On Thu, June 26, 2008 12:07 am, Amarendra Godbole wrote:
> Hi,
> It would be a pleasure meeting folks on this mailing list, including
> OBSD developers' at BH or DefCon. Thanks.
> It is generally said that the BH or DefCon wireless network is
> "hostile", and sane individuals must not use their laptop for the risk
> of being compromised. My question is: if I use OpenBSD -current, with
> not much additional configuration (apart from the Intel wifi
> firmware), will the connection be reasonable secure? (Not sure if this
> hostility is a publicity stunt). Thanks again.

Get a laptop with an Alpha chip and run OpenVMS :-)

Also, don't worry about BH. That is the one for types who need to burn
company or federal money set aside for training. Mostly just a bunch of
clueless douchebags with goatees and vendor schwag.


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