Re: news from my hacked box

2020-04-05 Thread Cord

> "Theo de Raadt" wrote:
> > Cord wrote:
> >
> > > You are free to believe or not to believe, but you are not free to insult 
> > > me.
> > > Is that clear ?
> >
> > Or what.. you'll throw your tinfoil hat at them?
> Haven't you yet been diagnosed w/ ODD? :)
> Cord: you're prolly being overly paranoid, and your assertions are
> somewhat vague. Many people here have trouble dealing w/ that, me
> included. Thus: please excuse us if we cannot give you the answers
> you seek. What mecan say is that some of the problems you
> identified are a natural consequence of the unreliability of IP.

I understand you perfectly but there are some points I want highlight:
1) the old times of webdeface or hackers that want show the insecurity of 
software or website are past.
today the vast majority of hacking world is submerged. None want leave trace or 
leave evidences.
Then there is a huge number of hacked site and hackaed desktop out there. Many 
people didn't know that their pc or phone is not under their control anymore.
The new frontier of hacking is espionage. None want be discovered.

2) Sometime the old schema to pull out evidence of hacking are not valid 
For example if you are Edward Snowden all that little and subjective things 
that are not important for a common person become very important because the 
context is very different.
If you are an important entrepreneur and you see that the projects you're 
working and that are in your pc now are exactly the same that are producting 
your competitor,  then you become very suspicious. If this happens many times 
you're  absolutely sure that your projects were been exfiltrated from your pc. 
BUT THERE ARE NOT EVIDENCES. And for privacy reason you don't want explain 
yourself and you become vague. Of course those are just examples. Now, in my 
opinion, because you (not you, but who reply to email like mine) don't know who 
I am and you can't contextualize, the best choice you have is just reply the 
best way you can. Without judgement. If you don't know, you don't reply.

3) Today security is a huge business, times are very changed. If someone find a 
remote kernel bug in openbsd what does he do ? Does He write a message to or run away to sell it in the dark web for $50,000 ? If 
someone find a remote bug in the linux kernel, does he send an email to the 
full disclosure mailing list or sell it to any government espionage agency ?
Times are changed, many bug are still there, you don't know and many people 
have huge interests to not discover it.
The same concept is valid also for new vector attack, new exploiting technique, 
new hiding technology, new code manipulation and so on. Money and power means 
do not disclosure, keep it secret.

> No reason to be a jerk, though.

Without a doubt

> HTH,

Re: news from my hacked box

2020-04-05 Thread Cord

> Cord wrote:
> > You are free to believe or not to believe, but you are not free to insult 
> > me.
> > Is that clear ?
> Or what.. you'll throw your tinfoil hat at them?

of course, my hat is deadly!

Re: news from my hacked box

2020-04-05 Thread Cord
> > I found something that in my opinion are nearly evidences.
> What exactly are trying to prove here?
> > For those who doesn't know my story please read past messages:
> >
> I think I know you from before. You're the guy claiming to be hacked
> over and over again, right?

I'm the guy you find at the link, I'm not other guy. I use only this email for 
the openbsd misc ml.

> > Well, as I said previously my laptop was been hacked then I bought a new 
> > laptop because my suspicious are that the uefi or other firmware was been 
> > hacked (I reinstalled openbsd various
> > iwm0 with vpn download: 0,46 mbit/s upload: 0,55 mbit/s
> > iwm0 without vpn download: 0,50 mbit/s upload: 2,53 mbit/s
> > urtwn0 with vpn download: 20,88 mbit/s upload: 8,49 mbit/s
> > urtwn0: without vpn download: 24,83 mbit/s upload 9,27 mbit/s
> What exactly is strange here? Two different cards behave differently.

The bandwidth of 0,50 mbit is not normal. I have one router and I'm the only 
Then or the driver is crap (I don't think so) or the card is broken (I tried a 
live linux and it works well) or there some configuration that limit the 

> > iwm0: round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 18.761/6372.615/72372.495/14987.007 
> > ms
> > urtwn0: round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 24.068/36.489/878.218/48.120 ms
> The thing I find funny is that you insist on being spied on or somehow
> hacked, you act tin-foil paranoid to the point of changing your laptop
> because of some unexplained behavior, yet you use and
> CloudFlare DNS. Are you trolling or delusional?

The thing I find funny is that in world full to the brim of vulnerabilities, 
the NSA that intercept entire country,
vulnerability on the bios/uefi,
and rootkit (this video is five years old and this one that is a firmware 
worm that infect thunderbolt device which infect and other laptop
or  nic firmware rootkit (,
vulnerability on cpu, or on the GSM protocols 
( ,
openbsd developer paid to insert backdoor on ipsec stack 
vendor, like apple, that pay until $1 milion for a remote kernel exploit, 
government that make cyber warfare and spies whitehouse candidate,
Encryption algorithm that are bugged since 1995 and are removed only in 2015 
and so on.. I can continue
And you say I'm paranoid ?
LOL I say you are living in some kind of fantasy world!

> > As I know the traffic shaping is configured by pf with pf.conf, the 
> > following is my pf.conf (I'm sorry I'm not a genius of pf):
> > ---/etc/pf.conf
> > if="urtwn0"
> > #if="iwm0"
> > block drop in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port 6000:6010
> > block drop out log proto {tcp udp} user _pbuild
> > block log quick on $if
> >
> Neither am I, but aren't there supposed to be some rules that pass
> traffic inbound to your interface?


> > Other strange things that happens on my laptop are the following:
> >
> > 1.  sometimes my openvpn (2 times on 5) fail authentication even I use a 
> > saved file authentication data and pass it the data with --auth-user-pass 
> > /my/path/pass
> > Then in my opinion it's impossible fails the authentication.
> >
> Not really. OpenVPN is a temperamental piece of software that doesn't
> like firewalls very much. In edge cases, it likes to fail, especially if
> you use UDP

I don't use UDP

> > 2.  sometimes KeePassXC fails authentication on random site. If I copy the 
> > password and paste it by hand it works.
> Both autotype and browser plugins are dependent on so many different
> technologies to work like they should. Like before, it's easy for things
> to go wrong in edge cases.

never happens in recent 10 years.

> > 3.  and of course there are people that can spy me and modify suggested 
> > videos on youtube. Please do not comment this because I know it's very 
> > subjective.
> Same as before. Tinfoil hat paranoia yet you still use YouTube?

What is tinfoil ? and what's wrong in youtube ?

> > As I said previously in my opinion there is 0day on how is implemented the 
> > tcp/ip stack in the kernel.
> > And the vulnerability can be exploited by a mitm attack from the home 
> > router.
> > Thank you Cord.
> And the proof is where? You are providing sparse information, impossible
> PF configuration files, and anecdotal "evidence" that can be easily
> attributed to user error. Instead of trying to explore how programs
> you're using work, you blame OpenBSD. The only thing you make evident is
> your lack of analytical approach to problem solving and ignorance of the
> mailing list rules. Where is dmesg output? What HW are you using? What
> browser? What router?
> Please t

Re: mapserver httpd configuration

2020-04-05 Thread Aaron Mason
Hi Rashad

Is mapserv.sock in /var/www/run?  Also, does the web server have
access to the socket file?

I use a similar method to run RT:

# cat /etc/httpd.conf
server $domain {
listen on egress tls port 443
fastcgi socket "/run/rt/rt-server.sock"
log syslog
tls {
key "/etc/ssl/private/server.key"
certificate "/etc/ssl/server.crt"
connection max request body 104857600
# ls -l /var/www/run/rt/rt-server.sock
srwxrwxrwx  1 www  www  0 Apr  3 08:27 /var/www/run/rt/rt-server.sock

Also, yes I know 777 is a security risk.  I think RT did that, I don't
tell it to have any particular mode.  chmod o-rwx didn't break RT, so
I'll see about turning those off on startup and diving into the code
to see if I can fix that at the source.

Should be able to chown it after it starts, or you can just run it as
www and put it in its own directory under /run.

On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 9:03 PM Rashad Kanavath
> Hello all,
> Does anybody had tried to mapserver using httpd.
> I had latest mapserver 7.3 installed but cannot configure as it gives 500
> internal server error
> The above readme show information on ngix and supervisor.
> I tried to copy the ngix config into my httpd.conf and got that 500
> internel server error.
> See my httpd.conf below:
> server "" {
>   listen on * port 80
>   root "/htdocs/"
>   location "*.php*" {
> fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
>   }
>   location "/cgi-bin/mapserv" {
> fastcgi socket  "/run/mapserv.sock"
> fastcgi param SCRIPT_FILENAME "/cgi-bin/mapserv"
> }
> }
> I had php script working correctly and /var/www/cgi-bin/mapserv -v is
> working correctly
> In the Readme on cvs give details on chroot, but I don't know it usage for
> using OpenBSD httpd
> thanks for your help.
> --
> Regards,

Aaron Mason - Programmer, open source addict
I've taken my software vows - for beta or for worse

Re: sysupgrade is constantly failing

2020-04-05 Thread Christer Solskogen
On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 8:29 PM Stephan Mending 

> Hi *,
> I've been experiencing issues upgrading my -current machines to the next
> snapshots by upgrading via `sysupgrade -ns`.
Should work now.


Re: ospfd in 6.6 when dying doesn't recover database before adj timer expires

2020-04-05 Thread Remi Locherer
Hi Tobias,

On Fri, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:39:30AM +, Tobias Urdin wrote:
> Hello,
> We've seen a issue where if you perform a ospfctl reload and have a faulty 
> configuration for example a interface
> that doesn't exist it dies (which is fair in itself) but the seq num for the 
> database never catches up with the DR until
> the adjacency timer expires over and over again, can take up to 30 minutes 
> before it's back.
> I produce a failure with a faulty interface.
> Apr  3 10:03:46 router1 ospfd[36062]: fatal in rde: rde_nbr_new: unknown 
> interface
> Apr  3 10:03:46 router1 ospfd[19043]: ospf engine exiting
> Apr  3 10:03:46 router1 ospfd[67917]: kernel routing table decoupled
> Apr  3 10:03:46 router1 ospfd[67917]: terminating​

Can you tell us, how this failure can be reproduced? ospfd is supposed to log 
that a
config reload failed and carry on with it's old config.

> Upon startup we then get stuck in this loop och trying to get back.
> Apr  3 10:04:15 router1 ospfd[91965]: startup
> Apr  3 10:06:22 router1 ospfd[19699]: nbr_adj_timer: failed to form adjacency 
> with x.x.x.1 on interface vmx0
> Apr  3 10:06:42 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27a9fd66 his 27a99b25
> Apr  3 10:08:22 router1 ospfd[19699]: nbr_adj_timer: failed to form adjacency 
> with x.x.x.1 on interface vmx0
> Apr  3 10:09:17 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27aa6475 his 27a9fd69
> Apr  3 10:10:22 router1 ospfd[19699]: nbr_adj_timer: failed to form adjacency 
> with x.x.x.1 on interface vmx0
> Apr  3 10:11:02 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27aa9109 his 27aa6476
> Apr  3 10:11:22 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27aa9109 his 27aa6476
> Apr  3 10:11:27 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27aa9109 his 27aa6476
> Apr  3 10:11:32 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27aa9109 his 27aa6476
> Apr  3 10:11:37 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27aa9109 his 27aa6476
> Apr  3 10:11:42 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27aa9109 his 27aa6476
> Apr  3 10:11:47 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27aa9109 his 27aa6476
> Apr  3 10:12:22 router1 ospfd[19699]: nbr_adj_timer: failed to form adjacency 
> with x.x.x.1 on interface vmx0
> Apr  3 10:12:51 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27ab558d his 27aa910b
> Apr  3 10:12:51 router1 ospfd[19699]: recv_db_description: neighbor ID 
> x.x.x.1: invalid seq num, mine 27ab558d his 27aa910b​

Can you share a pcap file with the OSPF packages during this situation?

> It's like it cannot match the database with the DR until the 
> DEFAULT_ADJ_TMOUT​ (120sec) timeout occurs and it starts all over again.
> Anybody seen this before? Should probably note that the DR in the other end 
> is not a device running OpenOSPFD.

What device / software version is on the other end?

Thank you,

Re: [/ is full] How to delete junk in /dev ?

2020-04-05 Thread Olivier
On Sun, 5 Apr 2020 11:22:07 +0200
Benjamin Baier  wrote:

> On Sun, 5 Apr 2020 10:19:30 +0200
> Olivier  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am running OpenBSD from a long time(T410 / Amd64) ; and 6.6 from the 
> > release. I did not monitor the size of / in the past...
> > Until today :(
> > 
> > Please, how to identify junk to remove in /dev below :
> $ find /dev/ -type f
> Everything this command finds except /dev/MAKEDEV can be removed.
> Most likely this is a dd(1) gone wrong.
> -- Ben

Hi Benjamin,

thank you. If i will do the same mistake, i will use it ;)

It was a mistake done with dd to create my openbsd stick for my arm board.

Have a nice week end.


Re: [/ is full] How to delete junk in /dev ?

2020-04-05 Thread Olivier
On Sun, 5 Apr 2020 10:32:02 +0200
Martijn van Duren  wrote:

> On 4/5/20 10:19 AM, Olivier wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am running OpenBSD from a long time(T410 / Amd64) ; and 6.6 from the 
> > release. I did not monitor the size of / in the past...
> > Until today :(
> > 
> > Please, how to identify junk to remove in /dev below :
> > 
> > +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> > +---> df -h 
> > Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> > /dev/sd0a 1008M   1003M  -44.9M   105%/
> > /dev/sd0m 37.4G3.7G   31.8G10%/home
> > /dev/sd0d  3.9G1.6M3.7G 0%/tmp
> > /dev/sd0f  3.9G975M2.8G25%/usr
> > /dev/sd0g 1008M258M700M27%/usr/X11R6
> > /dev/sd0h 15.7G4.5G   10.5G30%/usr/local
> > /dev/sd0l  2.0G2.0K1.9G 0%/usr/obj
> > /dev/sd0k  2.0G2.0K1.9G 0%/usr/src
> > /dev/sd0e  7.9G971M6.5G13%/var
> > +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> > +---> doas find -x / -size +1 -exec du -h {} \; 
> > 17.9M   /bsd
> > 9.8M/bsd.rd
> > 848K/dev/sdXc
> > 884M/dev/sd3
> > 17.8M   /bsd.sp
> > 17.9M   /bsd.booted
> > +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> > +---> doas du -d1 -h -x /   
> > 2.0K/home
> > 2.0K/tmp
> > 2.0K/usr
> > 2.0K/var
> > 16.0K   /net
> > 2.0K/altroot
> > 10.1M   /bin
> > 885M/dev
> > 16.2M   /etc
> > 2.0K/mnt
> > 4.6M/root
> > 23.4M   /sbin
> > 1003M   /
> > +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> > +---> doas du -d1 -h -x /dev
> > 2.0K/dev/fd
> > 885M/dev
> > +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> > +---> 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> > 
> Most likely one of your device nodes turned into a regular file.
> Considering what I've seen over the years the most likely culprit is
> /dev/null.
> Probably the easiest way to find it is with:
> find /dev/ -type f -a ! -name MAKEDEV
> Once you've find it you can just delete it and recreate it with
> cd /dev; sh ./MAKEDEV 
> martijn@
Hi martijn,

Thank you. i found it was 2 file from a bad use of dd :)

I deleted 2 file : /dev/sd3 & /dev/sdXc !


mirror packages behind

2020-04-05 Thread Marcus MERIGHI

I wanted to mention that

is showing packages as of 2020-03-14 (3/14). But

is at 2020-04-02 (04/02).

Regarding snapshots the lag is only a single day.


Re: [/ is full] How to delete junk in /dev ?

2020-04-05 Thread Benjamin Baier
On Sun, 5 Apr 2020 10:19:30 +0200
Olivier  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am running OpenBSD from a long time(T410 / Amd64) ; and 6.6 from the 
> release. I did not monitor the size of / in the past...
> Until today :(
> Please, how to identify junk to remove in /dev below :

$ find /dev/ -type f

Everything this command finds except /dev/MAKEDEV can be removed.
Most likely this is a dd(1) gone wrong.

-- Ben

Re: [/ is full] How to delete junk in /dev ?

2020-04-05 Thread Maurice McCarthy
On 6.6 stable

$ ls /dev | nl

gives me 1179 in the list. Have you written something in there? A
large print file?

Re: [/ is full] How to delete junk in /dev ?

2020-04-05 Thread Olivier
Humm it seems i have already my answers in my email :)


Maybe i done really something wrong. i delete it. Same for /dev/sdXc :)

On Sun, 5 Apr 2020 10:19:30 +0200
Olivier  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am running OpenBSD from a long time(T410 / Amd64) ; and 6.6 from the 
> release. I did not monitor the size of / in the past...
> Until today :(
> Please, how to identify junk to remove in /dev below :
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> df -h 
> Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/sd0a 1008M   1003M  -44.9M   105%/
> /dev/sd0m 37.4G3.7G   31.8G10%/home
> /dev/sd0d  3.9G1.6M3.7G 0%/tmp
> /dev/sd0f  3.9G975M2.8G25%/usr
> /dev/sd0g 1008M258M700M27%/usr/X11R6
> /dev/sd0h 15.7G4.5G   10.5G30%/usr/local
> /dev/sd0l  2.0G2.0K1.9G 0%/usr/obj
> /dev/sd0k  2.0G2.0K1.9G 0%/usr/src
> /dev/sd0e  7.9G971M6.5G13%/var
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> doas find -x / -size +1 -exec du -h {} \; 
> 17.9M /bsd
> 9.8M  /bsd.rd
> 848K  /dev/sdXc
> 884M  /dev/sd3
> 17.8M /bsd.sp
> 17.9M /bsd.booted
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> doas du -d1 -h -x /   
> 2.0K  /home
> 2.0K  /tmp
> 2.0K  /usr
> 2.0K  /var
> 16.0K /net
> 2.0K  /altroot
> 10.1M /bin
> 885M  /dev
> 16.2M /etc
> 2.0K  /mnt
> 4.6M  /root
> 23.4M /sbin
> 1003M /
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> doas du -d1 -h -x /dev
> 2.0K  /dev/fd
> 885M  /dev
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> 
> Thanks in advance.
> -- 


Re: [/ is full] How to delete junk in /dev ?

2020-04-05 Thread Martijn van Duren
On 4/5/20 10:19 AM, Olivier wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running OpenBSD from a long time(T410 / Amd64) ; and 6.6 from the 
> release. I did not monitor the size of / in the past...
> Until today :(
> Please, how to identify junk to remove in /dev below :
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> df -h 
> Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/sd0a 1008M   1003M  -44.9M   105%/
> /dev/sd0m 37.4G3.7G   31.8G10%/home
> /dev/sd0d  3.9G1.6M3.7G 0%/tmp
> /dev/sd0f  3.9G975M2.8G25%/usr
> /dev/sd0g 1008M258M700M27%/usr/X11R6
> /dev/sd0h 15.7G4.5G   10.5G30%/usr/local
> /dev/sd0l  2.0G2.0K1.9G 0%/usr/obj
> /dev/sd0k  2.0G2.0K1.9G 0%/usr/src
> /dev/sd0e  7.9G971M6.5G13%/var
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> doas find -x / -size +1 -exec du -h {} \; 
> 17.9M /bsd
> 9.8M  /bsd.rd
> 848K  /dev/sdXc
> 884M  /dev/sd3
> 17.8M /bsd.sp
> 17.9M /bsd.booted
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> doas du -d1 -h -x /   
> 2.0K  /home
> 2.0K  /tmp
> 2.0K  /usr
> 2.0K  /var
> 16.0K /net
> 2.0K  /altroot
> 10.1M /bin
> 885M  /dev
> 16.2M /etc
> 2.0K  /mnt
> 4.6M  /root
> 23.4M /sbin
> 1003M /
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> doas du -d1 -h -x /dev
> 2.0K  /dev/fd
> 885M  /dev
> +---< oliv@snow >---< / >
> +---> 
> Thanks in advance.
Most likely one of your device nodes turned into a regular file.
Considering what I've seen over the years the most likely culprit is
Probably the easiest way to find it is with:
find /dev/ -type f -a ! -name MAKEDEV
Once you've find it you can just delete it and recreate it with
cd /dev; sh ./MAKEDEV 


[/ is full] How to delete junk in /dev ?

2020-04-05 Thread Olivier

I am running OpenBSD from a long time(T410 / Amd64) ; and 6.6 from the release. 
I did not monitor the size of / in the past...
Until today :(

Please, how to identify junk to remove in /dev below :

+---< oliv@snow >---< / >
+---> df -h 
Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a 1008M   1003M  -44.9M   105%/
/dev/sd0m 37.4G3.7G   31.8G10%/home
/dev/sd0d  3.9G1.6M3.7G 0%/tmp
/dev/sd0f  3.9G975M2.8G25%/usr
/dev/sd0g 1008M258M700M27%/usr/X11R6
/dev/sd0h 15.7G4.5G   10.5G30%/usr/local
/dev/sd0l  2.0G2.0K1.9G 0%/usr/obj
/dev/sd0k  2.0G2.0K1.9G 0%/usr/src
/dev/sd0e  7.9G971M6.5G13%/var
+---< oliv@snow >---< / >
+---> doas find -x / -size +1 -exec du -h {} \; 
17.9M   /bsd
17.8M   /bsd.sp
17.9M   /bsd.booted
+---< oliv@snow >---< / >
+---> doas du -d1 -h -x /   
16.0K   /net
10.1M   /bin
16.2M   /etc
23.4M   /sbin
1003M   /
+---< oliv@snow >---< / >
+---> doas du -d1 -h -x /dev
+---< oliv@snow >---< / >

Thanks in advance.
