Re: CARP interfaces randomly stop answering ARP requests

2012-04-11 Thread Ian Chard

On 03/04/12 10:32, Camiel Dobbelaar wrote:

On 3-4-2012 11:13, Ian Chard wrote:

I have an OpenBSD box acting as a NATting firewall.  It has 59 CARP
interfaces defined, all identical apart from the IP address and vhid. At
the moment there is no failover pair, so all the interfaces are in
MASTER mode.

Every so often, one of these interfaces will suddenly stop answering ARP
requests.  With tcpdump I can see the ARP requests coming in, but they
are never answered.  ifconfig output for the interface is no different
to any of the other CARP instances; most notably, it is still in MASTER
mode.  I have net.inet.carp.log set to 7, but nothing is logged when
this happens: no state changes, no other messages.

Recovery is simple: I just 'ifconfig carpxx down; ifconfig carpxx up'.
The interface recovers in a second or two.

I had this problem with 4.9-stable, and today I migrated the config to a
fresh 5.0-stable installation with the same results.

Any help much appreciated!

I assume all your carp interfaces have the same carpdev (physical
interface) ?

I suspect you may run into this limit (in sys/netinet):
if_ether.c: IFQ_SET_MAXLEN(arpintrq, 50);  /* XXX hate
magic numbers */

Can you raise that number to 100 and compile a new kernel?

I've now had this running since your suggestion, and the problem hasn't 
come back.  Thanks again!

- Ian

Ian Chard, Systems Architect   |  E:
Bodleian Libraries |  T:  80587 / (01865) 280587
University of Oxford   |  F:  (01865) 242287

CARP interfaces randomly stop answering ARP requests

2012-04-03 Thread Ian Chard


I have an OpenBSD box acting as a NATting firewall.  It has 59 CARP 
interfaces defined, all identical apart from the IP address and vhid. 
At the moment there is no failover pair, so all the interfaces are in 
MASTER mode.

Every so often, one of these interfaces will suddenly stop answering ARP 
requests.  With tcpdump I can see the ARP requests coming in, but they 
are never answered.  ifconfig output for the interface is no different 
to any of the other CARP instances; most notably, it is still in MASTER 
mode.  I have net.inet.carp.log set to 7, but nothing is logged when 
this happens: no state changes, no other messages.

Recovery is simple: I just 'ifconfig carpxx down; ifconfig carpxx up'. 
The interface recovers in a second or two.

I had this problem with 4.9-stable, and today I migrated the config to a 
fresh 5.0-stable installation with the same results.

Any help much appreciated!

- Ian

Ian Chard, Systems Architect   |  E:
Bodleian Libraries |  T:  80587 / (01865) 280587
University of Oxford   |  F:  (01865) 242287

Re: CARP interfaces randomly stop answering ARP requests

2012-04-03 Thread Ian Chard

On 03/04/2012 10:32 AM, Camiel Dobbelaar wrote:

On 3-4-2012 11:13, Ian Chard wrote:

I have an OpenBSD box acting as a NATting firewall.  It has 59 CARP
interfaces defined, all identical apart from the IP address and vhid. At
the moment there is no failover pair, so all the interfaces are in
MASTER mode.

Every so often, one of these interfaces will suddenly stop answering ARP
requests.  With tcpdump I can see the ARP requests coming in, but they
are never answered.  ifconfig output for the interface is no different
to any of the other CARP instances; most notably, it is still in MASTER
mode.  I have net.inet.carp.log set to 7, but nothing is logged when
this happens: no state changes, no other messages.

Recovery is simple: I just 'ifconfig carpxx down; ifconfig carpxx up'.
The interface recovers in a second or two.

I had this problem with 4.9-stable, and today I migrated the config to a
fresh 5.0-stable installation with the same results.

Any help much appreciated!

I assume all your carp interfaces have the same carpdev (physical
interface) ?

All but one, yes.

I suspect you may run into this limit (in sys/netinet):
if_ether.c: IFQ_SET_MAXLEN(arpintrq, 50);  /* XXX hate
magic numbers */

Can you raise that number to 100 and compile a new kernel?

I'll try that -- thanks.

Alternatively, you can combine IP addresses (using alias) on the carp
interfaces so you have less of those.

Now why didn't I think of that :)  Amazing what a fresh pair of eyes can do.

Many thanks again
- Ian

Ian Chard, Systems Architect   |  E:
Bodleian Libraries |  T:  80587 / (01865) 280587
University of Oxford   |  F:  (01865) 242287

Monitoring DHCP pool state

2009-10-08 Thread Ian Chard


I'm using the stock OpenBSD dhcpd, and I'd like to monitor the state of 
the pool (how many addresses in use/available).  Is there any way of 
doing this without writing a parser for /var/db/dhcpd.leases?  Would I 
be better off using a different dhcpd?

- Ian

Ian Chard, Senior Unix and Network Gorilla | E:
Systems and Electronic Resources Service   | T:  80587 / (01865) 280587
Oxford University Library Services | F:  (01865) 242287

Logging when interfaces go down

2009-09-18 Thread Ian Chard


Is it possible to log, or in some other way capture the event, when 
network interfaces go down?

- Ian

Ian Chard, Senior Unix and Network Gorilla | E:
Systems and Electronic Resources Service   | T:  80587 / (01865) 280587
Oxford University Library Services | F:  (01865) 242287

Re: Logging when interfaces go down

2009-09-18 Thread Ian Chard

Everyone said:

Thanks to everyone :-)

- Ian

Ian Chard, Senior Unix and Network Gorilla | E:
Systems and Electronic Resources Service   | T:  80587 / (01865) 280587
Oxford University Library Services | F:  (01865) 242287

Outbound RST not seen by tcpdump?

2009-09-18 Thread Ian Chard


I'm troubleshooting a very strange problem, where my ssh connection to a 
few different OpenBSD machines drops suddenly, with the client machine 
receiving a TCP RST from the server.  I've taken tcpdump captures on 
both sides (in different sessions, so the tcpdump process doesn't die 
with my shell), and the OpenBSD machine's capture doesn't log the RST it 
apparently sends.

Now the machines are in a complex network, so it's possible that the 
packet is being generated spuriously by something else.  My question is: 
is there any way that the OpenBSD kernel could sent a TCP RST that is 
always missed by tcpdump running on the same machine?

Thanks for any help
- Ian

Ian Chard, Senior Unix and Network Gorilla | E:
Systems and Electronic Resources Service   | T:  80587 / (01865) 280587
Oxford University Library Services | F:  (01865) 242287

Re: Authentication method fallback not working

2009-08-28 Thread Ian Chard

On 27/08/09 13:44, Schvberle Daniel wrote:


I'm using OpenBSD 4.5-stable, and I'm trying to configure RADIUS
authentication.  What I want is for the system to try the
RADIUS server,
and if it fails, fall back to the local password file.  In
login.conf I have


If the RADIUS server isn't there for whatever reason, the
system doesn't
fallback to password file authentication.  The same happens
if I specify
the methods the other way round: the RADIUS server is never
tried even
if the password-file-based login fails.

I need to make sure that I can always log in even if the
RADIUS server
has gone away.  Is it possible to configure the system in this way?

- Ian

Why not make a new login class for radius users and make yourself
backup users in default class? Normally you'd login with users from
the radius class and if that fails you'd use a user form the default class.
Of course, that way you'd have to use different login names for the
two classes.

That's a good workaround, thanks.  Do you know if it's a bug that this 
doesn't work, or is it just not implemented?  I assumed from the 
manpages that being able to specify more than one style implies that 
there's some kind of fallback mechanism.

I just wanted to know whether it was worth filing a bug for this.

- Ian

Ian Chard, Senior Unix and Network Gorilla | E:
Systems and Electronic Resources Service   | T:  80587 / (01865) 280587
Oxford University Library Services | F:  (01865) 242287

Authentication method fallback not working

2009-08-25 Thread Ian Chard


I'm using OpenBSD 4.5-stable, and I'm trying to configure RADIUS 
authentication.  What I want is for the system to try the RADIUS server, 
and if it fails, fall back to the local password file.  In login.conf I have


If the RADIUS server isn't there for whatever reason, the system doesn't 
fallback to password file authentication.  The same happens if I specify 
the methods the other way round: the RADIUS server is never tried even 
if the password-file-based login fails.

I need to make sure that I can always log in even if the RADIUS server 
has gone away.  Is it possible to configure the system in this way?

- Ian

Ian Chard, Senior Unix and Network Gorilla | E:
Systems and Electronic Resources Service   | T:  80587 / (01865) 280587
Oxford University Library Services | F:  (01865) 242287