2007-09-26 Thread Ben Ward

On 25 Sep 2007, at 10:29, Frances Berriman wrote:

Just wondered who was last working on the recipe research, how it's
going, and what's caused the current stand still?  I'm quite keen to
pick it back up again.

I've a passing interest actually, would be happy to contribute to try  
and keep ideas rolling. Not sure how much concrete work I can produce  
since I'm not really going to be publishing anything, but BBC Food  
sounds like a pretty awesome base for you on that side of things.

Regarding the Brainstorm:

I'm a bit concerned by the current state of recipe brainstorming.  
I'll work through it and give some thoughts of where it's gone awry  
and my view on what I think is feasible and useful as a goal.

As the -examples page shows, recipes are published in a huge variety  
of different ways. As such, I don't think we can expect to create a  
useful format with very many ‘required’ fields. We can't expect  
people to use precise measurements for quantities, nor even to  
explicitly mark up the order of their steps in anything more than  
flowing paragraphs. We don't seem to be able to expect people to keep  
ingredients segregated from the instructions or use consistent  

But I think if we accept that fluidity, we can still come up with  
something simple, but robust and useful. I don't think we should get  
too ambitious nor too generic. Talk on the brainstorming page about  
being used for recipes for spells in computer games, or for making  
bombs seems silly to me. I think better to focus on food and maybe  
some future microformat for those things will be heavily based on  
this recipe format (much like hListing is on hReview).

Going through the proposed fields, which are based somewhat on  
RecipeML, I'll try to highlight where we've run too far, need to take  
a breath and step back a little.

 Summary Description (one liner)
 Author (Person) (hcard?)
 Date (of Publication)
 License/rights (Copyright or other)
 Photo (optional, multiple)
All are common in all the other formats. That's to be expected here.  
hCards and rel-licenses abound!

 Submitter (Person) (hcard?)

I don't understand what this is for. It seems superfluous.

 Source (Book Title etc)

Again, I'm not sure if there's a strong case for this. It just be  
cited in the Summary of the recipe, using a future citeation  
microformat if/when one exists.

 Measurement System (U.S., Imperial etc)

I don't see this being useful. Recipes do not use consistent  
measurements: There are combinations of metric weights and  
approximate ‘handfuls’ and ‘pinches’. Some recipes publish  
both metric and imperial measurements alongside each other. I don't  
think there's a reliable way to lock this down and it would be  
expecting publishers to provide precise information that they don't  

Instead, I think that parsers that require knowledge of the  
measurement system should be expected to derive the measurement  
system from the quantity with each ingredient. ‘10g’ as grams,  
‘10oz’ and ounces and so on.

 Ingredients (each one a separate item rather than block text  
with count/amount/range/unit broken out too)

‘Ingredient’ is pretty clear to me. The sub-parts are woolier  
though, as follows:

 Units need separate microformat: see measure

No it doesn't! One day there might be a dedicated measurement format  
but right now there isn't. Therefore I think that the ‘quantity’  
of an ingredient should be considered the same way as ‘price’ in  
hListing: Just a string which parsers may attempt to understand as  
required. One day there might be a currency microformat, in which  
case hListings will naturally adopt it within ‘price’. The same  
attitude should be used here. A future ‘measurement’ format will  
be an obvious compound part in recipes, but it is not required for  
recipe to be specified usefully.

 Ingredient Preparation: such as diced, chopped, sliced, grated,  
minced, etc.
 Ingredient importance (e.g. Main, Required, Optional) should be  
listed as an attribute of each entry.

I think all of this is trying to get too specific. For each  
ingredient it seems appropriate to have an additional descriptive  
string alongside the name and quantity, which may contain preparation  
instructions and requirement. You might call it a ‘note’ or  

 Background Information - Optional section to encapsulate  
information that is useful but not necessarily required for a  
successful recipe.

I think the ‘summary’ would be an appropriate place for this  
information. I don't see that it needs to be separated.

 Yield Quantity and Unit (4 pancakes or 5 servings)
 Preparation Time (overall time)
 Calories per serving

All are reasonable pieces of metadata to optionally include

 Calories per ounce

Seems too specific, and is tied to a measurement format there isn't a  
reasonable way to represent. Maybe better that ‘calories’ be  
represented as free text and again the 

Re: [uf-new] Currency: symbols and units (Was: microformat granularity: currency and measure)

2007-07-20 Thread Ben Ward

On 19 Jul 2007, at 23:30, Scott Reynen wrote:
span class=money¢abbr title=0.021 class=amount2.1/abbr  
span class=currencyUSD/span/span

I don't agree that ‘0.021’ can be a valid abbreviation of ‘2.1’.

The abbreviation pattern still needs to be fixed as is, but there  
seems to be a common mindset of wanting an ‘alternate representation  
pattern’, something akin to the current ABBR pattern, with similar  
applications but without such specific semantics.

microformats-new mailing list