From: Gonzalo Rodriguez []
Subject: Re: pfctl not working in 4.7: DIOCBEGINADDRS and DIOCXCOMMIT

Download again the tar files from official mirrors and try again the upgrade.

Thanks, Gonzalo,

but the files (sets) are correct according to their SHA256.
I have actually advanced with the problem, and inspired by Joachim's
It seems all sets of 4.7 were installed during the otherwise flawless upgrade,
except of base47.tar.
I selected randomly files from all tar-packages (sets) that changed from 4.6
to 4.7, and compared those installed in the machine upgraded to 4.7 with those
from the tar archives ('sets'). Except of base47, everything looks fine
(identical). Only, as far as I can make out now, all (??) files of base47 were
not installed.
It is late here, I'm going to sleep, but tomorrow I'll try the same on the
i386. And chances are, the same thing happened there as well. At least the
re-occurrence of the failure of pfctl suggests so, as of now.
I really wonder, under which circumstances the installer would fail to deposit
its files in the foreseen locations; for one, the first, archive (set)?

My question remains, since this is a production machine and I don't feel like
tinkering with it: Since it is one set that failed to upgrade: what is
recommended: a whole new upgrade, or just extraction of that set into the
(I am so happy that it basically works, The only thing failing regularly until
now is the communication with apcupsd, which was always flawless. It fails
with "apcupsd[18529]: apcserver: accept error. ERR=Software caused". I guess
it has to make with some out-of-sync files of the base46 set within a 4.7
machine. I hope so.)


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