Sangoma S518 PCI ADSL Modem

2007-04-17 Thread christian johansson
After reading all responses to my previous post (thanks guys!), I think its
pretty clear I was barking up the wrong tree, not looking at the ready built
soekrises :)
So on to my next question, what to use for an internal dsl card.

After googling around, it seems clear there are no modern / reliable
mini-pci dsl modem cards, but there are some PCI ones. The preferred one
seems to be the Sangoma S518 PCI ADSL Modem.

I've read both that this card does not work in openbsd any longer (ever
since they changed the form factor in the latest revision) but others say it
does too work.
Does anyone here know for sure if this internal dsl modem card works in

I read posts from one guy who claimed he had put it in a soekris net4801, so
assuming he was using an adapter, does anyone know here if this is a safe
approach?  Can the soekris deliver enough power through the mini-pci bus? I
realize doing this would require modding the soekris box, but thats ok.

Some other guy said in a post that internal dsl cards are like winmodems,
shoving most of the work over to the host machine. Is this true?  For a card
going for over $100 this seems pretty strange.


safe PF start / restart

2007-04-11 Thread christian johansson
I had to set up a linux firewall the other day, and I used the iptables
script generating program shorewall.
While pulling my hair over how ugly the iptables stuff (even via shorewall)
is compared to OpenBSDs nice clean PF syntax, I did find one very nice
feature in shorewall - safe restart.

When safe restarting, shorewall will implement all rules in the iptables
config files, then give the user a prompt: keep rules y/n?

If 'yes' the rules are kept and everyone is happy. If 'no', iptables are
disabled and all traffic let in. If no answer then default to answer 'no'
after 60 seconds.
Very useful, even if just for the added peace of mind when applying new

Is there a ready made script accomplishing this for openbsd / pf?  Or any
plans of building such functionality?


apache loadbalancing

2007-03-28 Thread christian johansson
Hi Misc

I have two CARP:ed openbsd machines, firewalling a couple of linux servers
behind them.

3 of the linux machines run apache1 httpd:s. If need be, I can upgrade to
I want to setup redundant httpd loadbalancing to these 3 machines from the
openbsd machines.

I know PF can do simple round-robin balancing to these machines, but I want
something that can take the load of the apache running machines into
consideration and shape the traffic sent to them accordingly.

Would it be a good idea to use apaches own loadbalancing module, the
mod_proxy_balance, and run instances of apache on the openbsd machines?  I'm
assuming this would mean that I have to compile apache2 myself, right?

Or can anyone suggest a better way to do this?


Re: apache loadbalancing

2007-03-28 Thread christian johansson
On 3/28/07, Dan Brosemer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 12:20:53PM -0700, christian johansson wrote:

 Some people on this list speak highly of pound.  I haven't used it myself

 I like haproxy.  I've run it in an 80,000 (mod_perl-generated) page per
 situation on nothing more than simple desktop hardware and it Just
 Worked(tm).  There's no port, but I know someone who made one and could
 pester him to post it. :)

If I don't like pound or can't get it working in a good way, I'd very much
like for you to do some pestering :)

Now that was a while ago.  If I was doing it again today, I'd seriously look
 at the built in hoststated and pf.  That work looks exciting.

I just read up about hoststated, and indeed it looks very promising!
I'm going to put a pre-order for 4.1 in, and hope they'll finish it soon :)

Now you have even more options to confuse you. :)

Thanks ;)

I think I will try out pound for now, only because it looks so simple to set
up compared to haproxy. I'm just looking for something to tie me over until
openbsd 4.1 is out now.



 Burnished gallows set with red
 Caress the fevered, empty mind
 Of man who hangs bloodied and blind
 To reach for wisdom, not for bread.  -- Deoridhe Grimsdaughter