xterm(1) is killed by pledge(2) :)

2018-07-27 Thread Leonid Bobrov

I don't know how to reproduce this bug, but here is a little history:

I was running GNU Emacs inside tmux(1) and writting UTF-8 mail,
meanwhile I frequently and randomly pressed C-x and C-b, after
that (don't remember after pressing C-x or after pressing C-b)
I accidentally pressed ] and that caused xterm(1) to vanish,
after checking dmesg(1) output here's what I got:

xterm[90461]: pledge "cpath", syscall 5

Re: how to switch to a snapshot?

2018-07-27 Thread Tuyosi T

i usually boot PC by the USB memory of install63.fs ( =snapshots ). ​
   the method is   dd if=./install63.fs of=/dev/rsd1c bs=1m   <-openbsd
 dd if=./install63.fs of=/dev/sdb bs=32k

and do Upgrade
and start snapshots , then pkg_add -u .

that's the main stream .


Different dmesg and sysctl hw.sensors output

2018-07-27 Thread Jens A. Griepentrog

Dear Listeners,

Just for curiosity: Today I have recognized a surprising difference
in dmesg and sysctl hw.sensors output after two times of booting the
same kernel on the same machine: After the first boot, I was surprised
to see (for the first time as far as I remember) the lines
lm0 at isa0 port 0x290/8: NCT6776F
hw.sensors.lm0.fan0=1467 RPM
hw.sensors.lm0.fan1=1350 RPM
hw.sensors.lm0.fan2=1454 RPM
hw.sensors.lm0.fan3=0 RPM
hw.sensors.lm0.fan4=0 RPM
with respect to the lm sensor detection instead of the usual lines
lm0 at isa0 port 0x290/8: W83627DHG
hw.sensors.lm0.fan0=1562 RPM
hw.sensors.lm0.fan1=1454 RPM
hw.sensors.lm0.fan2=1562 RPM
six ours later after the second boot. Here, you find the full
differences and one instance of the dmesg and sysctl.sensors output:

$ diff dmesg-70.log dmesg-71.log 

< avail mem = 16627154944 (15856MB)
> avail mem = 16627150848 (15856MB)
< cpu0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L3426 @ 1.87GHz, 1866.98 MHz
> cpu0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L3426 @ 1.87GHz, 1866.99 MHz
< acpitimer0: recalibrated TSC frequency 1866735229 Hz
> acpitimer0: recalibrated TSC frequency 1866741453 Hz
< acpihpet0: recalibrated TSC frequency 1866743200 Hz
> acpihpet0: recalibrated TSC frequency 1866741920 Hz
< lm0 at isa0 port 0x290/8: NCT6776F
> lm0 at isa0 port 0x290/8: W83627DHG
< hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0=30.00 degC
< hw.sensors.sdtemp0.temp0=36.50 degC
< hw.sensors.sdtemp1.temp0=34.50 degC
< hw.sensors.sdtemp2.temp0=35.50 degC
< hw.sensors.sdtemp3.temp0=36.75 degC
< hw.sensors.lm0.temp0=28.00 degC
< hw.sensors.lm0.temp1=28.50 degC
< hw.sensors.lm0.temp2=29.00 degC
< hw.sensors.lm0.fan0=1467 RPM
< hw.sensors.lm0.fan1=1350 RPM
< hw.sensors.lm0.fan2=1454 RPM
< hw.sensors.lm0.fan3=0 RPM
< hw.sensors.lm0.fan4=0 RPM
> hw.sensors.cpu0.temp0=32.00 degC
> hw.sensors.sdtemp0.temp0=44.25 degC
> hw.sensors.sdtemp1.temp0=39.50 degC
> hw.sensors.sdtemp2.temp0=42.50 degC
> hw.sensors.sdtemp3.temp0=44.75 degC
> hw.sensors.lm0.temp0=31.00 degC
> hw.sensors.lm0.temp1=31.00 degC
> hw.sensors.lm0.temp2=33.00 degC
> hw.sensors.lm0.fan0=1562 RPM
> hw.sensors.lm0.fan1=1454 RPM
> hw.sensors.lm0.fan2=1562 RPM

$ cat dmesg-70.log
OpenBSD 6.3 (GENERIC.MP) #6: Tue Jul 24 13:40:48 CEST 2018

real mem = 17154113536 (16359MB)
avail mem = 16627154944 (15856MB)
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.6 @ 0xf06f0 (62 entries)
bios0: vendor American Megatrends Inc. version "0705" date 06/29/2010
bios0: ASUSTeK Computer INC. P7F-M WS
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S1 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices BR1E(S4) UAR1(S4) PS2K(S4) EUSB(S4) USB0(S4) 
USB1(S4) USB2(S4) USB3(S4) USBE(S4) USB4(S4) USB5(S4) USB6(S4) BR21(S4) 
BR22(S4) BR23(S4) P0P1(S4) [...]

acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L3426 @ 1.87GHz, 1866.98 MHz

cpu0: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
acpitimer0: recalibrated TSC frequency 1866735229 Hz
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 8 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 133MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L3426 @ 1.87GHz, 1866.73 MHz

cpu1: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu1: smt 0, core 1, package 0
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 4 (application processor)
cpu2: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L3426 @ 1.87GHz, 1866.73 MHz

cpu2: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu2: smt 0, core 2, package 0
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 6 (application processor)
cpu3: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L3426 @ 1.87GHz, 1866.73 MHz

cpu3: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu3: smt 0, core 3, package 0
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 7 pa 0xfec0, 

tun interface and netmask

2018-07-27 Thread Jungle Boogie
Hi All,

Problem I want to solve:
I would like the tun interface to 'support' more than one host. Right now, when
I setup a tun interface, it's only activated on the dest IP, regardless of the
netmask used.

my /etc/hostname.tun0:

A workaround I've done, is adding a route:
route add -inet

More info:
Wireguard is using tun0 on machine A; I would like machine B and machine C to
also access machine A, all on machine A's tun0 interface - without the need for
additional tun interfaces.

Fortunately the route trick above works.

Is the route add the legitimate way to do this? Can tun support more than one
host, or is truly point-to-point?


..Re AMDGPU Re: Plans to port the amdgpu(4) driver? (=to support Radeons made 2014/2015 and after.) Hardware/other donations needed?

2018-07-27 Thread Joseph Mayer
On April 25, 2018 7:08 PM, Jonathan Gray  wrote:
> > The Radeon GPU:s are important in OpenBSD's ecosystem as they are the
> > only way to increase graphics functionality, that not involves changing
> > CPU to Intel's latest, and hence change motherboard and other hardware.
> > Do you have plans to port amdgpu?
> > Would particular hardware donations or other donations be of help?
> I have no plans regarding amdgpu.
> Most people seem to be interested from the point of view of polaris/vega
> which are not supported in linux 4.4. Ignoring the parts of the shared
> drm/ttm code that would have to be updated the latest
> drivers/gpu/drm/amd in linux has over 1.5 million lines of code. Which
> is multiple times larger than the complete OpenBSD kernel source...

Hi Jonathan,

Thank you for your previous response.

I have talked to Alex Deucher (he's on #radeon FreeNode IRC, agd5f) as
well as hwentlan who both work for AMD in depth about the AMDGPU
driver, and they clarify that this is where AMD will give all future
efforts, so from what I understand over time porting AMDGPU will become
more and more relevant and at some point a pushing priority.

>From talking to them, the most important features in AMDGPU appear to

 * GPU scheduler, splits GPU resources between processes
   The GPU scheduler helps load-balance both memory bandwidth and
   rendering work within the GPU between different programs that use 3D
   concurrently, shown on display at same time.

   E.g., say you have two processes submitting work to the GPU. If one
   is submitting work very fast, it's jobs can will get lined up and it
   will monopolize the GPU time if it's first come first server. The
   scheduler makes sure both processes get access to the GPU.

   (No such thing in the old driver)

 * Display handling code (called "DC" in the AMDGPU codebase):
   Lots more display features compared to Radeon: atomic modesetting
   framework on Linux, DP MST, FBC, etc., GPU scheduler, fine grained
   clock and voltage control (similar to wattman in windows), more
   power features supported, etc.

   (DC is the name of the display handling code in AMDGPU.)

 * Fine grained control of the power states (minor tweaks to voltages
   or clocks, etc.)

   (Radeon supported dynamic power management, where the GPU clocks
   could be changed dynamically based on demand, but not fine grained.)

 * Support for MST hubs (so more monitors connected to an MST hub, get
   identified as separate monitors by the computer)

 * 8K monitor support via MST based on 2x displayport connectors

 * DP MST in the old Radeon driver is experimental and doesn't work
   that well, in AMDGPU done well.

 * DRM sync objects support, which enabled a bunch of OGL and EGL

 * AMDGPU may get support for freesync/adaptive sync/vrr in the future
   and in the more distant future support for HDR, as in up to 16 bits
   per color.

   hwentlan explains, "for the consumer it means that brights are
   brighter, darks are darker, and you still see tons of details in the
   shadows, even though your screen might show you glare in other
   areas. There are many different HDR formats and ways of tonemapping
   image data into those formats. This requires new interfaces between
   kernel and user-mode, and requires the kernel display driver to
   understand and be able to program the HW to output the required


Re: Probelm when building QGIS

2018-07-27 Thread tao
Rashad Kanavath wrote
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 12:36 AM tao 

> uponmyword@

>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am in OpenBSD6.3. QGIS 2.18.17 in packages can not render style just
>> like
>> things in
>> http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/qgis-bug-since-last-security-update-under-stable-td339707.html
>> So, I am trying to build QGIS 2.18.17 from source.
>> Succeeded to ccmake the source. But get error when make.
>> Here is the message:
>> tao$ make
>> [  0%] Built target version
>> make: don't know how to make
>> /home/tao/Software/qgis/qgis-2.18.22/resources/function_help/json/rea
>> (prerequisite of: src/core/qgsexpression_texts.cpp)
>> Stop in .
>> *** Error 2 in . (CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1165
>> 'src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/all')
>> *** Error 1 in /home/tao/Software/qgis/build-2.18.22 (Makefile:163 'all')
>> Tried to find the file mentioned above
>> "/home/tao/Software/qgis/qgis-2.18.22/resources/function_help/json/rea ",
>> but could not find anything.
>> Anyone has an idea?
> could you try gmake instead of make?
> make != gmake (unless you simlink or alias it)

That sounds make sense, I will check and try that tonight.
Report later.


Rashad Kanavath wrote
>> --
>> Sent from:
>> http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/openbsd-user-misc-f3.html
> -- 
> Regards,

Sent from: http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/openbsd-user-misc-f3.html

Re: Moving filesystems around

2018-07-27 Thread Marcus MERIGHI
Hello Jay, 

jh...@kevla.org (Jay Hart), 2018.07.27 (Fri) 04:42 (CEST):
> > Hello,
> > jh...@kevla.org (Jay Hart), 2018.07.25 (Wed) 21:31 (CEST):
> >> Running a stock 6.3 machine. I just bought a new server and hope to
> >> move this drive over, but think I need to move two partitions around
> >> at get more space.
> >
> > I'm not sure you need to...
> > My /usr is just 895M. Yours is fuller because you have /usr/local on the
> > same slice?
> > If so, I'd consider this the problem.
> > You'd have slices left after your wd0i[1], but is there unassigned
> > space left on the disk?
> > If so, I'd create a new slice and put /usr/local there.
> >
> > More info would have been helpful, show output of mount(8) and df(1),
> > disklabel, fdisk, dmesg, perhaps?
> >
> > [1] what, a wd(4)?! ;-)
> >
> > Marcus
> >
> Actually, I have a separate /usr/local partition, just didn't mention
> it.

Why has your /usr twice as much on it than mine, then?
/usr/src? /usr/ports? du -sh /usr/*?

> Your post got me thinking (as did some of the others). I've been
> upgrading this box since 5.6 or
> so and maybe its time to wipe it and start fresh on the new box. Just
> copy over my config files after I'm done.
I've recently upgraded an equally outdated box and sysmerge(8) was no
fun. Lots of differences in config files after such a looong time makes
merging hard. Thus installing might be the right thing. 

> Since I just follow stable releases, I don't bother downloading the
> source code and building patches, so /usr should stay small and clean
> with syspatch and sysclean, unless I'm very wrong about how they work.

I think you got it right. /usr is rather static, unless it grows
rapidly, like recently for /usr/share/relink/. 
syspatch(8) gives you patches for errata for the latest release and one
version before, IIRC. sysclean(8) gives you a list of files not required
by the installed base system and the installed ports.


> >> I have one drive installed, with about 6 partitions.
> >>
> >> /var is a 6.3G partition (wd0e) using 50M of space
> >> /usr is a 2.0G partition (wd0f) using 1.6G of space
> >>
> >> Last partition number is wd0i.
> >>
> >> What would the recommended procedure to use to swap these two partitions?

Fwd: pf(4) queuing and interfaces

2018-07-27 Thread David Higgs
Resending now that the hackathon has died down.


-- Forwarded message -
From: David Higgs 
Date: Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 2:12 PM
Subject: pf(4) queuing and interfaces
To: misc@openbsd.org 

My wireless AP puts traffic from each WiFi network (trusted, guests,
etc.) into a separate VLAN, which are then picked up by my OpenBSD
router and filtered appropriately via pf rules.

In other words:
  em1 is for untagged traffic to the AP itself
  vlan100 has parent em1 and is for my "trusted" WLAN
  vlan200 also has parent em1 and is for my "guest" WLAN

pf.conf includes the following line:
  queue wlan_q on em1 bandwidth 50M max 50M flows 1024 qlimit 1024 default

When I specify only the queuing rule as shown above, is traffic sent
on vlanXXX also receive this queuing policy?

If not, should I divide the physical bandwidth between logical
interfaces?  Does FQ-CoDel work correctly if they are each assigned
the full physical bandwidth?  Or should I be dividing one or both of
the configurable interface rates?

And lastly, if I define a queue as below - does this expand into two
different queues with the same name or one queue with bandwidth shared
between two interfaces?  Running "pfctl -vsq" indicates the former,
but I'd like to be sure.

  queue some_q on { em2, em3 } bandwidth 95M max 95M flows 1024 qlimit
1024 default



Re: Probelm when building QGIS

2018-07-27 Thread Mark Prins

On 27-07-18 14:03, tao wrote:

Rashad Kanavath wrote

On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 12:36 AM tao 




I am in OpenBSD6.3. QGIS 2.18.17 in packages can not render style just
things in


So, I am trying to build QGIS 2.18.17 from source.
Succeeded to ccmake the source. But get error when make.
Here is the message:

tao$ make
[  0%] Built target version
make: don't know how to make
(prerequisite of: src/core/qgsexpression_texts.cpp)
Stop in .
*** Error 2 in . (CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1165
*** Error 1 in /home/tao/Software/qgis/build-2.18.22 (Makefile:163 'all')

Tried to find the file mentioned above
"/home/tao/Software/qgis/qgis-2.18.22/resources/function_help/json/rea ",
but could not find anything.

Anyone has an idea?

could you try gmake instead of make?
make != gmake (unless you simlink or alias it)

Could not find gmake. And also could not use cmake to build it.
I think make is the right one.

I have to give up ^ \^

snapshots already have qgis 3, so you can upgrade to current to get all 
the latest.

since there is a port, you should start from there (eg. upgrade the qgis 
source version and start with that)


Re: Probelm when building QGIS

2018-07-27 Thread tao
Rashad Kanavath wrote
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 12:36 AM tao 

> uponmyword@

>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am in OpenBSD6.3. QGIS 2.18.17 in packages can not render style just
>> like
>> things in
>> http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/qgis-bug-since-last-security-update-under-stable-td339707.html
>> So, I am trying to build QGIS 2.18.17 from source.
>> Succeeded to ccmake the source. But get error when make.
>> Here is the message:
>> tao$ make
>> [  0%] Built target version
>> make: don't know how to make
>> /home/tao/Software/qgis/qgis-2.18.22/resources/function_help/json/rea
>> (prerequisite of: src/core/qgsexpression_texts.cpp)
>> Stop in .
>> *** Error 2 in . (CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1165
>> 'src/core/CMakeFiles/qgis_core.dir/all')
>> *** Error 1 in /home/tao/Software/qgis/build-2.18.22 (Makefile:163 'all')
>> Tried to find the file mentioned above
>> "/home/tao/Software/qgis/qgis-2.18.22/resources/function_help/json/rea ",
>> but could not find anything.
>> Anyone has an idea?
> could you try gmake instead of make?
> make != gmake (unless you simlink or alias it)

Could not find gmake. And also could not use cmake to build it.
I think make is the right one.

I have to give up ^ \^

Rashad Kanavath wrote
>> --
>> Sent from:
>> http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/openbsd-user-misc-f3.html
> -- 
> Regards,

Sent from: http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/openbsd-user-misc-f3.html

Re: Is BCM4360 802.11ac (on MacBook Air 6.1) supported?

2018-07-27 Thread Patrick Wildt
On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 08:33:27AM +0200, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 09:33:43PM +0200, MiKi wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I installed OpenBSD 6.3 in a MacBook Air 6.1 everything works fine but
> > except the wireless card.
> > 
> > It have a Broadcom BCM4360 802.11ac (rev3) card, the device is showed on
> > dmesg but left undetected as a device in ifconfig, I take a look on bwi(4)
> > and this exact model wasn't listed.
> > 
> > I also checked the new driver bwfm(4) that seems a newer driver for Broadcom
> > AC cards, but it haven't any listing.
> > 
> > Also I have nothing pending to install with fw_update
> > 
> > So, is this card definitely unsupported? if not, can someone give me some
> > pointers to get it work?
> This card might be supported by bwfm(4) in -current.

It is not.  It looks like this is a SoftMAC chip which can not be
supported by the bwfm(4) FullMAC driver.  Even FreeBSD, who have worked
on improving their SoftMAC support, do not seem to support that chip.

Re: pf - NAT not working after systemboot

2018-07-27 Thread Marko Cupać
On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 12:33:01 +0300
Ville Valkonen  wrote:

> On 26 July 2018 at 13:01, Thomas Huber  wrote:
> > Hi misc,
> >
> > my current pf setup works fine but I face the problem, that NAT
> > does not work directly after system boot. Only when a do a
> >
> > # pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
> >
> > after the booting things a working correctly.
> > Note: I don´t make any changes to pf.conf.
> as Solene mentioned, it's because the interface is not ready.
> Maybe something like this (adapted from iked.conf manual page):
> all rules that have pppoe mentioned, append (if-bound).

I am using pf with pppoe for more than a decade on dozens of boxes and
never got into a problem with NAT not working. On some crappy providers
it is not unusual to wait for 10 minutes after reboot for pppoe to
negotiate and get IP address. Also, sometimes pppoe link goes down and
don't come back for hours. None of this requires reloading of pf rules,
it just waits until pppoe reconnects, box usually gets different public
IP adress, and after that NATs to new address.

Am I missing something?
Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

Re: pf - NAT not working after systemboot

2018-07-27 Thread Ville Valkonen
On 26 July 2018 at 13:01, Thomas Huber  wrote:
> Hi misc,
> my current pf setup works fine but I face the problem, that NAT does not
> work directly after system boot. Only when a do a
> # pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
> after the booting things a working correctly.
> Note: I don´t make any changes to pf.conf.
> Anybody any idea?
> General Setup:
> Hardware: PCengines APU2c4
> 2x vlan(4): vlan32 (private) vlan64 (wifi-guests)
> 2x pppoe(4):  ADSL-uplink.
> Thanks!
> Here is the pf.conf:
> table  { \
> \
> }
> set block-policy drop
> set skip on lo0
> match in all scrub (no-df random-id max-mss 1440)
> match out on pppoe0 from vlan:network nat-to (pppoe0)
> match out on pppoe1 from vlan:network nat-to (pppoe1)
> block in quick on pppoe from  to any
> block return out quick on pppoe from any to 
> block all
> pass out quick inet
> pass out on vlan to vlan:network
> pass in quick on vlan from vlan:network to vlan
> pass in on vlan route-to {(pppoe0 pppoe0:network), (pppoe1 pppoe1:network)}
> least-states sticky-address
> pass in on vlan proto tcp to port https route-to {(pppoe0 pppoe0:network),
> (pppoe1 pppoe1:network)} source-hash
> block return in on vlan from vlan64:network to vlan32:network
> block return in on vlan inet proto tcp from any to any port 25
> pass in on egress inet proto icmp all
> pass in on egress inet proto tcp from any to (egress) port ssh


as Solene mentioned, it's because the interface is not ready.

Maybe something like this (adapted from iked.conf manual page):
all rules that have pppoe mentioned, append (if-bound).


Re: How to implement CARP master/backup with IPv6 RAs from OpenBSD firewall pair?

2018-07-27 Thread Marc Peters
On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 04:57:09PM -0400, Martin Gignac wrote:
> Hi,
> How does one implement a redundant OpenBSD firewall pair with IPv6?
> With IPv4 I would use CARP to have one of the boxes be the
> master/active while the other one is backup/standby. But with IPv6 I
> want to use Router Advertisements so that hosts on the internal
> network can use SLAAC for IPv6 address autoconfiguration. Therefore
> hosts will receive RAs from both OpenBSD boxes and set both as
> possible default GWs in their routing table.
> In that case, how do I get the internal hosts to send all traffic to
> the "primary" firewall? I've configured the CARP interface on the box
> with IPv6, but the RAs are still sent from both boxes (master and
> backup) so the RA-configured hosts don't end up using the IPv6 CARP
> VIP at all and I seem to end up with possible asymmetric firewall
> flows.
> Thanks,
> -Martin

rtadvd will only start on the master, because the interface has to
be active. With ifstated, you can automate this (starting, stopping).
I don't know, if rad is also dependent on the interface, but once you
have the ifstated in place, you would just need to change the name of
the daemon and restart ifstated.


Re: POWER9 hardware donation

2018-07-27 Thread Peter J. Philipp
On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 09:21:09PM +0200, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on a powerpc64 port, I've been at it 2 weeks non-stop.?? I don't
> know if I'll finish.?? But I gotta say hey! this is a generous offer.
> Since I'm focusing on the big endian machine byte order and on PowerPC 970's
> it would need to be ported again to little endian afaik.?? If it's possible
> to run on a Power9 in big endian mode this would be cool.
> I believe I am not worthy of such a machine and only worthy if I port
> OpenBSD to my PowerPC 970FX cpu.?? Let's take our time and wait to see if I
> or anyone else moves in a positive direction in this area.
> BTW I've been working on a cross-compiler to powerpc64 today.?? I used
> kevlo's riscv cross compiler port and modified it. Unfortunately I started
> before sunrise and it's sunset now and i haven't managed to get cross-gcc
> working.?? I may succeed tomorrow.
> Regards,
> -peter
> On 07/24/18 20:27, Pascal de Kloe wrote:
> > I'm offering my brand new IBM 9006-22P with two 16-core 2.9GHZ CPUs to
> > the OpenBSD project for free. Who can make the hardware port happen?
> > Serious attempts only.


I'm CC'ing p...@openbsd.org because that's where I started the 64-bit PowerPC
thread.  I want to say that I succeeded building a cross-compiler for 64 bit
PowerPC.  I haven't tested its functionality yet but the packaging/port is
complete.  If you want to help, download this tarball, extract to 
/usr/ports/devel/ examine it, and install on your system.  Look for 
breakages.  I'll get into some detail later.


This will build binutils and gcc in /usr/local and 
/usr/local/powerpc64-unknown-openbsd/*.  Since I based this off kevlo@openbsd's
riscv port there was a conflict for .la files that installed into 
/usr/local/lib ... I had to really damage the Makefile.in's of gcc's libcc1 
in order for it not to install those .la files.  But it caught some other 
libcc1 relevant files too, so I don't know if the cross compiler even works.

Here is some eye candy for the packages that I have installed on my xeon 
system to show there is no conflict I'm including riscv port:

beta$ pkg_info | grep -e powerpc64 -e riscv
powerpc64-elf-binutils-2.30 binutils for powerpc64-elf cross-development
powerpc64-elf-gcc-8.1.0 gcc for powerpc64-elf cross-development
riscv-elf-binutils-2.30 binutils for riscv-elf cross-development
riscv-elf-gcc-8.1.0 gcc for riscv-elf cross-development
riscv-elf-newlib-3.0.0 newlib for riscv-elf cross-development

One thing to know about this powerpc64 compiler is it cannot build userland
OpenBSD (not even init) but with a kernel it should be OK.  This is because
I did not include the includes (haven't built those fully yet).  When the time
comes when my tree is complete I'll try to revisit this and remove the:

patch-libgcc_enable_mprotect:+#if 0
patch-gcc_tsystem_h:+#define inhibit_libc   1

This patch does not look for include files such as sys/mman.h which are a
dependency for the gcc 8.1.0 rs6000 machine target.

This was a painful week because it was really hot in Germany where I develop,
and building this cross-compiler was frustrating too.  I once asked on IRC
for people to help me, but I did only get moral support.

Thank you to kevlo@openbsd for providing something to work with...
(I'm thankful it was in the ports tree).

I'm looking for people to come forward and help me.  It is lonely doing this
alone.  First state that you want to help, look on p...@openbsd.org archives
on what I've done (64-bit PowerPC thread) and look where you can help.  If
you have a G5 macppc machine this would help as I'm basing it off that.
I need someone to look into making a 64 bit ofwboot available, as I need to
boot a first OpenBSD/aim64 kernel some day with a 64 bit loader.  (This week
was a setback, I didn't think this cross compiler would rob so much time).
I may have 4-8 more weeks in august and september to work on this.


Re: Is BCM4360 802.11ac (on MacBook Air 6.1) supported?

2018-07-27 Thread Stefan Sperling
On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 09:33:43PM +0200, MiKi wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed OpenBSD 6.3 in a MacBook Air 6.1 everything works fine but
> except the wireless card.
> It have a Broadcom BCM4360 802.11ac (rev3) card, the device is showed on
> dmesg but left undetected as a device in ifconfig, I take a look on bwi(4)
> and this exact model wasn't listed.
> I also checked the new driver bwfm(4) that seems a newer driver for Broadcom
> AC cards, but it haven't any listing.
> Also I have nothing pending to install with fw_update
> So, is this card definitely unsupported? if not, can someone give me some
> pointers to get it work?

This card might be supported by bwfm(4) in -current.