cloning to smaller hard disk

2018-04-22 Thread Tuyosi T
hi all .
i manage to clone bigger HDD(sd1) to smaller HDD(sd0)

this is dangerous , so please test .
and there may be some errors , then please point them out .

1) boot pc by USB stick ( indtall53.fs)
2)chose install

3) acertain disks by !
4) exit

5) which disk is the root dik ? ---> sd0
then formatting sd0

6)which disk do you want to initialize? --->sd1
   controll + c  <--- important

7)mkdir -p /m1
   mkdir -p /m2
   mount /dev/sd1a /m1
   mount /dev/sd0a /m0

8) (cd m1 ; tar cvpf - .)|( cd /m0 ; tar xpf -)

10) halt -p
11) remove bigger HDD (namely smaller HDD only inserted)
12 ) reboot and then choose upgrade

13)mkdir /m0
 mount /dev/sd0a /m0

14) echo '/dev/sd0a / ffs rw,wxallowed 1 1' > /m0/etc/fstab <--- this is

15) then do uggrade menu again


details is on

Re: NFS keeps crashing

2018-04-22 Thread Roderick

On Sun, 22 Apr 2018, Rupert Gallagher wrote:

Bloatware is a luxury I cannot afford on embedded systems with limited
resources where every KB and CPU cycle is accounted for. I would rather
submit my recipe for a proper samba source configuration and have the
maintainer do the compiling of a flavored version, but I already had
negative feedback. The maintainer is dogmatic on having an obese package
instead of a lean one that delivers the same functionality without the
extra fat.

It would be nice to have meager packages, it is nice not to have to
compile and have everything served as package.

But speacially if you are dealing with embedded systems,
it is better you compile things yourself. You can use the packages
not for installing, but for inspecting the patches.

Respecting NFS: I had long ago compatibility problems between
OpenBSD and FreeBSD: it worked at the beginning, but was not reliable,
it hang when transfering (copying) big files. I do not remember
details anymore, where the server and where the client, configuration.


Re: NFS keeps crashing

2018-04-22 Thread Mihai Popescu
For the OP with NFS problems: I think it is better to pay for
consultancy and stop talking to yourself on misc@.

Re: NFS keeps crashing

2018-04-22 Thread lists
Sun, 22 Apr 2018 03:30:50 -0400 Rupert Gallagher 
> Read again, you will find everything you need to reproduce the problem.

Rupert, YOU have problems reproducing - PEBKAC your end.  NFS works here.

Re: NFS keeps crashing

2018-04-22 Thread Rupert Gallagher
On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 08:32, Otto Moerbeek  wrote:

> We have gone through this before. Some packages need some libraries that are 
> distributed as part of the base X install. There is no harm in that. You do 
> not need to install the server part of X of that makes you feel better. -Otto

Bloatware is a luxury I cannot afford on embedded systems with limited 
resources where every KB and CPU cycle is accounted for. I would rather submit 
my recipe for a proper samba source configuration and have the maintainer do 
the compiling of a flavored version, but I already had negative feedback. The 
maintainer is dogmatic on having an obese package instead of a lean one that 
delivers the same functionality without the extra fat.

Re: NFS keeps crashing

2018-04-22 Thread Rupert Gallagher
On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 08:17, Otto Moerbeek  wrote:

> In that case ktracing mountd might help (as well as (packet captures) to see 
> what is going on.

Will get back with the results.

Re: NFS keeps crashing

2018-04-22 Thread Rupert Gallagher
On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 05:27,  wrote:

>  You seem to have some problems understanding feedback, here is some help. 
> Cut the crap already. How about dmesg first, then proper problem report?  
>>>> Give clear instructions on how to reproduce the problem.

Read again, you will find everything you need to reproduce the problem. Since 
you are a bit slow, here is how to do it.

1. Open up you obsd console.
2. Kill mountd.
3. Run "doas mountd -d"
4. Open up your updated windows 10
5. Mount a NFS share
6. See that mountd -d crashes without warnings or errors

Got it? Now you can do your thing.

Re: NFS keeps crashing

2018-04-22 Thread Otto Moerbeek
On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 07:33:06PM -0400, Rupert Gallagher wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 17:38, IL Ka  wrote:
> > I belive NFS is rarely used nowadays, especially with Windows clients. 
> > People use samba/smb to connect *nix to Windows in most cases. Samba should 
> > be pretty stable because OS X uses it to coexist with MS oses.
> I use it on osx: it is a crippled version of the original that causes endless 
> problems with file permissions. Rock solid for the rest.
> I would use samba on obsd, but its package requires x11, believe it or not. I 
> mentioned the problem in misc@ and received insults by someone occlusive and 
> dogmatic, so I will not raise the problem again. I am compiling a proper 
> version, but it will take days on the given hardware...

We have gone through this before. Some packages need some libraries
that are distributed as part of the base X install.  There is no harm
in that. You do not need to install the server part of X of that makes
you feel better.


Re: NFS keeps crashing

2018-04-22 Thread Otto Moerbeek
On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 07:20:18PM -0400, Rupert Gallagher wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 19:58, Otto Moerbeek  wrote:
> > What do you mean by "the server crashes"? Does the complete OS freeze? Or 
> > is the OS still working apart from NFS? Did one of te NFS related daemons 
> > (nfsd, mountd, portmap) die?
> I mean that the mountd server crashed.
> I had "doas mountd -d" up and was reading its output. When it crashed it just 
> returned the shell prompt. No warning, no errors. I have to debug a server in 
> debug mode that does not bother leaving debug information...

In that case ktracing mountd might help (as well as (packet
captures) to see what is going on.
