lite-raft: High-Availability cluster script in posix shell

2014-08-12 Thread Luigi Tarenga
hello everybody,
I'm writing a High-Availability failover cluster program
in shell script based using the raft algorithm at the core.
It's still not complete but I started to work toward portability rewriting
code that rely on linux only program (like flock binary not present in
the default OpenBSD installation). For now I will try to keep it working
on Linux (Centos), OpenBSD and HP-UX (11.31 and maybe older).

If someone is interested in taking a look at the code and play with
it on OpenBSD I will be very happy to receive some feedback.

You can download my program here:

If you know of any community of #! gurus that can be interested in
this kind of project let me know!!


Re: quick pppoa howto. get the ip and bypass the router nat

2007-05-28 Thread Luigi Tarenga

i wish to share a simple patch to bypass the problem showed in my previous mail.
the patch fix 2 problems:
1- with the original /sbin/dhclient-script  you don't get the
default gateway if it is
on a different subnet then your IP.

2- when you put down the interface with ifconfig rl0 down and then you
rerun dhclient rl0 , you don't get the IP configured and with a
little of debug i
found the the dhclient-script execute:
ifconfig rl0 inet netmask broadcast
ifconfig: SIOCAIFADDR: File exists

the problem is that you have a route that conflict with the command:  link#3 UC  00  -   rl0

the route is added the first time and didn't get deleted on a FAIL event
(the env is not set by dhclient, i don't know why).
the second time you run dhclient rl0 the old_IP and the new_IP is
the same and so
the  delete_old_routes is not executed.
i corrected the problem commenting out the line:
route add $new_ip_address /dev/null 21

since when you normally configure a static IP address you don't
configure such route
(please if you know a reason to leave this route let me know).

here the patch to /sbin/dhclient-script:

# diff -u /sbin/dhclient-script  dhclient-script.patched
--- /sbin/dhclient-script   Sun Mar 11 02:39:21 2007
+++ dhclient-script.patched Mon May 28 22:48:25 2007
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@

   # XXX Original TIMEOUT code did not do this unless $new_routers was set?
-   route add $new_ip_address /dev/null 21
+   #route add $new_ip_address /dev/null 21

delete_old_alias() {
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@
   for router in $new_routers; do
   if [ $new_ip_address = $router ]; then
   route add default -iface $router /dev/null 21
+   elif [ $new_subnet_mask = ]; then
+   route add -host $router -interface -link
$interface -expire 1  /tmp/dhcp.log
+   route add default $router  /tmp/dhcp.log
   route add default $router /dev/null 21



On 5/22/07, Luigi Tarenga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi all,
i have an Adsl internet connection with the tiscali provider
and i just solved my problem of getting the IP address on my openbsd machine.
i wish to share my experience here, feel free to correct my english :P


you can try without the 2 route add  command if it works, i had to use them
because the gateway is on a different subnet of my public IP and the dhclient
command doesn't configure it automatically (anyone know another
solution to this?).

quick pppoa howto. get the ip and bypass the router nat

2007-05-22 Thread Luigi Tarenga

hi all,
i have an Adsl internet connection with the tiscali provider
and i just solved my problem of getting the IP address on my openbsd machine.
i wish to share my experience here, feel free to correct my english :P

tiscali's adsl support only pppoa protocol (rfc 2364) and this is a problem
if you want to connect with pppoe with a modem/router with ethernet port
and you don't want to be natted behind the router.
i tried the so called Bridge Mode Only without success while i
succesfully used
it on another adsl line with pppoe protocol configured by the ISP.
The trick come out with the last router's firmware update. The new firmware let
me flag an Half Bridge mode.
I own a Linksys am200 (annex A) router, you should check if your model support
half bridge if you want to try this configuration.
Once in Half Bridge the router connect with pppoa to the ISP router,
log on with pap/chap
and give you the public IP with dbcp protocol, after this it start to
work as half bridge:
copy the IP packets from the ethernet to the pppoa channel and vice versa.

to configure the openbsd box is very simple,
just put in /etc/hostname.nfe0 (change with your lan card name):
dhcp up
!route add -host -interface -link nfe0 -expire 1
!route add default

change with the gateway's IP of your ISP
(i check this on the router's web administration page, it never change for me),
also change nfe0 with your lan card.
you can try without the 2 route add  command if it works, i had to use them
because the gateway is on a different subnet of my public IP and the dhclient
command doesn't configure it automatically (anyone know another
solution to this?).
